ГЕНУЭЗСКАЯ КРЕПОСТЬ. г. Судак. Крым.l GENOESE FORTRESS. G. Sudak. Crimea 2019.
Генуэзская или Судакская крепость — одно из самых масштабных фортификационных сооружений на территории Крыма. Она неплохо сохранилась, послужила декорацией на съемках более 40 кинофильмов, живописно выглядит на фоне местного ландшафта, поэтому неизменно привлекает тысячи туристов. Вокруг крепости нет современных построек. При посещении достопримечательности удается полностью погрузиться в атмосферу средневековья.
Or the Genoese Sudak fortress is one of the largest fortifications in the Crimea. It is well preserved, served as a backdrop for the filming of more than 40 films, looks picturesque against the background of the local landscape, so it always attracts thousands of tourists. There are no modern buildings around the fortress. When visiting the attractions you can fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the middle ages.
Крым Судак набережная. Генуэзская крепость. Видео 4К. Sudak. Crimea. Genoese fortress. DJI Mavic Pro
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Судак с высоты скала Сокол и Генуэзская крепость
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My Crimea Journey. Sudak and Novy Svet from above (with Russian – English Subtitles)
Судакская крепость – бухты Нового Света. The Sudak Fortress – Novy Svet. The place for meditation.
Sudak Fortress Ruins in Crimea (Drone View)
Sudak : 3rd century Fortress Ruins in the Crimea built by the Byzantine Empire.
Filmed with Autel Evo quadcopter shot at 1080p
Genoese Fortress in Sudak, Crimea, Russia
On September 2015, I went to Crimea, Russia. Crimea is a very beutiful place. One of the places I visited was the mighty Genoese Fortress in Sudak. Th fortress was the main decoration and one of the most interesting historic and architectural monuments in Crimea. It has perfectly preserved not just its outer look, but also an inimitable medieval spirit and romance.
Occupying 30 hectares of land, this unique fortification complex is situated at the ancient coral reef - Krepostnaya Gora (Fortress's Mountain) - that soars in a steep mighty rock over the emerald Sudak's bay. Due to fortunate location and powerful defensive facilities, the Genoese Fortress remained virtually impregnable for enemies without over long time.
The Genoese Fortress was quite a powerful construction for its times. It had two separate lines of defensive facilities: outer and inner. Encircling mountain's northern slopes, the outer one was a complex of 14 towers connected with solid walls and the Main Gates. Each tower possessed the name of the consul who financed it: this is recorded by cast-in slabs with heraldic symbols and relevant inscriptions that remained on some towers.
Sudak fortress Crimea region
Tours to Crimean fortress. Tours to Crimea resort region. All inclusive, include girl guides, booking apartment and etc.
Sudak, Crimea, Genoese Castle
Sudak Crimea Russian spring.
Русская весна 2016 в Крыму. Судак встречает весну. Russian spring in Crimea. Town Sudak 2016.
Sudak City Beach
Crimea, The Crimean Bridge, Sudak, City Beach, August 20, 2018.
Crimea. Sudak. Genoese fortress
The Black sea. Vacation on the Black sea, travel. Crimea. Sudak. Genoese fortress.
Судак в 1970-х / Sudak in the 1970s
Судак на фотографиях 1970-х годов
Sudak in photographs from the 1970s
Гонки (Большое космическое путешествие) - Алексей Рыбников
Races (Great Space Tavel ) - Alexey Rybnikov
Sudan is a popular resort town in southern Crimea. The town is
104 km (65 mi) to the east of Simferopol and is most well known for the Genoese fortress that dominates the city - the best preserved on the northern shore of the Black Sea....
This ancient city dates to the 7th century, although there are indications that the original settlement dates even earlier.
Walking in Genoese fortress. Sudak CRIMEA May 2017
Sudak, Crimea, May 2017
Крым Судак Крепость, Crimea Sudak fortress part 1
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Крым. Судак. Генуэзская крепость. Видео 4К. / Crimea. Sudak. Genoese fortress
Видео в 4К, снятое на квадрокоптере DJI Phantom 4 PRO в г.Судак (Крым) над Генуэзской крепостью.
Live 4K video captured on quadcopter in Sudak (Crimea) over the Genoese fortress
Генуэзская крепость. Судак. Новый свет. Аэросъемка / Genoese fortress. Sudak. New world Aerial video
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Множество съемок Севастополя и Крыма доступны к приобретению.
Продолжаю показывать вам достопримечательности восточного Крыма. На этот раз - одна из самых узнаваемых крепостей и визитная карточка Судака - Генуэзская крепость, строительство которой завершилось в 1469 году. Помимо этого вы увидите кадры, снятые квадрокоптером в поселке Новый свет.
Visiting Sudak, Crimea (7/2018)
The mighty Genoese Fortress is Sudak's main decoration and one of the most interesting historic and architectural monuments in Crimea. It has perfectly preserved not just its outer look, but also an inimitable medieval spirit and romance.
Occupying 30 hectares of land, this unique fortification complex is situated at the ancient coral reef - Krepostnaya Gora (Fortress's Mountain) - that soars in a steep mighty rock over the emerald Sudak's bay. Due to fortunate location and powerful defensive facilities, the Genoese Fortress remained virtually impregnable for enemies without over long time.
First fortifications were built here by Byzantines in 6th-7th centuries, but the greater part of preserved buildings refers to the Genoese period. That were the Genoese, who came to Sudak several years later, made it their military base and built a majestic fortress, which castellated turrets later became town's symbol.
The Genoese Fortress, built in 1371 - 1469 years in the best traditions of West European fortification, was quite a powerful construction for its times. It had two separate lines of defensive facilities: outer and inner. Encircling mountain's northern slopes, the outer one was a complex of 14 towers connected with solid walls and the Main Gates. Each tower possessed the name of the consul who financed it: this is recorded by cast-in slabs with heraldic symbols and relevant inscriptions that remained on some towers.
Undiscovered Europe: Take a Unique Tour to the White Cliffs and Sudak Fortress in Southern Ukraine
Take a 7 hour car tour to the beautiful white cliffs, St.Paraskeva Nunary Monastry and the Genoese fortress of Sudak at:
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СТАВЬТЕ ЛАЙКИ И ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ НА НАШ КАНАЛ. ВПЕРЕДИ МНОГО ИНТЕРЕСНОГО. Put huskies and subscribe to our channel. A lot more coming.
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Genoese Fortress in Sudak Crimea Ukraine
The The Genoese fortress of Sudak was built in 14th-15th centuries as a combination of high towers (originally 18) and crenulated walls, the fortress still cuts a magnificent silhouette. It was one of the most important Genoese trading centers on the Great Silk Road
Генуэзская крепость Судак Крым. Крепость расположена на древнем коралловом рифе в виде конусообразной горы Кыз-Кулле-Бурун (Крепостная) около Судакской бухты Чёрного моря. Площадь крепости около 30 гектаров.
Судак, генуезька фортеця XIV-XV ст
Судак Крым аэросъемка пляж Сурожская крепость Генуэзская 4K Черное море #4K_SEASUN #MW_I
Нынешний Судак - уютный небольшой город, в котором удивительным образом сочетаются бурная курортная жизнь с тишиной, уютом и чистотой окружающей природы.
#4K_SEASUN Судак Крым Аэросъемка Генуэзская крепость Сурожская вид сверху пляжи и центр города Судак #MW_I
Судак расположен на берегу одноимeнной бухты. Над городом возвышаются стены и башни знаменитой крепости.
Судакская крепость - наиболее сохранившееся в Крыму сооружение среди подобных. С востока бухта ограничена мысом Алчак. Между крепостной скалой и мысом простирается длинная полоса песчаного пляжа.
Crimea. Sudak. Genoese fortress
#4K_SEASUN #Судак #Крым #лето #Генуэзскаякрепость #Сурожскаякрепость #аэросъемка #пляжи #города #берегуморя #побережье #Черноеморе #MW_I
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