Guram Tikanadze Exhibition TBC Art Gallery, Tbilisi
Tbilisi State Academy of Arts (Georgia) / თბილისის სამხატვრო აკადემია
Tbilisi state academy of arts is also in this street (in a former palace of Arshakunian). The palace was built in the 50s of the 19th century (architect Grigor Ivanov). In 1869-1886 the palace housed the artistic circle. The Artistic academy was established in this palace in 1922. The facade of this threestory building is in European style and its interior has the features of Iranian decor. In 1902 the left part of the building was reconstructed in accordance with the design of Svimon Kldiashvili.
In 1972 the new ten-floor academy block was built (architects A.Kurdiani, M. Chkhikvadze, L. Sumbadze, constructor D. Kajaia). In 2005–2006 the new block was restored by the Bank “Cartu”.
Batumi Backyard Stories 2014 Document
Directed by Masaru Iwai
The “Batumi Backyard Stories” is a grassroots cultural initiative that brings together artists and citizens to explore and co-create the hidden histories that exist within any given neighbourhood in the city. Interdisciplinary artist teams will interview the families who live within a neighbourhood courtyard block, discovering their cultural legacies and creating a customised art installation and performance event in their neighbourhood courtyard. The public art installations will pay homage to what the neighbourhoods’ families believe are their most precious cultural heritage stories or daily practices, and the general public will be invited to attend these celebratory opening events.
Once selected, interdisciplinary artists will be expected to work closely with the neighbourhood residents to learn what the local families believe are their most precious cultural legacies - their histories, personal stories, daily practices and customs. Subsequently, they will work to co-create an art installation and performance events representing their discoveries, transforming the neighbourhood courtyard into a gallery/stage. The production will be supported by a curatorial and publicity team and the event will be open to the public. Each of the courtyards will be transformed into a temporary gallery and stage; events such as concerts, plays, poetry/prose readings, feasts, dances, etc. will be held that celebrate the unique stories that exist within that specific local community.
• To focus on the topic of local cultural heritage and transform it into an exciting and active dialog within the public sphere through contemporary art;
• To make contemporary art more accessible to the society;
• To bring to light the most poignant personal narratives and cultural legacies of Batumi residents;
• To create unique and entertaining cultural experiences for local audiences and international tourists alike through art installations and performances held in neighbourhood courtyards;
• To create opportunities for local contemporary visual and performing artists to showcase their works and to create links with international artists that give them additional experience and sharing possibilities.
Art party in Tbilisi October 2010
Tbilisi Art Fair
ათეულ წლიანი ისტორიის გამოფენების პარალელურად ექსპო ჯორჯია არც სიახლეებს გვაკლებს. 17-20 მაისს ექსპო ჯორჯია პირველად Tbilisi Art Fair (TAF) - თბილისის ხელოვნების ბაზრობას მასპინძლობს. სამ დღიან გამოფენა- გაყიდვაში მსოფლიოს სხვადასხვა ქვეყნის ოცდაათი გალერეა და ორმოცი დამოუკიდებელი ხელოვანი იღებს მონაწილეობას. მონაწილეთა შერჩევა სპეციალურად შერჩეული ექსპერთა ჯგუფის მიერ ხდება.
სტუმრები: თინა ლაღიძე, ExpoGeorgia, პიარისა და მედიასთან კომუნიკაციის მენეჯერი;
ნესტან ნიჟარაძე, თბილისის ფოტო ფესტივალი, სამხატვრო ხელმძღვანელი;
ირინა პოპიაშვილი, თავისუფალი უნივერსიტეტი, ვიზუალური ხელოვნების, არქიტექტურის და დიზაინის სკოლის დეკანი
kazbegi Guram Tikanadze Georgia Muro
kazbegi Guram Tikanadze Georgia Muro
Georgia , Tbilisi .
made by Sky travel
Batumi International Art-Hause Film Festival
Opening Ceremony
Street Art Batumi
Batumi, Georgia ????
kazbegi Guram Tikanadze Georgia Muro
Hot springs in Tbilisi
Hot springs in Tbilisi
چشمه های آب گرم در تفلیس
پارک حیدرعلی اف
kazbegi Guram Tikanadze Georgia Muro
kazbegi Guram Tikanadze Georgia Muro
kazbegi Guram Tikanadze Georgia Muro
Tkt.Ge | Promotion Video |
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Tikanadze 3436 m - Georgia - the youngest alpinist on the top
Mikołaj Tulej - siedmioletni Polak - najmłodszy alpinista na szczycie Tikanadze 3436 m n.p.m w Gruzji. Droga przez trzeci kuluar żyletek oraz zejście przez południowo-zachodni trawers do przełęczy Tikanadze. Data wydarzenia: 31.07.2013 podczas wyprawy Kaukaz z dzieckiem w plecaku 2013.
Mikołaj Tulej - seven years Pole - the youngest alpinist on the top of Tikanadze 3436 m above sea level in Georgia. Climbed through third couloir of blades and descent the south-west traverse to pass Tikanadze. Date: 31.07.2013 during the expedition Caucasus with a kid in a backpack 2013.
Partnerzy wyprawy Kaukaz z dzieckiem w plecaku 2013/Partners of the expedition Caucasus with a kid in a backpack 2013:
Produkcja/edit by:
Piąty Kierunek
kazbegi Guram Tikanadze Georgia Muro
Be Next 2013: the fashion show of Datuna Sulikashvili at the Batumi Gonio Fortress
Be Next 2013: the fashion show of Datuna Sulikashvili at the Batumi Gonio Fortress featuring in order of appearance Nunzia Garoffolo, Amine, Sonia Maria, Pervinca Bellini, Philippe Pourashemi, Marina Tchkonia, Laurent Lombrovicz, Basia Szkutnicka, Barbara Trebitsch, Caterina Di Bert, George JB