Takhini hot spring
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Takhini Hot Springs Whitehorse
Music via Bensound, song Betterdays.
FROZEN HAIR CHALLENGE | 30 degrees below ZERO in Whitehorse
10FEB2018 - Day 1 of the Whitehorse Vlog.
Join as us we explore the capital of Yukon! From roaming downtown Whitehorse to freezing our hair at the Takhini Hotsprings!
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【K】Canada Travel-Whitehorse[캐나다 여행-화이트 호스]타키니 온천/Takhini Hot Springs/Alaska Highway/Yukon
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
화이트호스 근교에 유명한 온천이 있다는 정보를 얻어 타키니를 방문했다. “여기는 온천이에요” “물은 어떤가요?” “물은 아주 따뜻해요. 공기는 차가운데 물은 따뜻해요. 1시간 정도 있었던 것 같아요. 뜨거운 곳에 있다가 차가운 공기로 나올 대 특히 더 상쾌해요. 눈이 내릴 때도 아주 좋죠 좋은 하루 보내세요” 11월이지만 온종일 영하의 기온을 유지하는 유콘 날씨에 나도 온천욕을 즐겨보기로 했다. “온천에 오신 걸 환영합니다” “얼마냐고요? 지금은 비수기라서 평일은 하루에 9달러 약7,500원, 주말은 12달러 약10,000원예요” 타키니 온천은 12월부터 성수기에 접어든다. 그 무렵, 이곳을 찾는 사람들은 신기한 경험도 할 수 있다고 한다. 환태평양 불의 고리 덕에 이곳 온천은 백여 년의 역사를 자랑하는 곳이 됐다. 이곳은 섭씨 47도의 뜨거운 물이 나온다. 한겨울 추위에도 평균 36도에서 42도를 유지할 수 있다고 하니 감사할 따름이다. “굉장하네요. 풍경이 끝내줘요”남녀가 함께 하는 온천탕이라 수영복이 필요하다. 물론 대여도 가능하다. 노천탕에서 바라보는 설국의 풍경도 이곳만의 자랑이다. “근방에 있는 유일한 온천이에요. 겨울에 정말 좋죠. 따뜻하고 재미있어요” 따뜻한 온천수에 몸을 담그자 추위에 움츠러들었던 온몸의 근육이 풀어지는 듯 했다.
[English: Google Translator]
I visited Takiniyu with information that there is a famous hot spring near Whitehorse. This is a hot spring. How is the water? The water is very warm. Air is warm in the middle of the car. I think it was about an hour. It is especially refreshing when it is in a hot place and it comes out in cold air. It's great when snow falls. Have a good day. In November, however, I decided to enjoy the hot spring in Yukon weather, which keeps the temperature below zero all day. Welcome to the spa How much is it? It is now off season, so weekdays are about 9 dollars a day for about 7,500 won, and about 12 dollars a week about 10,000 won a week. Takiniyu hot spring goes into high season from December. In those days, those who visit here can also have a wonderful experience. Thanks to the ring of the Pacific Rim, the hot spring has become a place that boasts a history of more than 100 years. It has a hot water of 47 degrees Celsius. I am grateful to be able to maintain an average of 36 degrees to 42 degrees in the cold of winter. It's awesome. The scenery is perfect. I need a bathing suit because it is a hot spring bath with men and women together. Of course, rentals are also possible. The scenery of snowy country seen from open-air bath is also a pride of this place. It's the only hot spring nearby. It's really nice in winter. It is warm and fun. It seemed that the muscles of the whole body, which had been shrunken in the cold, seemed to be loosened.
■클립명: 북미018-캐나다-16-11 역사를 자랑하는 타키니 온천
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 오성민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 12월December
온천/목욕/수영,spa,swimming,북아메리카North America북미캐나다CanadaCanada오성민201812월유콘 테리토리Yukon TerritoryDecember걸어서 세계속으로
Craziest Freeze Hair in the World - Hot Springs Canada
We were in Takini Hot Springs in Whitehorse and the weather was really cold ! -40 degrees ! It was a competition of Hair Freezing who takes place every year.
Awesome experience!
【K】Canada Travel-Yukon[캐나다 여행-유콘]타키니 온천/Takhini/Hot Springs/Aurora/White horse/Alaska Highway
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
유콘에서 제일 유명한 온천이 화이트호스 인근에 있다고 해서 찾았다. 타키니는 원주민 말로 연어가 사는 강이란 뜻이다. 원주민들이 발견해서 이용하던 온천이다. 물 온도는 33도에서 47도까지로 1907년 근대식 온천 시설이 만들어졌다. “온천 물 속에는 여러 가지 미네랄이 포함되어 있습니다. 실리카, 소듐, 칼륨, 마그네슘, 황, 철, 칼슘 등이 있습니다. 몸에 아주 좋은 미네랄입니다. 소금 탕과 비슷하다고 느끼실 거예요.”겨울에는 야간 온천 욕을 즐기면서 오로라도 감상할 수 있게 야간 개장도 한다. 따뜻한 온천 물에 몸을 담그고 오로라를 감상한다니 상상만 해도 환상적이다. 알래스카 고속도로 옆에 위치한 타키니 온천은 긴 여행에 지친 여행객들이 많이 찾고 있다. “여기 온천이 좋아요. 여름에 알래스카를 가는 길에 이곳에 들렀습니다. 그때는 여름이라 온천 물이 지금보다 더 뜨거웠던 것 같아요. 하지만 지금도 따뜻해서 좋습니다. 여행을 할 때마다 온천을 찾아 다니는데 이곳도 정말 좋습니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
The most famous springs in the Yukon near Whitehorse found by that. What will you cook a salmon river the natives living words. The spa was used by natives are found. The water temperature is 1907 geundaesik spa facilities were made from 33 degrees to 47 degrees. There are several springs of mineral water are included sokeneun. There are silica, sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, calcium, and the like. Very good minerals in the body. Salt bath and it will feel like. In winter, it also allows the opening night enjoying the hot spring bath at night can also watch the Northern Lights. Soaking in the hot spring water handani watch the aurora is fantastic even if only imagined. Located next to the Alaska Highway Onsen Taki you are looking for a lot of weary travelers on their long journey. I love this hot spring. I stopped here on our way to Alaska in the summer. Then I think it will throw more hot spring water than it is now called the summer. But still a good warm up. Every time you find a spa trip danineunde yigotdo really good.
■클립명: 북미018-캐나다11-13 타키니 온천/Takhini/Hot Springs/Aurora/White horse/Alaska Highway
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이남기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 9월 September
산,mountain,산맥, 봉우리, mountains, ravine, gorge, hill, berg, mountains, berg, mountain chain, peak, trekking, cable car, climbing, cliff,온천,spa,hot spring, volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,북미,North America,아메리카,캐나다,Canada,Canada,,이남기,2015,9월 September,유콘 테리토리,Yukon Territory,,
Takhini Hot Springs Resort
Yukon Wildlife Preserve | Whitehorse Yukon Canada Part 2 [Travel Vlog]
What an incredible experience to see these Yukon animals up close and in their natural habitats at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve! We also go to the Takhini Hot Springs and check out the Yukon Brewing Company.
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Come Home by Declan DP
The rest of the music are from the Youtube Audio Library.
Whitehorse Yukon, Canada Wildlife Preserve, Takhini Hot Springs, Aurora Viewing | 화이트호스유콘 캐나다 Day3
Track : Doopba
Music by Bgm President
Music provided by Bgm President
Yukon Wildlife Preserve and Takhini Hot Springs
Part of our 5000 KM journey across Yukon, North West Territories all the way up to the Arctic Ocean via the Dempster Highway, Alaska (including the Top of the World Highway up to Dawson City) , British Columbia (BC). Please write your comments and watch the rest of our adventure. Here is the link to the playlist
#yukonwildlifepreserve, #takhinihotsprings
Yukon Wildlife Preserve and Takhini Hot Springs [1080p]
Part of our 5000 KM journey across Yukon, North West Territories all the way up to the Arctic Ocean via the Dempster Highway, Alaska (including the Top of the World Highway up to Dawson City) , British Columbia (BC). Please write your comments and watch the rest of our adventure. Here is the link to the playlist
#yukonwildlifepreserve, #takhinihotsprings
Takhini Hot Springs to Fish Lake - Whitehorse - Yukon - 25th January 2014
Driving from Takhini Hot Springs to Fish Lake
Whitehorse - Yukon - Canada
25th January 2014
Takhini Hot Spring
Yukon Pines Whitehorse to Takhini Hot Springs - 25th January 2014
Yukon Pines - Whitehorse to Takhini Hot Springs
25th January 2014
Watson Lake to whitehorse to Takhini hot spring
Donde esta Elprimo Gaby/ facebook
Northern lights Takhini 2017
Some lights captured from our beautiful cabin at the Takhini hotsprings in Whitehorse, canada. November 2017
Sony a7sii, f1.4
Hair freezing competition takes place in Canada
Three French natives braved temperatures of minus 30 celsius to win a freezing hair contest in Canada. Report by Claire Mewse.
Best Hot Spring in the world - Canada
During the road trip, Whitehorse to Banff, we stoped at an unbelievable natural hot spring! As you can see during the video we were really surprised such that was magical. Put the highest quality for this video to enjoy more! Share and like if you want to go someday !
Tok to Whitehorse to Liard Hot Springs
Well, the past few days have been quite the driving days as we head back south to the US now that our Alaska Tour is complete!
Four of us have decided to travel together (Charlie & Patti Wiley, Denny & Claire Smith, Kent & Trisha Campbell, Charlie & Jeannie Coushaine). The past few days we have traveled from Valdez to Tok to Whitehorse to Liard Hot Springs! It has been quite a few miles each day, compounded by lots of repairs to the Alaska Highway (ALCAN).
However, we have seen spectacular vistas along the way, lots of wildlife, and even boondocked with a bonfire beside the highway! To top that off, we stopped at Liard Hot Springs for a hot soak in the naturally fed springs…priceless!
We would greatly appreciate your support by using the link below for all your future Amazon.com purchases. It will be totally transparent to your Amazon shopping, and doesn’t cost you a thing!
The MILEPOST 2018: Alaska Travel Planner Paperback – March 7, 2018
Described as the quintessential reference for Alaska travelers, The MILEPOST® offers mile-by-mile descriptions of more than 15,000 miles of road in Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia and Alberta. It's 700-plus pages detail accommodations, camping, sightseeing, attractions and services,as well as fascinating facts on the history and wildlife of the North.
DJI Mavic (drone)
Sony HDRCX900/B Video Camera with 3.5-Inch LCD
Canada's Crazy Frozen Hair Competition
Canada's Crazy Frozen Hair Competition
Every February, the Takhini Hot Springs, located just outside Whitehorse in Canada’s chilly Yukon Territory, holds a frozen hair contest. The site’s conditions — hot water, cold air — allow competitors to create icy, elaborate coifs.
Fanny Caritte, Milena Georgeault and Maxime Goyou Beauchamps of Quebec won the contest this year after submitting this image on Facebook.