Address: St. Katharine Church, Banska Stiavnica 969 01, Slovakia
Attraction Location
Statue of the Virgin Mary Videos
Beautiful Slovakia - Levoča to Mariánska Hora
Here is my drone video of a recent visit to the lovely town of Levoča and the flight to Mariánska Hora, a church set high above the town and a place of pilgrimage. Although it isn't so far from the town, it is quite a climb, at 781 m. above sea level.
Mariánska Hora is situated on a hill above the town, with views over the town and countryside, and it is the location of the Basilica of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Built between 1906 and 1922, the church contains an ancient statue of the Virgin which is the objective of pilgrimages. A chapel has existed in this location since at least the 13th century. It is thought that the location was used as a refuge by townsfolk of Levoča during the Tatar invasions of the time; it may also have been attached to a hospital for sufferers from leprosy. The chapel was enlarged and rebuilt many times, including as a Baroque church in 1766. However the increasing number of pilgrims visiting the site necessitated a larger structure. Pope John Paul II, at the request of the local bishop, upgraded the church to a Basilica Minor in 1984, and visited the site himself on July 3, 1995, when about 650,000 pilgrims gathered for the occasion. The annual pilgrimage, on or around 2 July, still draws a very large number of participants.
Банска Штявница, Словакия: что посмотреть за один день (English and Russian subtitles)
Путешествие в Словацкие горы. Город Банска Штявница стал из города шахтеров городом туристов. Вы поднимитесь на местную Голгофу, она же Кальвария. А в конце всех путешественников ждет подарок.
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Музыка/Music Here Come The Raindrops by Reed Mathis English Country Garden by Aaron Kenny Pooka by Kevin MacLeod Dial M by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: I Love My Mom by Reed Mathis
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Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church ---
302 East Spring Street, Downtown Kingman, Arizona 86401-5894 ---
(928) 753-3359 & Fax (928)753-2581 ---
Founded in 1906, Diocese of Tucson most Reverend H. Granjon, Bishop Reverend Cyprian Vabre, Pastor ---
Museum and Gift Shop, established 1991, Diocese of Phoenix most Reverend Thomas J. O'Brien, Bishop Reverend Dennis Riccitelli, Pastor ---
National Register of Historic Places, built 1906-1907. Contructed of locally quarried tufa stone, this mission revival building served as the Catholic Church from 1906 to 1967. Also shown in this brief video is the newer church and center. Saint Mother Marys Roman Catholic Church.
Watch in 1080p high definition if you so desire.
Wisam Salsa Bethlehem youtube.wmv
Wisam Salsa gives a demonstration of the craftmenship of carving in his studio in Bethlehem
Die Erscheinungen der Jungfrau Maria und Jesus Christus durch Eva 7 4 2011
Die Erscheinungen der Jungfrau Maria und Jesus Christus durch Eva, Kalvarienberg, 7.4.2011, Modra, Slowakei