Trondheim Sykkelheisen Trampe
Cycle 'lift' to propel cyclists up the hill in Trondheim, Norway. A kind of 'sharks-fin' appears from the slot in the gutter and pushes the cyclist up by the foot - a tricky technique it would seem...
Trondheim's Trampe Bicycle Lift. Assistance for cyclists climbing one of Norway's steep hills
More about cycling in Trondheim:
More information about Trampe:
A few days ago I was lucky enough to be in Trondheim, Norway for a few days and I was shown around by the local council officials.
Of course this lift isn't cycling infrastructure for every hill or even every town. However, the bicycle lift is a great way of demonstrating that _cyclists_matter_. It really does work very well both for pushing cyclists up hill and for marketing the city - this is now the number two tourist attraction in Trondheim.
It takes a little practice. On my first run up the hill I was letting the puck which pushes your right foot get away from me, and this wasn't assisted by my lack of familiarity with the bike share system hire bikes (they go well but long handlebars, small front wheel and solid tyres combine to make handling feel a bit strange).
The lift could also perhaps be criticised on the grounds of not being inclusive. I'm also not sure that it would be easy for older people to use or people with some disabilities.
Cycling Infrastructure Study Tours:
Samarbeidsgruppen Miljøpakken har oppgradert sykkelheisen som har eksistert i 20 år i Trondheim. Dette for at Trampe skal være klar for mange flere år i sykkelhovedstaden Trondheim. -
Trondheim, Norway - Bike Lift - Sykkelheisen Trampe
Bike lift to get up steep hills, can be used with citybikes
Trampe the Bicycle Lift - Trondheim Norway
Excerpt from
Hilly cities normally have a low share of cycling. How come that Trondheim, the third largest city of Norway, has the highest share of cycling compared to all the other Norwegian cities? We believe there are there reasons:
1. Trondheim is a university city with 30 000 students, 90 % of whom using their bicycles as their main transport tool
2. During the last 20 years, there has been invested more than 20 mill NOK in a bicycle roads network and bicycle transport infrastructure in Trondheim
3. One of the most important infrastructure elements is the bicycle lift Trampe. Since the opening in 1993, it's pushed more than 220 000 cyclist up the very steep hill BBrubakken in the historical heritage part of the city center
There is no doubt that Trampe has inspired students as well as other people living in Trondheim to take to their bicycles. In a user survey, 41 % of the lift users claim they're using the bicycle more often due to the installation of Trampe.
Trampe Bicycle Lift (Sykkelheisen Trampe) in Trondheim
Trampe Bicycle Lift was opened on August 18, 1993 year.
The inventor of this unusual elevator is Jarle Wanvik. The construction helped him engineer Stein Løvold and electrical engineer Magnar Wahl.
The device helps drive up quite a steep hill (at an angle of 20% or 11.5 °). Using the lift is on the backrest the right foot for moving a rail support. The whole route has a length of 130 m, and it overcomes the speed of 2 m / s (7.2 km / h)
Sykkelheisen Trampe
Trondheim is the only city in Europe with the local innovation Trampe - a bicycle lift! But how to manage and actually use it? The local, digital newspaper met some american tourists at Bakklandet, in the heart of the city, where Trampe is situated. Follow on Facebook and Instagram for more stories!
Trampe Sykkelheis, Trondheim
Trying out the bicycle lift in Trondheim, Norway.
Trampe Trondheim
The famous bicycle lift in Trondheim, Norway
Bike Lift Trondheim...... norway
Bike Lift Trondheim - The Only in the World
These people respect the bikers and the show it in every way the can
This man is there and he demonstrates the lift to all people ...
Bybrua i Trondheim
This is a clip from the city bridge in Trondheim (Bybrua), also called the portal to happyness (Lykkens portal). Unfortunately, this was made possible because the unfortunate consequence of several late nights, resulting in missing the train to Oslo and being able to visit the bridge. :)
Bicycle Lift in Trondheim, Norway
This bicycle lift is used by cyclers to get up a steep hill.
Lift me up! Stories of Trampe, the Bicycle Lift
Trampe is a unique invention. But who really decides what it is and how it's used?
Short documentary about Trampe the Bicycle Lift, situated in Trondheim, Norway.
Made by Brillefilm and NTNU.
The bike lift in Trondheim, Norway
see more pics at:
Oz Koren at the Kristiansten Fort in Trondheim, Norway
Hey guys as a part of my 28th trip with WorldVentures,
we went to this amazing Fort - built in 1681.
Check it out:
You Should Be Here!!!!!
Cykelhissen i Trondheim
Så här ser det ut när man använder sig av cykelhissen som finns i Trondheim i Norge.
Det är en liten klack i gatan som man stöttar benet mot. Det gällde att ha låst ben, för att orka hålla emot.
Bicycle lift Trampe in Trondheim - Part 1
In a very steep hill street in Trondheim they have built a fantastic bicycle lift that gives you a free ride right up to the top.
See also
Bike Lift In Trondheim Doesn't Work! (For Some)
While visiting Trondheim, I was getting some footage of the world renowned Trondheim bike lift for our Trondheim travel guide:
It's the only one of it's kind and it had people queuing up to use it...but not everyone was able to work it out, and some nearly hurt themselves!
Using the footage I had, I made this extremely silly video.
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