Tambakrejo Beach - Blitar
Tambakrejo Beach
Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro (the new year in Java calendar) is performed Larung Sesaji ceremony, and visited by thousands people from elsewhere.
The existance of south sea waves splashing and the sun is shining every evening, it makes the situation feel peaceful and romantic. Hence, this beach is proper for those who bored with city activities and daily routines. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The visitor can make some activities in this beach like; swimming, sun-bathing, fishing, canoeing, etc. Tambakrejo Beach has white sandy that spread along about 10 km. The wave is also safe for the visitors who want to swim here.
Tambakrejo Beach - Blitar - East Java
Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro month (the new year in Java calendar) is performed a Larung Sesaji ceremony, and visited by thousands people from various areas.
The south sea (Indonesia Ocean) waves splashing and the sunshine in the evening, make the situation feel peaceful. It is compatible for the townsman who had bored with the metropolitan life. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The visitor can make some activities in this beach such as; swimming, sun bathing, fishing, canoeing, etc. Tambakrejo Beach has white sandy that spread along about 10 km. The wave is also not dangerous for the visitors who want to swim here.
There is rubber forest around the beach that adds its beautiful nature. And through the way you can see the dry lime hill. When arrive at the beach, the visitors can see the blue sea and canoe that already to accompanied to the sea. You can enjoy the fresh morning air and seafood in Tambakrejo Beach. If you go to Blitar, try to visit Tambakrejo Beach, then you will get new experiences.
Tambakrejo Beach, Blitar, East Java, Indonesia
Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro month (the new year in Java calendar) is performed a Larung Sesaji ceremony, and visited by thousands people from various areas.
The south sea (Indonesia Ocean) waves splashing and the sunshine in the evening, make the situation feel peaceful. It is compatible for the townsman who had bored with the metropolitan life. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The visitor can make some activities in this beach such as; swimming, sun bathing, fishing, canoeing, etc. Tambakrejo Beach has white sandy that spread along about 10 km. The wave is also not dangerous for the visitors who want to swim here.
There is rubber forest around the beach that adds its beautiful nature. And through the way you can see the dry lime hill. When arrive at the beach, the visitors can see the blue sea and canoe that already to accompanied to the sea. You can enjoy the fresh morning air and seafood in Tambakrejo Beach. If you go to Blitar, try to visit Tambakrejo Beach, then you will get new experiences.
Tambakrejo Beach - Blitar - East Java
Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro month (the new year in Java calendar) is performed a Larung Sesaji ceremony, and visited by thousands people from various areas. The south sea (Indonesia Ocean) waves splashing and the sunshine in the evening, make the situation feel peaceful. It is compatible for the townsman who had bored with the metropolitan life. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The visitor can make some activities in this beach such as; swimming, sun bathing, fishing, canoeing, etc. Tambakrejo Beach has white sandy that spread along about 10 km. The wave is also not dangerous for the visitors who want to swim here. There is rubber forest around the beach that adds its beautiful nature. And through the way you can see the dry lime hill. When arrive at the beach, the visitors can see the blue sea and canoe that already to accompanied to the sea. You can enjoy the fresh morning air and seafood in Tambakrejo Beach. If you go to Blitar, try to visit Tambakrejo Beach, then you will get new experiences.
Trip to Blitar.. - Pantai Tambakrejo Blitar Jawa Timur
Pada kali ini kita lagi explore Blitar Jawa Timur gaes.. :D
kita lagi ada di Pantai Tambakrejo.. okay gaes, selamat menyaksikan.. hehe..
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Music : Dub Spirit by Jingle Punks ( YouTube Audio Library )
Tambakrejo Blitar.mov
Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro month (the new year in Java calendar) is performed a Larung Sesaji ceremony, and visited by thousands people from various areas.
The south sea (Indonesia Ocean) waves splashing and the sunshine in the evening, make the situation feel peaceful. It is compatible for the townsman who had bored with the metropolitan life. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The visitor can make some activities in this beach such as; swimming, sun bathing, fishing, canoeing, etc. Tambakrejo Beach has white sandy that spread along about 10 km. The wave is also not dangerous for the visitors who want to swim here.
There is rubber forest around the beach that adds its beautiful nature. And through the way you can see the dry lime hill. When arrive at the beach, the visitors can see the blue sea and canoe that already to accompanied to the sea. You can enjoy the fresh morning air and seafood in Tambakrejo Beach. If you go to Blitar, try to visit Tambakrejo Beach, then you will get new experiences.
More info visit
Tambakrejo Beach Waves, South Blitar, East Java - Indonesia
Tambakrejo Beach Blitar Jatim
Wisata Pantai Kabupaten Malang-Jawa Timur
Tambakrejo Beach , Blitar Indonesia
Menemukan kepingan-kepingan kenangan yang tercecer di memori laptop, kemudian berusaha menyatukannya, dan jadilah video amatir ini. Haha.. Selamat menikmati
fishing at tambakrejo beach Blitar Jawa Timur
mancing di pantai tambakrejo
Tambakrejo Beach | JAVa
Edisi liburan hari raya idul fitri 1440 H. Menikmati pesona laut yang indah ciptaan allah swt. Di tambah lagu yang keren sebe allah daru alpha blondy.
The Ceremonial Beach Of Tambakrejo - Blitar
Tambakrejo Beach
Tambakrejo Beach is located about 30 km from Blitar city, in Tambakrejo village, Wonotirto district. In this location, in every first Suro (the new year in Java calendar) is performed Larung Sesaji ceremony, and visited by thousands people from elsewhere.
The existance of south sea waves splashing and the sun is shining every evening, it makes the situation feel peaceful and romantic. Hence, this beach is proper for those who bored with city activities and daily routines. They can enjoy the natural beach with its beautiful waves and beautiful sunset. The visitor can make some activities in this beach like; swimming, sun-bathing, fishing, canoeing, etc.
Tambakrejo Beach has white sandy that spread along about 10 km. The wave is also safe for the visitors who want to swim here.
Pantai Tambak Rejo Blitar 2018
Kondisi Pantai Tambakrejo Blitar tahun 2018
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Pantai TambakRejo Kabupaten Blitar Indonesia
Pantai TambakRejo Kabupaten Blitar. Terletak di sebelah selatan kabupaten Blitar dan termasuk pantai selatan pulau jawa
Pantai Tambakrejo | Tambakrejo Wonotirto Blitar
Pantai Tambakrejo terletak di desa Tambakrejo Kecamatan Wonotirto Kab. Blitar Indonesia. Membutuhkan sekitar 1 jam perjalanan dari Kota Blitar ke selatan untuk mencapai tempat ini. Dengan jalanan meliuk-liuk khas perbukitan yang tampak indah. Terutama apabila anda sudah tidak terlalu jauh dari pantai. Terdapat beberapa titik turunan yang cukup tinggi dan panjang. Untuk pengendara roda 4 atau lebih disarankan untuk menggunakan kendaraan yang benar-benar kuat untuk tanjakan, selain itu pastikan pengemudi sudah bisa mengemudi di area pegunungan. Karena sering ada mobil yang tidak kuat untuk mendaki tanjakan yang cukup tinggi ketika pulang dari pantai ini.
Untuk mencapai tempat ini, anda tinggal menuju daerah Kademangan. Dari jembatan di Kademangan sudah terdapat papan arah yang menunjukkan arah pantai Tambakrejo. Anda cukup mengikuti arah tersebut untuk mencapai tempat ini. Tiket masuk area ini adalah 3.000 rupiah untuk 1 orang, dan untuk parkir kendaraan roda 2 di bandrol 3.000 rupiah / motor.
#blitar #tulungagung #jawatimur #jatim #pantai #tambak #rejo #tambakrejo #beach #indonesia
Wisata Di Blitar Pantai Tambakrejo Ini Dulu Tersembunyi, Sekarang Ramai Dikunjungi! [ Travel Vlog ]
Pantai Tambakrejo Blitar, ini bisa dibilang salah satu tempat wisata di Blitar yang tersembunyi. Namun sekarang pantai di Blitar ini makin ramai dikunjungi. Terutama ketika musim liburan tiba. Ini juga merupakan tujuan wisata lebaran yang populer di Blitar.
Cerita tentang pantai ini bisa dibaca disini juga :
My Instagram : instagram.com/catperku
My Travel Blog : catperku.com
Pantai Tambakrejo | Explore Blitar
Keseruan berlibur ke pantai tambak rejo di daerah blitar selatan
Pantai tambakrejo blitar
Pantai terbaik di blitar
Pantai tambak rejo
#exploreblitar #beach #holiday #pantai
Wisata Blitar Pantai Tambakrejo
Pantai Tambakrejo adalah sebuah pantai yang berada di Desa Tambakrejo, Kecamatan Wonotirto, Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur, Pantai yang berpasir putih ini terletak kurang lebih 30 km sebelah selatan Kota Blitar, dengan garis pantai mencapai 10 km, tidak seperti pantai-pantai yang lain yang menghadap Samudera Hindia, Wisatawan diizinkan mandi dan berenang pada sore hari saat air laut mulai surut.
Bagi kalian yang ingin mendapatkan foto yang bagus di pantai ini, tunggulah pada saat senja datang. terutama saat cuaca sedang cerah, jika saat mendung akan sulit untuk mendapatkan hasil gambar yang bagus.
Selain kampung nelayan, di pantai Tambakrejo juga terdapat tepatnya pelelangan ikan sehingga Wisatawan dapat membeli hasil laut tangkapan ikan yang masih segar.
Wisata Pantai Tambakrejo ini kalian juga bisa menikmati berbagai macam wisata kuliner khas pesisir dengan menu utama ikan laut. banyak warung yang menyediakan menu ikan bakar di Pantai Tambakrejo ini.
Pantai Gondo Mayit;
Nona Tyas - Pantai Tambakrejo Blitar - Directed by: ubay.photograph - This Is My Day (HD)
Talent by: Nona Tyas
Song tittle: This Is My Day by Party Last Knight
Directed by: ubay.photograph
Location: Tambakrejo Beach, Blitar.
See other photography photo on my instagram:
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