Олимпийский огонь в Суздале. Olympic Flame in Suzdal, Russia. / suzdalgid.ru
Передача эстафеты Олимпийского огня на Торговой площади Суздаля.
Закажите персональную экскурсию по Суздалю на нашем сайте: suzdalgid.ru
Suzdal Golden Ring Russia. English speaking guide
Suzdal is an ancient Russian city and a pearl of the Golden Ring. When tourists come to Russia, they want to see three cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg and Suzdal. What to see and what to do in Suzdal? Watch this video.
If you want arrange a private guide in Suzdal, call +7-920-628-05-22 or visit our wesite: suzdalgid.ru
Museum of wooden architecture in Suzdal Kremlin Russia
Museum of wooden architecture in Suzdal is a place which tourist want to visit. Here is a wooden house in Suzdal kremlin. It is more then 200 years old. We'll show how it looks like inside and show thing which people used in their daily life many years ago. Our website:
Tour in Suzdal with a guide. Приключения англичанина в Суздале
Sam is from England. He lives in Russia. But this is his first tour in Suzdal with a guide. His impressions in this video.
Сэм англичанин и он живёт в России. Но это его первый тур в Суздале с гидом. Впечатления Сэма от Суздаля в этом видео.
Сайт с описанием маршрутов по Владимиру и Суздалю:
Отзывы на TripAdvisor:
TripAdvisor profile:
Tours in Suzdal on the website:
#Suzdal #TravelRussia #guide
Englishman In Suzdal
See here if you would like Alex to give you a tour of Suzdal or Vladimir:
If you would like to take part in this project and to claim your free camera, please visit my site:
All foreigners who live, lived or have visited Russia can agree on one thing, Russia is an amazing country. Now I’m not gonna do a pitch on how amazing it is. It is however, my adopted country and I can say one thing for sure, Russia gets ridiculously bad press!!!!
The reason I started this project was so we can honestly show what Russia is really like. This is to benefit anybody wanting to visit Russia and wants honest information. This is not Government sponsored or any sort of propaganda. On this site you will see the good and the bad.
The Idea is simple. Anyone can upload a video here. As long as it is about Russia. Please make clips about anything to do with Russia. About your daily life, events, places to visit, work, study, living, hints.
If you are a foreigner living in Russia then you qualify for a FREE Action Camera! To help you to make videos! See the link on the homepage menu for more information.
If you are viewing this site as a guest, I hope that you enjoy the content. If you have any questions at all about anything related to Russia, feel free to contact me. I will be glad to assist you in any way that I can.
My name is Sam Hyland. I am an Englishman living in Russia since 2004. I have been involved in a number of different projects during my time here and had lots of experiences, good and bad. As a foreigner, I understand the difficulties of moving to Russia (Not because Russia is a big, bad, scary country) because while it maybe big, it is far from scary! Russia is an exciting country and has lots to offer anyone who would like to give it a try.
The main difficulty with coming to Russia is of course the language. If you don’t speak it, then it’s difficult to get information about how to come, where to stay and what to do. There are so many unanswered questions and huge media bias which provides a lack of credible information as to what life in Russia is genuinely like.
For this reason, above all, I decided to create this site.
So who am I? And why should you trust me?
As I already mentioned, I have lived here for a number of years. I also have gone through the whole process of relocating to a new country, and all the ups and downs as a foreigner living in Russia. Hopefully I can make your transition easier because of it.
When I first arrived in Russia, I had nobody to help me, so I found lots of foreign friends and spoke only English with them. They were my support network and if it wasn’t for them, then my life would have been very difficult.
Before arriving in Russia, I had no idea about what it would be like, it was a complete mystery. While I don’t want to ruin these first time experiences for you, I know that there are so many questions that you would like answering and through this site I can do that for you.
I have had the chance to meet and become friends with some fantastic people and had some really amazing experiences. Russian people are extremely hospitable and I have been lucky enough to be invited to many Russian weddings, festivals, parties, events and so much more….
I live in the city of Vladimir (2 hours drive from Moscow) This is a provincial Russian town with a population of about 350,000. Usually when people think about Russia, they think of Moscow or St Pertersburg, While these are both amazing and fascinating places, there is far more to Russia than just these cities.
During my time here I have worked in a number of professions and have a large contact base. I can help you with all sorts of questions. About life, study, work and travel in Russia! And if I don’t know the answer to your question, then I’m sure I know somebody who can answer your question!
What do I do? How do I live here?
Right now I’m an Affiliate Marketer, so I make money online. I also Run a small language school.
In 2012 I opened a Volunteer language school in Vladimir. For 4 years I employed volunteers from the UK who came to Russia to teach English and study Russian language. I ran this program with the association of Nottingham University, we took on many 3rd year Russian language students who lived, studied and taught in Vladimir. You can see our site, though it’s in Russian!
I have the experience of assisting foreigners with the process of travelling to Russia and I can help assist you, just reach out to me, I will be happy to help.
Below is some ways to get in contact with me
Russia, Suzdal, Vladimir region. Suzdal Kremlin.(Россия, Суздаль. Суздальский кремль.)
#Russia #Суздаль #Travel #Путешествия #Djondo
From the Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life in the street Pushkarskaya we reached the bridge over the river Kamenka. after we visited Suzdal Kremlin, Cross Chamber.
Then on the streets of the Kremlin came to shopping malls.
We boarded the bus and went to the Saviour Monastery Efimov.
Suzdal Kremlin - the oldest part of the city of Suzdal core, according to archaeologists from the existing X century. Located Kremlin in a bend of the river Kamenka, in the southern part of the city.
At the turn of XI-XII centuries. here was built a fortress with a ring of earthen shaft length of 1400 m. On the shafts rose timbered walls and towers. The Kremlin placed the courtyard of the prince and the yard of the bishop with the city's cathedral, also lived princely retinue and numerous Prince environment and bishop.
In the second half of the XV century fortifications are strengthened and refilled in 1677 erected chopped pine wall with 15 towers and gates. All wooden fortifications were burned in 1719.
Kremlin preserved ramparts and moats of the ancient fortress, several churches and episcopal ensemble courtyard with an ancient Cathedral of the Nativity.
(Из Музея деревянного зодчества и крестьянского быта по улице Пушкарская мы дошли до моста через реку Каменка. после посетили Суздальский кремль,крестовую палату.
Потом по Кремлёвской улице дошли до торговых рядов.
Сели в автобус и поехали в Спасо-Ефимиев монастырь.
Су́здальский кремль — древнейшая часть города, ядро Суздаля, по данным археологов существующее с X века. Расположен кремль в излучине реки Каменка, в южной части города.
На рубеже XI—XII вв. здесь была сооружена крепость с кольцом земляных валов протяженностью 1400 м. На валах возвышались бревенчатые стены и башни. В кремле помещались двор князя и двор епископа с городским собором, обитала также княжеская дружина и многочисленное окружение князя и епископа.
Во второй половине XV века оборонительные сооружения укрепляются и досыпаются, в 1677 году возводится рубленая сосновая стена с 15 башнями и воротами. Все деревянные укрепления сгорели в 1719 году.
Кремль сохранил земляные валы и рвы древней крепости, несколько церквей и ансамбль архиерейского двора с древним Рождественским собором.)
Russia Suzdal' Spasso-Ephimevski Monastery
Winter in Russia. Suzdal in winter. What to wear and what to do?! Russian valenki.
Suzdal in winter is very beautiful and differs from Suzdal in summer. See this video and you will know what to wear to be warm and enjoy pure Russian winter. See the tour in Suzdal on our website:
Suzdal churches, Kamenka River
Two abandon Suzdal churches along the Karmenka River at dawn
Суздаль. Суздальский кремль. Вечерняя съемка. Аэросъемка
Суздаль: Суздальский кремль. Закат. Вечерняя съемка. Аэросъемка
Suzdal. スーズダリ Rozdestvensky sobor. (Cathedral of the Nativity)
Рождественский собор в Кремле города Суздаль.
Экскурсии по Суздалю и Владимиру! Suzdalgid.ru
Хотите совершить увлекательную экскурсию по Суздалю и Владимиру? Или отправиться на сити-квест? Смотрите, как мы это делаем! Наши контакты есть в конце видео. Наш сайт: suzdalgid.ru
Suzdal Winter 2016 / Суздаль Зима 2016
02.01.2016. Суздаль.
Эстафета Олимпийского огня во Владимире
Подробности читайте на сайте progorod33.ru
Покровский монастырь в Суздале. София Суздальская - Соломония Сабурова.
Покровский монастырь - один из самых посещаемых монастырей Суздаля. Дата основания 1354 год. Сегодня одной из главных святынь Покровского монастыря Суздаля являются мощи Софии Суздальской - в миру Соломонии Сабуровой - первой жены московского князя Василия III.
В этом видео - легенда о том, как Саломония Сабурова оказалась в стенах Покровского женского монастыря. И рассказ о том, чьи ещё жены были в этот монастыре.
#монастырь #Суздаль #легенды
Back in the Suzdal
Суздаль зимой. Слайд-шоу
Суздальский кремль / suzdalgid.ru
Собор Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы 13 века входит в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
The Cathedral of Nativity of Virgin is included in UNESCO World heritage list.
Закажите экскурсию по Суздалю на этом сайте: suzdalgid.ru
Экскурсии и квесты в Суздале и Владимире от suzdalgid.ru
Мы проводим экскурсии и квесты в Суздале для взрослых и детей. Экскурсии во Владимире и Боголюбово. Мастер-классы по выпечке кренделей, стрельбе из лука, плетению из бересты и написанию фрески. А также гончарные мастер-классы в Суздале. Узнайте подробности на нашем сайте