Transnistria: Tiraspol celebrates 10th anniversary of independence
Citizens of Tiraspol celebrated the 10th anniversary of a referendum in which the people voted against joining the Republic of Moldova and for closer integration to the Russian Federation, in the Transnistrian capital, Saturday.
Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Elena Gorodetski along with Chairman of the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic (TMR) Supreme Council Vadim Krasnoselski unveiled a memorial plaque during the festivities. Gorodetski said that the ten years following the referendum had demonstrated that it's been the right decision. One celebration attendee said Russia helps us both financially and morally. It gives the Transnistrians a hope.
Video ID: 20160917 014
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Russia: Transnistria leader seeks closer ties with Moscow
A top lawmaker from the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic said he is seeking to bring Russia and the partially recognised region closer together, in Moscow on Friday. Vadim Krasnoselsky, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic, offered Russia the opportunity “to use the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic to influence, figuratively speaking, the nearby regions. The Pridnestrovian politician was in Moscow to meet the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Konstantin Kosachev.
SOT, Vadim Krasnoselsky, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Russian): Currently, about two hundred thousand Russian citizens, who have a Russian passport, [and] not even mentioning those who have another citizenship, live in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, but who consider themselves as Russians and close to Russia. In 2006 there was a referendum and people of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic clearly voted in favour of independence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic that could in future [in principle] allow the area to join the Russian Federation.
SOT, Vadim Krasnoselsky, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Russian): Regarding the importance of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic for the Russian Federation itself, I am really convinced that the level of development of interests in the Pridnestrovian region as well as beyond, to the nearest borders – like Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey – directly depends on our statehood. As long as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic keeps its statehood, Russia will have opportunities to use the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic to influence, figuratively speaking, the nearby regions.
SOT, Vadim Krasnoselsky, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Russian): The Russian Federation legalised a number of protective tariffs for business entities of Moldova. Unfortunately, all Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic enterprises fell into these protective tariffs. We seriously undermined our exports to the Russian Federation. It dropped in value by two times in 2015. We will specifically identify it in our talks here. But this is a problem for us. On the basis of our spiritual-historical proximity and our common historical space, there is a bad tendency to separate our economy from Russia’s and we have come to Russia in order to realign this imbalance as much as possible.
Video ID: 20160219-073
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Transnistria gets ready to join Russia
President of Transnistria Evgeniy Shevchuk issued a decree on making preparations to join Russia. The document is published on the website of the Transnistrian leader. Due to the decree, results of the Republican referendum of September 17, 2006, will be put into effect: the Republic will become a part of the Russian Federation. In two weeks the government should create a special committee to adjust law system of the Republic to the Russian legislation. Contradictory regulations will be excluded. The Transnistrian President will have to be provided with a specific plan on synchronization of the legislations by 1 November.
As Pravda.Ru reported, Transnistria proclaimed independence from Moldova in early 1990s. Chairman of the Parliament Mikhail Burla addressed his Russian counterpart Sergey Naryshkin on behalf of the Supreme Council, asking to join Russia. In 2006 97.2% of the residents decided to join Russia at the voting.
Constitutional law on recognition of the Russian legislation as part of the Transnistrian has been already adopted. The Russian language is recognized as the state one. 200,000 Russian citizens live in Transnistria.
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Transnistria: The last Soviets - BLATCH
Transnistria is a breakaway republic and a real time machine: Here, 500,000 people still live in the USSR-era. Soviet codes and imagery are an integral part of this micro-nation.
Accompanied by Roman, we met various actors of this puppet nation, including the President of the Republic, Vadim Krasnosselsky, to portray one of the last separatist region of Europe, lost in a forgotten era.
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История создания ПМР
Общая площадь территории ПМР - 4,163 кв. км.
Общая длина границ - 851 км.
Население - 500,000 (молдаван - 34%, русских - 28%, украинцев - 26%, гагаузов, болгар, немцев, евреев, белоруссов и др. - около 12%).
Государственные языки - молдавский, русский, украинский.
Денежная единица - Приднестровский рубль.
Столица Приднестровья - Тирасполь.
2 сентября 1990 года, в Тирасполе на II Чрезвычайном Съезде народных депутатов всех уровней Приднестровья, руководствуясь всенародным референдумом провозгласил Приднестровскую Молдавскую Республику.
Основополагающей исторической основой восстановления государственности Приднестровья стало существование на этой территории в период с 1924 по 1940 годы Молдавской Автономной Советской Социалистической Республики (МАССР).
В июне 1990 года официальные власти Кишинева объявили незаконным и не имеющим юридической силы Пакт Молотова-Риббентропа и Акт Верховного Совета СССР о создании Молдавской ССР в 1940 году на основе Бессарабии и МАССР, тем самым юридически признав правомерным восстановление государственности на территории бывшей МАССР.
2 сентября 1990 года является официальной датой восстановления государственности на территории Приднестровья и провозглашения ПМР.
Летом 1989 года, когда на митингах молдавских националистов в Кишиневе и других городах Молдовы зазвучали призывы к массовой депортации всех пришельцев, усилились антиславянские и антисемитские настроения и тогдашним молдавским руководством был взят курс на создание мононационального государства и выход из состава Союза ССР, народ Приднестровья поднялся на борьбу с воинствующим национал-фашизмом.
С целью защиты гражданских прав местного населения в Приднестровье стали создаваться Советы Трудовых коллективов и другие общественные организации, которые возглавили борьбу жителей Приднестровья с молдавско-румынским национализмом. Народ продемонстрировал свою сплоченность и организованность, участвуя в митингах и забастовках против дискриминационных законов официального Кишинева.
Все последующие события с огромной убедительностью доказали и продолжают доказывать абсолютную правильность решения об образовании Приднестровской Молдавской Республики - государства, созданного самым демократичным в мире способом - по воле его народа.
Тогда правительственные круги Молдовы делают ставку на силовое решение возникших противоречий. С 1990 года начинаются неоднократные попытки решения Приднестровской проблемы силовым путем, что приводит к гибели невинных жертв среди мирного населения. Апогеем насилия стала развязанная Молдовой гражданская война 1992 года. В ходе ее с Приднестровской стороны погибло более 800 человек, около трех тысяч было ранено, республике нанесен огромный материальный ущерб.
Народ Приднестровья, ставший на защиту своей Республики ощутил огромную поддержку со стороны патриотических сил бывших республик Советского Союза. Решительную позицию в прекращении военных действий на берегах Днестра заняла Россия. Молдова вынуждена была согласиться на прекращение войны и приступить к переговорному процессу. Но война привела к полному разделению Молдовы и Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, которые стали существовать как два независимых государства, не имеющие ничего общего.
Границы Приднестровской Молдавской Республики контролируется силами таможенно-пограничных структур ПМР, а на всей территории действует законодательство, предусмотренное Конституцией Приднестровской Молдавской Республики.
За 8 лет существования ПМР в ней созданы все институты власти. Всенародно избран Президент, высший законодательный орган - Верховный Совет, сформировано Правительство, имеются собственные Вооруженные Силы, Суд, Прокуратура, правоохранительные органы, собственные средства массовой информации - республиканские Радио, телевидение и газеты. В 1996 году на всенародном референдуме был принят основной закон государства - Конституция ПМР, в которой определено, что:
Приднестровская Молдавская Республика - суверенное, независимое, демократическое, правовое государство. Основной закон так же определяет, что в республике признаются и в равной степени защищены государством различные виды собственности - государственная, частная и иные.
Утверждена символика государства - Герб, Гимн, Флаг.
Transnistria: Presidential hopeful Vadim Krasnoselski casts ballot in elections
Chairman of Transnistria's Supreme Council Vadim Krasnoselski cast his ballot in the breakaway region's presidential elections in Tiraspol, Sunday.
SOT, Vadim Krasnoselski, Chairman of Supreme Council (Russian): The Russian peace-making mission, which has existed here for 24 years, is the most successful [of all]. No peace-maker has died. There has been no serious conflict. I am convinced that if the Russian peace-keeping mission is removed from here, a conflict is inevitable and the Pridnestrovian [Moldavian Republic] (Transnistria) would become a hotspot again. We don't need this. We are a peaceful nation. We want to live in peace with our neighbours, and of course, we want protection from Russia.
SOT, Vadim Krasnoselski, Chairman of Supreme Council (Russian): Russia is our strategic partner, our guarantor. 10 years ago, the peoples of the Pridnestrovian [Moldavian Republic] (Transnistria) have expressed their wish for independence of the Pridnestrovian [Moldavian Republic] (Transnistria), following the integration with Russian. It is our ally. Russia provides an unprecedented humanitarian and economic aid. We have common humanitarian and cultural projects.
SOT, Vadim Krasnoselski, Chairman of Supreme Council (Russian): In prospect, I see the interweaving of our economies as well as the integration with the Pridnestrovian [Moldavian Republic] (Transnistria) within the Russian and Eurasian economies. A customs union. It will save the Pridnestrovian [Moldavian Republic] (Transnistria) in many ways.
Video ID: 20161211-035
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Dodon despre datoria la gaz a regiunii transnistrene
Dodon despre datoria la gaz a regiunii transnistrene
Things to know about the tiny, unrecognized Transnistria
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In this brief video you can find seven little known facts about Transnistria.
More information about the video content bellow:
1. Transnistria is a landlocked self-proclaimed state situated between the River Dniester and the border with Ukraine, recognised only by three other non-United Nations states: Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and South Ossetia. The region is considered by the UN to be part of Moldova. The PMR controls a narrow strip of territory to the east of the River Dniester, and also the city of Bender and its surrounding localities on the west bank, in the historical region of Bessarabia.
2. After the dissolution of the USSR, tensions between Moldova and the breakaway Transnistrian territory escalated into a military conflict that started in March 1992 and was concluded by a ceasefire in July of the same year. Although the ceasefire has held, the territory's political status remains unresolved.
3. In 2004, Transnistrian authorities organised a separate census from the 2004 Moldovan Census. As per 2004 census, in the areas controlled by the PMR government, there were 555,347 people, including 177,785 Moldovans (32.10%) 168,678 Russians (30.35%) 160,069 Ukrainians (28.81%) 13,858 Bulgarians (2.50%) 4,096 Gagauzians (0.74%), 1,791 Poles (0.32%), 1,259 Jews (0.23%), 507 Roma (0.09%) and 27,454 others (4.94%).
4. Tiraspol, the capital and largest city of Transnistria, has about 160,000 inhabitants. The modern city of Tiraspol was founded by the last Russian generalissimo Alexander Suvorov in 1792, although the area had been inhabited for thousands of years by varying ethnic groups.
5. Following the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the Russian 14th Army left 40,000 tonnes of weaponry and ammunition in Transnistria. Cobasna is the site of a Russian, and formerly Soviet ammunition depot, one of the largest of its kind in Europe. Today, around 22,000 tons of military equipment and ammunition reportedly remain there, guarded by around 1500 Russian troops.
6. Although Transnistria has a multiparty political system, it’s far from being a democratic state. The political regime has been described as one of super-presidentialism. Legislation is handled by the Supreme Soviet and the mass-media is under the de facto control of the separatists. Statues of Lenin can still be found around the country and its flag still shows the communist symbols of the hammer and sickle.
7. Transnistria's economy is frequently described as dependent on contraband and gunrunning, with some labelling it a mafia state. After Moldova signed the Association Agreement with EU in 2014, Transnistria, being de jure part of Moldova enjoyed the tariff-free exports to the EU. As a result, in 2015, 27% of Transnistria's US$189 million export went to the EU, while exports to Russia went down to 7.7%. This shift towards the EU market continued to grow in 2016.
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Transnistria: Vadim Krasnoselski wins the presidential election
Officials from the Transnistrian Central Electoral Commission confirmed the election of Chairman of Transnistria's Supreme Council Vadim Krasnoselski as President, in Tiraspol, on Monday, in the breakaway region's presidential election.
SOT, Elena Goredetskaya, Central Electoral Commission (Russian): Complaints of observers, members of election commissions, volunteers, ordinary citizens, have been not been reported. The incidence of open pressure on voters, vote rigging, ballot stuffing, and the so-called carousels, have not been recorded.
SOT, Galina Shlenskova, Member of the Central Electoral Commission (Russian): Vadim Krasnoselsky - 62.30 percent, Harzhan Oleg O. - 3.17 percent, Shevchuk Yevgeny Vasilyevich - 27.38 percent.
SOT, Elena Goredetskaya, Central Electoral Commission (Russian): The Central Election Commission has decided to recognise the election of the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic December 11, 2016 as valid and to recognise the elected President of Transnistria Krasnoselski Vadim Nikolaevich, who received 157,410 votes, which is 62.3%, that is more than half of voters who took part in the vote.
SOT, Vadim Krasnoselski, Transistrian president-elect (Russian): Dear colleagues, dear observers, dear friends, dear Transnistrian residents, allow me, as the elected President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, first of all thank the people of Transnistria, for the high level of activity and high turnout, for the high civil position.
Video ID: 20161212 043
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Denis Voronenkov
Socialism: History of Socialism
Voronenkov was born in Gorky, Russian S F S R . He studied at the Suvorov Military School before joining the Soviet Army. In 1999, he left the military to begin a career in politics. In 2001, he became an advisor to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, then being selected as the Deputy Mayor of Naryan-Mar and Deputy Governor of Nenets Autonomous District. Voronenkov then joined the Communist Party and was elected to the State Duma in 2011. In the 2016 legislative election he lost his seat to United Russia candidate Vladimir Panov.
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Razboiul din Transnistria // War in Transdniester // English subtitle in CC
La începutul anilor ’90, sub influenta fortelor conservatoare locale si a conducerii de la Moscova, pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova si-a declarat independenta autoproclamata, republica moldoveneasca nistreana.
In the early 1990s, guided by local conservative forces and the leadership of Moscow, the self-proclaimed Moldavian Dniester Republic declared its independence, on the territory of the Republic of Moldavia.
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O parte din documentare, a fost realizata folosind cartile lui ION COSTAS - Transnistria 1990-1992. Cronica unui razboi nedeclarat si Tudor Iovu - Poduri de foc . Daca vreti sa aflati mai multe despre evenimentele din acel an, le puteti cumpara de aici:
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[Wikipedia] People's Will (Transnistria)
People's Will (Russian: Народная Воля; Moldovan: Войнцэ Популарэ, Voinţă Populară; Ukrainian: Народна Воля) is a political party in Transnistria. It is affiliated with the Russian nationalist People's Union led by State Duma Vice Speaker Sergey Baburin.
It was formed on 11 December 2006 by members of Transnistria's Supreme Council. Its leader is Oleg Gudymo, a Transnistrian MP. Another Transnistrian MP, Grigore Mărăcuţă, was present at the founding congress, as well as Sergey Baburin, and Nataliya Vitrenko, the leader of the left-wing Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine.
old russian military train inside
old russian military train inside
Tiraspol, Pridnestrovia (Transnistria) - Things to See & Do on 25 October St
We really enjoyed our time in Tiraspol, the capital of Transnistria, otherwise known as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic !
It's amazing how much you can see and do walking along the main street, ulitsa 25 October. There are some amazing Soviet buildings, Lenin statues and other places of interest... it was enough to keep us occupied for a whole day!
Find out also about how to extend your visa if you decide to stay longer in this fascinating city... we definitely needed 5 nights here!
We've included a map of our walk, so you can see where these sights are... and remember to ask in the comments below if you have any further questions!
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Transnistria War | Wikipedia audio article
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Transnistria War
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Transnistria War was an armed conflict that broke out in November 1990 in Dubăsari (Russian: Дубоссáры, Dubossary) between pro-Transnistria forces, including the Transnistrian Republican Guard, militia and Cossack units (which were supported by elements of the Russian 14th Army), and pro-Moldovan forces, including Moldovan troops and police. Fighting intensified on 1 March 1992 and, alternating with ad hoc ceasefires, lasted throughout the spring and early summer of 1992 until a ceasefire was declared on 21 July 1992, which has held. The conflict remained unresolved, but in 2011 talks were held under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) with Lithuania holding the rotating chairmanship.
Emisiunea ALMAMATER.MD la Uiversitatea de Stat din Tiraspol
Pe parcursul a mai multor ediții, ne întrebam, care este totuși prima instituție de învățământ superior din țara noastră?
Descoperim prima instituţie de învăţământ superior, fondată în Republica Moldova - Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol, cu sediul în municipiul Chișinău!
Moldovan politician Stepan Topal Died at 80
Stepan Mikhailovich Topal was born on 18 January 1938 and died on 29 September 2018. He was a Moldovan politician of Gagauz ancestry. From 1990 to 1995 he served as Governor (baskan) of Gagauzia. By training, Topal is a road engineer. He was an activist of the Communist Party of Moldova. On 19 August 1990, ethnic Gagauz separatists proclaimed an autonomous republic in southern Moldova, around the city of Comrat, and called it the Gagauz Republic (Gagauz-Yeri in their language). In September 1990, individuals representing the mostly Slavic inhabitants of the Dniester River's east bank proclaimed a separate entity in Transnistria with a capital at Tiraspol. In 1990, Topal became one of the leaders of the separatist movement in southern Moldova. On 31 October 1990, he was elected president of the Supreme Soviet of the self-proclaimed Gagauz Republic. Although the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Moldova immediately declared these proclamations invalid, elections took place in both separatist republics. On 1 December 1991, Topal was elected president of the Gagauz Republic (90% votes), and from 1991 to 1995 he headed the Supreme Soviet of the Gagauz Republic. That same month, Igor Smirnov was elected president of Transnistria. Topal supported greater unity among the former Soviet republics. Gagauz autonomy was enshrined in the July 1994 Constitution of Moldova, in Article 111, which also provides for Transnistria's autonomy. Later, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopted an even broader law, which confers a special autonomous status on Gagauzia as of 23 December 1994. After Gagauzia's autonomy was accepted by the Moldovan Parliament, the first round of elections for the post of Governor of Gagauzia took place on 25 May 1995, together with elections for the region's Popular Assembly. None of the four candidates for the governorship (Gheorghe Tabunscic, Mihail Kendighelean, Dumitru Croitor and Stepan Topal) won the votes needed to be elected in the first round. Topal had not even managed to advance to the second round. From 1999 to 2002, Topal was the principal adviser to baskan Dumitru Croitor. In the 2001 Moldovan parliamentary election, Topal ran for a seat from Comrat on the lists of the Edinstvo electoral bloc, but the alliance won less than the 5% of the vote needed to secure parliamentary seats, so Topal was not elected. In 2002, he was one of the founders of the social-political movement Za Gagauziu! (For Gagauzia), formed in opposition to the ruling Communists. When snap elections for Governor of Gagauzia were held again on 6 October 2002, Topal ran again. However, the results were declared invalid, as only 41.43% of voters took part. When the election was repeated two weeks later, the local electoral commission barred Topal from running, citing irregularities in his filing papers. He died at 80 years old.
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Transnistria | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:01 1 Names
00:04:43 2 History
00:04:52 2.1 Soviet and Romanian administration
00:08:10 2.2 Secession
00:12:24 2.3 Transnistria War
00:13:56 2.4 Further negotiations
00:16:24 3 Geography
00:19:43 4 Administrative divisions
00:20:44 5 Political status
00:24:50 5.1 International relations
00:25:12 6 Politics
00:28:17 6.1 Transnistria border customs dispute
00:29:55 6.2 Russian military presence in Transnistria
00:36:44 7 Demographics
00:38:12 7.1 2004 Census
00:43:08 7.2 1989 Census
00:44:27 8 Religion
00:45:32 9 Economy
00:46:42 9.1 Economic history
00:47:25 9.2 Macroeconomics
00:50:06 9.3 External trade
00:51:49 9.4 Economic sectors
00:53:02 10 Human rights
00:54:33 10.1 Media
00:56:16 10.2 Moldovan schools
00:57:43 11 Military
00:58:40 12 Arms control and disarmament
01:02:35 13 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Transnistria, officially the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, is an unrecognised state which split off from Moldova after the dissolution of the USSR and mostly consists of a narrow strip of land between the river Dniester and the territory of Ukraine. Transnistria has been recognised only by
three other mostly non-recognised states: Abkhazia, Artsakh, and South Ossetia. The region is considered by the UN to be part of Moldova.
Transnistria is designated by the Republic of Moldova as the Transnistria autonomous territorial unit with special legal status (Romanian: Unitatea teritorială autonomă cu statut juridic special Transnistria), or Stînga Nistrului (Left Bank of the Dniester).After the dissolution of the USSR, tensions between Moldova and the breakaway Transnistrian territory escalated into a military conflict that started in March 1992 and was concluded by a ceasefire in July of the same year. As part of that agreement, a three-party (Russia, Moldova, Transnistria) Joint Control Commission supervises the security arrangements in the demilitarised zone, comprising twenty localities on both sides of the river. Although the ceasefire has held, the territory's political status remains unresolved: Transnistria is an unrecognised but de facto independent semi-presidential republic with its own government, parliament, military, police, postal system, currency and vehicle registration. Its authorities have adopted a constitution, flag, national anthem and coat of arms. It is the only country still using the hammer and sickle on its flag.
After a 2005 agreement between Moldova and Ukraine, all Transnistrian companies that seek to export goods through the Ukrainian border must be registered with the Moldovan authorities. This agreement was implemented after the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) took force in 2005. Most Transnistrians also have Moldovan citizenship, but many Transnistrians also have Russian and Ukrainian citizenship. The main ethnic groups in 2015 were Russians (34%), Moldovans (33%), and Ukrainians (26.7%).
Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Artsakh are post-Soviet frozen conflict zones. These four partially recognised states maintain friendly relations with each other and form the Community for Democracy and Rights of Nations.
Esperoza (Live) Transnistria, Club 19
Transnistrian Show (Highlights)
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