Pecs TV Tower, Hungary
Pecs TV Tower, Hungary 2015
The Pécs TV Tower is a television tower in Pécs, Hungary, measuring 176 metres, with a publicly accessible observation deck at a height of 75 metres, and a restaurant at 72 metres. The tower was built from 1968 to 1973. There is a dinosaur exhibition at the restaurant level, with two lifesize dinosaur mock-ups, depicting the once native Komlosaurus.
Pecs TV Tower, Hungary
Hiking Pécs TV Tower, Hungary
Pécsi tv torony kilátás / tv tower pécs view
A 197 méter magas tv torony, a Mecsek 535 méter magas Misina csúcsán helyezkedik el. A videó, a talajszinttől számítva 80 méter magasan lévő kilátóban készült.
TV-tower Pécs, Hungary October 2018
The approximately 200-meter-high reinforced-concrete colossus is located on the 535-meter-high summit of Misina. It has an observation terrace and a coffee house providing an amazing panorama. When the weather is clear, it is possible to see as far as the Danube, the range of the Mecsek Hills and the area of the Mecsek Ridge becomes outlined.
Pécs Television Tower One of the Highest Buildings of Hungary
Pécs Television Tower One of the Highest Building of Hungary
The Pécs TV Tower is a television tower in Pécs, Hungary, standing on the Misina peak of Mecsek (535 meters), measuring 197 metres, with a publicly accessible observation deck at a height of 75 metres, and a restaurant at 72 metres. The tower was built from 1968 to 1973. There is a dinosaur exhibition at the restaurant level, with two life-sized dinosaur mock-ups, depicting the once native Komlosaurus.
highest buildings of the world
beautiful building
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Pécsi Tv-torony Mecsek Tettye Havihegy bringatúra
Kora tavaszi kerékpártúra: Pécs Mecsek Misina tető, a Tv-torony,
majd onnan Tettye, Havihegy, Pécs belvárosa: Király utca és végül a Széchenyi tér.
Pécsi legnagyobb ékességei (Mecsek és a Tv torony)
Drone Flight University Pécs vs Freshy Drone
Pécs, TV torony légi felvétel - kisfilm (részlet) 1080p
Pécs, TV torony légi felvétel - kisfilm (részlet) 1080p
Készítette: DroneVideo Team
Tokaj TV torony - Magyarország (TV Tower Tokaj, Hungary) | Phantom 3 Advenced
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (by Liszt)
All soundtracks under creative commons licence
Licence url:
Pécs: Tv-tower, cathedral, and lapidary | Hungary #9
More of Pécs. We start this video high above the city to get some excellent views of the countryside and the city itself. Next up is the cathedral and the cathedral lapidary. The lapidary museum has many excellent pieces of romanesque and gothic stonework on display, most of it once belonging to the cathedral.
Pécs - fel a TV-toronyhoz | Uphill to the TV tower of Pécs || Suzuki GSX 650F
Pécsen, felfelé a TV-toronyhoz. In the city of Pécs, South Hungary, uphill towards the TV-tower.
Suzuki GSX 650F
Figyelem: az itt látható videó szerkesztett változat. A felvétel készítésekor rögzített sebesség nem feltétlenül egyezik meg mindenhol a lejátszási sebességgel. | Disclaimer: this video has been edited. The speed at the time of recording may not always be the same as the playback speed.
Television tower of Pécs flickering in the night
The retro style television tower of Pécs, Hungary is amazingly flickering in the night.
PÉCSI TV TORONY KILÖVÉSE - PLAN9 sci-fi festival promo video
Hungarian Creative Webvideo Contest 2009 - 1st prize
The SF festival held in the TV TOWER of Pécs (Hungary) in May of 2009. Live acts: An On Bast, Solvent, Boxcutter, Vector Lovers, Glomag, Gravious
pécsi tv torony misina-tető misina tető pécs mecsek antenna hungária creative webvideo contest PLAN 9 sci-fi festival fesztivál rakéta kilövés tv tower rocket launch apollo 11 launch tv torony pécs
Pécs DH tv-torony - Vízműdomb, Long teljes
A pécsi Tv-torony és Kilátó
A pécsi Tv-torony madár perspektívából.
Kékestető - TV torony (FullHD)
Pécs TV Tower
The Pécs TV Tower is a television tower in Pécs, Hungary, standing on the Misina peak of Mecsek (535 meters), measuring 197 metres, with a publicly accessible observation deck at a height of 75 metres, and a restaurant at 72 metres. The tower was built from 1968 to 1973.
Pécs Tv-torony esti színkavalkád
Mecsek oldalából filmezve, Power director szerkesztő programmal készítve. Zene free YouTube zene licens alapján Deadmau5 - The Veldt (analog cover by Kebu).mp3.
2019. július 29.