Tanah Lot Temple Bali I Pura Tanah Lot Bali
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Pura Tanah Lot Bali atau juga disebut Pura Luhur Tanah Lot adalah sebuah tempat suci agama Hindu yang mempunyai keindahan yang natural dengan pemandangan sunset yang memukau. Tanah Lot merupakan salah satu tempat terbaik di Bali untuk melihat sunset dan keindahan sunset Tanah Lot adalah salah satu yang terindah di Bali.
Pura Tanah Lot Bali terletak di tepi pantai Tanah Lot dan berdiri di atas sebuah batu karang laut yang kokoh dan kuat, disebelah baratnya juga terdapat pura yang disebut Pura Batu Bolong yang juga memiliki pemandangan yang tidak kalah indahnya.
Tanah Lot berasal dari kata Tanah yang artinya tanah dan Lot (Lod) yang artinya laut, karena letaknya di laut atau di pantai seperti mengambang ketika air laut pasang maka dapat diartikan Tanah Lot berarti sebuah Tanah atau Pulau yang terletak di laut, oleh karena itu orang-orang pun menyebutnya Tanah Lot.Pura Tanah Lot berlokasi di Desa Beraban, Kecamatan Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan, di pesisir selatan pulau Bali kurang lebih 25 kilometer dari Kota Denpasar. Pura Tanah Lot terletak di atas batu karang laut besar menghadap ke samudra Hindia. Tempat ini adalah sebuah pura Hindu yang dibangun untuk memuja Tuhan dalam manifestasi-NYA sebagai Dewa Laut atau Dewa Baruna untuk keselamatan dan kesejahteraan dunia serta keseimbangan antara laut dan bumi.
Sejarah Pura Tanah Lot Bali Indonesia berdasarkan legenda, dikisahkan pada abad ke -15, Bhagawan Dang Hyang Nirartha atau dikenal dengan nama Dang Hyang Dwijendra melakukan misi penyebaran agama Hindu dari pulau Jawa ke pulau Bali.
Pada saat itu yang berkuasa di pulau Bali adalah Raja Dalem Waturenggong. Beliau sangat menyambut baik dengan kedatangan dari Dang Hyang Nirartha dalam menjalankan misinya, sehingga penyebaran agama Hindu berhasil sampai ke pelosok – pelosok desa yang ada di pulau Bali.
Dikisahkan Dang Hyang Nirartha, melihat sinar suci dari arah laut selatan Bali, maka Dang Hyang Nirartha mencari lokasi dari sinar tersebut dan tibalah beliau di sebuah pantai di desa yang bernama desa Beraban Tabanan.Pada saat itu desa Beraban dipimpin oleh Bendesa Beraban Sakti, yang sangat menentang ajaran dari Dang Hyang Nirartha dalam menyebarkan agama Hindu. Bendesa Beraban Sakti, menganut aliran monotheisme.Dang Hyang Nirartha melakukan meditasi di atas batu karang yang menyerupai bentuk burung beo yang pada awalnya berada di daratan.
Dengan berbagai cara Bendesa Beraban ingin mengusir keberadaan Dang Hyang Nirartha dari tempat meditasinya.
Dang Hyang Nirartha lalu memindahkan batu karang tersebut ke tengah pantai dengan kekuatan spiritual. Batu karang tersebut diberi nama Tanah Lot yang artinya batukarang yang berada di atas laut. Ia juga mengubah selendangnya menjadi ular penjaga pura. Ular ini masih ada sampai sekarang dan secara ilmiah ular ini termasuk jenis ular laut yang mempunyai ciri-ciri berekor pipih seperti ikan, warna hitam berbelang kuning dan mempunyai racun 3 kali lebih kuat dari ular cobra. Akhirnya disebutkan bahwa Bendesa Beraben menjadi pengikut Danghyang Nirartha
Semenjak peristiwa itu, Bendesa Beraban Sakti mengakui kesaktian yang dimiliki Dang Hyang Nirartha dan menjadi pengikutnya untuk memeluk agama Hindu bersama dengan seluruh penduduk setempat.
Sebelum meninggalkan desa Beraban, Dang Hyang Nirartha memberikan sebuah keris kepada bendesa Beraban. Keris tersebut memiliki kekuatan untuk menghilangkan segala penyakit yang menyerang tanaman.Keris tersebut disimpan di Puri Kediri dan dibuatkan upacara keagamaan di Pura Tanah Lot setiap enam bulan sekali. Semenjak hal ini rutin dilakukan oleh penduduk desa Beraban, kesejahteraan penduduk sangat meningkat pesat dengan hasil panen pertanian yang melimpah dan mereka hidup dengan saling menghormati.
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Bali Tubes - Referensi liburan Anda di Bali.
Sunset - Tanah Lot Temple in Bali, Indonesia
Pura Tanah Lot merupakan bagian dari Pura Kahyangan Jagat di Bali, ditujukan sebagai tempat memuja dewa penjaga laut. Pada saat air laut pasang, pura akan kelihatan dikelilingi air laut. Di bawahnya terdapat goa kecil yang didalamnya ada beberapa ular laut
Tanah Lot Beraban Kediri Bali 2018
Suasana wisatawan Tanah Lot 13 Januari 2018
Tanah Lot Temple Tabanan Bali
Tanah Lot Temple Tabanan Bali
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Objek wisata Pura Tanah Lot Bali, Indonesia, cerita awal mula atau sejarah Pura Tanah Lot Bali, dan waktu terbaik melihat keindahan sunset di Tanah Lot
Pura Tanah Lot Bali atau juga disebut Pura Luhur Tanah Lot adalah sebuah tempat suci agama Hindu yang mempunyai keindahan yang natural dengan Tanah Lot sunset Bali yang memukau, Tanah Lot merupakan salah satu tempat terbaik di Bali untuk melihat sunset dan keindahan sunset Tanah Lot Bali adalah salah satu yang terindah di Bali.
Pura Tanah Lot Bali terletak di tepi pantai Tanah Lot dan berdiri di atas sebuah batu karang laut yang kokoh dan kuat, disebelah baratnya juga terdapat pura yang disebut Pura Batu Bolong yang juga memiliki pemandangan yang tidak kalah indahnya.
Tempat wisata Tanah Lot Bali pada saat sunset atau matahari terbenam adalah pemandangan yang terbaik dan sangat indah yang bisa kita nikmati ketika mengunjungi salah satu tempat/objek wisata favorit yang terkenal di Pulau Bali ini dan akan menjadikan liburan di Bali anda tidak terlupakan dan penuh kesan. Tempat suci ini adalah salah satu dari Pura Kahyangan Jagat, pura yang sangat sakral dan suci serta sangat dijaga kesucian dan kelestariannya oleh masyarakat Pulau Dewata.
Tanah Lot berasal dari kata Tanah yang artinya tanah dan Lot (Lod) yang artinya laut, karena letaknya di laut atau di pantai seperti mengambang ketika air laut pasang maka dapat diartikan Tanah Lot berarti sebuah Tanah atau Pulau yang terletak di laut, oleh karena itu orang-orang pun menyebutnya Tanah Lot.
Pura Tanah Lot berlokasi di Desa Beraban, Kecamatan Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan, di pesisir selatan pulau Bali kurang lebih 25 kilometer dari Kota Denpasar. Pura Tanah Lot terletak di atas batu karang laut besar menghadap ke samudra Hindia. Tempat ibadah ini adalah sebuah pura Hindu yang dibangun untuk memuja Tuhan dalam manifestasi-NYA sebagai Dewa Laut atau Dewa Baruna untuk keselamatan dan kesejahteraan dunia serta keseimbangan antara laut dan bumi.
Daftar Harga Tiket Masuk Tanah Lot Bali Wisatawan Domestik
Kategori Harga Tiket Masuk
Dewasa Rp 20.000 / Orang
Anak - Anak Rp 15.000 / Orang.
Parkir Motor Roda Dua Rp 2.000 / 1 Motor.
Parkir Mobil Roda Empat Rp 5.000 / 1 Mobil.
Parkir Bus Rp 10.000 / 1 Bus.
Perubahan harga tiket masuk Tanah Lot Bali dan biaya parkir kendaraan dapat terjadi sewaktu-waktu tanpa adanya pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
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Best Sunset - Tanah Lot Temple in Bali, Indonesia - 3rd Day with the Besties
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Bali, Tanah Lot temple.
Bali, Tanah Lot temple. 2 January 2018
Tanah LOT Bali Indonesia - Aerial
Memukau! Begini Keindahan Tanah Lot di Bali dengan Instalasi Digital - TechNews
Sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata terbaik Pulau Bali, Tanah Lot tidak hanya menawarkan keindahan alam dan nilai religius. Instalasi seni modern dengan visualisasi 3 dimensi dan video mapping, sukses memukau ribuan pengunjung tanah lot. Bagaimana keindahan Tanah Lot dengan sentuhan digital yang kaya akan ribuan warna ini?
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One of The Traveling Places TANAH LOT TEMPLE BALI, Indonesia
Bali Tanah Lot Temple is located in coastal side of Beraban countryside, Kediri sub district and Tabanan Regency. It is situated in 30 Km in west side of Denpasar town and about 11 Km in south side of Tabanan town. The temple is built on the rock with 3 acre size and reachable in a few minute by walk, because it is just 20 meters from the coastal lip. This temple is very famous among tourist destinations in Bali with spectacular view of sunset. At some nooks of coral reef around Tanah Lot Temple.
WONDERFUL!!! Pura Tanah Lot in West Bali. Pura Tanah Lot is a hugely popular tourist destination. It does have cultural significance to the Balinese, but this can be hard to discern amid the crowds, clamour and chaos – especially for the overhyped sunsets. It's the most visited and photographed temple in Bali; however, it has all the authenticity of a stage set – even the tower of rock that the temple sits upon is an artful reconstruction (the entire structure was crumbling) and more than one-third of the rock is artificial.
Pura Tanah Lot Temple Bali indonesia Video Review
Pura Tanah Lot Temple Bali indonesia Video Review
Scenic Sea Temple, Pura Tanah Lot.Bali, Indonesia ????????
Tanah Lot Temple in Bali -Bali’s Scenic Sea Temple
Tanah Lot Temple is one of Bali’s most important landmarks, famed for its unique offshore setting and sunset backdrops.
An ancient Hindu shrine perched on top of an outcrop amidst constantly crashing waves; Tanah Lot Temple is simply among Bali’s not-to-be-missed icons.
The onshore site is dotted with smaller shrines alongside visitors’ leisure facilities that comprise restaurants, shops and a cultural park presenting regular dance performances.
The temple is located in the Beraban village of the Tabanan regency, an approximate 20km northwest of Kuta, and is included on most tours to Bali’s western and central regions.
Amazing Tanah Lot Temple Hindu in Bali معبد تاناه لوت
#Tanah #Lot #Temple in Bali
Tanah Lot Temple is one of Bali’s most important landmarks, famed for its unique offshore setting and sunset backdrops. An ancient Hindu shrine perched on top of an outcrop amidst constantly crashing waves; Tanah Lot Temple is simply among Bali’s not-to-be-missed icons
The onshore site is dotted with smaller shrines alongside visitors’ leisure facilities that comprise restaurants, shops and a cultural park presenting regular dance performances. The temple is located in the Beraban village of the Tabanan regency, an approximate 20km northwest of Kuta, and is included on most tours to Bali’s western and central regions.
Legend of Tanah Lot Dang Hyang Nirartha, a high priest from the Majapahit Kingdom in East Java who travelled to Bali in 1489 to spread Hinduism, arrived at the beautiful area and established a site honouring the sea god, Baruna. Here, he shared his teachings to Beraban villagers, only to face opposition from the village chief who soon gathered his loyal followers to dispel Nirartha. The priest resisted, incredibly shifting a large rock he meditated upon out to sea while transforming his sashes into sea snakes to guard at its base. The rock’s original name, Tengah Lod, means ‘in the sea’. Acknowledging Nirartha’s powers, the humbled chief vowed allegiance. Before setting off, Nirartha gifted him a holy kris dagger, which is now among the sanctified heirlooms of the Kediri royal palace. Pilgrims bring these relics each Kuningan day by foot on an 11km pilgrimage to the Luhur Pakendungan temple, the priest’s former meditational site.
Tanah Lot Temple Bali - Travel in Indonesia 2018
Tanah Lot is a rock formation off the island Bali, Indonesia. It is home to the ancient Hindu pilgrimage temple Pura Tanah Lot (literally Tanah Lot Temple), a popular tourist and cultural icon. In the Balinese language, Tanah Lot means Land [in the] Sea. It is about 20 kilometres (12 mi) far from Denpasar and located in Tabanan, the temple sits on a large offshore rock which has been formed continuously over the years by the ocean tide. The Tanah Lot temple was built and has been a part of Balinese mythology for centuries. The temple is one of seven sea temples around the Balinese coast. Each of the sea temples was established within eyesight of the next to form a chain along the south-western coast.
I had the opportunity to visit the place and made this video for my YouTube viewers. To get more new videos, please subscribe my channel. Thanks for watching. #tanahlottemplebali
Tanah Lot Temple - Holiday Destination in Bali Attraction Indonesia - Awesome Vacation
Tanah Lot Temple - Holiday Destination in Bali Attraction Indonesia - Awesome Vacation
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Tanah Lot Bali
Tanah Lot Temple is one of Bali’s most important landmarks, famed for its unique offshore setting and sunset backdrops. An ancient Hindu shrine perched on top of an outcrop amidst constantly crashing waves; Tanah Lot Temple is simply among Bali’s not-to-be-missed icons.
The onshore site is dotted with smaller shrines alongside visitors’ leisure facilities that comprise restaurants, shops and a cultural park presenting regular dance performances. The temple is located in the Beraban village of the Tabanan regency, an approximate 20km northwest of Kuta, and is included on most tours to Bali’s western and central regions.
Tanah Lot Highlights and Features After centuries of large waves persistently crashing at its rock base, Tanah Lot faced the constant threat of erosion, reaching a significant decline in 1980. The authorities carried out preservation efforts to Tanah Lot and other historical sites island-wide with aid from the Japanese government.
Fully restored, a third of the present Tanah Lot is actually artificial rock. At high tide, waves flood the causeways making it impossible to cross.
At low tide, you may cross to view the rock base where the legendary ‘guardian’ sea snakes dwell in crevices around the Tirta Pabersihan fountain.
This natural spout is the source of holy water for all the temples in the area. Priests at the fountain bless visitors by sprinkling holy water over their heads.
You can cup your palms and take a sip to prove it is amazingly fresh water. Onshore temples include the Penyawang, a spiritual proxy to Tanah Lot that hosts pilgrims when the main offshore temple is inaccessible during high tide.
Other smaller temples around the site host prayer sessions for various aspects of the villagers’ agrarian life, from good rice harvests to rites of passage.
North of Tanah Lot is Batu Bolong, similarly built on a rock formation with a ‘hollow’ overpass linking to the mainland. Convenient pathways and well-kept tropical gardens line the grounds from Tanah Lot to Batu Bolong, with resting spots offering shades and good viewpoints to both outcrops.
Art shops selling souvenirs and curios of all sorts line the pathway from the parking area to the temple, also with peddlers selling traditional snacks such as jaja kelepon –yummy, must-try palm sugar-filled gelatinous balls rolled in grated coconut.
Tanah Lot Temple - Holiday Destination in Bali Attraction Indonesia - Awesome Vacation
Tanah Lot Temple Festival | Places of Interest in Bali
Tanah Lot Temple is a Hindu temple set on the big rock encircled by the seawater and situated in Beraban Village, Kediri and Tabanan Regency. It is just 1 hour drive from Bali's International Airport or 30 minutes away from Tabanan town. Bali Star Island/PT. Bewish International Tour ( ) provides interest video about the temple festival which is held every six month based on Balinese Calendar. The ceremony was very interesting and make this place as the best place of interest in Bali Island ( )
Pura Tanah Lot - The Most Popular Temple in Bali
To many people, Tanah Lot epitomises the romantic island of Bali. Tanah Lot means Land in The Sea, a perfectly fit name for its unique offshore settings. The silhouette of Pura Tanah Lot is one of the most popular iconic features of Bali.
Imagine the image of a Balinese temple (pura) perched high on the rock, facing the wide open ocean. With the crashing waves below and the dramatic colors of the dusk sky as background, lit by the slowly disappearing sun. Tanah Lot is located in Tabanan, only around 30 km away from Denpasar. The temple is located some 300 meters offshore. The history of Tanah Lot temple was believed to date back to the 16th century, by Dang Hyang Nirartha, a respected religious figure in Bali.
Dang Hyang Nirartha was said to be the one who created a three-temple system in Balinese villages. Setting the site plan that the temple built in the northern area of the village would be for Brahma, middle area for Vishnu and the southern side for Shiva.
While traveling along the southern coast of Bali, he saw the little rock-island and decided to spend the night. The rock was known as Gili Beo, which means a bird-shaped rock, located in Beraban village.
He then felt an enlightenment, that this was a holy place to build a shrine. The leader of Beraban was angry and order people to banish Nirartha from Gili Beo.
In Balinese mythology, Dang Hyang Nirartha was known as a man of mighty supernatural power. So he move the whole rock island to the sea, build a temple and named it Tanah Lot.
The whole Beraban village were astounded and later join to follow his believes. Tanah Lot temple was built to worship Bhatara Segara, or the sea God.
To protect the temple, with his mighty power, he created poisonous snake from his sash. The sea snake is believed to be living at the base of this rocky island, to guard the temple from evil intruders.
Today, as one of the most photographed sea temple in Bali, you will find many art shops offering local handicrafts besides other signature local products at the entrance to get to Tanah Lot.
The best time to visit Tanah Lot is during Odalan, which is celebrated every 210 days. The rituals usually takes place near the Galungan and Kuningan festivities on the holy day known as Buddha Cemeng Langkir.
On this day you will see rows of Balinese women gracefully carrying offerings on their head to pray at the temple of Tanah Lot.
The tourist area of Tanah Lot near the rock is very well managed for visitors. It has a parking area, toilets, art shops, restaurants, hotel, open stage, tourist information center, security and safety services.
There are many restaurants here where you can enjoy a sumptuous breakfast or lunch, while enjoying the panorama.
Experience the serenity of the tropical sun slowly disappearing beyond the horizon into the wide open ocean, an incredible sight to treasure all your life.
Here’s all you need to know about this holy temple for an impeccable experience on your trip! ????
Tanah Lot Temple | Scenic Sea Temple | Bali | Indonesia | ????????
Videos of Bali : Island of Temples :
Tanah Lot Temple, situated on a large rock on the sea at Indonesia the Tanah Lot is one of the most famous Hindu temples in Bali. This temple is one of the 7 sea temples, each within eyesight of the next, which form a chain along the south-western coast of Bali. It is a revered tourist destination drawing millions of tourists and is one of the most photogenic places of Bali. The Tanah Lot temple has been a part of Balinese mythology for centuries.
Bali temple Tanah Lot the work of the 16th-century Dang Hyang Nirartha. During his travels along the south coast he saw the rock-island's beautiful setting and rested there. Some fishermen saw him, and bought him gifts. Nirartha then spent the night on the little island. Later he spoke to the fishermen and told them to build a shrine on the rock, for he felt it to be a holy place to worship the Balinese sea gods.
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Tanah Lot Temple || BALI
Tanah Lot Temple, Kediri, Tabanan - BALI
Music By
ODESZA - Across The Room (feat. Leon Bridges)
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- Gopro Hero 4 Silver
- Bpro 5 Alpha Plus
- DJI Phantom 3 Advanced