Сыктывкар: оскорбление чувств местных жителей
Когда-то в своём рейтинге хороших городов России я поставил Сыктывкар на 17-е место. Как я посмел?! Ведь это такой ужасный город!
Здесь уродуют исторические здания, а снег чистят только для показухи, передвигаться по городу почти невозможно. Город в первую очередь заботится об автомобилистах, а не о пешеходах. Новые районы с панельками выглядят как убогое говно. Так чем же мне так нравится Сыктывкар?
Фонд «Внимание»:
Другие города России:
Лучшие и худшие города России
Борзя: худший город России
Белгород — один из лучших городов России!
Новая жизнь Варламова: московская гопота в Твери
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Caleb Maupin in Moscow, Monument to Karl Marx
Скульптор Кербель Л.Е., памятник медикам (см. описание ниже)
Лев Ефимович Кербель - автор памятника погибшим выпускникам 1ММИ им. И.М. Сеченова (установлен в 1972 г.) и бюста И.М. Сеченову перед бывшим ректоратом 1ММИ (1958 г.)
Л. Е. Кербель родился 25 октября (7 ноября) 1917 года в небольшом селе Семёновка Черниговской губернии Российской республики. В 1945 году командование советских войск в Германии вызывало Кербеля в Берлин, где в соавторстве с В. Е. Цигалем он выполнил работу над монументом в память героев штурма Берлина, который решено было установить в берлинском парке Тиргартен. Это был второй по времени создания мемориал воинам-победителям после монумента в Кёнигсберге. Тогда же Кербелем были созданы и установлены памятники советскому солдату-освободителю в городе Кюстрин и на Зееловских высотах близ Берлина. Член КПСС с 1963 года.
Л. Е. Кербель — автор более 50 памятников и мемориалов, установленных во многих отечественных городах и за рубежом. Им создано большое количество скульптур выдающихся деятелей коммунистической партии, советского государства, военачальникам, героям Советского Союза и Социалистического Труда. Совместно с вице-президентом Академии художеств М. Г. Манизером Кербель выполнял посмертную маску И. В. Сталина.
Лениниана Кербеля необычайно многообразна. Она состоит из всевозможных портретов вождя и монументов, включающих композиции на революционные темы. По его проектам были поставлены памятники В. И. Ленину в Москве на Октябрьской площади, Смоленске, Горках Ленинских, Кемерове, Краснознаменске Московской области[3], Полтаве, Сыктывкаре, Липецке, Софии, Гаване (в соавторстве с Антонио Кинтаной) и других местах. Сейчас часть из них демонтирована.
Другим важным социальным заказом стал для Кербеля образ Карла Маркса. Памятники на площади Свердлова в Москве (Ленинская премия, 1962) и в центре немецкого города Карл-Маркс-Штадта, за который он был награждён правительством ГДР орденом Карла Маркса.
Особое место среди работ Л. Е. Кербеля занимают надгробные камни и монументы. Это памятники С. Ф. Бондарчуку (в конце 2012 года перенесено на территорию киноконцерна Мосфильм в качестве самостоятельного памятника), Э. К. Тиссэ, Е. А. Фурцевой, М. И. Бабановой, Б. А. Лавреневу, адмиралу А. Г. Головко, дважды Герою Советского Союза Д. А. Драгунскому, Д. Ф. Ойстраху и многим других известным деятелям.
Как бы ни были значительны достижения мастера, его творческие планы всегда шли дальше. Весной 1986 года Кербель завершил свою новую большую работу — монумент в честь 100-летия со дня рождения Эрнста Тельмана, ставший центром архитектурного ансамбля одного из рабочих районов Берлина. В 1998 году в Измайлове был открыт памятник Петру I.
С 1962 года профессор Л. Е. Кербель вёл мастерскую скульптуры в МГХИ имени В. И. Сурикова. Он воспитал плеяду талантливых мастеров, успешно работающих в России и за рубежом. В 1964 году на киностудии «Центрнаучфильм» снят фильм «Первому коммунисту» о творчестве Л. Кербеля (режиссёр В. Томберг).
Скончался Лев Ефимович 14 августа 2003 года в Москве, похоронен на Новодевичьем кладбище.
Герой Социалистического Труда (1985)
орден «За заслуги перед Отечеством» III степени (5 ноября 1997) — за заслуги перед государством и большой личный вклад в развитие отечественного изобразительного искусства
орден Дружбы народов Российской Федерации (6 мая 1993) — за большие заслуги в изобразительном искусстве, укреплении международных культурных связей и плодотворную педагогическую деятельность
орден Ленина
орден Трудового Красного Знамени
орден Отечественной войны II степени
орден Красной Звезды
орден Карла Маркса
Орден Народной Республики Болгария I степени
Ленинская премия (1962) — за памятник К. Марксу на пл. Свердлова в Москве (1961)
Сталинская премия первой степени (1950) — за скульптурные барельефы «В. И. Ленин и И. В. Сталин — основатели и руководители Советского государства»
народный художник СССР (1977)
народный художник РСФСР (1967)
Лауреат премии имени Гете (Германия)
медаль «За оборону Москвы»
медаль «За оборону Советского Заполярья»
медаль «За взятие Берлина»
На видео День Победы в 1 ММИ им. И.М.Сеченова ,1996 г.
Timelapse: Трасса Владимир - Санкт Петербург
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Monuments that are perceived differently by the people
Monuments that are perceived differently by the people
Vernacular Monuments
Vorovsky monument - a monument radiculitis.
In one of the houses near the Lubyanka monument to the founder of Soviet diplomacy Vaclav Vorovsky who was shot White Guard at the Lausanne Conference in Switzerland in 1923, which led to the rupture of relations between the Soviet Union and Switzerland, established a year ago at the Genoa Conference, where Vorovskii along with other prominent diplomats Chicherin, Krasin, Litvinov was one of the delegates. The monument, which created a person who knew the deceased, is considered one of the most curious in Moscow. Vorovskii depicted in a rather ridiculous pose, his untidy clothes and neuhozheny. Muscovites this monument was given a lot of nicknames, it is called a monument radiculitis, dancing lame, drunken lame But contemporaries Thieves say that this is looked fellow envoy in the heat of the argument: in the crouch, with splayed fingers of one hand, with a raised head.
A monument to Karl Marx - a monument to Karl Marx, to get out of the refrigerator
In the 60 years in Moscow, a monument to Karl Marx. - Faina, have you seen a monument to Marx? - Someone asked Ranevskaya. - You mean the refrigerator with a beard that placed opposite the Bolshoi Theater? - Clarified Ranevskaya .
Dostoevsky Monument - a monument to the man at the reception at the proctologist
Installed in front of the Russian state library.
Fyodor Mikhailovich sits in a very strange position, for this reason the monument got a nickname such as Monument to Russian hemorrhoids, The reception at the proctologist, Ankylosing spondylitis, Ek twisted!.
Monument Kuibyshev - a monument tadpole
Valerian Kuibyshev was one of those who established the Soviet power in Samara, and in 20-30s headed the Supreme Council of National Economy and the State Planning Commission, ie It is directly responsible for collectivization and industrialization. The monument he installed in 1938 on the square, which is also named after Kuibyshev, the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara). Completed project Manizer sculptor. Dimensions head sculpture slightly exaggerated in comparison with the rest of the structure, which is why the monument was not flattering nickname of citizens - tadpole.
The monument to Pushkin - a monument to Pushkin on a skateboard
November 5, 1999 in Yekaterinburg Literary quarter there was a bronze monument, erected with public funds. The poet is depicted in her nightgown, with bent arms, which symbolizes inspiration surprise.
The people called the monument karateka for an aggressive wave of the hand and Pushkin on a skateboard for the unusual shape of the pedestal.
Prometheus - student suicide
Sculpture Vardges Avagyan called Prometheus - on the facade of the building of the South Ural State University in Chelyabinsk.
Lenin monument - a monument to Lenin wrote
Most kind of informal names of the monument to St. Petersburg - Lenin with a cap and dancing Lenin, due to the unusually expressive postures of the monument. But most locals monument to Lenin on Moscow Square is known as the write. Under certain angle Lenin left hand turns in the genital organ, which is the motion of passers towards the Moscow department store is increasing.
Monument to victims of radiation catastrophes - liver monument
Monument to victims of radiation accidents in the city of Orel in the square of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. It is called a monument to the liver.
Glory Memorial - a monument to three, emerged from the forest
Korolev near Moscow on the avenue of victory set the Glory Memorial, called Three out of the woods, as there is a small woods behind it. On plates stamped the names of soldiers who died during World War II.
Eternal Flame - Baba fried crocodile
It's all in a wreath, which from a certain angle looks like a crocodile. Popular name at the monument came from the first days of its installation in Syktyvkar in 1981.
Sholokhov monument - a monument to the slaughterhouse
Monument to Soviet writers, public figures, Nobel Prize winner for literature, Mikhail Sholokhov, set in Moscow on Gogol Boulevard. The sculptor wanted to portray horses, floating on the water, but it turned out that their heads were severed as though, because of what the sculpture called Slaughterhouse. Also in the winter regularly turns into a monument to the Grandfather Maza, when an empty boat enthusiasts molded from snow hares.
Kurchatov Monument (Chelyabinsk) - a monument of the goalkeeper, a monument to Bin Laden
Actually, this monument monument dubbed Bin Laden after the well-known events of 2001, they say behind traces of the explosions at the skyscrapers, and the man to whom the monument, besides that with a beard, so also in long robes. But in general, this monument is called splitting the atom.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky speaks about history (English subs)
1 last video. And the work starts tomorrow for God knows how long...
In this speech Zhirinovsky mainly speaks about the significance of knowing your country's history.
Speech in Duma on: 10/06/2015
RSFSR - Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
SPC – State Planning Committee
SCSE - State Committee on the State of Emergency
1. In case you don’t know, when Russia was founded, it was called Rus’. Greek naming ''Russia'' was accepted later. You can read more here:
There is WP article. You can read it, but watch out for hidden messages:
2. ‘’Vorkutaugol’’ – is the largest company of coal mining at least in Russia.
3. Read more about Nikolai Kharitonov here:
Thanks for watching!
Trolls and haters: Go to hell.
eine Eisstadt entsteht!!
einen Tag vor der eroeffnung der Eisstadt in Ekatherinburg, Russland, wird hier noch mit der kettensaege gearbeitet, gefilmt vom Lenindenkmal
Russian Academy of Sciences
The Russian Academy of Sciences Rossíiskaya akadémiya naúk) consists of the national academy of Russia; a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation; and additional scientific and social units such as libraries, publishing units, and hospitals.
Headquartered in Moscow, the Academy is considered a civil, self-governed, non-commercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines the members of RAS and scientists employed by institutions.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Soviet Academy of Sciences | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:56 1 Membership
00:02:43 2 Present structure
00:03:09 2.1 Territorial branches
00:04:55 2.2 Regional centers
00:05:53 3 Institutions
00:07:34 4 Awards
00:07:49 5 History
00:07:58 5.1 Foundation. The Russian Empire times
00:10:35 5.2 The Academy of Sciences of the USSR
00:14:40 5.3 Post-Soviet period of the Academy
00:15:59 5.3.1 Reforms (2013—2018)
00:19:26 6 Presidents
00:20:01 7 Nobel Prize laureates affiliated with the Academy
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Speaking Rate: 0.8507557214279174
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-B
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS; Russian: Росси́йская акаде́мия нау́к (РАН) Rossíiskaya akadémiya naúk) consists of the national academy of Russia; a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation; and additional scientific and social units such as libraries, publishing units, and hospitals.
Headquartered in Moscow, the Academy (RAS) is considered a civil, self-governed, non-commercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines the members of RAS (see below) and scientists employed by institutions. Near the central academy building there is a monument to Yuri Gagarin in the square bearing his name.
As of November 2017, the Academy included 1008 institutions and other units; in total about 125,000 people were employed of whom 47,000 were scientific researchers.
Academy of Sciences of USSR | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:00 1 Membership
00:02:58 2 Present structure
00:03:25 2.1 Territorial branches
00:05:21 2.2 Regional centers
00:06:21 3 Institutions
00:08:07 4 Awards
00:08:22 5 History
00:08:31 5.1 The Academy of Sciences of the Russian Empire
00:11:23 5.2 The Academy of Sciences of the USSR
00:15:44 5.3 Post-Soviet period of the Academy
00:17:08 5.3.1 Reforms (2013—2018)
00:20:48 6 Presidents
00:21:26 7 Nobel Prize laureates affiliated with the Academy
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.936168429980827
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-F
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS; Russian: Росси́йская акаде́мия нау́к (РАН) Rossíiskaya akadémiya naúk) consists of the national academy of Russia; a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation; and additional scientific and social units such as libraries, publishing units, and hospitals.
Headquartered in Moscow, the Academy (RAS) is considered a civil, self-governed, non-commercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines the members of RAS (see below) and scientists employed by institutions. Near the central academy building there is a monument to Yuri Gagarin in the square bearing his name.
As of November 2017, the Academy included 1008 institutions and other units; in total about 125,000 people were employed of whom 47,000 were scientific researchers.
Academy of Sciences of the USSR | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:57 1 Membership
00:02:46 2 Present structure
00:03:12 2.1 Territorial branches
00:04:59 2.2 Regional centers
00:05:55 3 Institutions
00:07:36 4 Awards
00:07:50 5 History
00:07:59 5.1 Foundation. The Russian Empire times
00:10:42 5.2 The Academy of Sciences of the USSR
00:14:50 5.3 Post-Soviet period of the Academy
00:16:10 5.3.1 Reforms (2013—2018)
00:19:39 6 Presidents
00:20:14 7 Nobel Prize laureates affiliated with the Academy
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.971841560273177
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-E
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS; Russian: Росси́йская акаде́мия нау́к (РАН) Rossíiskaya akadémiya naúk) consists of the national academy of Russia; a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation; and additional scientific and social units such as libraries, publishing units, and hospitals.
Headquartered in Moscow, the Academy (RAS) is considered a civil, self-governed, non-commercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines the members of RAS (see below) and scientists employed by institutions. Near the central academy building there is a monument to Yuri Gagarin in the square bearing his name.
As of November 2017, the Academy included 1008 institutions and other units; in total about 125,000 people were employed of whom 47,000 were scientific researchers.
USSR Academy of Sciences | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:06 1 Membership
00:03:13 2 Present structure
00:03:42 2.1 Territorial branches
00:05:49 2.2 Regional centers
00:06:55 3 Institutions
00:08:52 4 Awards
00:09:08 5 History
00:09:17 5.1 Foundation. The Russian Empire times
00:12:23 5.2 The Academy of Sciences of the USSR
00:17:11 5.3 Post-Soviet period of the Academy
00:18:44 5.3.1 Reforms (2013—2018)
00:22:48 6 Presidents
00:23:28 7 Nobel Prize laureates affiliated with the Academy
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.771132719832643
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-B
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS; Russian: Росси́йская акаде́мия нау́к (РАН) Rossíiskaya akadémiya naúk) consists of the national academy of Russia; a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation; and additional scientific and social units such as libraries, publishing units, and hospitals.
Headquartered in Moscow, the Academy (RAS) is considered a civil, self-governed, non-commercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines the members of RAS (see below) and scientists employed by institutions. Near the central academy building there is a monument to Yuri Gagarin in the square bearing his name.
As of November 2017, the Academy included 1008 institutions and other units; in total about 125,000 people were employed of whom 47,000 were scientific researchers.
Institute of Biomedical Problems | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:07 1 Membership
00:03:18 2 Present structure
00:03:46 2.1 Territorial branches
00:05:54 2.2 Regional centers
00:07:01 3 Institutions
00:08:59 4 Awards
00:09:15 5 History
00:09:24 5.1 The Academy of Sciences of the Russian Empire
00:12:32 5.2 The Academy of Sciences of the USSR
00:17:21 5.3 Post-Soviet period of the Academy
00:18:54 5.3.1 Reforms (2013—2018)
00:22:59 6 Presidents
00:23:40 7 Nobel Prize laureates affiliated with the Academy
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8405481933874112
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS; Russian: Росси́йская акаде́мия нау́к (РАН) Rossíiskaya akadémiya naúk) consists of the national academy of Russia; a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation; and additional scientific and social units such as libraries, publishing units, and hospitals.
Headquartered in Moscow, the Academy (RAS) is considered a civil, self-governed, non-commercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines the members of RAS (see below) and scientists employed by institutions. Near the central academy building there is a monument to Yuri Gagarin in the square bearing his name.
As of November 2017, the Academy included 1008 institutions and other units; in total about 125,000 people were employed of whom 47,000 were scientific researchers.
St Petersburg Academy of Sciences | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:09 1 Membership
00:03:26 2 Present structure
00:03:56 2.1 Territorial branches
00:06:07 2.2 Regional centers
00:07:13 3 Institutions
00:09:16 4 Awards
00:09:32 5 History
00:09:41 5.1 The Academy of Sciences of the Russian Empire
00:12:57 5.2 The Academy of Sciences of the USSR
00:18:03 5.3 Post-Soviet period of the Academy
00:19:41 5.3.1 Reforms (2013—2018)
00:24:01 6 Presidents
00:24:43 7 Nobel Prize laureates affiliated with the Academy
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8160957910478788
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-B
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS; Russian: Росси́йская акаде́мия нау́к (РАН) Rossíiskaya akadémiya naúk) consists of the national academy of Russia; a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation; and additional scientific and social units such as libraries, publishing units, and hospitals.
Headquartered in Moscow, the Academy (RAS) is considered a civil, self-governed, non-commercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines the members of RAS (see below) and scientists employed by institutions. Near the central academy building there is a monument to Yuri Gagarin in the square bearing his name.
As of November 2017, the Academy included 1008 institutions and other units; in total about 125,000 people were employed of whom 47,000 were scientific researchers.
Russian Academy of Sciences | Wikipedia audio article
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Russian Academy of Sciences
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS; Russian: Росси́йская акаде́мия нау́к (РАН) Rossíiskaya akadémiya naúk) consists of the national academy of Russia; a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation; and additional scientific and social units such as libraries, publishing units, and hospitals.
Headquartered in Moscow, the Academy (RAS) is considered a civil, self-governed, non-commercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines the members of RAS (see below) and scientists employed by institutions. Near the central academy building there is a monument to Yuri Gagarin in the square bearing his name.
As of November 2017, the Academy included 1008 institutions and other units; in total about 125,000 people were employed of whom 47,000 were scientific researchers.
Russian Academy of Science | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:56 1 Membership
00:02:45 2 Present structure
00:03:10 2.1 Territorial branches
00:04:58 2.2 Regional centers
00:05:53 3 Institutions
00:07:33 4 Awards
00:07:47 5 History
00:07:56 5.1 Foundation. The Russian Empire times
00:10:39 5.2 The Academy of Sciences of the USSR
00:14:46 5.3 Post-Soviet period of the Academy
00:16:05 5.3.1 Reforms (2013—2018)
00:19:32 6 Presidents
00:20:08 7 Nobel Prize laureates affiliated with the Academy
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9969622383270114
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS; Russian: Росси́йская акаде́мия нау́к (РАН) Rossíiskaya akadémiya naúk) consists of the national academy of Russia; a network of scientific research institutes from across the Russian Federation; and additional scientific and social units such as libraries, publishing units, and hospitals.
Headquartered in Moscow, the Academy (RAS) is considered a civil, self-governed, non-commercial organization chartered by the Government of Russia. It combines the members of RAS (see below) and scientists employed by institutions. Near the central academy building there is a monument to Yuri Gagarin in the square bearing his name.
As of November 2017, the Academy included 1008 institutions and other units; in total about 125,000 people were employed of whom 47,000 were scientific researchers.