Tallinn Botanic Garden Estonia
Tallinn Botanic Garden Estonia
59°28'11.2N 24°52'48.3E
Only ten kilometres from the city noise, in the picturesque valley of River Pirita is where pure nature and a beautifully designed landscape meet in harmony.
ORCHIDS Exhibition | Tallinn Botanic Garden | Estonia
Visitors of Tallinn Botanic Garden are be able to see its beautiful orchid exhibition, which has become a good tradition over the years and features rare species that can be found in natural habitats as well as varieties resulting from people’s efforts in cultivation.
Jaan Mettik, head of the department of tropical and subtropical plants, says that the orchid exhibition has been one of the visitors’ favorites over the years. “Orchid Days attract plant enthusiasts from Estonia and abroad alike to Tallinn Botanical Garden and feature numerous species that can be found in the nature as well as cultivated varieties. In addition to widely known moth orchids (Phalaenopsis), the exhibits include a broad range of other tropical orchids, for example, Venus slippers (Paphiopedilum), Vanda, boat orchids (Cymbidium), Epidendrum, Dendrobium, Masdevallia, Oncidium and other species,” Mettik added.
The orchid collection of Tallinn Botanical Garden boasts fascinating history. “Our orchid collection was founded when Oskar Savik (1890-1985), an Australian orchid grower with Estonian roots, donated a selection of his best orchids to the botanical garden in 1960s. By now, numerous rare orchids growing in various natural habitats all over the world have been added to the historical collection of boat orchid varieties. In addition to the above, almost 100 cultivated varieties can be seen at the exhibition, supplied by our partner Flores Aed OÜ,” Jaan Mettik explained.
Visitors can buy interesting orchid varieties at two weekends during the exhibition. The plants supplied by Flores Aed OÜ, Tallinn Botanical Garden’s long-term partner. In addition, specialists with many years of experience will be giving advice on how to grow orchids at home.
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[RUS] Со 2 по 11 марта в Таллиннском ботаническом саду пршла ставшая многолетней традицией выставка орхидей, где можно было увидеть произрастающие в естественной среде редкие цветы, а также сорта, полученные в результате селекционной работы. На выходных желающие также смогут приобрести орхидеи.
По словам руководителя отдела тропических и субтропических растений ботанического сада Яана Меттика, выставка орхидей каждый год становится одним из хитов среди посетителей. «В Дни орхидей Таллиннский ботанический сад посещают любители растений из Эстонии и других стран. Здесь можно увидеть произрастающие в естественной среде цветы, а также искусственно выведенные сорта. Наряду с привычными фаленопсисами демонстрируется множество других тропических орхидей: например, пафиопедилюмы, ванды, цимбидиумы, эпидендрумы, дендробиумы, масдеваллии, онцидиумы и т.п.», — добавил Меттик.
Коллекция орхидей Таллиннского ботанического сада очень интересна. «Начало наша коллекция получила благодаря австралийскому любителю орхидей эстонского происхождения Оскару Савику (1890-1985), который в начале 1960-х годов подарил ботаническому саду лучшие из своих цветов. На сегодняшний день в коллекции наряду с историческими сортами цимбидиума появилось множество редких сортов диких орхидей. Кроме того, на выставке можно будет увидеть около сотни разных выведенных селекционерами сортов орхидей, которые попали на выставку благодаря нашему партнеру Flores Aed OÜ», — уточнил Яан Меттик.
На выходных во время проведения выставки посетители могли приобрести орхидеи необычных сортов. Продает орхидеи многолетний партнер ботанического сада Flores Aed OÜ. Также у опытных специалистов можно получить советы относительно выращивания орхидей дома.
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#Botaanikaaed #orchids #flowers
Gone by The Bold Love
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World Famous Botanical Gardens 43: Tallinn Botanic Garden (Estonia)
World Famous Botanical Gardens 43: Tallinn Botanic Garden (Estonia)
Tallinn Botanic Garden tulips Estonia
Tallinna Botaanikaaed tulbid
Таллиннский ботанический сад тюльпаны
PIRITA - Kose - Kloostrimetsa Park | Autumn Walk | Tallinn | Estonia
Autumn morning walk in Pirita - Kloostrimetsa park. Excellent place for sporting activities. Beautiful autumn views of the Pirita river. A lush, green valley around the Pirita River, includes the Tallinn Botanic Garden and the Forest Cemetery, the resting places of some of Estonia’s most important figures. Up to 200-year-old pine trees grow throughout the river valley and more than 120 bird species have been spotted here. During the summer, the area is a feeding ground for bats as well. The nature reserve also surrounds Iru Hill Fort, one of the oldest settlement sites in Tallinn, dating back to the 7th to 5th centuries BC.
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Kloostrimetsa (Estonian for Convent Forest) is a subdistrict in the district of Pirita, Tallinn. It's located north of the Pirita River and is mostly covered by the park forest Kloostrimets (Cloister Forest, which name comes from the nearby Pirita monastery). Tallinn Botanic Garden, Tallinn TV Tower, Metsakalmistu cemetery and Pirita-Kose-Kloostrimetsa Circuit are located in Kloostrimetsa.
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#Pirita #Kloostrimetsa #Tallinn
Tired Boy by Joey Pecoraro
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Music provided by Music for Creators
爱沙尼亚共和国(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti Vabariik),通称爱沙尼亚(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti,爱沙尼亚语发音: [ˈeːsti]),波罗的海国家之一,首都及全国最大城市为塔林。爱沙尼亚位于欧洲东北部,其国土由大陆部分和波罗的海的2222个岛屿组成,西向波罗的海,北向芬兰湾,東临楚德湖,南面和東面分別同拉脱维亚和俄罗斯接壤,总面积42,388平方公里,为温带大陆性湿润气候。该国主体民族爱沙尼亚人属于芬人诸民族。該國目前是北欧理事会、欧洲联盟、欧元区、申根区、北大西洋公约组织、以及经济合作与发展组织的成員國,為世界高收入經濟體之一。
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti Vabariik)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا (343 كم)، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي (338.6 كم).. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع (17462) ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة. تٌعتبر إستونيا ج
Botanical garden in Tallinn, Estonia. Part 1.
The first video about very beautiful park in Tallinn. Apart from the tropical, lians, cactuses and subtropicalexpositions, the garden has a spectacular rose and alpen squair.
Botanical garden in Tallinn Estonia. Part 2.
The continuation of the first video about very beautiful park in Tallinn. Apart from the tropical, lians, cactuses and subtropicalexpositions, the garden has a spectacular rose and alpen squair.
tallinn botanical garden
flight for emt's (emt.ee) 4g promotional event. video was streamed live from cinestar
Tallinn CITY HALL | Tallinna Linnahall | Горхолл Таллина
Linnahall (Estonian: Tallinna Linnahall, 'Tallinn City Hall') (originally the V. I. Lenin Palace of Culture and Sport) is a multi-purpose venue in Tallinn, Estonia. It is situated on the harbour, just beyond the walls of the Old Town and was completed in 1980. It is not to be confused with the primary administrative building of the municipal government (Raad) of Tallinn, sometimes referred to as the Town Hall. The venue also features a heliport, with service to Helsinki, and a small port for Linda Line catamarans.
The 1980 Summer Olympics were hosted in Moscow in 1980. As inland Moscow had no suitable venue at which to stage the sailing event this task fell to Tallinn, the capital of then Estonian SSR. Apart from the main venue for the sailing event, Pirita Yachting Centre, a lot of other sports and entertainment facilities were built during preparations for the Olympics. One of them was V. I. Lenin Palace of Culture and Sport, which was later renamed to its present name - Linnahall. A large concrete structure, architects of Linnahall are Raine Karp and Riina Altmäe.
The ice hall part of the venue closed in 2009 and the concert hall closed in 2010. The city searched for Investors from 2009-2015 and in 2015 Tallinn city council decided to renovate Linnahall. Analysis by experts, project description, procurement for design and construction services started in 2015 and is expected to be finalized in 2017. Renovation and construction is planned for 2018-2019 and scheduled to reopen sometime in 2019. All of this is stated on a sign outside the hall. Video of the future project:
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[RUS] Горхо́лл (городской холл, эст. Tallinna Linnahall) — культурно-спортивный комплекс в Таллине, Эстония. Расположен на берегу залива, рядом с Пассажирским портом и в непосредственной близости от стен старого города Таллина. Строительство завершилось в 1980 году, к открытию летней Олимпиады. Не следует путать Горхолл с административным зданием муниципального правления — Таллинской ратушей, несмотря на то, что в английском переводе иногда его называют Town Hall.
22-е Летние Олимпийские Игры проводились в Москве в 1980 году. Поскольку материковая Москва не имела подходящих сооружений для проведения парусных состязаний, миссию проведения олимпийской регаты возложили на Таллин, столицу Эстонской ССР. Началась масштабная реализация множества инфраструктурных, жилищных, инженерно-технических, транспортных, спортивных и общественно-культурных проектов. Одним из них стал Дворец Культуры и Спорта им. В. И. Ленина, с закрепившимся позднее названием — Горхолл. Массивное железо-бетонное сооружение гармонично вписалось в береговую линию, не нарушая целостности открывающейся с залива панорамы исторической части города. При облицовке использован камень известняковых и доломитных пород местного происхождения. Главныe архитекторы проекта — Райне Карп, Рийна Алтмяэ и Юло Сирп. В составе коллектива, работавшего над созданием и воплощением проекта, они в 1984 г. были награждены Государственной премией СССР.
Комплекс также оборудован вертолётной площадкой, Tallinn Linnahall Heliport, откуда совершались регулярные полёты в Хельсинки компанией Copterline, и небольшим портом для катеров компании Linda Line.
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Sunshine by urpleactus
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Music promoted by Audio Library
#Linnahall #Горхолл #pealinn
Ботанический парк Таллинна. Tallinn botanic garden. Kloostrimetsa. Estonia. 20190731_17:07-17:39
Beautiful gardens of Estonia
Video: Reisiportaal.ee / Ivar Soopan
Kloogaranna on ilma ühegi aiatagi ilus paik, aga Riho Raudi ja Mare Talviste aed lisab mereäärsele elamupiirkonnale vürtsi. Aiandushuviga turistid peavad sellest aiast igatahes lugu.
Riho Raudi ja Mare Talviste erialane töö algas juba enne 1980. aastat. Mare on töötanud haljastusgrupi juhina tookordses Tallinna Linnuvabrikus alates 1979. aastast ja täiendanud end põhiliselt Taanis.
Riho Raudi on lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli botaanik-ökoloogina ning töötanud Tallinna Haljasalade Trustis ning Tallinna Botaanikaaias. Praeguseks on neil veerandsaja aasta jooksul valminud üle 300 aiakujundusprojekti.
Kevin MacLeod / Meditation Impromptu 02
4 must-see attractions in Tallinn
Located on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe. Now a bustling metropolis of over 430,000 people, Tallinn manifests a harmonious combination of history and modernity.
In this video, we are going to take a tour around Tallinn and visit the most famous tourist attractions of the city: Old Town, Tallinn Zoo, Kadriorg Palace, and Japanese Garden.
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Ботанический парк Таллинна. Tallinn botanic garden. Kloostrimetsa. Estonia. 20190731_17:39
Walk in Tallinn Botanical garden
The idea of founding a botanical garden in Tallinn first arose in the 1860s. It took almost 100 years for the idea to be realized. The garden was established on 1 December 1961 as a subordinate institution of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR and was developed over the following years.[1] Major plant collections were planted during the first 20 years. The systematic open-air collections were opened for visitors in 1970 and the greenhouse collections in 1971
Tallinn botanical garden 2015
Tallinn botanical garden 2015
Podróże: Estonia, Tallinn. Pieczeń z łosia i pleśniowy sernik
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Waterfall JAGALA JUGA Estonia Tallinn
4K City Walks: Tallinn Estonia Pirita Beach to Kodriorg - Virtual Walk Walking Treadmill Video
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4K City Walks: Tallinn Estonia Pirita Beach to Kodriorg - Virtual Walk Walking Treadmill Video takes you from the best beach in Tallinn, Estonia back towards town and the Kodriorg Park area. Thousands of people enjoyed the warm shallow water on a warm, sunny, summer day. On this tour you will start at the beach in the late afternoon, walk a short distance along the Pirita River and then several miles back along the water and a main road past the war memorial and song festival grounds until you reach the Kodriorg Park.
Pirita is one of the eight administrative districts of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.
Pirita occupies a relatively big area, but compared to other districts of Tallinn its population of 16,636 (as of1 Jan 2012) is relatively small. It mostly consists of private houses, instead of the large blocks of flats typical of some other districts of Tallinn, such as Lasnamäe and Mustamäe. Large parts of the district consist of newly built, modern buildings and houses. Pirita beach is located in Pirita.
Pirita is one of the most prestigious and wealthiest districts of Tallinn, partly thanks to natural benefits such as its beach and yachting harbour. Pirita beach is the largest in Tallinn, and in the summer can attract up to 30,000 visitors a day.
Tallinn is the capital, primate and the most populous city of Estonia. Located in the northern part of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea, it has a population of 434,562. Administratively a part of Harju maakond (county), Tallinn is a major financial, industrial, cultural, educational and research centre of Estonia. Tallinn is located 80 kilometres (50 mi) south of Helsinki, Finland, 320 kilometres (200 mi) west of Saint Petersburg, Russia, and 380 kilometres (240 mi) east of Stockholm, Sweden. It has close historical ties with these three cities. From the 13th century until the first half of the 20th century Tallinn was known in most of the world by its historical German name Reval.
Tallinn, first mentioned in 1219, received city rights in 1248, but the earliest human settlements date back 5,000 years. The first recorded claim over the land was laid by Denmark in 1219, after a successful raid of Lyndanisse led by king Valdemar II, followed by a period of alternating Scandinavian and Teutonic rulers. Due to its strategic location, the city became a major trade hub, especially from the 14th to the 16th century, when it grew in importance as part of the Hanseatic League. Tallinn's Old Town is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Tallinn has the highest number of startups per person among European countries and is a birthplace of many international high technology companies, including Skype and Transferwise. The city is to house the headquarters of the European Union's IT agency. Providing to the global cybersecurity it is the home to the NATO Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. Tallinn is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top ten digital cities in the world. The city was a European Capital of Culture for 2011, along with Turku in Finland.
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