恋する八王子彼女Vol.12 前編『加田 穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.12 (Part1)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park/Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』
八王子彼女FILE NO.12 加田穂乃華
オープニングテーマ PEACE$TONE「不死鳥〜フェニックス〜」
デート挿入歌 The Rouges「レイニーアフタヌーン」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
Made in Tokyo~Ome Railway Park~
'Made In Tokyo' is a series of video clips introducing the charms of Tokyo such as beautiful sceneries, rich culinary culture and traditional craftsmanship. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is taking various actions for promoting Tokyo's attractiveness to the world..
Kofu Castle in Japan
Hey guys! This video is about the local Japanese fortress/castle in Kofu! It is called Maizuru jou and it has some pretty cool history behind it! I took a lot of video so it's divided between three videos. It's a little slower paced, but I like history so I think it's very interesting! Hope you guys enjoy! :D
恋する八王子彼女Vol.12 後編『加田 穂乃華♡インドラ』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.12 (Part2)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra/Vol.12後編『加田 穂乃華♡インドラ』
八王子彼女FILE NO.12 加田穂乃華
デート挿入歌 the heights「君の影」
エンディングテーマ 小村方駿「彼女の鼻歌」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.5 前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.5 (Part1)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO/Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』
八王子彼女FILE NO.5 綱島 恵里香
オープニングテーマ PEACE$TONE「不死鳥〜フェニックス〜」
デート挿入歌 the heights「原点回帰」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.4 前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.4 (Part1)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.4 (Part1) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)/Vol.4『大澤 玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里 前編』
八王子彼女FILE NO.4 大澤 玲美
オープニングテーマ PEACE$TONE「不死鳥〜フェニックス〜」
デート挿入歌 NAGAI「星の隣で」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.5 後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.5 (Part2)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar/Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』
八王子彼女FILE NO.5 綱島 恵里香
デート挿入歌 キャドゥマキャドゥサムウッドワセイ「夜空」
エンディングテーマ 小村方 俊「彼女の鼻歌」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.4 後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.4 (Part2)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)/
Vol.4『大澤 玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里 後編』
八王子彼女FILE NO.4 大澤 玲美
デート挿入歌 愛野可奈「アオゾラ」
エンディングテーマ 小村方 駿「彼女の鼻歌」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.9 前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.9 (Part1)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish/Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』
八王子彼女FILE NO.9 川上 愛
オープニングテーマ PEACE$TONE「不死鳥〜フェニックス〜」
デート挿入歌 CLEAR PALETTE「五線譜キャラバン」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.3 後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.3 (Part2)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU/Vol.3『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』
八王子彼女FILE NO.3 河内美里
デート挿入歌 透明標本「心臓」
エンディング 小村方 駿「彼女の鼻歌」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
Metal Detecting - Samurai History! You be the Judge!
Metal Detecting - Samurai History! You be the Judge! This hunt was AWESOME! Founds some coins, antique samurai house seal, saw some snow and beautiful scenery!
The only that could have been better was nothing!
***All coins and little artifacts are left at the local shrine. We do not keep anything.
These are the items that we use on our detecting trips:
AT Max Bundle
AT Pro Bundle
Edge Digger
511Tactical Pants
Go Pro 6
DJI 2 Drone.
For Hats, T-shirts and Hoodies and other goods:
For assistance in creating a great Youtube Channel:
恋する八王子彼女Vol.9 後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.9 (Part2)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish/Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』
八王子彼女FILE NO.9 川上 愛
デート挿入歌 Solaris Clock「時計台の下で」
エンディングテーマ 小村方駿「彼女の鼻歌」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.11 後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.11 (Part2)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE/Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ
八王子彼女FILE NO.11 鈴木千絵里
デート挿入歌 QUAKE「Cecile」
エンディングテーマ 小村方駿「彼女の鼻歌」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.7 前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.7 (Part1)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014/Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』
八王子彼女FILE NO.7 船岡 咲
オープニングテーマ PEACE$TONE「不死鳥〜フェニックス〜」
デート挿入歌 Femme fatales「マトリカリア」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.3 前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.3 (Part1)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park/Vol.3『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』
八王子彼女FILE NO.3 河内美里
オープニングテーマ PEACE$TONE「不死鳥〜フェニックス〜」
デート挿入歌 NAGAI「World room」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
Kanagawa Owakudani - 大涌谷 - 4K Ultra HD
Kanagawa Owakudani - 大涌谷 - 4K Ultra HD : Owakudani is an area around a crater created during Mt Hakone's last eruption some 3,000 years ago. Today Owakudani is still an active volcanic zone where sulfurous fumes, hot rivers and hot springs are heavily present. Despite being a very famous tourist attraction where were you can enjoy, in some safe zones, a gorgeous view of Owakudani fumes and Mt. Fuji, the place also offers you the chance to purchase eggs naturally cooked in one of Owakudani's hot water springs. The eggshells are blackened by the sulfur and are said, according to local folklore, to prolong your life by a good seven years.
Unfortunately and as for today, Owakudani is currently closed due to an increase in seismic activity that, according to scientists, could lead to a volcanic eruption.
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恋する八王子彼女Vol.7 後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.7 (Part2)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014/Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』
八王子彼女FILE NO.7 船岡 咲
エンディングテーマ 小村方 駿「彼女の鼻歌」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.6 前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.6 (Part1)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park/Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』
八王子彼女FILE NO.6 保田 真愛
オープニングテーマ PEACE$TONE「不死鳥〜フェニックス〜」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra
恋する八王子彼女Vol.2 後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Girl in love with Hachiouji Vol.2 (Part2)
Girl in love with Hachiouji -HACHIKANO- is TV program that lovely japanese girls introduce recommendation spots in Hachioji,like a date.Let's enjoy the virtual date with lovely and funny japanese girls!
Vol.2『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&wineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&wineBar moite moite
八王子彼女FILE NO.2 池田ショコラ
デート挿入歌 qusco「evolution」
エンディングテーマ 小村方 駿「彼女の鼻歌」
↓↓↓全作品はコチラ↓↓↓(All contents you can watch from here)
Vol.1全編『瑞木るう♡cafe-gallery MODESTE』/Vol.1Ruu Mizuki♡cafe-gallery MODESTE
Vol.2前編『池田ショコラ♡木下沢梅林』/Vol.2 (Part1) Chocolate Ikeda♡Kogesawa plum grove
Vol.2後編『池田ショコラ♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite』/Vol.2 (Part2) Chocolate Ikeda♡Cafe&WineBar moite moite
Vol.3前編『河内美里♡滝山城址公園』/Vol.3 (Part1) Misato Kawauchi♡Takiyama ruins of a castle park
Vol.3後編『河内美里♡カフェSUZU』/Vol.3 (Part2) Misato Kawauchi♡Cafe SUZU
Vol.4前編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』Vol.4 (Part1)/ Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.4後編『大澤玲美♡夕やけ小やけ ふれあいの里』/Vol.4 (Part2) Reimi Osawa♡Village of Yuyake (the red sunset sky) and Koyake (the after sunset orange sky)
Vol.5前編『綱島恵里香♡FIO』/Vol.5 (Part1) Erika Tsunashima♡FIO
Vol.5後編『綱島恵里香♡クジラ商店』/Vol.5 (Part2) Erika Tsunashima♡Kujira bar
Vol.6前編『保田真愛♡戸吹スポーツ公園』/Vol.6 (Part1) Mai Yasuda♡Tobuki sports park
Vol.6後編『保田真愛♡Cafe W』/Vol.6 (Part2) Mai Yasuda♡Cafe W
Vol.7前編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part1) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.7後編『船岡咲♡AKITEN2014』/Vol.7 (Part2) Saki funaoka♡AKITEN2014
Vol.8前編『大野未来♡金龍山 少林寺』/Vol.8 (Part1) Miku Ono♡Kinryusan Shorinji
Vol.8後編『大野未来♡道の駅八王子滝山』/Vol.8 (Part2) Miku Ono♡Roadside station Hachioji Takiyama
Vol.9前編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part1) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.9後編『川上愛♡吉田観賞魚』/Vol.9 (Part2) Mana Kawakami♡Yoshida aquarium fish
Vol.10前編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/ Vol.10 (Part1) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.10後編『森岡朋奈♡礒沼牧場』/Vol.10 (Part2) Tomona Morioka♡Isonuma Farm
Vol.11前編『鈴木千絵里♡片倉城跡公園』/ Vol.11 (Part1) Chieri Suzuki♡Katakura ruins of a castle park
Vol.11後編『鈴木千絵里♡CADOCCOカフェ』/Vol.11 (Part2) Chieri Suzuki♡CADOCCO CAFE
Vol.12前編『加田穂乃華♡上柚木公園』/ Vol.12 (Part1) Honoka Kada♡Kamiyugi park
Vol.12後編『加田穂乃華♡インドラ』/Vol.12 (Part2) Honoka Kada♡Indra