Greeting Ceremony in Melo Village, Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
Caci Dance in Melo Village in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia - Aug, 2016
Traditional Fertility Dance in Melo Village on the island of Labuan Bajo in Indonesia - Aug 2016
Yeremias Uril Testimonial - Tado Community Research
Yeremias Uril is a Tado Community Research Associate from the Manggarai Region of Flores Island
TRANSLATION: “I’m very attracted to this [ethnobiological] research project because it benefits me personally by providing professional experience.
“For example, I’ve been able to participate in conferences and study tours in lots of difference places - experience equivalent to someone who has a bachelor’s or a master’s degree. Even though I only have a high school diploma, I’ve been able to have all these different experiences related to academic research, specifically ethnobotany.
“I’m especially interested in research related to collecting herbarium specimens, because I’m almost to the point where I can identify all of the native plants used traditionally by the Tado, as well as to distinguish between what we term “native” and “non-native plants.”
“This research benefits the Tado community by enabling people to realize the importance of ethnobotanically native useful plants, and the direct relevance of these plants to their lives. The traditional knowledge held by the community about these plants has been documented by P3MT, so that this knowledge will not be lost.”
“The community is very actively involved in these research activities: both by providing data, and evaluating the data provided. All the data we collect are reviewed by the community, so that we can make sure the data is accurate and complete.”
Caci Tado
Caci adalah tarian khas Manggarai Barat yang menampilkan pertarungan dua orang di dalam arena. Aturannya pun unik, pemain caci memecut atau memukul secara bergantian. Ikuti uniknya tarian ini dalam video berikut.
Wisata Liang Ndara - Labuan Bajo
Tarian Caci di Kampung Liang Ndara
Cecer Melo Labuan Bajo
Sanggar Tari Manggarai Barat Flores NTT
Kementrian Pariwisata Labuan Bajo
Indah nya Tari Caci Tradisional Waerebo Flores
Tari Tradisional Manggarai Barat Tari Caci - Desa Melo -Labuan Bajo
Dukung Caleg Perindo, Warga Kampung Taga Gelar Upacara Adat
Masyarakat kampung adat Taga, Manggarai NTT menggelar upacara adat, kegiatan ini dilaksanakan demi mendukung caleg Perindo yang akan bertarung di Pemilu 2019. Upacara ini bertujuan untuk meminta doa kepada para leluhur dan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa demi kelancaran pesta demokrasi yang akan datang. Perindo Manggarai berharap strategi yang sudah dilaksanakan, upacara adat yang dilaksanakan, dapat memberikan kelancaran dan kemudahan untuk caleg Perindo mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik di Pemilu 2019.
Web Partai Perindo:
Ngeerii!! || Tarian Caci Manggarai di Lando-Terang
#cacimanggarai #manggarai #labuanbajo #cacipalingseru
Ngeerii!!Tarian Caci Manggarai di Lando-Terang dalam rangka HUT Desa Mbuit ke-50. Acara ini berlangsung selama dua hari 11-12 Oktober 2019,bertempat di Lando-Desa Mbuit-Kec.Boleng.
Caci merupakan tarian adat masyarakat Manggarai-Flores-NTT, dalam tarian ini hanya dimainkan oleh kaum pria.Dalam tarian caci hanya dilakukan oleh dua orang,yaitu yang pertama sebagai ata ta'ang(penangkis) yang kedua sebagai ata paki(pecambuk). Tarian ini dilakukan secara bergantian antara dua peran ata ta'ang dan ata paki,dan setelah keduanya mendapatkan giliran yang sama 4:4 atau 2:2,maka akan diberikan kesempatan kepada pemain yang lainnya.
caci manggarai, manggarai, tarian caci manggarai.
#cacimanggarai #manggarai #labuanbajo
#bakucambuk #manggarai2019
Panorama Alam dan Budaya Kab. Manggarai- Flores-NTT-Indonesia
Panorama alam Kab. Manggarai sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi, tak lupa menikmati suguhan atraksi Caci yang hanya ada di Manggarai Raya.
Ata wakas compang kempo
Kampung melo vs cake tana
Upacara Penti Di Wae Rebo.
upacara setiap tahun tgl 15~17 November
Tradition Dance in Rende, East Manggarai Regency, Flores, Indonesia
Indonesia might be the most culturally-diversed country in the world. There are thousands of ethnics living harmoniously in the so-called heavenly beautiful archipelago. Those ethnics have their own distinctive traditions which are mostly related to events like birth, harvesting, wedding, and death.
This video is one of the traditional dances performed by one of the tribes/local communities called Suku Kae in Rende, East Manggarai, Flores. This dance is rarely performed so it may be hard for you to see the live performance, the reason I put it online.
Lembur Village, home for this community is among the richest regions in terms of varieties of traditional practices of worshiping, though most of them are Catholic followers. These practices are not against the religious belief they have, but parts of inherited tradition.
For those who wants to know more about this particular region and all the practices, just subscribe to my channel to keep up with the latest videos.
Thank you
video promo Flores Exotic
Flores Exotic Tours was established by a group of eight young Florinese in Ruteng and has gained years of experience in managing holidays in Flores and Bali since then.
Combined with active participation in local and international tourism training, this experience has brought Flores Exotic Tours to where it is now.
Flores Exotic Tours focuses on sharing valuable experiences with travellers wishing to know more about Flores and its magnificent Komodo dragon.
These experiences include opportunities to enjoy Flores' pure nature, its stunning beauty, as well as have a close encounter with the friendliness of the local community.
While enjoying the discovery of the world's most diverse and exotic wildlife, Flores Exotic Tours also offers trips for travellers with special interests including ecotourism, community based ecotourism, trekking, and bird watching -- such as those offered in Tado, Werang, Mbeliling, and, Wae Rebo villages, in West Flores. While appreciating the wonderful arts and culture of Flores, travellers also have a chance to support the sustainability of local tourism development, economy, and human resources that in turn shall contribute to the area's improved standard of living.
Caci - Wae Rebo
Caci adalah kontes olahraga sparring yang dilaksanakan pada saat Penti (tahun baru) Wae Rebo. 2 peserta bergantian menyerang dan bertahan, berusaha mengenai tubuh lawan menggunakan cambuk dan menangkisnya menggunakan perisai.
Caci di Jakarta bagian 4
Caci adalah tarian adat masyarakat manggarai flores
combat de caci a flores indonesies
moment privilegier à ruteng pour la fete national , combat de caci pour deux jours, attaque et defense alternivement .