Stone town of kuklica “kameni kukli” kratovo ???????? Macedonia
Stone town of Kuklica is a very very intresting place in Macedonia ???????? .
This is very old place where you can hear interesting story about stoned wedding. Here you will see this figures of the people in the stones.
According to the legend they are the people who were on the wedding and been stoned by a girl.
A village girl was desperately in love with a young man but he decided to marry another girl
and so the forlorn lover threw a curse on the newlyweds. When the wedding day came everything seemed perfectly fine: relatives and other guests arrived and the celebration began.
The moment the newlyweds kissed the curse took effect and all the people at the wedding party were petrified stone.
World's Strangest Rock Formations Kuklica Macedonia
The stone town, is situated by the Kuklica village in the Kratovo district. According to the sources, the stone figures, that are mentioned by the local population as Dolls, are 10 million years old.
Read more at:
Stone Dolls of Kuklica - the legend of the Ancient Petrified Wedding, consisting of over 120 naturally formed stone pillars
Amazing Places in Macedonia - Kuklica & Kratovo
Songs used:
00:00 - 00:36 - Owl Farm by Brock Berrigan
01:03 - 01:48 - CIty on Lockdown by Yellow Claw
01:51 - 05:24 - The Passenger by Iggy Pop
05:24 - 07:19 - La Grange by ZZ Top
09:13 - 10:47 - Love Love Love by Of Monsters and Men
„Камени Кукли“, Куклица Кратовско ,со Лиде Стојановска.
„Скаменетите свадбари“ во Куклица со Лиде Стојановска.
Ја сакам Македонија.21/06/2017
-Камените кукли се неверојатен природен феномен, настанат во комбинација со ерозијата и климатските влијанија на теренот. Поради интересниот изглед на големите земјени столбови кои наликуваат на човечки фигури наредени како „скаменети свадбари“,за целата појава кај локалното население живее легендата за „веселата свадба“. Некогаш во селото имало девојка која требало да се мажи, но за несреќа нејзиниот свршеник ја оставил за друга девојка. На денот на свадбата очајната девојка ги проколнала нејзиниот свршеник и неговата идна жена заедно со сите гости кои присуствувале на свадбата и сите наеднаш се претвориле во камења. На локалитетот има над 140 кукли, а најголемо внимание привлекуваат двете огромни камени фигури, кои страсно се бакнуваат и ги претставуваат „младенците“.
Науката вели дека камените кукли настанале со долготрајна ерозија на вулканските карпи со различна отпорност. Поцврстите и компактни карпи бавно се еродираат и ги штитат меките туфови под себе. Вака заштитени, туфовите заедно со карпестиот блок на врвот, остануваат да стрчат во релјефот во вид на столбови, односно земјени пирамиди. Во меѓувреме, долготрајните атмосферски влијанија (врнежите, температурните промени, ветрот) ги доизградиле, моделирале, модифицирале, поради што го добиле денешниот карактеристичен облик. Земјените пирамиди во централниот дел на малата депресија во подножјето на ридот Дубица се поголеми (високи до 10 м), самостојни и во вид на земјени столбови, а по страните на возвишението Забел се распоредени помали форми (високи до 5 м), блиску една до друга и често споени во подножјето.
Овие процеси, кои почнале пред десетина илјади години, продолжуваат и денес, така што некои земјени пирамиди постепено се уништуваат, а други се создаваат. Со тоа, пирамидите перманентно го менуваат својот облик, само што тој процес е бавен и не може да се забележи за еден месец или една година. Како и да е, ваква свадба во светски рамки претставува ретка појава. Создавањето вакви земјени пирамиди или камени кукли, типични појави како во Куклица, подразбира ретка комбинација на геолошки, геоморфолошки, климатски и вегетациски услови. Затоа овој локалитет е заштитен како природна реткост.
- Kokino
- Skopje
- Stobi
- Matka
- Zrnovci ( morodvis)
- Prilep
- Kuklica
- Radovis
- Herakleja
- Ohrid
- Krusevo, Крушево ( манастирот на тоше)
song: I MISS YOU LOVE - Marija Mena
I've run out of complicated theories
So now I'm taking back my words
and I'm preparing for the breakdown
Your t-shirt's lost its smell of you
And the bathroom's still a mess
Remind me why we decided this was for the best
Because I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you
I know the distance is a factor
But I stretch as often as I can
My goal's to reach your hands any day now
Please don't blame me for trying
To fix this one last time
I have a hard time as it is
Because I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you love
Don't act like you don't know me
It's still me I never changed
I'll be here when you come back
And I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you love
I miss you
Mysterious Ancient Observatory - Kokino 2016 Macedonia
Kokino (Macedonian: Кокино) is a Bronze Age archaeological site in the Republic of Macedonia, approximately 30 km from the town of Kumanovo, and about 6 km from the Serbian border, in the Staro Nagoričane municipality. It is situated between about 1010 and 1030 m above sea level on the Tatićev Kamen (Татиќев камен) summit and covers an area of about 90 by 50 meters, overlooking the eponymous hamlet of Kokino
It was discovered by archeologist Jovica Stankovski, director of the national museum in Kumanovo,[1] in 2001. In 2002, Stankovski together with Gorje Cenev (who is the head of a planetarium at a Youth Cultural Center in Skopje) published the claim that the site contains a megalithic observatory and sacred site (мегалитска опсерваторија и светилиште).
The oldest archaeological finds date from about the 19th century BC, corresponding to the early European Bronze Age. It shows signs of occupation for the period from the 19th to the 7th centuries BC. Finds from the Middle Bronze Age (c. 16th to 14th centuries BC) are the most numerous (mainly ceramic vessels, stone-mills and a few molds). An agglomeration from the Iron Age was discovered in 2009.
The Unique, Picturesque Town of Kratovo, Macedonia: Part 2
Subscribers - sorry, I had to do a bit of recutting and take down the original so if you've already watched Part 2, feel free to disregards.
A bit of Kratovo gossip that you won't hear in the video - guide Goran refers to Kratovo as Zingo or Zhingo-land. A godfather type man who ran the whole town. Boss Zingo owned everything, and all townspeople worked for him. Now retired, his children run everything.
Church of St. John the Baptist where women were preparing flowers for the Feast Day which would take place the next day. Goran pointed out how Jesus is always to the right on the bottom level, Mary on the left, and whatever saint the church is dedicated to, next to her; John the Baptist in this case.
Watch for two more videos: Kratovo Jewish History and a typical, huge Macedonia lunch.
Благодарам што го гледавте ова видео :)
Instagram: davidlogic
Snapchat: manev19
Музика: Anthony Russo - Loose Lips
Team Hella:
A MIRACLE OF NATURE Kuklici Kratovo Republic of Macedonia 12
Ѓаволски ѕид, Devil's Wall, Gjavolski dzid - Macedonia
Gjavolski dzid, Devil's Wall (Ѓаволски ѕид) is a location in the Republic of Macedonia near the town of Sveti Nikole. The legend claim it was built by the Devil. It is one of the most interesting legends in Macedonia. You can reach it by 4x4 car..... Leyendas locales e interpretaciones de los geólogos se cruzan desde hace décadas a la hora de explicar el origen de la Muralla del Diablo, un gigantesco muro de piedra de más de cinco kilómetros de longitud que se levanta al sur de Skopje, la capital macedonia
Mo2oXplorers© - Macedonia the Great 2015 - Day Two - Part 4
6 men, 6 bikes, 8 countries, 9 days, Over 4000 km
Macedonia the Great 2015
Day Two
Part 4
Kameni Kukli (Vesela Svadba)
Камени урези
Камени урези
Natural Wonders - Valley of the dolls - Kuklica (Macedonia)
Natural Wonders - Valley of the dolls - Kuklica (Macedonia)
Already 100,000 years, an impressive 120 stone pillars stand guard in a small village Kuklica in Macedonia. According to one local legend, these are petrified wedding. In fact, one man could not decide between two girls, PCA has decided to marry the two - the same day, but that one never learns another. Of course, it had not succeeded because the young girl saw the young woman the other. In her rage, she cursed the wedding party, and they turned into stone pillars (the bride and groom in the picture below). Another popular legend says that in the forest there, but that is because of the frequent battles burned. Then, the area has become a wasteland, the temperature is very low, and when the army passed through the area, all the soldiers into a wall. Whether you believe in the legend or not, many visitors to this unusual location often claim that the area has a somewhat mystical aura and rock formations, which are caused by improper erosion of volcanic rocks, attracting curious tourists for decades.
Natural Wonders
Wonders of the world
Lost cities of the World
Megalithic observatory Kokino in Macedonia
This important megalithic observatory site was discovered in 2001 by archeologist Jovica Stankovski in the northeastern Republic of Macedonia, approximately 30 km from the town of Kumanovo, near the village of Staro Nagorichane.
It is situated 1013 m above sea level and covers an area within a 100-meter radius. It is believed that represents an astronomical observatory and a ceremonial place. The site is approximately 3800 years old.
Kokino consists of two parts. It includes special stone markers used to track the movement of Sun and Moon on the eastern horizon. The observatory used a method of stationary observation, marking positions of the Sun at the winter and summer solstice, as well as the equinox.
The importance of the site, detailed by physicist Gjore Cenev, was confirmed by the U.S. space agency NASA. It appears fourth on the list of old observatories compliled by NASA.
1. Abu Simbel, Egypt
2. Stonehenge, Great Britain
3. Angkor Wat, Cambodia
4. Kokino Republic of Macedonia
5. Goseck circle, Germany
Неповторливо задоволство во мугрите на новиот ден. Звукот на божествената окарина, одѕвонуваше во камената тајна на Македонија. Даутовски го поздрави раѓањето на светлината на мегалитската опсерваторија стара 4.000 години.
Astronomy in Kokino
If you sit on one of the thrones on Kokino mountain, you will be the first to be reached by the rays of the ascending sun. From this ancient astronomy site people have studied the sky for over 4000 years!
This is one of a number of videos recorded with the famous Macedonian actor Vlado Jovanovski as your guide.
KOKINO and the MACEDONIAN continuity
Macedonians belong to the older Mediterranean substratum...Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the older Mediterranenan substratum...
World's Best Archaeology site Kokino | Macedonia
Kokino (Macedonian: Кокино) is a Bronze Age archaeological site in the Republic of Macedonia, approximately 30 km from the town of Kumanovo, and about 6 km from the Serbian border, in the Staro Nagoričane municipality. It is situated between about 1010 and 1030 m above sea level on the Tatićev Kamen (Татиќев камен) summit and covers an area of about 90 by 50 meters, overlooking the eponymous hamlet of Kokino.
It was discovered by archeologist Jovica Stankovski, director of the national museum in Kumanovo, in 2001. In 2002, Stankovski together with Gorje Cenev (who is the head of a planetarium at a Youth Cultural Center in Skopje) published the claim that the site contains a megalithic observatory and sacred site (мегалитска опсерваторија и светилиште).
The oldest archaeological finds date from about the 19th century BC, corresponding to the early European Bronze Age. It shows signs of occupation for the period from the 19th to the 7th centuries BC. Finds from the Middle Bronze Age (c. 16th to 14th centuries BC) are the most numerous (mainly ceramic vessels, stone-mills and a few molds). An agglomeration from the Iron Age was discovered in 2009.
The Kokino megalithic observatory should be distinguished from the wider Kokino archaeological site. While the observatory consists of two platforms of a combined area of about 5000 square meters, the site covers about 30 hectares. From this area, an abundant amount of fragments of ceramic vessels, dated to between the 19th and the 11th centuries BC. Also found was a mould for casting bronze axes, and a pendant. The remains of vessels filled with offerings were found deposited in cracks in the rocks, which gave rise to the interpretation of the site as a holy mountain.
The claimed archaeo-astronomical site itself consists of two platforms with an elevation difference of 19 m. The claim of the site representing an astronomical observatory was made by Stankovski and by Gjore Cenev in 2002. According to this interpretation, the site includes special stone markers used to track the movement of the Sun and Moon on the eastern horizon. The observatory used the method of stationary observation, marking positions of the Sun at the winter and summer solstice, as well as the equinox. Four stone seats or thrones are placed in a row on the lower platform. According to Cenev, A stone block with a marking on the upper platform marks the direction of sunrise on summer solstice when viewed from one of the seats.
Kokino was mentioned in a poster made by NASA's Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum in 2005.
The Cultural Heritage Protection Office of Macedonia's Ministry of Culture declared the site a property under temporary protection on 13 November 2008 (Decision nr. 08-1935/6). In 2009, Minister of Culture Elizabeta Kancheska-Milevska declared Kokino one of the priorities of the Ministry of Culture’s 2009 programme.In 2009, the Republic of Macedonia also suggested the site be inscribed on the World Heritage Site.
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