Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary's Peasant Paris
Hódmezővásárhely is famous for many things. The thermal spa, the town hall and its folklore. However, in recent years it has also begun attracting another kind of tourist. Many visitors now come here for dental treatment at the town’s many dental practices.
Elsődleges Mezők 1 magyar hanggal - Fizika, ahogyan még nem ismered.
Elsődleges Mezők
Ebben a filmsorozatban a fizika és asztrofizika ma elfogadott alaptézisei dőlnek meg.
2. rész
3. rész
Egy teljesen új elmélet kerül bemutatásra, mely minden anyagban ható alapvető erőt leír.
Láthatod a CERN kupoláról mintázott mágneses modell segítségével létrehozott 100mm átmérőjű lenyűgöző plazma Napot, és a körülötte létrejövő 300 mm átmérőjű egyenlítői plazma korongot.
Minden plazma video valódi, semmilyen utómunkát és manipulációt nem tartalmaz. A lejátszási sebesség az egyetlen, mely változtatásra került. Más szavakkal: ez a valóság.
Nehezen hihető, de igaz.
A világ megváltozott.
Eredeti angol nyelvű verzió: David LaPoint The Primer Fields Part 1
Fordította: Rausch Zoltán, Magyar hang: Fellegi Lénárd
In this video series the currently accepted theories of physics and astrophysics are shaken to the core by a radical new theory of the fundamental forces in all matter.
You will be amazed as a magnetic model of the dome at CERN is used to create a 100 mm diameter plasma Sun with a 300 mm diameter equatorial disc of plasma around it!
All the plasma videos are actual footage with no enhancement or manipulation other than speed. In other words, this is real thing. Hard to believe, but it is all true.
The world just changed.
Chrismast market in Budapest
Az adventi időszak egyik leghangulatosabb programja Budapesten, a karácsonyi vásárokon való nézelődés, sétálgatás.
És persze a finomabbnál-finomabb ételek kóstolása, az apró ajándékok beszerzése az otthoniaknak.
A Vörösmarty téri Budapesti Adventi és Karácsonyi Vásár évtizedek óta kihagyhatatlan program a téli fővárosban.
#december #wlbwinter
#mik #instahun #instahunig #instahungary #artofhungari #thiisbudapest #ig_budapest #ig_hungary #christmas #xmas #galobalwarming#hungary_gram #living_europe #beautyofbudapest #TopEuropePhoto #momentsinbudapest #instapasport #streets_of_hungary #natgeotravel
Tóth Gyula: The Sack of Rome, and - The Dark Ages? (ENG SUB)
Varga Csaba's translated books on the Magyar, Nostratic Language online:
Also available on Amazon, and can be searched by their titles.
The bookstore's contact page:
The Magi:
The Szek:
The official linguists state that the Celtic language is Indo-Germanic, even though, if we only look at some geographic names, or names of the gods or important persons, - and these even in Latinized form - from Ireland to Hungary, we can barely state that it is Indo-Germanic in character. Such is ANU, the Ancient Mother, (ős-anya) the mother of the Irish Gods ('Mater deorum Hibernensium' - Cormacs Glossary), or ESUS, the ancient God of the Gauls (Welsh OES - old, ancestor; ősz, ős), or the old Irish DAGHDHA, the Good God (Good-father) - who was also called NUADHU The Great God or EU-CHAIDH great-great-grandfather and also RUADH ROFESSA, the red-haired cunning one - who was the son of DANU (Good Mother) and Bel (Father-God) and so the ancient father of all Celts. We may also remember ULAID, the Irish leader, who was the first on his land, the Irish CUIGE ULAIDH - (Előd vidéke) = the land of the forefather, the English Ulster county (Northern-Ireland), or the Gallic freedom-fighter and hero VERCINGETORIX and his castle called AVARICUM, and it would be truly difficult to call all these Indo-Germanic words and names. Interestingly the Franks who moved into Gallia did not dream of a common Indo-Germanic base, since todays French city of Bourges (German Burg, meaning castle, vár) was built upon the ruins of Avaricum. Are these incidental correspondences, or simply translations?
One more word about the Franks: In Breton, FRANKIZ means free, independent. After Atillas victorious battle the BRO FRANKIZ was born, which means Free Empire! According to the Frankish origin saga, a huge white sow (Hu. Emse) came out of the sea and bore the first Merovingian King. (In Hungarian tradition, Emese was the mother of Almos, ancestor of the Magyars.) The Merovingians were also buried with partial horse funerals, like the incoming Magyars of the 9th century. The Merovingian dynasty was destroyed too...
A New View on the Arthurian Legends:
English selection on Atilla teaching Gothic in Italia by Alcyonius (thanks to HunHorda):
(Collected sources in var. tongues )
Sources on
Huns are Scythians, Messagetae:
Hungarians are Huns:
//MessaGetae»MéziGida:HoneyGoat, AmaziGida:Amazon/Ama(Mother)Goat
(»»» Méh: 1bee, 2womb).
Scythians were referred to by Herodotus as living in the land of milk and honey.
The other Gothic names that come to mind are:
//VisiGoth » VíziGida: WaterGoat, referring to the context of Enki, the astro-mythological symbol of renewal, where the fish meets capricorn.
//OstroGoth » OsztÚrGida: SplitLordGoat, or OstorGida: WhipGoat. Atilla was referred to as Isten Ostora: god's whip.
God itself resembles the word Gida, which's other form is Gödölye.
To be precise Gida and Gödölye are goat »Kid«, a grown Goat is Kecske, it's root Kecs, or Kacs referring to tendril, tender (and as for the last word, Tündér is faerie, which in KNGR was Dingir).
German Bock word for goat is similar to the Slavic word for God, that is Bog.
In Magyar this is Bak, that is Buck.
Bo-, Ba- words generally refer to inner, deep concepts in Magyar.
Herodotus: Scythians 5-10.:
Arpoxais: Árpa (barley)
Leipoxais: Zab (oat)
Koloxais: Köles (millet)
found in many Magyar stories)
Rovás(Runes) (DEUTSCH AUCH):
Other translated works:
21:25 Körapát
45:02 Kard
47:08 Urwn, Annwnia
48:47 Bihar
48:54 Nádor, Magyar
49:16 Baskiri
49:24 Isten
49:44 Mauritania
50:44 Ata
53:18 Gyula
1:20:59 Varga Csaba
1:24:32 KrIsten
1:28:01 Egyház
1:29:33 STN
2:02:01 Család
2:02:26 KRL KNG
2:04:29 LNGL
2:06:02 SZR
Tűzijáték, Paks, 2017. augusztus 20.
Paks, 2017. augusztus 20., vasárnap (PAKS-PRESS) – Látványos tűzijáték a Szent István napi programok esti zárórendezvényén, 2017. augusztus 20-án.