hiking sveti Ilija mountain Orebic / korcula croatia
all we kept hearing about was snakes, the only thing we ran into was honey bee's. The wild horse encounter was so fun. we did the hike as a loop :)
Rocker Chicks by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Cool Rock - Take the Lead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Lazy Day by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Sidewalk by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
St. Ilija - Pelješac - Outdoors Croatia
Pelješac Trail Run
Running a high ridge above the Adriatic sea. Pelješac peninsula is five kilometres wide and nearly thousand meters high with dominant cliffs in the south, above Orebić town . Some hundred years ago Archduke von Habsburg built a dry stone trail through those cliffs and a hunting lodge in the valley between the peaks. The trail is collapsed in some places but still walkable while the lodge is restored as a mountain hut, opened when announced.
Starting from Orebić follow the trace to the peak and further on for some hundred meters to ridges lower side - yet you'll enjoy a better view. Return to the hut from where you can go back the same way or choose a panoramic trail that is a bit longer and more exposed to the sun.
A few times a year, after windy storms, Pelješac is covered with snow. Such conditions are hard to predict but if so highly rewarding.
The highest peak got its name after St. Elijah. According to the legend, the saint drives a wagon upon the clouds producing thunders. Another name for Pelješac is Monte Vipera due to the high population of venomous snakes. Take caution but don't let this titles discourage you from making a beautiful ascent.
Trčanje visokim grebenom uz pogled na more s obje strane. Poluotok Pelješac je pet kilometara širok i skoro tisuću metara visok s dominantnim liticama na južnoj strani iznad Orebića. Početkom prošlog stoljeća je nadvojvoda Karlo von Habsburg dao izgraditi solidnu stazu u kamenjaru među liticama i kamenu lovačku kuću ispod samog vrha. Staza je djelomično urušena ali i dalje upotrebljiva dok je kuća preuređena u pl. dom otvoren po najavi.
Krećemo iz Orebića i pratimo stazu do pl. doma i dalje do vrha. Nastavljamo po vršnom grebenu do mjesta s najboljim pogledom. Vračamo se istim putem do pl. doma pa spuštamo panoramskom stazom do crkve Gospe od Anđela.
Nekoliko puta godišnje, u pravilu nakon škure bure, vrhove Pelješca prekrije snijeg. To su uistinu jedinstveni prizori ali ih je teško predvidjeti.
Najviši vrh Pelješca je dobio ime po Svetom Iliji. Legenda kaže da ovaj svetac tjera kola po oblacima i time izaziva grmljavinu. Drugi naziv ove planine je Monte Vipera zbog velike populacije poskoka. Budite oprezni ali ne dozvolite da vas reputacija ove planine odvrati od predivnog uspona.
Uspon na Sv. Iliju (961m) najviši vrh Pelješca
Orebic - Croatia (Horvátország)
Horvátország déli csücskét nyilván az emberi szem kényeztetése végett teremtette a jóisten. Dél-Dalmácia Peljesac-félszigetén levő Orebic nevű településen és környékén elidőzve erről könnyen meggyőződhetünk.
Orebic mediterrán kisvároska éppen szemben fekszik Korcula szigetével a Pelješaci-csatorna partján, a 961 méter magas Sveti Ilija hegy lábainál nyúlik el.
- 0:45 - Crkva Gospe Pomocnice Krscana (Keresztény Segítők temploma)
- 1:58 - City Hall (Városháza)
- 3:03 - Maritime Museum (Tengerészeti múzeum)
- 4:25 - Harbor - Car Ferry Terminal /Jadrolinija/ (Kikötő)
- 5:15 - Adriatic Sea / Peljesac Channel
- 5:41 - Sv. Ilija Mountain (Szent Illés hegy)
- 7:23 - Adriatic Sea / Peljesac Channel
- 8:11 - Crkva Gospe od Andela (Ferences-rendi kolostor és Angyalok Nagyasszonya templom)
- 10:56 - Crkva vs. Navjestenja (Templom)
- 12:10 - Trstenica Beach (Strand)
- 11:58 - Otok Vela Sestrica / Lighthouse Villa Korkyra (Világítótorony)
- 13:03 - Adriatic Sea / Peljesac Channel
- 13:03 - Otok Vela Sestrica / Lighthouse Villa Korkyra (Világítótorony)
Azúrkék Adria 4. rész - A Sveti Ilija (Horvátország, Orebić, Pelješac)
Adria túránk negyedik részében - hátrahagyva kerékpárjainkat - gyalogosan hódítjuk meg a Pelješac-félsziget legmagasabb pontját, a 961 méter magas Sveti Iliját, ahonnan hajdanán Perun istenség - a szláv mitológia leghatalmasabb alakja - szórta villámait a földre. Bár így első hallásra ez nem tűnhet túlzottan nagy magasságnak, de mivel a hegy szinte közvetlenül a tengerből emelkedik ki, ezért meredek sziklaletöréseiről letekintve olyan csodálatos panorámában lehet részünk, mely az egész környező szigetvilágot magában foglalja.
Kamera: Sony AS200, Sony CX405
Sv. Ilija, Croatia
25 kilometres from sea to summit. Towering 961m over the Antolian sea, you can only begin to imagine the spectacular views of the Croatian Coast to the east and Italian Coast in the distance to the west.
Pathes to Sv. Ilija start a short distance from the town of Orebić, opposite the island of Korčula, Croatia.
Pelješac – Zmijino brdo – vrh Sv. Ilija. 18.3.2017.
Proteklog vikenda u organizaciji našeg društva, 45 planinarki i planinara uživalo je u turi sa mirisom mora. Iako su se svi nadali najljepšem vremenu, poluotok Pelješac, Zmijino brdo i njegov najviši vrh Sv. Ilija (961 mnv), odlučili su da nam ipak malo ograniče uživanje u pogledima na okolne morske predjele. No i s tim, nije nedostajalo uživanja u prirodi, dobre zabave i smijeha. A vrhovi ostaju tu, da im se vraćamo...
PD Željezničar, 18.3.2017., Pelješac, Sv. Ilija.
Music by Joakim Karud
Sveti Ilija Summit, Peljesac, Croatia
Take (less than) a minute to enjoy the wonderful view at Sveti Ilija Summit. You see Korcula and the mainland with the Biokovo mountains.
Gloryus journeys into the Balkan.
Made to inspire!
Made by Canipel Jelle (filmed with GoPro) 2015
software enables to plan, prepare, conduct, manage, edit, publish, share and re-experience outdoor pursuits. Many formats and tools are available. Video Creation (available soon at no extra cost for existing Time2Place users) is one of them.
0 m to 916 m of pure ascent along 5.7 km long alpine path in 3h 30'
BONUS: Download Garmin Topographic User Map
Uspon na Sv. Iliju, Pelješac
Sveti Ilija (961 m) - Pelješac
Visiting Sveti Ilija on Peljesac
This is a small video clip I took while on hike to Sveti Ilija on Peljesac , right across the water from Korcula Town .You will see some beautiful views over the Channel and Korcula Island
A Sveti Ilija megmászása
2016.09.03. Croatia, Peljesac, Orebic
Sv Ilija, Pelješac Croatia MTB
spust sa Ilije a nakon toga windsurf u Vignju
Hiking In The Mountains Above Orebic, Croatia
In April 2009, I went for a hike in the mountains above Orebic, Croatia. It took me 3.5 hours to reach the peak of the mountain (960 meters), but it was one of the best experiences of my travels in Europe.
#bicycletouringpro #cycling #biketravel #darrenalff #biketouring #adventurecycling
Pelješac, uspon na vrh Sv.Ilija 961m
This video is about climbing to the top of Sveti ilija on Pelješac peninsula
Peljesac Panorama - Croatia (Horvátország)
5 views of the Peljesac Peninsula.
Korcula Island, Korcula City, Lumbarda, Kneza, Zrnovsa Banja,
Peljesac Peninsula, Orebic, Kuciste, Viganj, Sv. Ilija Mountain,
Adriatic Sea, Peljesac Channel, Crkva Gospe od Andela.
5 kilátópont a Peljesac-félszigeten, gyönyörű kilátással
az Adriai-tengerre, a Peljesac-csatornára, Korculára és a csodálatos Dalmát szigetek világára.
Propovjed don Mate Munitića održanoj na Biokovo - vrh sv.Ilija - 1642m n/v
Izdvojite 7 minuta i poslušajte nadahnutu propovjed don Mate Munitića (župnika Krstatica i Poljica vrgorskih) održanoj na svetoj misi, na Biokovo - vrh sv.Ilija - 1642m n/v.
Nakon ove propovjedi više ništa nije isto...
Pelješac sveti Ilija
Sveti Ilija (961m) ne najviši vrh poluotoka Pelješac. Vrh se nalazi iznad Orebića a do vrha se iz spomenutog naselja pješice popne za 3 sata. Potrebna su tenisice ili cipele za planinarenje i mora se ići rano ujutro pošto ljeti za velikih vrućina je nepodnošljivo. Najvažnije je nositi puno vode. Ako želite guštat s nekim drugim pićem onda se za to pobrinite dan prije!
Hiking Sveti Ilija - Peljesac - Croatia
Sveti Ilija (Saint Elias, 961 m) is the highest summit and the most famous mountaineering destination on Peljesac peninsula, situated on its western end. Massif around the summit of Sv. Ilija stretches from NE to SW coast of the peninsula, it is 6,5 km long and around 2,5 km wide.
One legend says that the summit was called Perunovo brdo (Perun´s mountain) after old Slavic word for god Perun, the master of thunders. With the coming of Christianity the name of St. Elias replaced that of Perun. Later in history the Italian name Monte Vipera (Mountain of the snakes) was in use, also. Some think the name came after poisoned snakes (poskoks) that live in the area and the other think it is because of configuration of some steep rocky slopes above Orebic that resemble to snake, with their zig-zag lines of geological layers. Local people call it simply Ilija.
On the summit od Sv. Ilija a small chapell dedicated to this saint used to stand, but was destroyed by many thunderstrucks.
In lower areas of the mountain a mediterrainean oak and holm oak tree prevail. Above 750 m you can find nice forests of mediterranean pine tree (although some of the forests burnt in forest fires, recently). Other areas are covered with lower underbrush or are just rocky covered with fragrant mediterranean herbs.
Description taken from dubrovnikdaily.eu
Dont Look - Silent Partner
Wish You'd Come True - Dj Nobody
Doubt I Love You - Jincheng Zhang
Jeyne - Bertysolo
Orebic video
Orebic, Peljesac, Croatia
by Ive Trojanovic