Life in Germany - Ep. 77: Coolest Library Ever?
I think it's a pretty darn cool library.
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Stuttgart City Library Might Be The Most Incredible Library I’ve been to!
The new Stuttgart City Library by Yi Architects was on October 21, 2011.
The site for the Stuttgart City Library was chosen in Mailänder Platz, an area that is perceived to be a future city centre growing out of the location of the library.
With this in mind, the architects chose to physically express the importance of this cultural centre by giving the building a grand physical presence. The building takes the form of cube with an edge length of 45 meters.
The form and symmetry of entrance of the building was inspired by the “Cenotaph for Newton” by Étienne Boullée, but the heart and core of the library follows the design of the ancient pantheon.
The gallery hall is a five-story space, square-shaped and surrounded by a shell of books. The interior circulation is arranged in a spiral among the reading gallery areas, designed to be flowing promenades flooded with light from the glass roof.
The forum, a third central room, is located below the heart. This is an event room which is in proximity to the light-railway line that crosses the first and second basement floors.
Incredible isn’t it?
Places to see in ( Stuttgart - Germany ) Stuttgart City LIbrary
Places to see in ( Stuttgart - Germany ) Stuttgart City LIbrary
The Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart is the public library of the city of Stuttgart. It is organized as a department of the city's cultural office and comprises the central library, 17 city district libraries, and two bookmobiles.
From 1965 to 2011, the central library was located in the Wilhelmspalais, built 1834 - 1840 by Giovanni Salucci as the residence of the Württemberg king. In 2011, it was moved to the newly built Stadtbibliothek am Mailänder Platz. The cube-shaped building was designed by Eun Young Yi.
With its height of 40 metres, the Stadtbibliothek, Stuttgart's new public library (2011) towers over Mailänder Platz. To Eun Young Yi, its Korean architect, the monolith, whose façade incorporates countless glass blocks, is a polished jewel. Grey and unpretentious by day, the library cube glows at night in an iridescent blue. From the outside the building seems closed off, but a new world opens up on entering: a 14-metre-high, empty hall, lit only by one overhead window. 100 sq. m of void to offset the everyday hustle and bustle. Li calls this archaic, tranquil room the Heart.
The Municipal Library has become Stuttgart’s new intellectual and cultural centre that is open to people of every nation. This is also symbolised by the inscriptions on the outer walls: the word Library in silver letters is in English on the west wall, in German on the north, in Korean on the East and in Arabic on the south.
( Stuttgart - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Stuttgart . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Stuttgart - Germany
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Explore the Coolest / Greatest Library in the World | Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart Germany
We are going to explore the library from 1st floor to 7th floor :)
The Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart is the public library of the city of Stuttgart. It is organized as a department of the city's cultural office and comprises the central library, 17 city district libraries, and two bookmobiles. In 2013, it received the national award as Library of the Year. Enjoy the video.
Music : Beethoven - Für Elise
Camera : Xiomi Redmi Note 7
#library #thecoolestlibrary #图书馆 #book
Stuttgart City Library, Germany
Stuttgart City Library, Germany
The new Stuttgart City Library by Yi Architects was on October 21, 2011. After winning a competition for the project in 1999, the new library for Stuttgart in southern Germany has finally been unveiled. Yi Architects have shared with us the drawings and images of the project. The Stuttgart City Library was chosen in Mailänder Platz, an area that is perceived to be a future city center growing out of the location of the library. With this in mind, the architects chose to physically express the importance of this cultural center by giving the building a grand physical presence. The building takes the form of cube with an edge length of 45 meters. It is constructed out of pale grey fair-faced concrete that visually frames an array of 9 x 9 frosted glass bricks. The shell is designed as a double façade that includes the glass brick level and an inner mullion/transom façade as the thermal building shell.
The form and symmetry of entrance of the building was inspired by the “Cenotaph for Newton” by Étienne Boullée, but the heart and core of the library follows the design of the ancient pantheon. Protected by a secondary façade, the cube-shaped room is situated in the middle of the building and is illuminated by a central roof light. In the center is a 1 m² fountain that ties the space as a meditative area. The gallery hall is a five-story space, square-shaped and surrounded by a shell of books. The interior circulation is arranged in a spiral among the reading gallery areas, designed to be flowing promenades flooded with light from the glass roof. The forum, a third central room, is located below the heart. This is an event room which is in proximity to the light-railway line that crosses the first and second basement floors.
This ambitious project has caused a mixed reaction. Construction of the building was carried out three years and a cost of 80 million Euros. On the outer walls of the name library is set in four languages. On the north wall in German, on the western English - international communication. South side welcomes visitors in Arabic - the language of ancient knowledge, as well as in honor of the sister city of Stuttgart Cairo. On the east wall architect Yi carved names in the Korean language, putting his signature.
Multimedia City Library in Stuttgart, as the jury's decision, found new ways to develop the skills needed to use digital technologies. So, one of the first in Germany it provided in its halls with Internet access. With praise jury also noted the library information service, its search engines and programs to promote books and reading in both analog mode and the web. In particular, there has been the so-called Day of network security, in which the theme nights dedicated to the development of new media technologies, evaluation of computer games and other aspects of Internet use. The library equipped with special sound-proofed rooms for individual or group work, as well as the 400 seat and workplaces, where visitors can enjoy the library laptops. In addition, the library offers opening hours are Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, as well as a series of round the clock services. Every year there are more than four thousand different kinds of activities.
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Have you even been to the library that makes you really want to stay longer? Here is Stuttgart library! One of our favourite!
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Music by Scott Holmes - Cat and Mouse
Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart
Willkommen in der neuen Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart !
Hier können Sie einen ersten Eindruck gewinnen und Anleitungen zu den Nutzungsmöglichkeiten der Zentralbibliothek der Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart am Mailänder Platz als vergnügliches Video ansehen.
Meine erste konzeptionelle Imagefilmproduktion und 3D-Animation (Intro) im Rahmen meiner Ausbildung zum Mediengestalter Bild & Ton.Vielen Dank an die Media-Acting-Studenten für die 2 harten Drehtage inklusive Räumung der Bibliothek wegen Feuer/Fehlalarm .. :)
Meine Website befindet sich noch im Aufbau, Gründung voraussichtlich dann erst im Herbst 2015.
Über Anfragen wegen Image/Unternehmensfilmen/Webclips freue ich mich !
Vielen Dank !
Neue Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart - Eröffnungsnacht!
22.10.2011: Im Rahmen der Stuttgartnacht war die neue Stadtbibliothek am Mailänder Platz zum ersten Mal geöffnet! Im Vorfeld oft als Bücherknast oder gar Stammheim II verschrien, da der glatte, grauweiße Würfel von aussen in der Tat wenig einladend wirkt, kann das Innenleben doch überzeugen und bietet einen faszinierenden Anblick!
City Stuttgart Germany's library
One of the most important buildings in the area, along with a museum Porsche is located close to it. This library Korean engineer Yi Aaon- Young, died engineered Pantheon in ancient Rome was designed. This library and attest to the cultural activities such as exhibitions, book signings
MY HOMETOWN - Stuttgart, Germany | EUROPE
STUTTGART - My Hometown
It may be one of the smaller big cities but I love it.
Plus I share a childhood memory of me almost drowning.
Places in Stuttgart (as shown in the Video)
- Max-Eyth-See
- Schlossplatz (City Center)
- Cafe Kraft (Bouldering)
- Mauritius, Feuerbach - Restaurant
- Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart (Library)
Enjoy the video :)
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Stuttgart City Library Video
Beautiful Stuttgart City Library
New Stuttgart City library
Stuttgart Şehir Kütüphanesi (Stuttgart City Library)
Tasarımı Yi Architects tarafından gerçekleştirilen Stuttgart Şehir Kütüphanesi yeni binası 21 Ekim 2011 tarihinde açılış töreniyle hizmete girdi.
Cephenin sakin ve homojen görüntüsü binanın kalbine de yansımış: Zeminin yüzeyindeki bir lahza su dışında tamamen boş olan 3000 kübik metrelik bu mekân, ziyaretçilere dış dünyanın telaşını ve kargaşasını unutturmak için tasarlanmış.
Kalbin üzerinde huni biçiminde yükselen aydınlık galerideki has edebiyat derlemesinin kitapları mimariyle âdeta bütünleşmiş. Burada, Almanca kitapların yanı sıra, göçmen kökenli kullanıcılara da hitap eden 25 dilde edebiyat eseri bulunuyor.
Kalbi çepeçevre kuşatan dar merdivenlerle birbirine bağlanan galeri salonunda, müzik kütüphanesi; küçük okuma odaları, rengârenk yastıkları, vitrinleri ve farklı renklere ayrılmış tema adalarıyla sevgiyle hazırlanmış 900 metrekarelik bir alanda 60.000 kitap, CD ve DVD içeren çocuk kütüphanesi yer alıyor.
Kütüphane de dokunmatik ekranlar ve de 60 adet araştırma bilgisayarı kullanıcıları aradıkları kitaplara yönlendiriyor, otomatik okuma cihazları ödünç alınan materyalin 24 saat boyunca iadesini mümkün kılıyor.
İade edilen materyaller bilgisayar kumandalı küçük elektronik arabalarla bir ray sistem üzerinden yerlerine geri taşınıyor. Kütüphanenin ana sayfasında ise e-kitaplar, e-makaleler ve sesli dosyalar indirilmeyi bekliyor.
Kullanıcılar, bulundukları her katta, yüzden fazla dizüstü bilgisayarı kütüphane kimliğiyle ödünç alıp aydınlık çalışma masalarından birinde diledikleri gibi çalışabiliyorlar.
Stuttgart Belediye Başkanı Wolfgang Schuster ise yeni şehir kütüphanesini hayat boyu öğrenme ve ilham mekânı, kültürleri, dinleri ve değerleriyle 170 milletten genç, yaşlı her insanın buluşma yeri olarak görüyor.
Kütüphane 79 milyon Avro'ya mal oldu. Kütüphane müdiresi Ingrid Bussman, üç yıl süren inşaattan sonra hayallerinin gerçekleştiğini söylüyor: Bu kütüphane, hangi köken, kuşak ve toplumsal sınıftan olursa olsun, bu şehrin insanları için kuruldu.
Buradaki imkânlardan tüm Stuttgart halkının yararlanıp yararlanmayacağını zaman gösterecek.
#stuttgart #şehir #kütüphane #kitap #book #almanya #city #Library
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