Музей Валунов в Минске / Museum of stones in Minsk
Музей Валунов расположен в Минске в микрорайоне Уручье.
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【K】Belarus Travel-Vitebsk[벨라루스 여행-비텝스크]마르크 샤갈 생가 박물관/Marc Chagall Museum/Birth House/Room/Hometown
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[한국어 정보]
샤갈의 생가는 비쳅스크 시내에 위치해 있다. 샤갈은 볼세비키 혁명 이후 그의 자유분방한 작품 세계가 사회주의자들에게 거슬려 추방당했다. 그 후로 샤갈의 생가에 대한 보전도 관심이 없다가 1997년 뜻을 같이한 사람들에 의해 그의 생가가 복원되었다. 전시된 작품은 주로 유년기 습작들 이다. 또한 생가에는 그때 당시 샤갈과 가족들이 사용했던 소품들이 그대로 남아 있다. 그가 사용했던 방에는 소박한 탁자와 의자가 있고 그 의자에서 창밖을 바라보며 거리 풍경들을 그렸다. 유태인인 샤갈은 문을 나설 때 이것을 만지면서 기도 했다고 한다. 샤갈의 어머니가 사용한 부엌에선 지금도 그의 어머니가 저녁을 준비하는 것 같다. 그때 사용했던 그릇이나 주방 기구가 그대로 남아 있다. 샤갈도 식탁에 앉아 어머니가 일하는 모습을 화폭에 담았다. 샤갈은 가지 못하는 고향 마을에 대한 여러 가지 추억과 어린 시절을 담은 그림을 평생 그렸다. “이 집은 마르크 샤갈이 어린 시절을 보냈던 집입니다. 이 집은 돌로 만들어져있고 1900년대에 마르크 샤갈의 아버지가 지은 집입니다. 세계에서 유일하게 남아 있는 샤갈의 집입니다. 샤갈은 이 집에서 (러시아의) 상트 페떼르부르그도 가고 프랑스도 왔다 갔다 했습니다. 이 도시에서 결혼을 하고 이 집으로 자신의 작품의 영감이 돼 주었던 첫 부인 벨라를 데려왔습니다.” 나는 샤갈의 생가에서 비록 그의 위대한 작품을 접할 수는 없었지만 그의 예술적 영감을 직접 느낄 수 있었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Chagall's birthplace is located in Vitebsk city center. Chagall was a spirited works his freedom after the Bolshevik revolution to the socialist geoseulryeo expelled. Since then, his birthplace by like-minded people who are not interested even in 1997 for the preservation of Chagall's birthplace was restored. The exhibited works are mainly Etude in childhood. There is also the birthplace props we used that time Chagall and families remain intact. The room he used painted the streets looking out the window at the rustic tables and chairs, and the chair. Chagall Jewish prayer is said while touching it when the leave the door. In the kitchen with Chagall's mother still it seems to be his mother prepare dinner. Then a bowl or utensils that were used remained intact. Chagall captured the look is also the mother sitting at the table working on canvas. Chagall painted a picture containing many lifelong memories and childhood home town for the branch does. This house is a house Marc Chagall spent his childhood. The house is made of stone and is the father of Marc Chagall house built in the 1900s. The only remaining home of Chagall in the world. Chagall was in the house (of Russia) Saint Petersburg also ttereu Hamburg France was also going back and forth. They married in the city and brought the first wife Bella gave gotta inspiration of his work in this house. I could not access his great works, though in Chagall's birthplace could feel his artistic inspiration directly.
■클립명: 유럽091-벨라루스01-09 마르크 샤갈 생가 박물관/Marc Chagall Museum/Birth House/Room/Hometown
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 조성만 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 5월 May
유럽,Europe,,벨라루스,Belarus,,Republic of Belarus,조성만,2009,5월 May
Музей валунов в Минске. Парк камней. Museum of boulders in Minsk. Park of stones.
Гуляем в парке-музее камней (валунов) в городе Минске. В 1989 году музей валунов в Минске объявлен памятником природы республиканского значения. Тут собрано очень много различных камней привезенных со всей республики. Территория парка представляет собой контур границы Республики Беларусь, пешеходные дорожки расположены на местах рек. Прикольное место для прогулок. Смотрите наш небольшой отчет о парке камней! Если понравилось жмите лайк! Смотрите еще наши видео о прикольных местах в Беларуси!
We walk in the park-museum of stones (boulders) in the city of Minsk. In 1989 the Museum of Boulders in Minsk was declared a monument of nature of national importance. There are a lot of different stones brought from all over the republic. The territory of the park is the outline of the border of the Republic of Belarus, the pedestrian paths are located on the places of rivers. A cool place for walking. See our little report on the park of stones! If you like it, hit! See our videos about cool places in Belarus!
Early instruments of Belarus
Old Belarusan civilization had been prosperous for five centuries. The ancient Belarusans had rich musical culture. Five early musical instruments from Belarus, five characters, five stories.
1. Belarusian bagpipe 2. Lute 3. Hurdy (gurdy) 4. Psaltery 5. Belarusian trumpet
More folk music at
Сцэнар, рэжысёр: Зміцер Сасноўскі (Стары Ольса), 2007
Музей Великой Отечественной войны в Минске / Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk
Музей Великой Отечественной войны в Минске.
Подробнее о ценах и отзывах смотрите на нашем сайте:
Chronological map of Belarus
Хронологическая карта Беларуси
Excursion with Belarus Direct to the picturesque Loshitsky park with its centuries old history...
Excursion with Belarus Direct to The picturesque Loshitsky park with its centuries old history.....
The first mention about Loshitsa refers to 1557, since then the estate belonged to many owners but the most known one was Evstaphy Lyubanksky.
Having inherited Loshitsa in 1884, Evstaphy got down to active reconstruction of his property, aiming to turn it into one of the richest and the most notable manors in the neighbourhood.
During the following 20 years Loshitsa flourished. The manor house was reconstructed (two-storied stone house was built on to one-storied wooden one), the outhouse (a wooden building where kitchen was and the manor manager worked) and several enterprises (treacle starch factory, distillery, two mills) were built. By the order of Evstaphy, the park organization was changed, new kinds of trees were planted including rare ones like Magnolia kobus that still grows there.
By the beginning of 20th century Loshitsa manor became a cultural center of Minsk and the neighborhood. Drama and music evenings, massive festivals regularly took place there. At one of those events Evstaphy's wife Yadviga Lubansky disappeared. The following morning the body of the poor woman was found not far from the manor house – she had drowned. In memory of his wife, the sorrowful spouse planted Prúnus mandschúrica on the place where the Yadviga’s body was discovered. He left Loshitsa few years later.
According to the legend, which you will hear on our excursion, Yadviga's spirit is still living in the park and when the full moon in April appears you can still see a woman's silhouette in white whide robes....
Eco techno park, Museum, and production house Minsk Belarus.
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अधिक जानकारी के लिए कॉल करे।
फ्री रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए डिटेल्स सेंड करे
What's up ,
2. मोबाइल नंबर
3. ईमेल एड्रेस
Skyway eco park museum models in Minsk Belarus
harry up sin up link
Building a business in Belarus - keeping Armenian traditions alive
By day he's building a business repairing cars and by night he's keeping his Armenian heritage alive by practising traditional dances. Stanislav Lobatiy filmed this short profile of his friend on his smart phone as part of a Thomson Foundation training workshop in Minsk in Belarus. He filmed using the Kinomatic App and edited on his mobile phone using the Kinemaster Pro App.
Ecotechno park minsk Belarus 17 august 2019
Ecotechno park minsk Belarus 17 august 2019
The Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War History
The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus
Unusual Museum
Did you know that there is a mini-stonehenge in Minsk, Belarus? Although it is an artificial museum of stones, the place has some supernatural powers.
Read more about travelling to Belarus on the blog visafreebelarus.org
Track: BEAUZ & JVNA - Crazy [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Free Download / Stream:
Belarusian Community and Cultural Center Thesis Project
Ostrovok Apartment - Minsk, Belarus - Amazing place!
Ostrovok Apartment - Exclusive price! -
Located in the city centre of Minsk, a 12-minute walk from Ploschad Jakuba Kolasa and Ploschad Jakuba Kolasa Metro Station, Ostrovok Apartment is a self-catering accommodation with a fully equipped kitchen and free Wi-Fi access.
The modern apartment is equipped with an oven, stove, electric kettle, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, and kitchenware. Other amenities include a dining table, a seating area with a sofa, a balcony, a flat-screen TV, and a bathroom with a bath.
The Great Theatre and Janki Kupaly Park are a 15-minute walk, Victory Square is 1.2 miles away, and the Belarusian State Circus as well as many museums are 2 metro stop from the apartment. A number of cafés, restaurants, and bars can be found within a 5-minute walk.
Ostrovok Apartment is 2.5 miles from Minsk Train Station, and 26.7 miles from Minsk-2 Airport.
Sovetsky District is a great choice for travelers interested in sightseeing , museums and food .
State program Culture of Belarus discussed in Mir Castle.
State program Culture of Belarus discussed in Mir Castle.
By Elena Bormotova: Representatives of the Belarusian cultural authorities including directors of theaters and heads of local community centers discussed the principal aspects of the development and promotion of national culture.
(Viktor Kurash, Belarusian Deputy Minister of Culture)
(Natalia Sharangovich, director of the Belarusian Museum of Modern Fine Arts) The state investment program envisages revival of national heritage and restoration of historical monuments. Mir Castle, a monument of UNESCO legacy, was opened after 30 years of restoration.
(Anatoli Butevich, Chair of the Commission on conservation of historical legacy at the Belarusian Ministry of Culture)
The guides of the National Museum of Belarus organized an excursion along Mir Castle for the guests and demonstrated the attributes of medieval luxury. During a year the number of visitors to Mir Castle grew by 2 times and the revenues rose by 6 times.
(Anatoli Akushevich, head of the department of culture at Minsk administration) State inspections on the protection of historical and cultural legacy will be created in the regions. The state program Castles of Belarus ending 2018 envisages restoration and conservation of 38 sites. Overhaul and reconstruction of 27 theaters is planned as well.
(Pavel Poliakov, director general of Yanka Kupala National Academic Theater)
The priority activities included promotion of Belarusian art in Europe and creation of 4 cultural centers outside Belarus.