Tallinn Town Hall - RAEKODA | Таллинская Ратуша | Joy in the Heart of the City
The Tallinn Town Hall (Estonian: Tallinna raekoda) is a building in the Tallinn Old Town, Estonia, next to the Town Hall Square. It is the oldest town hall in the whole of the Baltic region and Scandinavia. The building is located in the south side of the ancient market square and is 36.8 metres long. The vane Old Thomas (Estonian: Vana Toomas) on the top of the Town Hall's tower, that has been there since 1530, has become one of the symbols of Tallinn. The height of the tower is 64 metres.
Town Hall is open to visitors as a museum. The structure's interior is truly impressive, featuring colourful meeting halls, vaulted ceilings, intricate wood carvings and some of the city's most prized art treasures, including the famed Tristan and Isolde carved bench.
In this video you can also see an exhibition Joy in the Heart of the City. Paintings from Enn Kunila’s Collection. This exhibition of the so-called golden age of Estonian art commemorates the centenary of the Republic of Estonia and the passing of 100 years since Tallinn became the capital of the Republic of Estonia.
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[RUS] Таллинская ратуша — здание городского управления средневекового Ревеля (c 1919 года Таллин), расположена на Ратушной площади в центре Старого города, наиболее сохранившееся здание средневековой ратуши в Северной Европе. В 2004 году таллинской ратуше исполнилось 600 лет. Таллинская ратуша — единственная сохранившаяся в Северной Европе ратуша в готическом стиле.
Впечатляющее готическое здание Таллиннской ратуши доминирует в ансамбле главной площади Старого города. Ратушу построили в 1402-1404 годы для заседаний бургомистров, и это здание во все времена выглядело представительно. Сегодня Таллиннская ратуша, единственная ратуша в готическом стиле, сохранившаяся в странах Северной Европы, служит местом проведения концертов или приемов иностранных королевских особ и президентов.
Присмотритесь к шпилю здания, и вы увидите Старого Тоомаса (эст. Vana Toomas) на флюгере. Это символ Таллинна с 1530 года.
В июле и августе Ратуша открыта для посетителей как музей. Интерьер здания впечатляет: здесь есть ярко оформленные помещения для собраний, сводчатые потолки, изысканная резьба по дереву, а также городская коллекция произведений искусства, включая средневековые скамьи с резными изображениями по мотивам легенды о Тристане и Изольде.
С июня до августа можно посетить 64-метровую башню, с которой открывается восхитительный вид на Старый город. В это же время в подвалах ратуши и чердачных помещениях проходят выставки.
В данном видео представлена выставка картин Радость в сердце города. Живопись из коллекции Энна Кунила. Выставка проходит в Таллинской ратуше с 15 февраля до 1 мая 2018. Выставка, посвященная Золотому веку эстонского искусства, приурочена к столетней годовщине Эстонской Республики, а также к столетней годовщине с того дня, когда Таллин стал столицей Эстонии.
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Tallinn Town Hall
Short video introducing Tallinn Town Hall.
Tallinn CITY HALL | Tallinna Linnahall | Горхолл Таллина
Linnahall (Estonian: Tallinna Linnahall, 'Tallinn City Hall') (originally the V. I. Lenin Palace of Culture and Sport) is a multi-purpose venue in Tallinn, Estonia. It is situated on the harbour, just beyond the walls of the Old Town and was completed in 1980. It is not to be confused with the primary administrative building of the municipal government (Raad) of Tallinn, sometimes referred to as the Town Hall. The venue also features a heliport, with service to Helsinki, and a small port for Linda Line catamarans.
The 1980 Summer Olympics were hosted in Moscow in 1980. As inland Moscow had no suitable venue at which to stage the sailing event this task fell to Tallinn, the capital of then Estonian SSR. Apart from the main venue for the sailing event, Pirita Yachting Centre, a lot of other sports and entertainment facilities were built during preparations for the Olympics. One of them was V. I. Lenin Palace of Culture and Sport, which was later renamed to its present name - Linnahall. A large concrete structure, architects of Linnahall are Raine Karp and Riina Altmäe.
The ice hall part of the venue closed in 2009 and the concert hall closed in 2010. The city searched for Investors from 2009-2015 and in 2015 Tallinn city council decided to renovate Linnahall. Analysis by experts, project description, procurement for design and construction services started in 2015 and is expected to be finalized in 2017. Renovation and construction is planned for 2018-2019 and scheduled to reopen sometime in 2019. All of this is stated on a sign outside the hall. Video of the future project:
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[RUS] Горхо́лл (городской холл, эст. Tallinna Linnahall) — культурно-спортивный комплекс в Таллине, Эстония. Расположен на берегу залива, рядом с Пассажирским портом и в непосредственной близости от стен старого города Таллина. Строительство завершилось в 1980 году, к открытию летней Олимпиады. Не следует путать Горхолл с административным зданием муниципального правления — Таллинской ратушей, несмотря на то, что в английском переводе иногда его называют Town Hall.
22-е Летние Олимпийские Игры проводились в Москве в 1980 году. Поскольку материковая Москва не имела подходящих сооружений для проведения парусных состязаний, миссию проведения олимпийской регаты возложили на Таллин, столицу Эстонской ССР. Началась масштабная реализация множества инфраструктурных, жилищных, инженерно-технических, транспортных, спортивных и общественно-культурных проектов. Одним из них стал Дворец Культуры и Спорта им. В. И. Ленина, с закрепившимся позднее названием — Горхолл. Массивное железо-бетонное сооружение гармонично вписалось в береговую линию, не нарушая целостности открывающейся с залива панорамы исторической части города. При облицовке использован камень известняковых и доломитных пород местного происхождения. Главныe архитекторы проекта — Райне Карп, Рийна Алтмяэ и Юло Сирп. В составе коллектива, работавшего над созданием и воплощением проекта, они в 1984 г. были награждены Государственной премией СССР.
Комплекс также оборудован вертолётной площадкой, Tallinn Linnahall Heliport, откуда совершались регулярные полёты в Хельсинки компанией Copterline, и небольшим портом для катеров компании Linda Line.
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Sunshine by urpleactus
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#Linnahall #Горхолл #pealinn
Tallinn 2019 Best of Tallinn, Estonia Tourism 4K
Tallinn, Estonia’s capital on the Baltic Sea, is the country’s cultural hub. It retains its walled, cobblestoned Old Town, home to cafes and shops, as well as Kiek in de Kök, a 15th-century defensive tower. Its Gothic Town Hall, built in the 13th century and with a 64m-high tower, sits in historic Tallinn’s main square. St. Nicholas Church is a 13th-century landmark exhibiting ecclesiastical art.
Tallinn Old Town City Hall, Estonia
Tallinn Old Town City Hall, Estonia
RAEAPTEEK - Tallinn Town Hall Pharmacy, Oldest in Europe | Ратушная аптека - старейшая в Европе
Town Hall Pharmacy (Raeapteek) is the oldest in Europe that has continually operated in the same premises. It was first mentioned in town records in 1422, when an apothecary by the name of Nyclawes was summoned to a session of the town's rulers; however, he was at least the third apothecary to have served Tallinn... It is also the oldest commercial enterprise and the oldest medical establishment in Tallinn.
The first known image of the Town-Hall Pharmacy is an oil painting by Oldekop, showing Tallinn's Town Hall Square in 1800. The first photos of the building date from 1889.
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[RUS] Ратушная аптека – это наиболее старая аптека в Европе, работающая в своем оригинальном помещении. В городском архиве есть запись от 1422 года, согласно которой на городском совете присутствовал фармацевт Николаус, бывший уже третьим ратушным аптекарем в истории города.
Аптека находится напротив городской ратуши, в доме номер 11, и является одной из старейших действующих аптек в Европе, работающих в одном и том же здании с начала XV века. Это также старейшее коммерческое заведение и старейшее медицинское учреждение Таллина. Первое известное изображение Ратушной аптеки - масляная картина, показывающая ратушную площадь 1800 года. Первые фотографии датируются 1889 годом.
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Life Is by Cosimo Fogg (201)
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#Raeapteek #TallinnOldTown #Таллин
【K】Estonia Travel-Tallinn[에스토니아 여행-탈린]비루 문을 지나 만나는 탈린/Viru Gate/Walls/Middle Age/Town Hall Square
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800년 전 여름 이 바다를 건넌 덴마크인들은 발트의 북쪽 끝에 도착했다. 그들은 곧 바다 가까이에 성벽을 쌓으며 '덴마크인의 성', 탈린을 만들어 갔고, 짙푸른 발트해와 단단한 성벽이 포근하게 품은 한 편의 동화는 숱한 전쟁에도 그 빛을 잃지 않았다. 페이지를 넘길 때마다 파스텔빛이 쏟아지는 행복한 옛 이야기. 그 속으로 들어가 보기로 했다. 현대적인 건 물들을 뒤로 하고 이 돌길을 조금만 걸으면 수백 년 전 써진 동화의 첫 페이지, 비루 문이 나온다. 파란 기차가 노란 집들 사이를 천천히 지나가면 오페라글라스를 쓴 할아버지가 내려다보고 낮고 둥근 문을 지나 시청 광장으로 향하면 중세 유럽 한자 동맹의 일원으로 부유한 무역 도시가 되었던 탈린의 찬란한 과거와 마주한다. 아이들이 그린 듯한 세모난 지붕에 아무 눈치도 보지 않고 좋아하는 색을 골라 마음껏 칠한 듯한 탈린의 거리, 그 속을 걸으면 누구나 따뜻한 색에 스며든다. “평화로운 분위기에 여러 색의 건물들, 돌로 된 바닥까지 모두 멋져요. 먹고 마실 수 있는 곳들도 많아서 정말 좋아요” “뮌헨이나 아테네에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 풍경이죠. 여기를 걷는 내내 우리 표정이 이랬어요. 이게 바로 탈린이죠”
[English: Google Translator]
Danish people arrived at the northern end of Baltic Sea across the sea in the summer of 800 years ago. They soon built walls near the sea, creating the 'Danish castle', Tallinn, and the fairy-tale fairy tale of the dark blue Baltic Sea and solid walls did not lose their light in many wars. A happy old story where pastel light pours every time you turn the pages. I decided to go inside. Behind the modern buildings and a short walk on this road, the first page of the fairy tale, written about centuries ago, comes out. As the blue train slowly passes through the yellow houses, the grandfather with the opera glass looks down and faces the brilliant past of Tallinn, which became a wealthy trade city as a member of the medieval European Chinese Confederacy, through the low and round gates to the City Hall Square. The streets of Tallinn seem to have painted their favorite color without seeing any notice on the three angular roofs that children paint. Peaceful atmosphere, colorful buildings and stone floors are all wonderful. There are many places to eat and drink and I like it very much. This is a scenery not found in Munich or Athens. Our expressions throughout the walk here. This is Tallinn.
[Estonia: Google Translator]
Taani inimesed jõudsid 800 aastat tagasi suve jooksul Läänemere põhjaossa. Nad kiiresti ssateumyeo seina mere lähedal Taanlaste, mis on valmistatud läks Tallinn, hõlmab Läänemere ja lopsakas massiivsein- tihedalt mugavustega assimilatsioon ei kaota, et valgus lugematuid sõjad. Õnnelik vana lugu, kus pastell valgustab iga kord, kui lehti keerates. Otsustasin sisse minna. Kaasaegne Gun veed tagasi esimesele lehele muinasjutt, mis on kirjutatud sadu aastaid tagasi, kui sa kõndida veidi seda dolgil, tuleb Viru värav. Sinine rong möödub majade vahel kollaste ja aeglaselt langetada minu vanaisa kirjutas ooperi klaasist vaatega hyanghamyeon läbi ringi ukse Raekoja platsil, ja nägu kuulsusrikas ajalugu Tallinn on olnud kauplemise linna rikas keskaegses Euroopas liikmena Hansa. Green kolm last ilma ette teatamata nurksuunalisse katuse tunduda isegi nägema vali värv täielikult värvitud nagu Tallinna tänavad, et kõndida, et igaüks imendub soojades toonides. Rahumeelne õhkkond, värvilised ehitised ja kivipõrandad on kõik suurepärased. Ka palju kohti, kus saab süüa ja juua väga hea. See on maastik, mis ei ole võimalik leida Münchenis ja Ateena. Meie väljendus siin kogu jalutuskäigu kaugusel. See on Tallinn.
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아03-01 비루 문을 지나 만나는 탈린
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김가람 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 6월June
성/궁전,palace,공원/광장,park, square,건물,architecture,유럽Europe에스토니아EstoniaEesti VabariikEesti김가람20186월하르유 주Harju CountyHarju MaakondHarjuAugust걸어서 세계속으로
Tallinn in 48 hours (Estonia)
Tallinn, Estonia.
Tallinn was the second destination of our trip and we spent there 2 days in the capital of Estonia.
During our visit in Tallinn the weather was really nice and sunny either.
In Tallinn there are many interesting things to see and to do:
St. Olaf’s Church, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Tallin old town, Pikk Tanav, St. Catherine’s Passage, Toompea Cathedral, Raekoja square (Town Hall Square), Paks Margareeta, Kiek in de Kok, Russalka Memorial, Kadriorg Park, Palace and Art Museum, the creative city Telliskivi Loomelinnak (on Saturday there is the Flea Market), the Estonian Maritime Museum, Lennusadam (Seaplane Harbour).
If you enjoy drinking, you could try the traditional liqueur: Vana Tallinn.
Twin - You Is Mine
Estonia: Tallinn's Town Hall Tower
Another climb in one of the best towers of Tallinn is the Town Hall Tower. Caught a bird's eye view of a part of the square.
Tallinn, Estonia - Tallinn Town Hall Square (2018)
The Tallinn Town Hall (Estonian: Tallinna raekoda) is a building in the Tallinn Old Town, Estonia, next to the Town Hall Square. It is the oldest town hall in the whole of the Baltic region and Scandinavia.
The building is located in the south side of the ancient market square and is 36.8 metres long. The west wall is 14.5 metres in length, and the east is 15.2 meters. It is a two-storey building with a spacious basement.
The vane Old Thomas (Estonian: Vana Toomas) on the top of the Town Hall's tower, that has been there since 1530, has become one of the symbols of Tallinn. The height of the tower is 64 metres. Tallinn Town Hall is located on the Town Hall Square, where the streets Kullassepa street, Dunkri street and Vanaturu kael lead. One of the shortest streets of Tallinn is Raekoja tänav, which is located behind the Town Hall.
Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland in Harju County. From the 13th century until 1918 (and briefly during the Nazi occupation of Estonia from 1941 to 1944), in languages other than Estonian, the city was known as Reval. Tallinn occupies an area of 159.2 km2 (61.5 sq mi) and has a population of 450,305.
Tallinn, first mentioned in 1219, received city rights in 1248, but the earliest human settlements date back 5,000 years. The initial claim over the land was laid by the Danes in 1219, after a successful raid of Lyndanisse led by Valdemar II of Denmark, followed by a period of alternating Scandinavian and German rule. Due to its strategic location, the city became a major trade hub, especially from the 14th to the 16th century, when it grew in importance as part of the Hanseatic League.
Tallinn's Old Town is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tallinn is the major political, financial, cultural and educational center of Estonia. Often dubbed the Silicon Valley of Europe, it has the highest number of startups per person in Europe and is a birthplace of many international companies, including Skype. The city is to house the headquarters of the European Union's IT agency. Providing to the global cybersecurity it is the home to the NATO Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. It is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world. According to the Global Financial Centres Index Tallinn is the most competitive financial hub in Northern Europe and ranks 42nd internationally. The city was a European Capital of Culture for 2011, along with Turku in Finland.
Tallinn | Estonya | Estonia |3| Tallinn Town Hall | Tallinna raekoda
Tallinn the capital of Estonia by Cehulić family
★★★★★ ★★★★★
Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the banks of the Gulf of Finland, 80 km (50 mi) south of Helsinki, east of Stockholm and west of Saint Petersburg. Tallinn's Old Town is in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Tallinn is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world. (source Wikipedia)
Passing Viru gate you are entering the Viru street the main entrace to the old city.
Town Hall square (Raekoja plats), in the middle of Tallinn's Lower Town (All-linn).
Kadriorg Palace (Kadrioru loss) Petrine Baroque palace of Catherine I of Russia in Tallinn.
The Tallinn Town Hall (Tallinna raekoda), built 1402-1404, is the only gothic style town hall in the Northern Europe.
The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is an orthodox cathedral in the Tallinn Old Town in a typical Russian Revival style between 1894 and 1900.
Tallinn Zoo was founded in 1939. It is the only zoo in Estonia and as of 2008 it housed 7158 animals representing 619 species.
Stenbock House on Tallinn's Tompea hill seats today the Government of Estonia.
Tallinn | Estonya | Estonia |16| Town Hall Square
Tallinn , Estonia
We first visited Tallinn with special permission of the now defunct Soviet Union in 1972.
Now its a much restored gem.
Tallinn, Estonia’s capital on the Baltic Sea, is the country’s cultural hub. It retains its walled, cobblestoned Old Town, home to cafes and shops, as well as Kiek in de Kök, a 15th-century defensive tower. Its Gothic Town Hall, built in the 13th century and with a 64m-high tower, sits in historic Tallinn’s main square. St. Nicholas Church is a 13th-century landmark exhibiting ecclesiastical art.
Tallinn Town Hall
TallinThe Tallinn Town Hall (Estonian: Tallinna raekoda) is a building in the Tallinn Old Town, Estonia, next to the Town Hall Square. It is the only intact gothic style town hall in the Northern Europe and the oldest town hall in the whole of the Baltic and Scandinavia.
The building is located in the south side of the ancient market square and is 36.8 metres long. The west wall is 14.5 metres in length, and the east is 15.2 meters.[1] It is a two-storey building with a spacious basement.[2]
The vane Old Thomas (Estonian: Vana Toomas) on the top of the Town Hall's tower, that has been there since 1530, has become one of the symbols of Tallinn. The height of the tower is 64 metres. Tallinn Town Hall is located on the Town Hall Square, where the streets Kullassepa street, Dunkri street and Vanaturu kael lead. One of the shortest streets of Tallinn is Raekoja tänav, which is located behind the Town Hall.n,Estonia
Tallinn, Estonia - Must see in Tallinn
In this video you can see:
- Katariina käik (St. Catherine's Passage)
- Raekoja plats (Town Hall Square)
- Kiek in de Kök
- Patkuli Viewing Platform
- St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
- Tallinn Town Wall
- Vabaduse väljak (Freedom Square)
- Fat Margaret
- Patarei Prison
More info:
Town Hall Square in Tallinn, Estonia
Our first impressions o the Tall Hall Square in Tallinn, Estonia.
The Group Continued Exploring Tallinn, Estonia
A huge array of sights to see in Tallinn. The beautiful Raekoja plats, Tallinn's large square surrounded by cafes, restaurants, the Town Hall with a dragon rain spout. Europe's oldest pharmacy, Katariina Kaik (Katherine's Lane), a medieval passage adjoining the church with studios filled with artisans. A little art nouveau to prepare us for Riga, known for art nouveau/art deco buildings and finally dinne in a restaurant that was once an old cellar.
The day was filled to the brim and exhausting!
Tallinn, Old Town and Kadriorg Palace - Estonia 4K Travel Channel
Once again we visit the Cathedral Hill. The weather is pleasant, so we have a nice view from above. First, we visit the cathedral. Behind it is a small park with a terrace, which shows the panorama in the west. We follow the mountain slope direction north. The premier's seat has the best view. The old town is at your feet and the harbor is visible in the background. The small squares and narrow streets on the Cathedral Hill convey again the medieval ambiance that characterizes this city. Most of the ancient venerable houses are historical monuments and often rented to embassies or consulates.
We return to Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and can take a look. The parliament building stand opposite the cathedral.
To the west, we reach the Maiden's Tower (Neitsitorn), that houses a café. Here, the city wall with its integrated battlements is particularly well preserved.
We move again towards Town Hall Square and pass the Freedom Square and the restaurant Olde Hansa.
A visit to the Estonian History Museum gives us further impressions of the history of the city. The museum is housed in the medieval Great Guild Hall.
Across the street is the most renowned café of the city, the Café Maiasmokk. It is the oldest operating café in Tallinn and has been in the same location since 1864. On the first floor is a restaurant that serves characteristic Estonian dishes.
A special marzipan museum gives an overview of the history of marzipan. On request, you can have marzipan figures decorated on your personal request.
Katarina kaik is the narrowest and most medieval street in Tallinn. Round arches above the alley support the side walls. It leads to the Müürivahe street, where a market in the shadow of the city wall, gives an insight into the life behind the walls.
Through the Viru Gate from the 14th century, we leave the old town. At Viru välja, the Viru Square, we take a tram to Kadriorg.
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Noch einmal besuchen wir den Domberg. Das Wetter ist angenehm, so dass wir einen schönen Ausblick von oben haben. Zuerst besuchen wir den Dom. Direkt dahinter ist ein kleiner Park mit einer Terrasse, die das Panorama im Westen zeigt. Wir folgen dem Berghang Richtung Norden. Beim Sitz des Premiers hat man den schönsten Ausblick. Die Altstadt liegt zu Füssen und im Hintergrund ist der Hafen zu sehen. Die kleinen Plätze und engen Gassen auf dem Domberg vermitteln wieder das mittelalterliche Ambiente, das diese Stadt so auszeichnet. Die alten ehrwürdigen Häuser stehen in der Regel unter Denkmalschutz und sind oft an Botschaften oder Konsulate vermietet.
Wir kommen zurück zur Alexander Nevsky Kathedrale und können einen Blick hineinwerfen. Gegenüber der Kathedrale steht das Parlamentsgebäude.
Richtung Westen erreichen wir den Jungfernturm ( Neitsitorn) in dem sich ein Café befindet. Hier ist die Stadtmauer mit ihren integrierten Wehrgängen besonders gut erhalten.
Wir bewegen uns wieder in Richtung Rathausplatz und passieren vorher den Freiheitsplatz und das Restaurant Olde Hansa.
Ein Besuch im Estnisches Geschichtsmuseum vermittelt uns weitere Eindrücke von der Geschichte der Stadt. Es ist im mittelalterliche Gebäude der Großgilde untergebracht.
Gegenüber ist das renommierteste Restaurant und Café der Stadt, das Café Maiasmokk, das hier bereits seit 1864 residiert. Im ersten Stock befindet sich ein Restaurant, das charakteristische estnische Gerichte serviert.
Ein spezielles Marzipanzimmer vermittelt einen Überblick über die Geschichte des Marzipan. Auf Wunsch kann man sich Marzipanfiguren nach persönlichem Geschmack bemalen lassen.
Die Katarina kaik ist die schmalste und mittelalterlichste Gasse Tallinns. Rundbögen oberhalb der Gasse stützen die Seitenwände ab. Sie mündet in der Müürivahe-Straße, wo ein Markt im Schatten der Stadtmauer, Einblicke in das Leben hinter den Mauern vermittelt.
Durch das Viru Tor aus dem 14. Jahrhundert verlassen wir die Altstadt und nehmen am Viru väljak (Viru Platz) eine Straßenbahn nach Kadriorg.
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Estonia/Tallinn (Raekoja Square) Part 2
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The Tallinn Town Hall:
There has been a town hall in Tallinn since at least 1322 and a town square next to it ever since then. The hall was rebuilt from 1402 to 1404 into its current form, and a Christmas tree display has been held in the square since 1441, making the Tallinn Christmas tree display over 570 years old.
The Tallinn Town Hall (Estonian: Tallinna raekoda) is a building in the Tallinn Old Town, Estonia, next to the Town Hall Square. It is the oldest town hall in the whole of the Baltic region and Scandinavia.The building is located in the south side of the ancient market square and is 36.8 metres long. The west wall is 14.5 metres in length, and the east is 15.2 meters. It is a two-storey building with a spacious basement.The vane Old Thomas (Estonian: Vana Toomas) on the top of the Town Hall's tower, that has been there since 1530, has become one of the symbols of Tallinn. The height of the tower is 64 metres. Tallinn Town Hall is located on the Town Hall Square, where the streets Kullassepa street, Dunkri street and Vanaturu kael lead. One of the shortest streets of Tallinn is Raekoja tänav, which is located behind the Town Hall.The town hall was built by what was then the market square. The town hall square got its current length in the 1370s. Covered with a board roof in 1374, the town hall was probably a single-decked stone building with a basement. The attic was used as a storeroom. The facade of this long and narrow building is now a rear wall of the arcade, where you can still see some of the simple statuary framed windows from this time.A Town Hall with a huge meeting room was firstly mentioned in a Real Estate book in 1322 as a consistorium, which had a giant warehouse (cellarium civitatis) for that time. Some walls in the eastern part of the modern town hall and seven windows in the basement and on the ground floor have remained from that time. In 1364, it was called a playhouse (teatrum) and in 1372 a town hall (rathus).The Town council controlled the town's political, economic and partly even parlour action. The Town Hall was often a courthouse and a place to introduce goods; sometimes it was even used as a room for theatre, as you can conclude from the word teatrum. Therefore, it was very important to be placed in the heart of the town and to look representative.Although the city power worked in the Town Hall until 1970, it still holds the role of a representational building of a city administration and welcomes visitors as a concert venue and a museum, where you can get to know the centuries-long historical and architectural value of the Tallinn Town Hall. In conjunction with the Tallinn Old Town, the Town Hall has been on the UNESCO world Heritage Sites list since 1997. In 2004, Tallinn Town Hall celebrated its 600th birthday.In 2005, the Tallinn town hall received a high recognition – 2nd prize, in the category of conservation of Architectural Heritage for the revival of the last surviving Gothic Town Hall in Northern Europe and the exemplary revealing of all the historical layers of this icon of the great European tradition of municipal power. The prize was presented to Elvira Liiver Holmström, the director of Tallinn Town Hall by Queen Sofía of Spain at the European Heritage Awards Ceremony which was held on 27 June 2006 at the Palacio Real de El Pardo, Madrid. Europa Nostra medal was presented to Tallinn Town Hall on the ceremony on the 15th of September in 2006 by Siim Kallas, Vice President of the European Commission, and Thomas Willoch, Europa Nostra board member.Wikipedia