Synagogue of Szeged, Hungary
New synagogue - Szeged
This magnificent building owes its existence to the creative cooperation of two talented men, Immánuel Löw, the scientist chief rabbi, the creator of the intellectual and religious programme and Lipót Baumhorn, the exceptionally talented and skilled architect of the Hungarian synagogues.
Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: New Synagogue
The new synagogue in Szeged is the most successful work of architect Lipot Baumhorn. Visit the new synagogue in Szeged, Hungary, a building that also functions as one of the city's largest concert halls, in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: New Synagogue Dome
The new synagogue dome in Szeged symbolizes the world, while its supporting columns represent the moral realm. Check out the new synagogue dome in Szeged, Hungary, the interior of which is ornately decorated with 24 tambour pillars, in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: Synagogue Windows
The windows inside Szeged's new synagogue represent liturgical events and remembrance. Admire the new synagogue windows in Szeged, Hungary, representations of history and beauty, in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
Az új zsinagógát és közösségi székházat egy 1897-es pályázat alapján Baumhorn Lipót tervezhette meg. Az építő munka 1900. augusztusában indult és 1902. októberére fejeződött be. A monumentális 48.5 méter magas épületen a mór-szecessziós stíluson kívül bizánci hatást mutat a barokkos megjelenésű kupola csegelyekkel történt beillesztése. Belül az orgona feletti bordás kiképzés a gótikát, a karzattartó oszlopok a román stílust példázzák.
A kupolabelső a világot szimbolizálja.
Az üvegkupola és az ablakok Róth Miksa alkotásai, a zsidó ünnepeket, a liturgiai év eseményeit örökítik meg. Felújított orgonája 2317 sípos, 42 regiszteres, 2 manuálos. A Zsinagóga az istentiszteletek mellett évente több hangversenynek, orgonakoncertnek is otthont ad.
A Szegedi Szabadtéri Játékok alatt az Új Zsinagógában vasárnaponként 11.00 órától orgonahangverseny vonzza a turistákat, megismertetve velük Szeged legjobb akusztikájú műemlékét.
A videó felvételeket a Szeged és Térsége Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft.
megbízásából az Euró TV készítette.
További információk:
Synagogue Subotica Szeged
My trip from Serbia to Hungary
Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: New Synagogue Altar
The marble altar inside the new synagogue in Szeged, Hungary is made from Jerusalem marble and includes a construction history of the synagogue. Visit the new synagogue altar in Szeged, Hungary, a building decorated with outstanding works of art, in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
Eastern Hungary - Szeged
a trip to Szeged. covers the new Synagogue, the museum, the Tisza river, coffee shops, the town square.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Szeged , Hungary
Szeged Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Szeged. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Szeged for You. Discover Szeged as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Szeged.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Szeged.
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List of Best Things to do in Szeged , Hungary
Szeged Zoo
Votive Church
Dom Square
Napfenyfurdo Aquapolis
Szeged Synagogue
Karasz utca
Botanical Garden of the University of Szeged
REOK - Regional Art Centre
Mora Ferenc Muzeum
Szechenyi Square
Murdering a community. The Jews of Szeged
In Hungary, town after town, Jewish communities were deported and met an abrupt and tragic end. Szeged is one of those stories. The small-town Jewish heritage of Hungary no longer was.
Together, we honor the past and protect the future. Join the campaign for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, post your picture with #WeRemember.
Synagogue Szeged
Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: Szeged Cathedral
The Szeged Cathedral is the fourth-largest church in all of Hungary. Visit the Szeged Cathedral in Szeged, Hungary, a building noted by its twin towers, in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: Szeged Paprika Exhibition
The Szeged paprika exhibition features the history of the famous spice known as paprika powder. Visit the paprika exhibition in Szeged, Hungary and learn about the red pepper plant in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: Cathedral Square
The Cathedral Square was once the historic center of Szeged, and its most impressive building is the church. Visit the Cathedral Square in Szeged, Hungary, a place whose buildings include the Episcopal Palace and the university building, in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: Klauzal Square
Klauzal Square in Szeged is a neo-classical area located in the heart of the Hungarian city. Visit Klauzal Square in Szeged, Hungary, an area with a statue commemorating Loshus Cathus, in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
Szeged / Szt. István tér víztorony (Panoráma) - Hungary (Magyarország)
Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: Pick Szalami Factory
The Pick Szalami Factory in Szeged, which was founded in 1869, still operates today from its processing and package side. Visit the Pick Szalami Factory in Szeged, Hungary, a place that also functions as a museum with guest tours, in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
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