Surdesti Maramures - Wooden Church from Surdesti (UNESCO) ,Romania
Maramuresenii De Pretutindeni
Biserica de lemn Sfintii Arhangheli Mihail si Gavril din Surdesti.Biserica de lemn din Surdesti, dedicata Sfintilor Arhangheli a fost construita in 1766 de mesterul tatarman Ion Macarie. Biserica se distinge prin dimensiunile impresionante ale turnului ridicat peste intrare. Inaltimea totala este aproximata la 54 m, ceea ce o aseaza printre cele mai inalte constructii sacrale de lemn din Europa si din lume. Biserica este inclusa din anul 1999 in lista patrimoniului cultural mondial UNESCO .Biserica a fost ridicata in anul 1766 de mesterul constructor Ion Macarie pentru comunitatea greco-catolica din localitate. Pictura interioara a bisericii dateaza din 1783. Altarul a fost pictat de catre zugravul Stefan, naosul de catre zugravul Stan, iar pronaosul probabil de catre un ucenic al acestuia din urma.
Acoperisul are doua randuri de stresini care inconjoara biserica. Barnele constructiei sunt de stejar, turnul avand o inaltime de 54 m, fiind inconjurat de alte patru astfel de turnuri de dimensiuni reduse. Este una dintre cele mai inalte biserici de lemn din lume. Nota particulara a ansamblului este data de pridvor, cu doua randuri de arcade suprapuse, cu deschideri diferite, identice ca forma si decoratii.
Maramures,Sisesti - Wooden Church from Surdesti (UNESCO),Romania (HD).m2ts
GUIDE : TUDOR ILIE 0722-364333
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Biserica de lemn din ŞURDEȘTI - The Wooden Church (Maramures, Romania)
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Emblematic pentru Maramureș (sens larg), vatră istorică și etnografică în nord-vestul României, sunt și vestitele biserici vechi din lemn construite într-un stil propriu zonei, în care pe un fond bizantin (ortodox) apar elemente vestice, cum ar fi turnurile-clopotniță înalte și ascuțite (stil gotic) și decorația interioară în stil baroc. Biserica de lemn din Șurdești, construită la începutul secolului al XVIII-lea, aparține perioadei de apogeu în dezvoltarea acestui stil eclectic, impulsionat atât de răspândirea Cultului Greco-Catolic în întreaga Trasilvanie (inclusiv Maramureșul), cât și pentru umplerea golului de biserici apărut în Maramureș după distrugerile produse de marea invazie tătărască din 1717. Biserica din Șurdești face parte din clubul select al patrimoniului cultural UNESCO împreună cu alte șapte vechi biserici vechi de lemn maramureșene. Până recent (construirea bisericii de lemn a Mănăstirii Peri, Săpânța), biserica din Șurdești, cu a sa înălțime de 72 m, era cea mai înaltă biserică de lemn din România. Rămâne cea mai înaltă biserică de lemn de patrimoniu și greco-catolică. Impresionează la fel de mult și acum, împreună cu biserica de lemn din Plopiș (satul învecinat), care face și ea parte din patrimoniul UNESCO. Biserica a fost construită pentru credincioșii greco-catolici care alcătuiau practic întreaga suflare a satului, cel puțin până în 1948 când regimul comunist a scos Cultul greco-catolic în afara legii, revenind acestuia în 1990 după căderea comunismului. Subtitrarea vă oferă numeroase informații privind arhitectura, pictura și istoricul acestei biserici atât de frumoasă.
Emblematic for Maramures (broad sense), historical and ethnographic hearth in the northwest of Romania, are the famous old wooden churches built in a original style of the area, on which on a Byzantine (orthodox) fund appear western elements, such as the the high and sharp steeples (the Gothic style) and the Baroque interior decoration. The wooden church of Surdesti, built at the beginning of the 18th century, belongs to the period of apogee in the development of this eclectic style, spurred both by the spread of the Greek-Catholic Cult throughout Trasilvania (including Maramures) and for the filling of the desert in churches in Maramures after the destructions caused by the great invasion of Tatars in 1717. The church from Surdesti is part of the UNESCO cultural heritage together with another seven old ancient Maramures wooden churches. Until recently (the church of the Peri Monastery, Sapanta), the church of Surdesti, with a height of 72 m, was the highest wooden church in Romania. It remains the tallest as heritage and Greek-Catholic wooden church. It impresses as much and now, both the wooden church of Plopis (the neighboring village), which is also part of UNESCO heritage. The church was built for Greek-Catholic believers who was virtually the entire population of the village, at least until 1948 when the communist regime outlawed the Greek-Catholic Cult, returning it in 1990 after the fall of communism. The subtitle gives you a lot of information on the architecture, painting and history of this beautiful church.
Maramures,Sisesti - Wooden Church from Plopis (UNESCO),Romania (HD).m2ts
GUIDE : TUDOR ILIE 0722-364333
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera
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Rogoz,Maramures -Wooden Church from Rogoz (UNESCO),Romania (HD).m2ts
GUIDE : TUDOR ILIE 0722-364333
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Maramures,Desesti-Wooden Church from Desesti (UNESCO),Romania (HD).m2ts
GUIDE : TUDOR ILIE 0722-364333
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera
Semiluna de pe Biserica de Lemn din Surdesti(UNESCO),Maramures,Romania (HD).m2ts
Enigmatica semiluna de la Surdesti da nastere la intrebari. De ce este o semiluna pe o cruce crestina ? De frica invaziilor tatarilor, mesterii populari care au construit Biserica de lemn din Surdesti, comuna Sisesti, judetul Maramures,Romania, au pus o semiluna pe crucea de pe biserica. Astfel eventualii invadatori tatari ar fi fost indusi in eroare de idea ca biserica de lemn de la Surdesti ar fi o moschee. Pericolul invaziei tatarilor a trecut de mult dar semiluna a ramas pe crucea de la Surdesti. De ce ? Poate de frica lui Osama Bin Laden, de frica teroristilor Al-Qaeda , de frica... ?
Bin Laden a murit dar organizatia terorista Al-Qaeda mai exista. Poate de aceea a ramas si semiluna pe crucea Bisericii de lemn din Surdesti, monument aflat pe lista UNESCO a patrimoniului cultural mondial din anul 1999. Amenintari mai exista si protectia semilunei este mai actuala ca niciodata la Surdesti, impotriva pericolelor actuale globale.
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Maramures,Romania - Traditional Wood Architecture (HD).m2ts
The archaic traditional wood architecture is present in every place of Maramures County.Ancient wooden churches,gates or mills are in a lot of villages here.
In this videoclip you can see images from Barsana, Budesti,Desesti,Mara,Plopis,Sisesti and Surdesti.
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera
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TVR, Televiziunea Romana, Doar Romania, Tinutul Lapusului, Biserica din Surdesti
Biserica din Şurdeşti.
Cea mai înaltă biserică de lemn din Europa
Biserica are o înălţime totală de 72 m. Bârnele sunt de stejar, într-o îmbinare perfectă. Turnul de 54 m înaltime se ridică măreţ, înconjurat de alte 4 mici turnuleţe.
Nota particulară a ansamblului este dată de pridvor, cu două rânduri de arcade suprapuse, cu deschideri diferite, identice ca formă şi decoraţii.
Maramures,Budesti-Wooden Church from Budesti-Josani (UNESCO),Romania(HD).m2ts
GUIDE : TUDOR ILIE 0722-364333
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera
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スルデシュティの教会 The church, Surdesti, Rumania
Biserica veche de lemn din DESEȘTI - Old Wooden Church (Maramures, Romania)
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Biserica din Desești este una dintre cele mai frumoase și mai armonioase vechi biserici de lemn maramureșene. Biserica este înălțată pe o colină ce domină satul, înlocuind o și mai veche biserică de lemn distrusă în timpul ultimei invazii ale tătarilor din 1717. Nu se știe exact când a fost construită, probabil spre mijlocul secolului 18, prima dată dată certă fiind 1780 când a fost pictată interior. Biserica, închinată Sfintei Paraschiva (ocrotitoarea Moldovei, 14 octombrie) este așezată într-un cimitir în care se găsește un falnic stejar secular, precum și câteva cruci celtice. Biserica a fost excelent renovată în perioada 1996-1998, iar din 1999, împreună cu alte șapte vechi biserici de lemn maramureșene, face parte din patrimoniul mondial cultural UNESCO. Biserica a fost construită de credincioșii greco-catolici, dar după scoaterea în afara legii a acestui cult de către autoritățile comuniste (în 1949), a fost preluată de Biserica Ortodoxă Română. După căderea comunismului (1990) biserica a fost revendicată, fără succes până acum, de greco-catolici care între timp au ridicat o altă frumoasă biserică de lemn. Biserica este construită în stilul clasic maramureșean, din bârne de stejar și compartimentată obișnuit (altar poligonal decroșat, naos și pronaos), deasupra pronaosului înălțându-se turnul-clopotniță prevăzut cu foișor deschis. Marea valoare a bisericii din Desești este pictura interioară realizată în 1780 de doi maeștri ai vremii și anume Alexandru Ponehalschi (icoanele împărătești și timpanul estic al naosului, spre altar) și Radu Munteanu (”restul” bisericii). Programul iconografic respectă în linii mari tradiția acelor vremuri, fiind realizat în stil postbizantin, naiv, rusticizat, dar destul de vesel prin culori. La fel ca și în alte vechi biserici maramureșene și la Desești bolta naosului este pictată cu scene din Vechiul Testament (Cartea Facerii), iar pereții cu scene din Noul Testament (Patimile lui Iisus), contrastul dintre cele două lumi având un discurs moralizator.
The church in Desesti is one of the most beautiful and harmonious old Maramures wooden churches. The church is built on a hill that dominates the village, replacing an old wooden church destroyed during the last invasion of the Tatars in 1717. It is not known exactly when it was built, probably in the middle of the 18th century, the first certain time being 1780 when was painted inside. The church, dedicated to Saint Paraschiva (the protector of Moldavia, October 14), is placed in a cemetery where there is a towering secular oak, as well as some Celtic crosses. The church was excellently renovated between 1996 and 1998, and since 1999, along with seven other ancient Maramures wooden churches, is part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. The church was built by Greek-Catholic believers, but after the outlawing of this cult by the Communist authorities (in 1949), it was taken over by the Romanian Orthodox Church. After the fall of communism (1990), the church was claimed, without success, by Greek-Catholics who in the meantime built another beautiful wooden church. The church is built in the classical Maramuresan style, made of oak beams and is usually divided (polygonally altar, nave and pronaos), above the pronaos being erected the bell tower provided with open balcony. The great value of the church in Desesti is the interior painting made in 1780 by two masters of the time, namely Alexandru Ponehalschi (the royal icons and the eastern tympanum of the nave, towards the altar) and Radu Munteanu (the rest of the church). The iconographic program broadly respects the tradition of those times, being made in a post-bizantine, naive, rustic style, but colorful enough. As in other old Maramures churches and in Desesti, the nave's vault is painted with scenes from the Old Testament (the Book of Making) and the walls with scenes from the New Testament (the Passion of Jesus), the contrast between the two worlds having a moralizing discourse.
Romania (#09): Barsana Wooden Churches
1) The wooden church of Barsana, known as the Holy Mother's Entrance has a unique story. According to legend, the church was built in 1720 and moved in 1806 to Ibar Hill next to a graveyard containing victims of the Black Plague. The Plague hit with such ferocity that people were hastily buried without religious services. Local villagers were determined that the victims be honored and thus insisted that the church be located on the hill, so they arranged to move it from Podurile Manastirii (Bridges of the Monastery) where it was first constructed. Even after almost 200 years, many locals still swear that the buried followed the church when it was moved, so that they forever sleep in the shadow of the church's steeple.
2) Barsana Monastery ... one of the loveliest faces of faith and wood can be found also in Barsana. The 57 m. high church of Barsana monastery ranks first among the wooden construction of Romania. The foundation work was started in 1993 and by now the church is one of the most beautiful structures made by peasants in the country.
The monastic compound is made of wood, according to local tradition, built by Barsana masters; it consists of the Maramures gate, the belfry, the church (57 meters high), the summer shrine, the house with cells and chapel, the house of the masters, the house of the artists and a more recently arranged museum.
The community is led by a Prioress and counts eleven nuns and three sisters.
Maramures,Sisesti - Sunset at Wooden Church from Plopis, Romania (HD).m2ts
GUIDE : TUDOR ILIE 0722-364333
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera
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Romania (#11): Harnicesti & Budesti Wooden Churches
The Church of the Birth of the Holy Virgin in Harnicesti ... Year built: during the 17th century. Harnicesti belongs to the commune of Desesti. It is situated 44 km northeast of Baia Mare, and 22 km south of Sighetu Marmatiei. Just as in the case of other churches, the construction has been modified in time so that its original aspect has been preserved only in part.
The church was much enlarged in 1893, when a new pronaos was added. The wall between the old pronaos and the naos was removed, enlarging thus also the naos. In 1911 a porch was added on the south side, in front of the entrance. The old entrance portal, fully decorated with carvings and colours, was moved to the naos entrance. In 1942 the interior was repainted and the old iconostasis replaced with a larger one. In 1972, the tower was moved on the new pronaos.
Romania (#10): Desesti Wooden Church
Desesti ... this village is 20 kilometers away from Vadu Izei by National Road 18. The oldest document mentioning this settlement is from 1360. Desesti has a fine example of the traditional Maramures wooden church. It was built in 1770 and named The Pious Paraschiva. (left) The interior was painted by Radu from Ungureni and Gheorghe Zugravul, The Painter in 1780. The paintings were some of the finest ever done in Maramures. These paintings were restored in the mid 1990's. The church also contains an excellent collection of painted icons from the nineteenth century on both wood and glass.
Romania (#13): Poienile Izei Wooden Church
The Church of St. Parasceva in Poienile Izei ... built between 1604-1632. The church was built with fir beams. The square chancel is narrower than the rectangular plan of the main body of the church, as is typical for the older churches. From constructional details it has been deduced that the original church was much lower, and that it was made higher in the 18th century. The church is one of the eight churches on UNESCO's World Heritage List. A roof with double eaves covers the church, although the chancel has its own slightly lower roof, as is usual. The porch, which was added at a later date, is covered with its own protruding roofing. A tall tower with a conical roof crowns the church.
Gheorghe of Dragomiresti painted the church in the post-Byzantine tradition in 1794. The paintings are very well preserved, and include big scenes in simple frames. The colours are more important for the unity of the paintings than the actual composition of the scenes. The painted inscriptions are full of information on the period when the Habsburg Emperor Francis ruled. The entrance to the church is through beautifully painted double doors, whose upper part shows the figures of Saints Peter and Paul, and the lower parts climbing vines. Also the very wide doorframe is decorated with climbing plants and an angel on each side of the door.
Maramures,Sisesti - UNESCO World Heritage Wooden Churches (HD).m2ts
GUIDE : TUDOR ILIE 0722-364333
Video by Full HD 1080 SONY VideoCamera
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The Wooden Churches of Maramureş, Romania
Rogoz, Surdesti, Plopis, Desesti, Budesti, Barsana, Neud, Poienile Izei
The Interior of the Wooden Church in Desesti is amazing.