Takakkaw Falls - Yoho National Park - British Columbia - Canada
Cascade Takakkaw - Parc National Yoho - Colombie-Britannique - Canada
Coordonnées GPS: 51°29'50.6N 116°29'01.6W
Cette cascade est située dans le Parc National Yoho. D'une hauteur totale de 384 m, elle plonge dans le vide sur 254 m. Elle est parmi les plus hautes du Canada. D'ailleurs, elle est visible de la route.
Elle est facilement accessible. Un sentier très bien balisé nous mène au pied de cette impressionnante cascade en une dizaine de minutes. Il suffit d'enjamber le pont qui traverse la rivière et de suivre le sentier.
Étant donné son accessibilité, c'est un site très fréquenté. C'est pourquoi nous y sommes arrivés très tôt le matin afin d'éviter la horde de visiteurs.
Elle porte bien son nom. Takakkaw signifie C'est merveilleux en cri (langue autochtone).
On se sent bien petit lorsque l'on se retrouve au pied de cette cascade. On ressent toute la puissance du débit d'eau qui s'écoule du haut de cette abrupte falaise.
L'eau provient de la glace en mouvement sur le glacier Daly. Celle-ci fond et l'eau s'écoule pour former cette majestueuse cascade.
Il y a également un autre petit sentier (à droite, avant d'enjamber le pont) qui mène à un belvédère.
On retrouve à cet endroit les deux fameuses chaises rouges de Parcs Canada. Celles-ci ont été installées dans différents lieux historiques et parcs nationaux afin de profiter d'un moment de détente et de contemplation.
Plusieurs randonnées pédestres sont possibles dans la vallée de la Yoho. Le sentier Iceline (Iceline Trail) passe par les chutes Takkakaw et vous amène vers de spectaculaires panoramas.
Nous avons marché une courte distance sur ce sentier (vers la gauche si on fait face à la rivière), mais suffisamment pour apercevoir un majestueux glacier.
A titre informatif, cette cascade apparaît dans le film Le dernier Cheyenne (Last of the Dogmen) réalisé par Tab Murphy en 1995.
Music by Josh Woodward -
Bloom -
Creative Commons Attribution music by Josh Woodward
Yoho National Park - Takakkaw Falls, Natural Bridge, Emerald Lake - Canadian Rockies
Yoho National Park, Takakkaw Falls, Natural Bridge, Emerald Lake, Emerald Lake Lodge, Cilantro
Takakkaw Falls, Yoho National Park, British Columbia - Canada
Takakkaw Falls, Canadian Rockies
Takakkaw means magnificent in Cree. Author/speaker Charlie Adams takes you for a walk right up to the base of one of the most powerful waterfalls in North America, Takakkaw Falls in the Canadian Rockies.
This short video comes from the documentary Adams produced of what it is like to see the Canadian Rockies.
Since 2006 Charlie has hosted group travel trips for Edgerton's Travel, where he shares inspirational stories and humor along the way. He also produces a 60 minute DVD documentary for travelers. Here on youtube, he shares short clips from the documentaries. For more information on all of Edgerton's group trips, and for information on Charlie's motivational presentations you can go to
Charlie is the author of 'How to Build a Positive Attitude and KEEP the Darn Thing!!' He delivers keynotes and seminars on the power of the positive attitude to companies, colleges and schools, and churches.
Takakkaw Falls - Yoho National Park - Canada
Takakkaw Falls is located in Yoho National Park and is the 2nd tallest waterfall in Canada at 310 metres.
Yoho National Park and Takakkaw Falls
Drive from Radium Hot Springs to Golden and Yoho National Park in British Columbia, Canada. View of thundering Takakkaw Falls.
Journey Through Takakkaw Falls, Yoho National Park, Canada
Loosely translated to mean 'magnificent' by the original First Nations settlers of British Columbia, Takakkaw Falls more than lives up to its name.
Making its presence known with a fog of dense mist as you wind your way deeper into the calm Yoho National Park on BC's Highway 1, there's no missing Takkakaw's barrage of glacial spray as it free-falls 260 metres into the valley below.
MUSIC // 'Chances' composed by Roma Yagnik
// Photography & Videography: Dominic and Meghan Loneragan of
Takakkaw Falls, Yoho National Park, British Columbia
Takakkaw Falls at Yoho National Park Sep 17,2019 B C Canada
The Amazing Falls at Yoho National Park B.C. Canada
Takakkaw Falls, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada
This video shows you a glimps of the Takakkaw Falls in Yoho national park which is located in beautiful British Columbia in Canada.
Its highest point is 384 metres (1,260 ft) from its base, making it the second-highest officially measured waterfall in western Canada, after Della Falls on Vancouver Island. However its true free-fall is only 254 metres (833 ft).
Takakkaw, loosely translated from Cree, means something like it is magnificent. The falls are fed by the Daly Glacier, which is part of the Waputik Icefield. The glacier keeps the volume of the falls up during the warm summer months, and they are a tourist attraction, particularly in late spring after the heavy snow melts, when the falls are at peak condition. The Takakkaw Falls were featured in the 1995 film Last of the Dogmen.
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Takakkaw Falls - Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada
Takakkaw Falls - Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada
Takakkaw Falls Yoho National Park
Takakkaw Falls is one of the many spectacular spots in the Canadian Rockies. It is in Yoho National Park, which is about 45 minutes from Golden BC and Vagabond Lodge, 30 minutes from Lake Louise Alberta. It is the trail-head for some of the best hiking in the Canadian Rockies. This video shows a short hike to Laughing Falls which is about 45 minute easy walk.
Bouldreaming at Takakkaw Falls - Yoho National Park
Bouldering is a style of rock climbing undertaken without a rope and normally limited to very short climbs over a crash pad (called a bouldering mat). - Wikipedia
Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.... They range from normal and ordinary to overly surreal and bizarre.... Dreams can at times make a creative thought occur to the person or give a sense of inspiration. - Wikipedia
Filmed, edited and directed by Tim Zafir.
Cette vidéo est aussi disponible en français à
Takakkaw Falls - Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada
A view further from Takakkaw Falls
Canada - Yoho National Park - Takakkaw Falls
Takakkaw Falls - Yoho National Park
Takakkaw Falls, located in the Yoho Valley of Yoho National Park. With a height of 384 metres (1,260 ft), it is Western Canada's second-highest waterfall (after Della Falls on Vancouver Island).
The mountains of Yoho National Park are part of the Canadian Rockies.
Takakkaw falls YoHo National Park |Alberta, Canada
Takakkaw Falls 254m, Yoho National Park, B.C., Canada
Takakkaw falls
Yoho National Park, British Columbia
Canada Day trip
Tanya Viktoriya Oleksiy SvitlanaM
filmed: Ihor
Takakkaw falls, Yoho National park, Canada
Takakkaw Falls in Yoho National Park, BC Canada
Takakkaw Falls is a waterfall located in Yoho National Park, near Field, British Columbia in Canada. The falls have a total height of 373 metres, making it the 2nd tallest waterfall in Canada. The main drop of the waterfall has a height of 254 metres. Takakkaw translates to wonderful in Cree.