Sulawesi - Tanah Toraja - Lake Tempe - Bira
One week in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Tuo batu artinya hidup selamanya, tradisi tak terjelaskan manusia Toraja di Sulawesi
Traditio quaerens intelectum, tradisi hendaknya bisa dijelaskan (Yans Sulo, Pr.). Video ini menjelaskan secara singkat tentang tradisi mantanan batu (menanam batu simbuang) manusia Toraja untuk aluk rapasan dan toditombi, yang selama ini hampir tidak pernah dijelaskan kepada anak-cucu manusia Toraja sendiri.
Karasik - Tana Toraja Travel Guide (Tourism) - Wisata Tana Toraja - South Sulawesi - Indonesia
WORLD'S most complex funeral system. Travel deep into Toraja in South Sulawesi, Indonesia and see how the dead are celebrated on this mountainous island. Watch more Indonesia Travel Vlogs:
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Located in the highlands of South Sulawesi, Toraja's spectacular nature hides ancient traditions. Toraja means people of the uplands and is home to an indigenous group known as Torajans.
Torajans have the most complex funeral system in the world. When visiting, you can tour:
1. Londa, the ancient cave cemetery. You'll find a popular burial cave below a massive cliff.
2. Kete Kesu, the ancient village of the ethnic Tana Toraja people. Watch the Manganda dance performance.
3. Kalimbuang Bori, the megalith stones located in Seasean Village. There are a total of 24 large stones, 24 medium, and 54 small. They come as part of a ceremony when community leaders die.
Heritage Hotel to stay in Toraja:
This was filmed on the Trip of Wonders 2017 hosted by Ministry of Tourism Indonesia. More of Indonesia here:
Drone footage by Chris from Backpacker Banter
Watch the Indonesia travel series here:
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Exploring Island of Mystical, Sulawesi | Jakarta - Toraja | Supercelebes #1
Sulawesi. Perjalanan yang cukup menarik buat saya karena pulau ini dilewati oleh Garis Khatulistiwa. Pulau ini terasa 5x lebih panas buat saya secara pribadi karena saya pertama kalinya menginjakan kaki di pulau ini. Dan disini saya juga kali pertamanya menginjakan kaki di Tana Toraja yang sangat indah landscape dan budayanya.
Perjalanan yang sangat penuh suka duka karena saya dan teman-teman lainnya mengalami musibah yang membuat kita akhirnya berguguran satu demi satu. Tetapi misi perjalanan ini tetap saya jalani walaupun riding kali ini tidak finish sampai Manado.
Beautiful Indonesia.
Batutumonga - Wisata Tana Toraja - South Sulawesi (Celebes) - Indonesia Travel Guide (Tourism)
Amazing Batutumonga Toraja Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia
KEINDAHAN Toraja terekam sempurna di Batutumonga di lereng Gunung Sesean yang merupakan gunung tertinggi di Tana Toraja. Dari ketinggian itu, gunung, awan, matahari, kabut, dan pepohonan bersekutu menghadirkan indahnya hamparan pemandangan yang membuat panca indera bergetar karena keindahannya.
Makassar to Rantepao by Bus (Tana Toraja Indonesia)
In this vlog I am documenting :) my journey from Surabaya (East Java) to Makassar then to Rantepao. Tana Toraja is a special place on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Special due to the unique culture, architecture, dead rituals and beautiful nature. It is easy getting to the island flying from Jakarta, Bali or Surabaya then taking a bus up to the hills in Toraja! I would definitely recommend a journey to this amazing part of Indonesia.
TORAJA DOCUMENTARY | Sulawesi Indonesia --- WARNING: Graphic images
For the people of Toraja Land, the most important thing about life is death. They have the most unique and complex burial rituals in the world and we wanted to know more about it. So we travelled to Tana Toraja in Sulawesi to shoot this documentary. Let Sulawesi surprise you and watch our Toraja Documentary: The Living Dead!
And let us know below in the comments if you like to travel to Toraja Land as well.
Don't forget to switch ON the English Subtitles!
Big thanks to the people of Tana Toraja who invited us in their homes and showed us their culture.
Travel show from Dutch Travel couple Léon and Kirsten. We make all sorts of travel videos and documentaries about beautiful destinations and extraordinary cultures.
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WELCOME TO TATOR | MobiVlog : Perjalanan Tana Toraja Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia Yang Sangat Indah
#Enrekang #TorajaUtara
Trip Makassar & Tana Toraja Sulawesi Selatan Lihatlah
Apabila ada kesalahan dri keseluruhan video ini dari faktor teknis maupun non teknis...
kurang lebih nya mohon maaf ok bro..
Mhon Maklum banyak video shaking atau getar getar kita hanya menggunakan alat sederhana saja seperti kamera dslr, clip on hp, dan tripot biasa saja mungkin jikalau ada stabilizer video lebih keren.. hehehe
Sekinan dan terima kasih
Seeeee yaaaa... Brohhh
Indonesia. Toraja Funeral | Tribes & Ethnic Groups
In this documentary we travel to Indonesia, the Sulawesi island, there we know the Toraja and Bajau, two ethnic groups who have a very particular culture and traditions. There, we attended a Toraja funeral, an event that they have become an amazing ritual of several days. We dive into the wonderful world that lies behind the coral reef that runs through large part of the Indonesian archipelago. And finally we boarded on the Bajau houseboats who live in even closer contact with the sea. In fact, they could not conceive of life without it.
▶ SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
▶ Documentary. Indonesia.The Ghosts of Sulawesi
It’s been three months since Mayanna died, and finally everything is ready for the funeral ceremony. During this time, the body has been preserved, having been injected with a concoction made from special flowers and grasses. On occasions, they preserve the body for up to twenty years, until the family has been able to raise the money needed for the burial.
Officially, the funeral cannot begin until the coffin leaves the family home and is placed in a small sanctuary on the “rante”, the terrace where the ceremony will take place.
Once the coffin has been carried in and placed on the catafalque, it begins its journey through the jungle, preceded by the women closest to the deceased, who hold a long red cloth as a symbol of the road that must be followed in order to reach “puya”, heaven.
This short journey to the “rante” is also the occasion for the neighbours who have not been invited to the burial to express their condolences to the family of the deceased.
Meanwhile, Batto, the carpenter of Kete, is hurrying to complete a sculpture of the deceased Mayanna.
These figures are called tau tau, and are a symbol of the Toraja culture. They are life-size, and though traditionally they only depicted the gender of the person, now they try to make them resemble the deceased.
The tau tau are paid for by the entire community in appreciation of the generosity of the deceased, and are almost exclusively the privilege of the upper classes.
In the rock crevices around the region of Tana Toraja, dozens of these human figures stare out from their wooden balconies on the cliff face, watching over the spirits. The figures are dressed and decorated with clothes and jewellery which belonged to the deceased, and even on occasions, the wigs are made from their real hair. It is a relatively recent custom, which began in the nineteenth century, and the type of wood used is indicative of the social position of the dead person.
But after so many years of funerals, there remain few rocks and escarpments in which to bury the bodies, and though the aim is that the family should remain united even after death, the lack of space means coffins often have to be placed in bamboo structures in the open air. In time, the wood has rotted, converting these sacred rocks into macabre, sinister places.
Children who die before their teeth appear are buried in the trunks of these trees, because for the Toraja they still belong to mother nature, and as such should remain with her. The soul will travel to heaven up the trunk.
In the sacred rocks of Rantepao, the workers excavate new spaces in which to bury Mayanna alongside his ancestors.
Here, there are no mechanical excavators or pneumatic drills, everything is done with hammer blows, so the construction of a family pantheon can take several months, determining the date on which the funeral can be held. The Toraja prefer to hold the ceremony during the dry season, that is, between June and September, which is when they have most time, as the rice fields require very little care.
For this work, Mayanna’s family will have to pay five buffalos. On the island of Sulawesi it is customary to use these animals as currency.
a day trip to see Toraja's amazing culture - funeral, ritual killings, playing with the coffin - traditional villages, inside and outside - burial sites, in rocks, in caves, on cliff faces, open graves. simply amazing!
Tempat-tempat wisata Tana Toraja dan Toraja Utara terbaru yang sedang Hits dan Wajib kamu kunjungi
Berikut ulasan singkat rekomendasikan daftar nama dan tujuan tempat wisata terbaik yang ada di Toraja yang wajib kamu kunjungi. Toraja merupakan salah satu Kabupaten yang ada di Sulawesi Selatan,Toraja terkenal dengan beberapa tradisi dan budaya yang unik dan masih kental dilakukan hingga sekarang. Selain itu di Toraja juga sangat banyak sekali tempat-tempat wisata yang begitu indah dan eksotis.
Kete Kesu merupakan salah satu desa wisata yang ada di Tana #toraja Desa ini menjadi objek wisata karena memiliki pemandangan yang menarik, seperti kompleks rumah adat yang disebut dengan Tongkonan. Nah di Tongkonan ini sering dijadikan tempat menyimpan mayat sebelum dikubur.
Di Kete Kesu juga terdapat sebuah bukit yang katanya ditempat itu penuh sekali dengan benda purbakala yang berusia ratusan tahun. Terdapat goa-goa kecil yang memiliki fungsi sebagai tempat menyimpan mayat tanpa dikubur. Jika kamu merasa tertantang dan penasaran maka tak salah jika mengunjungi tempat wisata yang satu ini.
Londa adalah sebuah makam yang ada di Toraja, tentu saja tempat ini wajib kamu kunjungi. Londa dikenal dengan wisata religi, banyak yang datang juga berdoa untuk para arwah yang dimakamkan disini. Tempatnya strategis dan mudah dijangkau. Sekitar kurang lebih hanya 7 km jika kamu berangkat dari Kota Rantepo. Banyak akses yang bisa kamu gunakan seperti ojek dan rental kendaraan.
Meski terkesan mistis, tempat ini dikelilingi dengan pegunungan sehingga hawa yang dirasakan sangat sejuk dan dingin. Ada tebing yang digunakan sebagai letak dari peti mati.
Objek wisata ini berada sekitar 20 kilometer dari Ibukota Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Rantepao. Julukan negeri di atas awan disematkan karena lokasinya berada di ketinggian 1.300 mdpl. Hingga kini, Kampung Lolai tak pernah sepi pengunjung, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Tak jarang pemandangannya mengundang decak kagum wisatawan.
Suguhan pemandangan alam di tempat ini seolah tak ada habisnya. Pengunjung bisa melihat gundukan awan putih yang memesona. Selain itu, menikmati sunrise pun bisa dilakukan di sini. Apalagi sambil ditemani oleh manisnya secangkir kopi Toraja. Panoramanya dijamin bisa membuat pikiran kamu segar kembali.
Wisata religi Buntu Burake terletak sekitar 4 km dari pusat kota Makale, Tana Toraja. Nama Buntu Burake semakin mendunia setelah di puncaknya berdiri Patung Tuhan Yesus memberkati yang disebut tertinggi di dunia.
Patung ini memiliki tinggi 40 meter menghadap Kota Makale. Icon wisata Tana Toraja ini mengalahkan tinggi patung Kristus Penebus di Brazil jika dihitung dari permukaan laut. Dari kawasan Buntu Burake, wisatawan juga dapat menikmati pemandangan kota Makale dan gunung-gunung yang indah yang mengelilingi Toraja.
Di Toraja memang banyak sekali tempat untuk melakukan upacara tradisi di masing-masing daerah yang mereka tempati. Salah satunya di Desa Pallawa juga memiliki sebuah Tongkongan, yaitu sebuah rumah dari leluhur yang digunakan untuk menyimpan jenazah. Di Pallawa sendiri, Tongkongannya dibangun berbentuk rumah adat dengan atap yang menyerupai perahu dan disusun dengan bambu. Selian itu, disamping Tongkongan tersebut juga digunakan sebagai tempat menyimpan padi atau lumbung.
Objek wisata lainnya yang masih mengangkat budaya Toraja adalah Lemo. Lemo dikenal dengan rumah para arwah oleh warga sekitar. Ketika kamu sampai di tempat ini, langsung dapat melihat beberapa jenazah yang disimpan. Bahkan disimpan di tempat terbuka. Meski tempat ini dikenal dengan wisata misteri, masih banyak juga pengunjung yang datang kemari untuk mengobati rasa penasarannya. Lokasi Lemo tidak jauh dari Kota Makale, banyak sekali akses yang menawarkan untuk bisa kesini.
Pesona alami Sulawesi Selatan memang tak pernah ada habisnya. Apalagi jika berbicara tentang Toraja. Deretan objek wisatanya memiliki eksotisme tersendiri, mulai dari budaya hingga pemandangan alam yang memesona. Selain kamu dapat menemukan hal yang baru, tentu saja bisa sambil belajar tentang budaya lain yang ada di Indonesia. Ayo, segera atur jadwal wisata Anda bersama keluarga.
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Living with the dead in Indonesia - BBC News
Tradition and ritual - they form part of many important stages of our lives from birth until death, with ceremonies marking both the beginning and end of life. Death - in most cultures - is often seen as a physical end to our time in this world. But on one Indonesian region, that isn't the case. And the journey from death to burial can be a long one. Sahar Zand reports on the ancient death customs of the Torajan people. Her report contains graphic images which some viewers may find disturbing.
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Seorang Bule Takut Jalan di Jembatan Kaca Burake Toraja
Jembatan kaca di objek wisata Burake telah dibuka, jika ingin uji nyalinya berjalan di atas kaca silahkan ambil tiketnya di loket dan bayar 50 ribu rupiah.
Marilah kita saling menghargai adat, budaya, agama yang ada maka akan tercipta
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.
Indonesia. Toraja Funeral | Tribes & Ethnic Groups
A lot of buffalo have to be sacrificed if you are to live happily and be respected in paradise. The souls of the dead can only go to puya when the death ritual is completed.
▶ SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
▶ Documentary. Indonesia.The Ghosts of Sulawesi
The status of a spirit in the world beyond is the same as that of the person in this life, and so the souls of his animals must follow him into the other life. With this sacrifice the deceased will be accompanied to heaven by the souls of buffalos and pigs. The journey to puya requires strong animals because it is difficult and mountains and valleys must be crossed.
The buffalo has traditionally been the symbol of wealth and power, used even to pay for land. But the fact that so many are sacrificed in honour of the dead, in order to impress the living, has led the Indonesian government to impose limits and taxes for each animal sacrificed, as these ostentatious ceremonies end up by ruining the families.
The tensest moment in any celebration is the sharing out of the meat, and there are always disputes and even fights. What each guest receives depends on many factors. For example, if they are owed a debt, they will receive a good portion as part of the payment, the noble families that are descended directly form heaven have the right to the head, the most highly prized part, and the children receive the legs.
On the last day, in the village of Kete the atmosphere is completely different from the revelry of the first days. After three intense days of celebration, the pain and tiredness begin to show in the faces of the closest relatives.
The funeral is drawing to an end, and in just a few hours Mayanna will rest in peace, along with his ancestors, in the sacred rocks of Rantepao.
An hour later, Mayanna is taken on his final journey across the rice fields.
Mayanna’s family has reached the sacred rocks.
Right at the foot of the niche, the officiating priest says the final farewell to the dead man, reading a few paragraphs from the Bible. The majority of the Toraja are Christians, though like the Bajau, they combine their new religion with animist beliefs based on a large, complicated mythology that divides all of creation into three worlds, each one with its own god.
Mayanna has come to the end of his journey.
The coffin has been placed inside the rock, along with his most beloved belongings. Then, they seal forever the door to his new home ...and that is a funeral in the highlands of Sulawesi, the island in the shape of an orchid.
INDONESIA Palawa, Sulawesi (hd-video)
Small village near Rantepao. It has one street with beautiful Tana Toraja houses like these in the much more visited village of Kete Kesu.
Indonesia Full Documentary | Ghosts of Sulawesi
In this documentary we travel to Indonesia, the Sulawesi island, there we know the Toraja and Bajau, two ethnic groups who have a very particular culture and traditions. There, we attended a Toraja funeral, an event that they have become an amazing ritual of several days. We dive into the wonderful world that lies behind the coral reef that runs through large part of the Indonesian archipelago. And finally we boarded on the Bajau houseboats who live in even closer contact with the sea. In fact, they could not conceive of life without it.
▶ SUBSCRIBE! Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
▶ Documentary. Indonesia.The Ghosts of Sulawesi
For centuries, this has been the home of the Toraja, an Indonesian ethnic group structured in a very hierarchical society, and ruled over by nobles called “puangs”. In the past, these people lived by hunting and gathering, and their constant tribal conflicts forced them to adopt a nomadic lifestyle. But, with the arrival of the Dutch empire, peace returned to the island, and its inhabitants began to settle and cultivate the land.
In the village of Kete, the friends and relatives of the dead man, Mayanna, have been preparing the ceremony for several days now. Kete is a typical Toraja village composed of two parallel rows of houses built on stilts and called Tongkonan, which symbolise the union of the family and the clan. These houses are closely linked with Toraja traditions, and one of their functions is to serve as a constant reminder of the authority of the noble families whose descendents have maintained them and may not sell them. The origin of the Toraja is to be found in the foothills of the Himalayas, and in the past they were fierce head-hunters. The mane Toraja means “Men of the Mountains”.
The inhabitants of Sulawesi have always had a very close relationship with the sea.
These men belong to the Bugui ethnic group, considered the best boat builders and sailors in the Indian Ocean. But there is another ethnic group which lives in even closer contact with the sea. In fact, they could not conceive of life without it. That group is the Bajau.
Their origins remain unknown, though some anthropologists believe they come from the south of the Malaysian peninsula. Since then, innumerable legends have surrounded these the Sea Gypsies. Though the greatest number of Bajaus live in Sulawesi, there are also groups of them in Myanmar, where they are called Moken, or ‘the people drowned by the sea’; in Thailand, they are known as the Chao Nam, or ‘water people’, and they can also be found along the coasts of the Philippines and Vietnam.
The coral reefs constitute the oldest of all natural communities, and the ones which contain the greatest diversity of life on earth.
There are some four hundred types of coral and over one thousand five hundred species of fish, some of them so incredibly beautiful it seems as if each plant or animal is trying to outdo the others.
A multitude of organisms with different capacities to carry out different functions allows the reefs to overcome setbacks that would devastate less flexible communities.
At dusk, the boats that have been out hunting come together again. These apparently fragile floating houses are made of wood from the Api tree, and are incredibly resistant, able to withstand an entire lifetime on the sea.
The day is coming to an end in the calm waters of the gulf of Tomini , it is time for the Bajau to take their boats alongside the mangrove swamps, where they will be protected.
It’s been three months since Mayanna died, and finally everything is ready for the funeral ceremony.
In the sacred rocks of Rantepao, the workers excavate new spaces in which to bury Mayanna alongside his ancestors.
Each group of guests is preceded by their offerings. The most appreciated, without a doubt, are the albino buffalos, which here are called Tedong Bonga. Once the guests have been shown to their places, one of the highlights will begin – the buffalo fight.
The third day is the most important. A lot of buffalo have to be sacrificed if you are to live happily and be respected in paradise.
Mayanna has come to the end of his journey.
The coffin has been placed inside the rock, along with his most beloved belongings. Then, they seal forever the door to his new home ...and that is a funeral in the highlands of Sulawesi, the island in the shape of an orchid.