Best Restaurants you MUST TRY in Vadso, Norway | 2019
Vadsø [²vɑdsøː] (Northern Sami: Čáhcesuolu; Kven: Vesisaari) is a municipality in Finnmark County, Norway.
Discover what's best in your city.
The rating information was taken from Google Maps and the list was last updated on 9th June, 2019:
1: Trattoria Capri
2: Ritz
3: Båtsfjord Brygge AS
4: Scandic Vadsø
5: Opticom kaffebar
6: Kafe Visit
7: Sollia Aurora Park & Gapahuken restaurant
8: ABC Thai Restaurant
9: Surf & Turf Restaurant AS
10: Elvekanten Spiseri AS
Click on a link below to see an up-to-date list and more:
Ås videregående skolens presentasjon på UNESCOs ASPnet Seminar i Spania i2013
Den 6. februar kalles ''Samefolkets dag'' eller ''Samisk folkedag''. Nasjonaldagen ble vedtatt av Samekonferansen i 1992 og er felles for alle samer i Norge, Finland, Sverige og Russland.
Samfunnsfag samt håndverks- og formgivingsfag på videregående skole (som for eksempel studiespesialisering med formgiving på alle trinn) inkluderer kompetansemål om samisk kultur, kunst, religion og om utvikling av det samiske samfunnet. Elevene lærer også om påvirkningen av den samiske formkulturen på den norske.
Ås videregåendeskole markerte Samefolkets dag med et variert og spennende arrangement tilknyttet den samiske kulturen. Arrangementet var laget av elever for elever og inkluderte foredrag, opplevelsestelt (lavvo) laget av elever i skolens bibliotek, utstilling med autentiske duodjigjenstander og samiske drakter (kofter), samiske bøker og filmer (Veiviseren og Kautokeinoopprøret), samisk musikk, informasjonsutstilling og videoer om den samiske kulturen. Arrangementet hadde til hensikt å gi elevene læring og inspirasjon gjennom en uvanlig form for læring basert på egne opplevelser og variasjon. Skolen forvandlet seg til museum, foredragslokale og kino denne dagen, og bød på en uforglemmelig opplevelse for elevene, både for dem som hadde jobbet med å forberede arrangementet, og hadde skapt det som ble stilt ut, og for dem som deltok.
Skolens rektor Per Lien åpnet arrangementet. Våre prominente gjester var fylkesordføreren Nils Aage Jegstad som holdt hilsen og ordfører i Ås kommune, Johan Alnes, som holdt tale for dagen. To samiske foredragsholdere, Heidi Haaker, sametingsrepresentant og Beathe Lille, avdelingsleder norsk og idrettsfag på Ås videregående skole, holdt lærerike og spennende foredrag om den samiske kulturen. Journalister fra Ås avis og Østlandets blad, samt Ås kommunes nettredaktør dekket arrangementet med artikler i aviser og på nettet. Elevenes og lærernes positive tilbakemeldinger bekreftet et vel vellykket arrangement.
BERZONA - RaIn & Thunder - TICINO - Switzerland
Berzona - Ticino - Switzerland
Rain and Thunder
Casa Vecchia
From the BravuraK Archives - (Category: SC Travel Diaries )
“It’s so beautiful here in summer” – say the older inhabitants of Ticino – “that at night, the stars throng together to find a spot where they can admire this paradise”. Summer is a magical season in Ticino: like a dear old friend, it arrives early and leaves late, reluctantly.
The village section of Seghelina is located directly on the main road, while the main village of Berzona is above the road. During the Middle Ages it was part of the Squadra of Onsernone.
The church of S. Defendente was built in 1564 and became a parish church when it separated from Loco in 1777. The section of Seghelina has the chapels of Santa Maria (1682) and S. Maria Lauretana (1766). The political municipality was created at the same time as the Canton of Ticino in 1803.
After World War II, much of the village population emigrated and sold their properties to outsiders. Many people who bought houses in Berzona were well known personalities from the arts and culture, such as Alfred Andersch, Golo Mann and Max Frisch. Today, the village is shrinking as few jobs in farming and grazing remain and most of the working population have moved to Locarno.[
Loco also contained the hamlets of Niva and Rossa.
From the Middle Ages until the end of the Ancien Régime Loco was the capital of the old Onsernone valley community.
Historic old mill of Loco, now a museum
The parish church of San Remigio was the mother church of the valley and ancient seat of the Vicariate of Onsernone valley. It is first mentioned in 1228 (in the municipal archives), but is probably older. In the early 16th Century it was rebuilt and acquired its current steeple. It houses the Holy Cross chapel with an ancient, venerated cross relic. The church is also the home of a Last Supper painting by the Flemish painter Godefridus Maes from 1683. In the hamlet of Niva, there is a late baroque chapel of St. John Nepomuk. The chapel in Sassello is from the late 17th Century and is dedicated to the Madonna of Re.
In the 19th Century, Loco was a center of the straw braiding for hats, bags and other articles. The straw braids that were used for this purpose were produced in the other villages of the Onsernone valley.
In addition to the typical houses with balconies, a number of aristocratic mansions are located in the village. These include the Casa Broggini (built 1708) in Rossa.[
The primary school for the area is located in Loco, along with the Onsernonese Museum (opened 1966) and the renovated retirement home of the Onsernone valley. Near Loco, in a restored mill, there is a permanent exhibition on the grain milling in the area. Casa Shira (built in the 19th century, now owned by the community) has a small public library and a hostel.
At the beginning of the 21st Century the majority of the workers commuted to Locarno.
Katara - the amazing Cultural Village in Doha / Qatar HD
english / deutsch:
The Cultural Village Katara is one of the touristy attractions in Doha. You can stay there a whole day with a diversified program, Before Lunch you can use the public beach for swimming and relaxing in the turquoise water or eat an Ice cream cone behind the beach. After lunch you can select of different exhibitions and cultural activities in the original arabic styled buildings. In the evening it's funny to seat in one of the outdoor restaurants with nice views on the sea and Doha, The free shuttle service by E-car is a class of it's own, Enjoy !
Das Kulturdorf Katara in Doha, ist ein touristisches Highlight, was man unbedingt gesehen haben sollte, wenn man Qatar bereist. Man kann dort einen ganzen Tag verbringen, vormittags z.B. den öffentlichen Strand nutzen, relaxen und im türkisfarbenen Wasser baden. Gleich hinter dem Strand ist ein schönes Eiscafe mit Waffelbäckerei. Nachmittags kann man sich verschiedene Ausstellungen und einheimische Kultur in den historischen Nachbauten des Dorfes klimatisiert anschauen. Am Abend laden die zahlreichen Freiluftrestaurants zum verweilen ein oder man nutzt die Shows und Events z.B. im Amphitheater, viel Spaß beim Zuschauen !
Playlist: Middle East
Time: March 2013
Location: Doha / Qatar
Music: Kevin MacLeod ( - Cattails
Gdzie mieszka hobbit? ⤗ #8 Utsjoki-Rovaniemi ⤗ autostop trip w Finlandii | pocokocon
⬇︎⇩⬇︎⇩ otwórz opis
Dzień 8. Miałam dziś okazję przejść szlakiem przez wzgórza rozciągające się nad wioską Utsjoki w północnej Finlandii. Widoki wspaniałe, ale największym zaskoczeniem dla mnie było to, że przez około 10 km trekkingu nie spotkałam żadnego innego człowieka! Przez kilka godzin byłam tylko mała ja i olbrzymia przestrzeń. Absolutnie nie spodziewałam się takiego doświadczenia. Innym słowem nie mogę tego nazwać, bo naprawdę zrobiło to na mnie olbrzymie wrażenie. Być sam na sam ze swoją głową i swoimi myślami przez tak długi czas, bez żadnego zewnętrznego rozproszenia, jest naprawdę intrygujące. Dla mnie ten spacer był pewnego rodzaju medytacją, mam nadzieję, że rozumiecie, co mam na myśli ;) Zdecydowanie polecam spróbować, chociaż raz. Chociaż może być trudno schować się tak przed całym światem, to z pewnością czym bliżej Północy, tym macie większe szanse. A wracając do cywilizacji, to zobaczcie koniecznie jak wyglądają „church huts”, i koniecznie napiszcie mi w komentarzach, czy te lepianki też Wam się kojarzą z domkami hobbitów? Bo nie wiem czy wiecie, ale J.R.R. Tolkien w swojej twórczości bardzo mocno inspirował się fińskimi legendami, językiem i naturą, dlatego może także w tym przypadku znajdziemy podobieństwo. Trasa Utsjoki-Rovaniemi.
Jak się Wam podobało, to dajcie łapki w górę :-) Nie zapomnijcie też zasubskrybować mojego kanału! Do zobaczenia wkrótce!
Buziaki, pa :*
Asia Kocon
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Autostop trip: Zew Północy | Call of the North | est. 2018
#autostop #finlandia #utsjoki #churchhuts
Sápmi | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:00 1 Etymology
00:03:50 2 Geography
00:03:59 2.1 Landscape
00:05:10 2.2 Climate
00:05:56 2.3 Natural resources
00:06:59 3 Cultural subdivisions
00:07:10 3.1 East Sápmi
00:07:45 3.2 Central Sápmi
00:08:49 3.3 South Sápmi
00:09:29 3.4 Lapland
00:10:20 3.5 Sides
00:11:00 4 Languages
00:11:10 4.1 Sámi languages
00:13:07 4.2 East Slavic languages
00:13:59 4.3 North Germanic (Scandinavian) languages
00:15:13 4.4 Finnic languages
00:16:01 5 Demography
00:16:44 5.1 Sami
00:17:27 5.2 Russians
00:18:13 5.3 Norwegians
00:18:51 5.4 Swedes
00:19:23 5.5 Finns
00:19:45 5.6 Tornedalians and Kvens
00:20:08 6 Politics
00:20:18 6.1 Sami political structures
00:20:46 6.1.1 Sami Parliaments
00:23:21 6.1.2 Sami Parliamentary Council
00:24:09 6.1.3 Saami Council
00:24:54 6.2 Russian side
00:26:37 6.3 Norwegian side
00:29:26 6.4 Swedish side
00:31:49 6.5 Finnish side
00:32:48 6.6 Coats of Arms of Sami Communities
00:33:02 7 Sports
00:33:42 8 Notable places
00:34:08 8.1 North Sámi area
00:38:31 8.2 South Sápmi
00:39:10 8.3 East Sápmi
00:39:34 9 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Sápmi (Northern Sami: [ˈsapmi]) is the cultural region traditionally inhabited by the Sámi people. Sápmi is located in Northern Europe and includes the northern parts of Fennoscandia. The region stretches over four countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. On the north it is bounded by the Barents Sea, on the west by the Norwegian Sea and on the east by the White Sea.Despite being the namesake of the region, the Sami people are estimated to only make up around 5% of its total population. No political organization advocates secession, although several groups desire more territorial autonomy and/or more self-determination for the region's indigenous population.
The area is often referred to in English as Lapland ().
Sami people
The Sami people, also spelled Sámi or Saami, are the indigenous Finno-Ugric people inhabiting the Arctic area of Sápmi, which today encompasses parts of far northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Kola Peninsula of Russia, and the border area between south and middle Sweden and Norway. The Sámi are the only indigenous people of Scandinavia recognized and protected under the international conventions of indigenous peoples, and are hence the northernmost indigenous people of Europe. Sami ancestral lands span an area of approximately 388,350 km2 , which is approximately the size of Norway, in the Nordic countries. Their traditional languages are the Sami languages and are classified as a branch of the Uralic language family.
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Sápmi | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Sápmi (Northern Sami: [ˈsapmi]) is the cultural region traditionally inhabited by the Sami people (previously known as Lapps in English, which is a derogatory term). Sápmi is located in Northern Europe and includes the northern parts of Fennoscandia. The region stretches over four countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. On the north it is bounded by the Barents Sea, on the west by the Norwegian Sea and on the east by the White Sea.Despite being the namesake of the region, the Sami people are estimated to only make up around 5% of its total population. No political organization advocates secession, although several groups desire more territorial autonomy and/or more self-determination for the region's indigenous population.
The area is often referred to in English as Lapland (), but this is erroneous since Lapland is more precisely the interior parts of Swedish Sápmi, and Finnish Sápmi. The Norwegian and Russian parts of Sápmi are not part of Lapland. Many Sámis oppose the use of the name Lapland, as it is considered derogatory and is not the name that Sámis have used.
Sápmi | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:07 1 Etymology
00:03:17 2 Geography
00:03:26 2.1 Landscape
00:04:22 2.2 Climate
00:04:58 2.3 Natural resources
00:05:47 3 Cultural subdivisions
00:05:57 3.1 East Sápmi
00:06:25 3.2 Central Sápmi
00:07:15 3.3 South Sápmi
00:07:47 3.4 Lapland
00:08:34 3.5 Sides
00:09:05 4 Languages
00:09:14 4.1 Sámi languages
00:10:41 4.2 East Slavic languages
00:11:22 4.3 North Germanic (Scandinavian) languages
00:12:20 4.4 Finnic languages
00:12:57 5 Demography
00:13:31 5.1 Sami
00:14:06 5.2 Russians
00:14:45 5.3 Norwegians
00:15:15 5.4 Swedes
00:15:41 5.5 Finns
00:15:58 5.6 Tornedalians and Kvens
00:16:17 6 Politics
00:16:26 6.1 Sami political structures
00:16:49 6.1.1 Sami Parliaments
00:18:47 6.1.2 Sami Parliamentary Council
00:19:24 6.1.3 Saami Council
00:20:00 6.2 Russian side
00:21:18 6.3 Norwegian side
00:23:27 6.4 Swedish side
00:25:15 6.5 Finnish side
00:26:02 7 Sports
00:26:34 8 Notable places
00:26:55 8.1 North Sámi area
00:30:12 8.2 South Sápmi
00:30:43 8.3 East Sápmi
00:31:04 9 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Sápmi (Northern Sami: [ˈsapmi]) is the cultural region traditionally inhabited by the Sami people (previously known as Lapps in English, which is a derogatory term). Sápmi is located in Northern Europe and includes the northern parts of Fennoscandia. The region stretches over four countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. On the north it is bounded by the Barents Sea, on the west by the Norwegian Sea and on the east by the White Sea.Despite being the namesake of the region, the Sami people are estimated to only make up around 5% of its total population. No political organization advocates secession, although several groups desire more territorial autonomy and/or more self-determination for the region's indigenous population.
The area is often referred to in English as Lapland (), but this is erroneous since Lapland is more precisely the interior parts of Swedish Sápmi, and Finnish Sápmi. The Norwegian and Russian parts of Sápmi are not part of Lapland. Many Sámis oppose the use of the name Lapland, as it is considered derogatory and is not the name that Sámis have used.
Sápmi | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Sápmi (Northern Sami: [ˈsapmi]) is the cultural region traditionally inhabited by the Sami people (previously known as Lapps in English, which is a derogatory term). Sápmi is located in Northern Europe and includes the northern parts of Fennoscandia. The region stretches over four countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. On the north it is bounded by the Barents Sea, on the west by the Norwegian Sea and on the east by the White Sea.Despite being the namesake of the region, the Sami people are estimated to only make up around 5% of its total population. No political organization advocates secession, although several groups desire more territorial autonomy and/or more self-determination for the region's indigenous population.
The area is often referred to in English as Lapland (), but this is erroneous since Lapland is more precisely the interior parts of Swedish Sápmi, and Finnish Sápmi. The Norwegian and Russian parts of Sápmi are not part of Lapland. Many Sámis oppose the use of the name Lapland, as it is considered derogatory and is not the name that Sámis have used.