Interview: TOJI Fuji Takao「 What’s TANBA TOJI? The Masters of Sake Production」
■What’s Tanba Toji
Tanba Toji(many of them are in Nada), Tajima toji, Echigo toji of Niigata, Bichu toji of Okayama, and Izumo toji of shimane are known by many people.
However, what made Tanba Toji more impressive than others is not that they are the speciality of Kansai area, but that the Tanba Tojis work harder and honestly.
Before alcohol production was automized, Tanba Tojis would worked from early mornings to late nights to make Sake, and after that, they would clean the whole brewer prior to finishing the work.
Because of the tojis hard work, the alcohol production were able to move on smoothly.
The hard work, honesty, and teamwork has been the assets that Tanba Tojis cultivated for a long time.
■Tamba Toji Brewery Museum
The master of sake production, Tamba Toji Brewery Museum.
Starting from the Sake production technique, the tools and information
that are lost because of modernization, some process of making sake are displayed.
You will be able to learn about information about how Tojis came from, thier miserable history,
and the process of producing sake by hand.
Address:Tanba Toji Brewery Museum 1-5 Higashishinmachi, Sasayama 669-2324, Hyogo Prefecture
Tanba Toji :The Masters of Sake Production/酒造り技術集団丹波杜氏 Promotion Movie.
丹波杜氏酒造記念館 プロモーションムービー
Tamba Toji Brewery Museum / Promotion Movie
■Tamba Toji Brewery Museum
The master of sake production, Tamba Toji Brewery Museum.
Starting from the Sake production technique, the tools and information
that are lost because of modernization, some process of making sake are displayed.
You will be able to learn about information about how Tojis came from, thier miserable history,
and the process of producing sake by hand.
丹波杜氏は、南部杜氏、越後杜氏と共に日本三大杜氏の一つに数えられる。 江戸時代には、伊丹や池田に出稼ぎし「 剣 菱 」 、「 男 山 」 な ど 元 禄 期 の 伊 丹 の 酒 は 、丹 波 杜 氏 の 造 り 出 す 銘酒でした。江戸時代中期以降、 灘と今津に移動し、今あるほとんどの 灘の銘酒を作り上げただけでなく、全国に指 導に出かけ、地方の酒の原形を作った。
■What’s Tanba Toji
Tanba Toji(many of them are in Nada), Tajima toji, Echigo toji of Niigata, Bichu toji of Okayama, and Izumo toji of shimane are known by many people.
However, what made Tanba Toji more impressive than others is not that they are the speciality of Kansai area, but that the Tanba Tojis work harder and honestly.
Before alcohol production was automized, Tanba tojis would worked from early mornings to late nights to make Sake, and after that, they would clean the whole brewer prior to finishing the work.
Because of the tojis hard work, the alcohol production were able to move on smoothly.
鳳鳴酒造株式会社 狩場酒造場 丹波杜氏組合 丹波杜氏酒造記念館
Making of 「 Tanba Toji :The Masters of Sake Production 」short.ver
丹波杜氏酒造記念館 プロモーションムービーshort ver
Tamba Toji Brewery Museum / Promotion Movie
■Tamba Toji Brewery Museum
The master of sake production, Tamba Toji Brewery Museum.
Starting from the Sake production technique, the tools and information
that are lost because of modernization, some process of making sake are displayed.
You will be able to learn about information about how Tojis came from, thier miserable history,
and the process of producing sake by hand.
丹波杜氏は、南部杜氏、越後杜氏と共に日本三大杜氏の一つに数えられる。 江戸時代には、伊丹や池田に出稼ぎし「 剣 菱 」 、「 男 山 」 な ど 元 禄 期 の 伊 丹 の 酒 は 、丹 波 杜 氏 の 造 り 出 す 銘酒でした。江戸時代中期以降、 灘と今津に移動し、今あるほとんどの 灘の銘酒を作り上げただけでなく、全国に指 導に出かけ、地方の酒の原形を作った。
■What’s Tanba Toji
Tanba Toji(many of them are in Nada), Tajima toji, Echigo toji of Niigata, Bichu toji of Okayama, and Izumo toji of shimane are known by many people.
However, what made Tanba Toji more impressive than others is not that they are the speciality of Kansai area, but that the Tanba Tojis work harder and honestly.
Before alcohol production was automized, Tanba tojis would worked from early mornings to late nights to make Sake, and after that, they would clean the whole brewer prior to finishing the work.
Because of the tojis hard work, the alcohol production were able to move on smoothly.
鳳鳴酒造株式会社 狩場酒造場 丹波杜氏組合 丹波杜氏酒造記念館
Interview:TOJI Nakagawa Hiroki 「 What’s TANBA TOJI? The Masters of Sake Production」
■What’s Tanba Toji
Tanba Toji(many of them are in Nada), Tajima toji, Echigo toji of Niigata, Bichu toji of Okayama, and Izumo toji of shimane are known by many people.
However, what made Tanba Toji more impressive than others is not that they are the speciality of Kansai area, but that the Tanba Tojis work harder and honestly.
Before alcohol production was automized, Tanba Tojis would worked from early mornings to late nights to make Sake, and after that, they would clean the whole brewer prior to finishing the work.
Because of the tojis hard work, the alcohol production were able to move on smoothly.
The hard work, honesty, and teamwork has been the assets that Tanba Tojis cultivated for a long time.
■Tamba Toji Brewery Museum
The master of sake production, Tamba Toji Brewery Museum.
Starting from the Sake production technique, the tools and information
that are lost because of modernization, some process of making sake are displayed.
You will be able to learn about information about how Tojis came from, thier miserable history,
and the process of producing sake by hand.
Address:Tanba Toji Brewery Museum 1-5 Higashishinmachi, Sasayama 669-2324, Hyogo Prefecture