Macedonian archaeologists discovered 80 Venetian Coins in Strumica
Archaeologists from the Regional Institute for the Protection of Monuments of Culture and Museum in Strumica recently announced the discovery of a collection of around 80 silver Venetian coins.
The coins date to the end of the thirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth centuries, the Dnevnik newspaper reported today. Initial information points to the fact that the Tsarevi Kuli Fortress near Strumica was marked by intensive life through the centuries.
The erstwhile population of the area, according to the publication, had trade relations with the Republic of Venice Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia, especially after the fall of Constantinople in 1204 and the formation of the Latin kingdoms in the Byzantine Empire.
In addition to coins, the site until now has also yielded other important findings, as well as a pre-historic settlement, which testifies to the existence of life in the area for over seven millennia.
New Archeological findings in Macedonia on Skopsko Kale
Macedonians belong to the older Mediterranean substratum...Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the older Mediterranenan substratum...
Radoviš streets, Macedonia
Radoviš is a city in the southeastern part of the Republic of Macedonia. It is the second largest city in the southeastern region. The city is the seat of Radoviš Municipality, which is spread on the bottom of Plačkovica Mountain and the northern part of the Radoviš-Strumica valley. The main road M6 Štip–Radoviš-Strumica is tangentially placed on the township of Radoviš. This road is a main communication route with other parts of the country.
Coins with the image of Philip II of Macedon found at Tsarevi Kuli, Strumica
New significant artefacts dating to the fourth century BC were found by Macedonian archaeologists at the Tsarevi Kuli site near the town of Strumica in eastern Macedonia.
The artefacts included coins with the image of the father of Alexander the Great Philip II of Macedon, amphorae, vessels, cups, jewellery, fragments from vases, ceramics and figurines, the Vecher daily newspaper wrote. All these artefacts, according to the publication, testify for the fact that the Strumica Fortress was inhabited around the end of the fourth century BC.
The excavations, according to arheologist Ruyak, showed that in the fourth century at the Tsarevi Kuli there was definite activity, and most likely there was a settlement. Some findings, primarily the ceramic vessels, date to the fifth century BC.
The Tsarevi Kuli site was used for different purposes during different periods and the findings so far serve to show the continuity of culture in Strumica. According to Ruyak, the city of Strumica and its surroundings have a continuity of culture of 7,000 years.
Spiritual traditions of ancient Tiveriopol (Macedonia)
,,Spiritual Traditions of Tiveriopol is the title of the exhibition on the rich cultural-historic heritage of Strumica, which was held in the Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
The exhibition's goal was to present the research in the old town core, pointing out the new knowledge on the rich cultural-historic past of the town through rare items and terrain documentation.
The display was realized in cooperation with the Bureau for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum-Strumica.
Strumica archaeologist Margarita Stamenova-Atanasova was the author of the exhibition's concept, while Irena Kolistrkoska-Nasteva from the Museum of Macedonia was the coordinator of the Skopje display.
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Пронајдени штитови на кралот Деметриј
Пронајдените штитови на кралот Деметриј кај селото Бонче, се највалидниот доказ дека на овие простори постоела македонската држава.
Royal grave site of the lost ancient kingdom of Pelagonia found in the Republic of Macedonia - Откриена изгубената престолнина Пелагонија
Latest discoveries by archaeologists have shown a massive royal grave site in a village known as Bonce in Macedonia, one of a kind in the Balkans, which has led them to suggest that the locality may be the long lost kingdom of Pelagonia.
The grave site was discovered by a team led by Professor Viktor Lilcic.
According to the way this was built, the brilliance behind it, and just from the sheer size of the grave site, we believe the king of Pelagonia had been buried here, said Dr. Antonio Jakimovski, coordinator of the Archeological Research.
The grave site is from the 4th century B.C. when the kingdom of the Pelagonians was around. It was suggested the site had been robbed even in Antic times.
This is one of the rarest gravesites not just in the Balkans, but globally that goes back to the 4th century BC, said Jakimovski.
The site is located right underneath the hill of Visoka where it is suggested to be the site of the city of Pelagonia.
Unfortunately, the Government did not allocate funds this year for the Visoka location.
Archeologists have been searching for the city of Pelagonia and the Pelagonian kingdom for more than 150 years.
This find will undoubtedly make funds available for Visoka in 2009.
Just two years ago, near the hill of Visoka were discovered three Macedonian Shields of King Demetrij with the Vergina Sun embedded on them. The shields are currently undergoing restorations.
When completed, the world will see for the first time how did the shields of the Macedonian phalanx look like.
Откриена изгубената престолнина Пелагонија:
Се повеќе се потврдуваат тезите дека кај локалитетот Бонче можно е да се наоѓа четвртата изгубена македонска престолнина, градот Пелагонија. Со најновите годинешни открија, под раководство на професорот Виктор Лилчиќ, целосно е откриена гробницата која е единствена од ваков тип на Балканот.
Грчките археолози не сакаат да соработуваат со македонските колеги на споредувањето на артефактите од гробниците на античките македонски кралеви од Пела и оние, слични на нив, откриени неодамна на локалитетот Бонче во Пелагонија, под планината Селечка. Сличностите меѓу гробниците на двата локалитети упатуваат на идејата дека веројатно во Пелагонија се наоѓа загубената античка македонска престолнина - градот Пелагонија - по кој се трага повеќе од 150 години.
Archaeology in Macedonia
Archaeology in Macedonia
Archeology: Oldest shoes in the Balkans found in Macedonia
The oldest shoes in Macedonia and in the Balkans were found near the village Konche, Radovish region .
Made 18 centuries ago and found in the tomb of a dignitary or a dignitary´s wife.
Footwear and other no less valuable items throughout a year digging, were found by a team of archaeologists from the Museum of Strumica and Shtip region
Најстарите обувки на Балканот пронајдени во Македонија
United Goce's Macedonia Република Македонија Каран Куманово
Историјата на македонскиот народ или воопшто на историја на човековото живеење и присуство на територијата на Македонија, датира со пронаоѓањето на најстариот човечки скелет на територијата на Македонија стар 160 илјади години. Најстарите пронајдоци од први организирани човечки населби во Македонија датираат од новото камено време (неолитот). Прва државна организација на територијата на Македонија е Античко-македонското кралство основано во 808 г.п.н.е. (според некои извори 825 г.п.н.е.) од страна на првиот македонски крал Каран, кое доживеало најголем подем во времето на владеењето на македонските кралеви Филип II Македонски (359 - 336 г.п.н.е.) и Александар III Македонски (336 - 323 г.п.н.е) од династијата Аргеади. Со доаѓањето и населувањето на словенските племиња во VI век, и нивното мешање со староседелското античко македонско население, конечно во X и XI век се формира ликот на современиот македонски народ, кој се до денес постои како мнозински на територијата на Македонија и зазема најзначаен дел од разните економски, политички, демографски, историски и други процеси во Македонија.
The region that today forms the Republic of Macedonia has been inhabited since Paleolithic times. What is now the modern Republic of Macedonia was settled by the Paionians and Dardani, peoples of mixed Thraco-Illyrian origin. The Paionians founded several princedoms which coalesced into a kingdom centered in the central and upper reaches of the Vardar and Struma rivers. In 360-359 BC Paionian tribes were launching raids into Macedon (Diodorus XVI. 2.5) in support of an Illyrian invasion.
Under Philip II of Macedon (359336 BC), Macedon expanded into the territories of the neighbouring Paionians, Thracians, and Illyrians. Among this conquests he annexed the regions of Pelagonia and Southern Paionia. The kingdom of Paionia, then ruled by Agis, roughly corresponding to the territory of what it now the Republic of Macedonia was reduced to a semi-autonomous, subordinate status. Philip's son Alexander the Great (356323 BC) managed to briefly extend Macedonian power not only over the Balkans, but also to the Persian empire, including Ancient Egypt and lands as far east as the fringes of India, heralding the Hellenistic period.
The Roman province of Macedonia was officially established in 146 BC, after the Roman general Quintus Caecilius Metellus defeated Andriscus of Macedon in 148 BC, and after the four client republics established by Rome in the region were dissolved. The province incorporated Epirus Vetus, Thessaly, and parts of Illyria and Thrace. In the 3rd century or 4th century, the province of Macedonia was divided into Macedonia Prima (in the south) and Macedonia Salutaris (in the north).
Zgodovina Makedoncev se močno navezuje na zgodovino ozemlja celotne Makedonske regije. V 20. stoletju Makedoncem uspe ustanovitev lastne politične in nacionalne enote.
Herakleja Linkestis #VisitMacedonia Heraclea Lyncestis Хераклеја Линкестис
Herakleja Linkestis #VisitMacedonia Хераклеја Линкестис
#Travel2Macedonia #ExploringMacedonia
Heraclea Lyncestis is a ancient Macedonian town found by the ancient Macedonian King Phillip 2nd in the middle of the 4th century BC, but most of the remains that can be seen in Heraclea Lyncestis are from the Roman and the early christian period. Heraclea Lyncestis was an important strategical town during the Hellenistic period as it was at the edge of Macedonia border with Epirus to the west, until the middle of the 2nd century BC, when the Romans conquered Macedon and destroyed its political power. The main Roman road in the area, Via Egnatia went through Heraclea Lyncestis, and made Heraclea Lyncestis an important stop. The prosperity of Heraclea Lyncestis was maintained mainly due to this road. The Roman emperor Hadrian built the theater in the center of Heraclea Lyncestis, on a hill, when many buildings in the roman province ofMacedonia were being restored. It began being used during the reign of Antoninus Pius. The theater went out of use during the late 4th century AD, when gladiator fights in the Roman Empire were banned, due to the spread of Christianity, the formulation of the Eastern Roman Empire, and the abandonment of, what was then perceived as, pagan rituals and entertainment. In the early Byzantine period (4th to 6th centuries AD), Heraclea Lyncestis was an important episcopal centre. Some of Heraclea Lyncestis bishops have been noted in the acts of the Church Councils as bishop Evagrius of Heraclea in the Acts of the Sardica Council from 343 AD. In the late 6th century Heraclea Lyncestis suffered successive attacks by Slavic tribes. In place of the deserted theater several houses were built between the 6th century and the 7th century AD, when Slavs settled across the northern regions of the Balkans. Just small portion of Heraclea Lyncestis has been unearthed, including a theatre, two water fountains, courthouse, baths, bishops palace and two basilicas. There is a small museum on the grounds with few artifacts and a nice scale model of the city at its peak.
The museum of Bitola
Битолскиот музеј
Оваа национална институција од Битола, подготвува галериски простор од 1.300 метри квадратни, во кој ќе биде изложена историско-археолошка поставка со предмети што ќе ги опфатат сите периоди од најраниот неолит, па преку антиката и средновековието, се до последниве два века.
Bronze figure of Dedalus found in Ohrid
Dedalus landed on Plaosnik 24 centuries ago - A bronze figure of Dedalus, father of Icarus, 20 cm tall, dating from the 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C. was revealed by archaeologists at site Plaosnik over Ohrid. This is the only such artifact in the country and probably in the world, says archaeologist Pasko Kuzman.
Vardarski Rid - Ancient Macedonian City part 2
Vardarski Rid . Dokumentarna emisija na MTV.
Ancient Macedonian Grave Treasures from Ohrid
National Treasures dug up from ancient Macedonian grave, Ohrid
Macedonian beauty
Republic of Macedonia beuty natural beauty historical sites,culture,museums,lakes,mountains,caves,rivers,waterfalls,churches,monasteries,mosques,cities,places,Skopje,Ohrid,Bitola,Veles,Kavadarci,Strumica,Gostivar,Tetovo,Stip,Kicevo,Kumanovo,Kuklici,Kokino,ancient observatory,natural lakes,artificial lakes,ancient cities,roman cities,galleries,architecture,cuisine,mines,wine,thousands of species,flora and fauna,waterparks,crosses,statues,monuments.MACEDONIA,Macedonia,Македонија
Travel to Macedonia,visit Macedonia,tourism,education,beauty
Museum of Macedonia Displays 9,800 Artifacts
Museum of Macedonia Displays 9,800 Artifacts Excavated at Archaeological Sites in 2009
Dec. 27, 2009. Some 10.000 artifacts of 100.000 excavated in total in 2009 during the archaeological researches on 18 locations in Macedonia, have been presented on this exhibition opened on Sunday.
The Macedonian Information Agency reported that Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska, Minster of Culture, opened Sunday the annual exhibition of artifacts excavated at archaeological sites throughout Macedonia in 2009. Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, also attended the opening of the exhibition which took place at the Museum of Macedonia.
A total of 9,800 artifacts excavated at 18 archaeological sites throughout Macedonia are displayed in the Museum of Macedonia, in the framework of the third archaeology exhibition.
The display includes items from Ohrids Gorna Porta, Isar Marvinci, Stobi, Carevi Kuli, Heraklea etc.
Museum director Meri Anicin-Pejoska and director of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office Pasko Kuzman attended the exhibition opening.
Traces left by past civilisations are the only witness of our past and an inseparable part of our existence. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to attend the third annual exhibit of most valuable artifacts excavated in 2009, said Gruevski to the Macedonian Information Agency in his welcoming speech.
The amount that was excavated this year is small. There is a lot more to be done. The Government will continue to support nation-wide excavations, because artefacts are national and cultural treasure. In 2010 we plan to continue our support in this field, stated PM Gruevski after the opening at the Museum of Macedonia.
Asked whether some of the artefacts could help in strengthening country's position in the name dispute with Greece, Gruevski said it could be the case only if the argument of facts prevailed in the name talks. Unfortunately, Greece negotiates with the argument of power, the PM stressed.
Future generations will laugh at the fact that someone today is trying to divide people into ancient and Slavic Macedonians, noted the PM when asked whether Sunday's exhibition was an attempt to resume the process of antiquisation.
Future generations will be stunned as to why someone in this period tried so hard to divide people into ancient and Slavic. It is ridiculous because both were part of past civilisations, he said adding that Macedonia was lying on a territory that was the home of many prominent or less prominent civilisations, which needed to be equally acknowledged by modern Macedonians.
Во следните шест месеци, публиката ќе има можност да ги види најрепрезентативните наоди откриени на Горна Порта во Охрид, на Плаошник и на Самоиловата тврдина, наодите од Исар - Марвинци, Хераклеја, Стоби, Исар во Штип, Баргала, Зрзе, на Скопската тврдина, Кокино, Виничко Кале, Таор, Стибера, Вардарски Рид и на другите локалитети, на дел од кои беа вршени и капитални истражувања. Координатор на изложбата е Управата за заштита на културното наследство, а според најавите по завршувањето на истражувачките кампањи, откриваните материјали ќе бидат претставувани на посебни, тематски изложби.
macedonia македонија makedonija art music srbija hrvatska albania bulgaria kosovo greece balkan macedonian museum
Exhibition from archaeological site Grncarica, Republic of Macedonia
Grncarica, the oldest Neolithic settlement in Macedonia, was discovered accidentally before two years by a team of archeologists who are exploring the sites along the hydro-system Zletovica's pipeline. Macedonian archeologists unearthed a skeleton of a human dating from 7,000 BCE. The skeleton has been uncovered at the archeological site Grncarica, at the Stip's nearby village of Krupiste. This video is a part of the exhibition held in Bezisten, Stip, Republic of Macedonia.
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