Asya Kozina and Dmitry Kozin make paper design Surgut Art Museum.
Один день работы в СХМ. Сургут. Оформление выставки Возвращение в Ях бумажной скульптурой.
Asya Kozina and Dmitry Kozin. One day of work in Surgut Art Museum. Making paper disign for the exhibition Return to Yah in Surgut..
Korea and Russia broaden cultural horizon for each other
넓혀져가는 한국과 러시아의 문화의 장
Seoul and Moscow established bilateral ties nearly 3 decades ago.
But the two countries' interactions encompassing traditions, art and lifestyle... began long before that.
Lee Unshin updates us on what cultural exchange between Korea and Russia looks like today.
Koreans' drinking culture usually consists of beer and soju, so what would they think of a Russian hard liquor, say Vodka?
This is the kind of topic that online content creator Lee Dong-gun likes to talk about on his channel.
His videos, with subtitles, shed light on the differences in lifestyle and culture between Korea and Russia.
I became friends with some Russian exchange students, and that got me interested in the country. I realized how K-pop was becoming more and more popular, but there wasn't enough information about Korean people out there. So I decided to make videos about Korea that foreigners wouldn't be able to find anywhere else.
Lee says his goal is to narrow the cultural gap between Korea and Russia.
And what drives him to keep going? The gifts and unexpected messages, from those who appreciate his efforts.
His work reflects a modern form of exchanges, long embraced by Seoul and Moscow.
It's been nearly 30 years since South Korea and Russia first established their modern diplomatic relations, but their cultural interactions, go back even further.
Korea's pop culture is getting a lot of attention in Russia these days, but Russian classics are still to this day widely cherished in Korea.
University professor Seog Young-joong spent her lifetime studying Russian literature and philosophy.
As a big fan of Dostoevsky..., she has written plenty of books herself, to help Koreans read between the lines of the Russia's most famous writers.
Character and mentality-wise, Koreans and Russians have a lot in common, such as wanting to appeal to emotions rather than being calculative, or the shared sense of nostalgia towards their mothers.
Koreans have long appreciated Russia's world-renowned classical music, ballet and literature,...and today, other aspects of Russian culture are making their way into the everyday lives of people in Korea.
Seoul residents know where to go when craving some Russian dishes.
Here, customers are in for a big cultural welcome,... as they dine next to Russia's national flowers and treasured handicrafts, and are surrounded by waiters in traditional costumes.
When I first came to Korea, I made a lot of friends at school and soon realized they don't know anything about Russia. So I wanted to be the first one to spread Russian culture here.
Authentic Russian dishes, like stir-fried lamb and potatoes, one of the most popular choices on the menu, help turn one-time visitors into regulars.
Russia is a big country with a wide variety of regional dishes. Among those, through research, I picked some cuisines that would suit the palate of Koreans best.
Seoul and Moscow have come a long way to broaden their horizons.
And looking beyond ideological differences to understand each other's' culture helps create a brighter future for the two countries' relationship.
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Villu Veski in Russian tour with Kristian Blak & Yggdrasil
21 October, 19.00 Surgut – Kristian Blak, Villu Veski & Yggdrasil (Surgut Philharmonic)
25 October, 19.00 Yekaterinburg - Kristian Blak, Villu Veski & Yggdrasil (Jazz club EverJazz)
28 October, 20.00 Perm - Kristian Blak , Villu Veski & Yggdrasil (Folk art house Guberniya)
30 October, 20.00 Moscow - Kristian Blak , Villu Veski & Yggdrasil (Arkhipovsky Music Hall)
1 November, 20.00 St. Petersburg - Kristian Blak, Villu Veski & Yggdrasil (Erarta Museum and Galleries of Contemporary Art)
First Skype with students in Surgut
Asya Kozina paper artist on LUXE TV
artist asya kozina TV mir24
Сделано в Югре!
Целью проекта «Сделано в Югре!» является популяризация производимой продукции и услуг югорских товаропроизводителей, относящихся к субъектам малого и среднего предпринимательства, в других регионах и странах под брендом «Сделано в Югре!».
Guatemalan in Russia. Central Children's Store. Museum of Childhood
Primera nevada en Siberia!
hoy 19 de Octubre de 2012 fue la primera vez que cayo nieve en el anho en Surgut, Siberia. Todavia con solo -1 C pero ya parece que el invierno llego.
Наряды Аси Козиной
Необычные наряды из бумаги Аси Козиной и ее учеников.
Mother Russia or Bust
This video is about our trip to Moscow Russia. Six days, four friends, and one hell of an awesome adventure. Song credit Beirut-Postcards from Italy
We have already introduced you with the works of the Russian artist and designer Asya Kozina, paper created from a collection of traditional Eastern costumes. Today we will show you new and exciting work. This time Russian artist devoted his work to the historical wigs. In the words of Asya Kozina, they always fascinated her, especially the wigs of the Baroque era.
Russland Polizisten erschießen Messerstecher im sibirischen Surgut
RT Deutsch
8.980 Aufrufe
Am 21.08.2017 veröffentlicht
Ein Überwachungskamera-Video, das gestern veröffentlicht wurde, zeigt, wie russische Polizisten einen mutmaßlichen Messerstecher erschießen. Der Mann soll zuvor wahllos Fußgänger im sibirischen Surgut mit einem Messer verletzt haben. Sieben Menschen wurden dabei verletzt, vier davon schwer. Die Terrormiliz IS reklamierte den Angriff für sich. Die russischen Behörden sprechen allerdings nicht von einem Terrorangriff, sondern gehen Hinweisen nach, denen zufolge der 19-jährige Tatverdächtige geisteskrank gewesen sein soll. Im Video ist zu sehen, wie der Verdächtige vor den Polizisten flieht, bevor die Polizisten auf ihn schießen. Anschließend geht er zu Boden und erliegt seinen Verletzungen.
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RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft afd zurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
Paper 3D By Asya Kozima
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Художница Ася Козина стала героиней интернета.
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Kostroma 2016 ★ Кострома 2016
★ Here is a vlog from a weekend trip to Kostroma. I've overplayed with spesial effects, but I believe you forgive me ))
★ На этот раз небольшой влог с поездки выходного дня в Кострому. Меня немного занесло в плане спецэффектов, но вы же меня простите, да? ^^~
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гусли - инструментальная
September 18, 2016.
Russian artist Asya Kozina creates elegant baroque wigs and dresses from paper
Asya Kozina artist creates sculptures costumes accessories from paper
Asya Kozina artist creates sculptures, costumes accessories from paper/ художник Ася Козина создает скульптуры костюмы и аксессуары из бумаги
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