One minute in TukTuk in... St. Stephen Tower (Baia Mare) / Turnul Sf. Stefan
Un minut in TukTuk in Turnul Sf. Stefan, din Baia Mare.
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Turnul Sf. Stefan Baia Mare sec XIV-mai vechi decat America
Turnul Ștefan este turnul-clopotniță al fostei biserici cu hramul Sfântul Rege Ștefan din Baia Mare.
Prima atestare documentară a bisericii parohiale Sfântul Ștefan, de rit romano-catolic, datează din 1347, însă construcția este inaugurată oficial abia în 1387.
Stephen's Tower baia mare lighting test
a quick lighting test animation featuring baia mare's iconic gothic Stephen's Tower
Baia Mare skyline
a quick lighting test animation featuring baia mare's iconic gothic Stephen's Tower
Baia Mare, Romania | Μπάια Μάρε, Ρουμανία
Baia Mare, Municipality in Romania
Baia Mare is a municipality along the Săsar River, in northwestern Romania; it is the capital of Maramureș County. The city is situated about 600 kilometres from Bucharest, 70 km from the border with Hungary, and 50 km from the border with Ukraine.
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Credits for the footage: OM Creatives, Dan Cristian Popovici & Liviu Vasile Popovici
Baia Mare is a municipality along the Săsar River, in northwestern Romania. Baia Mare has a population of 123,738 peeps, and it's the capital of Maramureș County. The city is situated about 600 km from Bucharest, 70 km from the border with Hungary, and 50 km from the border with Ukraine.
The main tourist attractions from this video:
# Centre [00:21 - 00:24 / 00:42 - 01:05 / 02:27 - 02:30 / 02:32 - 02:44]
# The Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art [00:24 - 00:35 / 01:37 - 01:44]
# Stephen's Tower [00:35 - 00:39]
# City Square [00:39 - 00:42 / 01:51 - 02:05 / 02:23 - 02:26]
# The Red Hand [00:39 - 00:42 / 01:44 - 01:51]
# Culture House Unions [01:33 - 01:37 / 03:03 - 03:06]
# Municipal Theatre [02:06 - 02:13]
# Municipal Park Queen Mary [03:07 - 03:28]
Song: Distrion & Alex Skrindo - Entropy [NCS Release]
Outro Song: Main Reaktor - Recession [NCS Release]
Film documentar - Piata Cetatii, Turnul Stefan - Baia Mare
Film documentar realizat in cadrul proiecului Reabilitarea si promovarea identitatii culturale si istorice Piata Cetatii – Turnul lui Stefan, beneficiar Municipiul Baia Mare, proiect cofinantat de Uniunea Europeana prin Fondul European pentru Dezvoltare Regionala.
Imagine si montaj: Ioan Teglas
Scenariu si documentare: Emanuel Luca
Voce: Sandu Barbu (Sendi)
O productie Inside Media, 2014
Demon Tour 2010 - Nagybánya (Baia Mare)
Találkozásunk első évfordulójának emlékéül! :)
Baia Mare is first mentioned in written documents released by Charles I of Hungary in 1328 under the name of Rivulus Dominarum (English: Ladies' River).
Later, in 1347 the town is presented in documents by Louis I of Hungary as an important medieval town with a prosperous mining industry. Its rules of organisation were characteristic of the free towns of that time. In 1411 the town and its surrounding areas, including the mines, were transferred into the property of the Hunyadi family by Sigismund, the Holy Roman Emperor, who recognised Janos Hunyadi's contribution to stop the Turkish invasion of Western Europe.
The town entered in a period of prosperity, when St. Stephen Cathedral was built. Today the cathedral tower is one of the best-known of the town's historic landmarks (see Stephen's Tower). The first school, named Scoala Rivulina, was opened in Baia Mare in 1547 by the Reformed Church following the Protestant Reformation.
In 1748 the city's mining industry made a leap forward in 1748 when the Austrian authorities created the headquarters of Superior Mining.
In the late nineteenth century, Simon Hollósy, István Réti, János Thorma, and Károly Ferenczy were among numerous young Hungarian artists who left the area to study at the Munich Academy in Bavaria, because the Austro-Hungarian Empire lacked an art academy. In 1896, they decided to settle together in Baia Mare, then called Nagybánya, to work on art. Their artistic colony became known for a significant movement influencing the development of twentieth-century Hungarian art. Works by each of these important painters is held by the Hungarian National Gallery in Budapest.
Following World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved, and in 1919, Baia Mare was annexed by the Kingdom of Romania. It was re-occupied by Hungary between 1940-1944 but returned to Romania after World War II. Shortly after World War II in postwar development, the town of Baia Mare started to grow in both population and inhabited area. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a new town centre was developed with modern architecture buildings and structures.
In 2000, Baia Mare was the site of what has been considered Europe's worst ecological disaster since Chernobyl. The tailing dam at a gold processing plant broke and 100,000 cubic meters/70 tons of toxic cyanide and heavy metal-laced waste water escaped into the River Tisza and into Hungary, making its way into the Danube and affecting Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Serbia, and Bulgaria. More than 1,400 tons of fish, numerous eagles, storks and otters all died. Scientists also fear the release may have led to the ultimate extinction of at least five fish species. Despite the accident's happening in Romania, much of the impact was felt in Hungary. The accident prompted Hungary to ban the use of cyanide in gold processing and urge the rest of Europe to do the same.
Egyes történelemkutatások szerint a város első említése 1142 II. Géza korából való (Frauenbach, Asszonypataka néven), mikor is a király szászokat telepített a környékre, mások szerint pedig Nagybánya a tatárjárás után, IV. Béla uralkodása idején alakult. Az első ránk maradt oklevél 1327-ből származik, amelyben Károly Róbert király Zazarbányaként említi a helységet. Ugyanő egy későbbi oklevélben Rivulus Dominarum (Asszonypataka)-nak hívja, és a szomszédos Felsőbányát pedig Mons Medius (Középhegy)-ként nevezi. A Rivulus Dominarum elnevezés azt a középkori apácazárdát jelöli, ami a mai Klastrom réten állt. Nagy Lajos király 1347-ben, majd 1376-ban állít ki kiváltságlevelet a városnak, s a második kiváltságlevelében egyebek között a bányászatot is szabályozza.
Nagybánya akkori polgárai idetelepült német ajkú iparosok, bányászok és kereskedők voltak. A város védőszentje Szent István király. Nagybánya messzi földön híres volt Szent István nevezetű gótikus stílusú templomáról, ami egyedi módon kéthajósnak épült, és 1387-ben fejezték be. A templom méretei impozánsak voltak, az épület 50 méter hosszú, a tornya meg 40 méter magas volt. Hatalmas tornya mai napig is magaslik Nagybánya felett.
A város 1411-ig királyi város, ekkor azonban Zsigmond király Lazarovits István szerb uralkodónak adományozta. Később Hunyadi János kezére került s keze alatt a bányászat ismét fellendült. Hunyadi János házat épített Nagybánya főterén, ami mai napig is megtekinthető.
A város iskolájáról 1380-ból maradt fenn írásos emlék. Ebben az időben a brassói származású Theodoricus volt az iskolamester. Az 1408-as évben városi kórházról tesznek említést. Pénzverde már 1411-ben működött.
Music: Two Steps From Hell - Perchance to Dream (Choir)
Turnul lui Stefan
Daylighting test with Stephen's Tower from Baia Mare
Piata Cetatii, Baia Mare iluminata de Philips Lighting
Fortress Square beautifully restored with light - Piata Cetatii, Baia Mare, Romania
Baia Mare in a minute • Бая-Маре за минуту
Baia Mare, Romania • Μπάια Μάρε, Ρουμανία
Baia Mare in a minute • Μπάια Μάρε σε 1 λεπτό
Бая-Маре за минуту
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Special Thanks to OM Creatives for the footage
Source of the video:
Video Edit: Blue Travel Plus TV
Turnul de parașutism Baia Mare
Turnul de parașutism din Baia Mare, nefolosit în anii recenți, este folosit pentru simularea aterizării cu parașuta.
Turnul are înălţimea de 80 de metri, cu diametrul exterior constant şi egal cu 4,70 de metri. Este unul din 6 asemenea turnuri care există în România.
Inelul galben este coborât până la nivelul solului, un sportiv este atașat de el, după care este ridicat până la o înălțime de aproximativ 70m.
După aceea, inelul este lăsat în jos cu o viteză similară unei parașute deschise, până la atingerea solului de către sportiv.
Casa Pintea - Baia Mare - Romania
Save up to 25% with Smart Booking. Book it now:
Casa Pintea hotel city: Baia Mare - Country: Romania
Address: Petofi Sandor, nr. 20; zip code: 430165
Situated between 2 parks and at the feet of a forest, Casa Pintea welcomes guests to air-conditioned rooms with en suite bathroom, free Wi-Fi and free private parking.
-- Le Casa Pintea est implanté entre deux parcs, au pied d'une forêt. Il vous propose des chambres climatisées avec une salle de bains privative. Un parking privé et une connexion Wi-Fi sont mis gracieusement à votre disposition.
-- La Casa Pintea se encuentra en medio de 2 parques y junto al bosque. Ofrece habitaciones con aire acondicionado y baño, conexión WiFi gratuita y aparcamiento privado gratuito.
-- Das Casa Pintea erwartet Sie zwischen 2 Parks und am Fuße eines Waldes mit klimatisierten Zimmern mit Bad, kostenlosem WLAN und kostenfreien Parkplätzen.
-- Het Casa Pintea ligt tussen 2 parken en aan de rand van een bos, en het biedt kamers met airconditioning en eigen badkamers. U kunt er gebruikmaken van gratis WiFi en privéparkeergelegenheid.
-- Situata tra 2 parchi e ai piedi di una foresta, Casa Pintea vi proporrà camere climatizzate con bagno privato, connessione Wi-Fi gratuita e parcheggio privato gratuito.
-- A Casa Pintea está situada entre dois parques e muito próximo de uma floresta e acolhe os clientes em quartos climatizados com casa de banho privada, acesso Wi-Fi gratuito e estacionamento privado.
-- 2つの公園の間に位置するCasa Pinteaは、森林に面した宿泊施設です。エアコンと専用バスルーム付きの客室、無料Wi-Fi、無料専用駐車場を提供しています。 Casa Pinteaはサンテラス、レストランを併設しています。ダイニングルームのあるワインセラーでは、プライベートな空間で食事ができます。客室での朝食も用意可能です。 バイアマーレ中心部にあるCasa...
-- Casa Pintea酒店位于两个公园之间,坐落在森林脚下,提供配有连接浴室的空调客房、免费无线网络连接和免费私人停车场。 Casa Pintea酒店设有一个阳光露台、一间餐厅和一个设有用餐室的酒窖,供客人享受私人用餐环境。酒店也提供自助早餐,客人可在客房内享用。 Casa Pintea酒店享有巴亚马雷(Baia Mare)的中心位置,距离历史悠久的老城区仅有5分钟的步行路程,距离这座罗马尼亚城市的象征 - 斯蒂芬塔(Stephen's Tower),有15分钟的步行路程。 ...
-- Гостевой дом Casa Pintea расположен между двумя парками у леса. К услугам гостей номера с кондиционерами и собственными ванными комнатами, бесплатный Wi-Fi и бесплатная частная парковка.
-- يقع Casa Pintea بين منتزهين وعلى بعد خطوات عن الغابة ويوفر للضيوف غرفا مكيفة مع حمام داخلي وخدمة الواي فالي المجانية ومواقف مجانية للسيارات. يوفر Casa Pintea تراس تشمس ومطعم وقبو النبيذ مع غرفة لتناول الطعام حيث يمكن للضيوف تناول العشاء بخصوصية.
Fortress Square Baia Mare - România
Rehabilitation of Fortress Square, Baia Mare, Romania
Noul parc din Baia Mare, in prima zi cu adevarat, de primavara.
Baia Mare vazuta din Turnul lui Ștefan!
v1975-Baia Mare 2009 - Finale 31
Videoklip vznikol vďaka spolupráci portálu o fitness a kulturistike EastLabs a obchodu s doplnkami výživy (predaj proteínov, kreatínov, gainerov, anabolizantov atď.)
Exotics by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
1. SZÉKI PALACE,CLUJ NAPOCA 46°46'25.98N 23°35'15.15E
3. BUCHAREST GATE,TARGOVISTE 44°55'14.87N 25°28'33.48E
44°10'23.83N 28°39'34.61E
45°35'30.28N 25°27'56.08E
6. STEPHEN'S TOWER,BAIA MARE 47°39'31.30N 23°34'55.47E
7. CASTLE SIGHISOARA,MURES 46°13'8.03N 24°47'31.79E
44°43'46.18N 26°10'32.12E
9. ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL,BAIA MARE 47°39'41.68N 23°35'17.29E
11. CAREI CHURCH,CAREI 47°40'45.35N 22°28'6.98E
12. CAROL PARK MAUSOLEUM,BUCHAREST 44°24'40.36N 26° 5'48.58E
13. WATER TOWER,ARAD 46°10'10.90N 21°18'28.11E
14. ITALIAN CHURCH,BUCHAREST 44°26'22.52N 26° 6'2.22E
45°49'13.56N 25°36'6.46E
16. PALACE OF THE PARLIAMENT,BUCHAREST 44°25'38.65N 26° 5'15.12E
17. BLACK TOWER,BRASOV 45°38'28.68N 25°35'8.50E
18. BISERICA ALBA,BUCHAREST 44°26'31.45N 26° 5'41.31E
19. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH,ORADEA 47° 4'7.95N 21°55'55.44E
46°18'20.86N 25°17'25.70E
21. CHURCH OF CISNĂDIOARA 45°42'11.39N 24° 6'43.26E
22. CROSS ON FORT,CLUJ NAPOCA 46°46'26.17N 23°34'57.81E
23. CASTLE HUNYAD,JUNEDOARA 45°44'57.93N 22°53'17.44E
24. CASINO CONSTANTA 44°10'13.83N 28°39'48.55E
25. PREFECTURE & COUNCIL,CLUJ NAPOCA 46°46'20.03N 23°35'43.00E
26. VLAD TEPES CASTLE,BUCHAREST 44°24'47.33N 26° 5'53.88E
Iuliu Maniu are un monument în Parcul Mara din Baia Mare
Un monument al omului politic Iuliu Maniu a fost dezvelit astăzi în Parcul Mara din Baia Mare. Maniu a fost unul dintre artizanii Marii Uniri, iar evenimentul se înscrie în seria manifestărilor dedicate centenarului.