Indonesia Trip : Mount Singgalang Sumatera Barat Indonesia, Mopon EN
Indonesia Trip : Mount Singgalang Sumatera Barat Indonesia
This dormant peak is close to the pleasant tourist town of Bukittinggi. Along with neighbouring Gunung Marapi, it dominates the landscape south of the town. Singgalang is a twin volcano with the lower yet volcanically active Gunung Tandikat. The mountain can be climbed from several places: Pakan Sinayan, Koto Tuo, Balingka and Pandai Sikat. Although approaches from the west offer views of nearby Lake Maninjau, the eastern approach from Pandai Sikat is by far the most popular and is just 15 minutes by public transport from Bukittinggi. Pandia Sikat itself is famous weaving and woodcarving village currently illustrated on the 5,000 Rupiah banknote. Unlike for neighbouring Mount Marapi, finding a guide in Bukittinggi is remarkably difficult – far fewer locals have climbed this mountain and barely any tourists trek to the top. In any case, the agents in Bukittinggi charge a bit more than is reasonable – the money then gets split between several people. The best thing to do is head to Pandai Sikat where there is new tourist information kiosk, or better still contact the excellent guide Dedi listed in our guides page.
From Kotobaru on the main road heading south of Bukittinggi, follow the sign to Pandai Sikat and continue along the narrowing road and stop in Pandai Sikat opposite the beautiful and private traditional Minangkabau house with a lilly pond in front. On the opposite side of the road from the house is the small tourist information kiosk where you ask for help finding a guide. The road towards the starting point goes past the house and up the hillside towards several television transmitter masts. Walk up the road for about 5 minutes to the ojek post and take an ojek up to the starting point to avoid around 500m unnecessary elevation gain. You may be asked to stop at an information and registration post about one third of the way up the road and sign a guest book and pay Rp 10,000 to climb the mountain. The road gets rough but a ojek can get as far as the final TV mast at 1,575m. It takes 4-5 hours to reach the summit and 3 hours to descend the same way.
The trail itself leads from the end of the masts road along the right side of a wooden hut, past another, newer building before leading into tall and thick grass vegetation. The trail is a little hard to follow in a couple of places through the grass, so you need to a guide or to use our GPS tracks. A bundle of 4 or 5 black electricity cables follows the trail all the way to military and police communications towers on the summit of the peak that were erected around 2003, so if in doubt follow the cables. This first section of the trek is by far the most unpleasant – especially for tall people – several times you have to crawl under the the tall grass that has fallen over the path obstructing your headroom. There are also some leeches in this section so take some gloves and wear long trousers!
Thankfully the trail soon opens out into more regular tropical forest, with the sound of streams to your left. Water is not a problem on the hike as there are three posts on the way up near water sources and a lake near the summit. The first area used for camping is at 1,770m but the water sources (Mata Air 1, 2 & 3) are at approximately 1,974m, 2,240m and 2,594m respectively. At 2,650m the trail opens out onto steep rock and if you are lucky with the weather you should be able to see Marapi on the other side of the Agam valley.
Near the top of the rock section at 2,697m is a plaque dedicated to two students from Padang who went hiking here in 1988 and never returned. Shortly after this monument, the path dips slightly – still following the black cables – through some pleasant mossy upper montane forest. The beautiful lake, Telaga Dewi (Lake of the Goddess) is just beyond the muddy trail through the forest and it is a beautiful, tranquil spot and unusually free of litter. Locals like to camp here on Saturday nights but at any other time of the week you will probably be alone. The lake itself is where the crater of the volcano once was, thousands of years ago.
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Wajib didaki kalau udah di sumatera barat
1. Gunung Talamau (Kab Pasaman Barat)
Gunung Talamau menjadi gunung yang tertinggi pertama di SUMBAR dengan ketinggian 2,920 MDPL, gunung yang tergolong tidak aktif ini memiliki pemandangan yang sangat mempesona, terdapat 13 telaga dan memiliki air terjun dengan ketinggian 100 meter yang bernama Air Terjun Puti Lenggo Geni. Jalur resmi Pendakian Gunung Talamau terletak di desa Pinaga.
2. Gunung Marapi (Kab Agam)
gunung marapi terletak di Agam dengan ibukotanya bukittinggi, gunung ini tergolong gunung berapi yang aktif. Setelah Pendaki sampai di puncak gunung marapi, pemandangan indah pun akan terlihat sejauh mata memandang. Di puncak Gunung Marapi pendaki bisa melihat beberapa kawah. Rerimbunan edelweis dibalik pepohonan menjadi penghias pemandangan indah tersebut. Jika cuaca sedang cerah, akan terlihat Gunung Kerinci, Gunung Singgalang, Danau Maninjau dan Kota Bukittinggi
3. Gunung Singgalang(Kab Agam)
Gunung singgalang terletak di Agam sumatera Barat, gunung dengan jenis gunung vulkanis yang sudah tidak aktif lagi. Gunung ini berjenis hutan lembab dan banyak menyimpan kandungan air, jadi pendaki tidak perlu kesusahan jika kehabisan air saat mendaki gunung ini. gunung ini sangat indah, kita dapat melihat gunung marapi pada saat mendakinya. Pesona yang menawan di gunung singgalang adalah telaga dewi.
4. Gunung Talang(Kab Solok)
Gunung talang merupakan gunung yang terletak di solok, sumbar. gunung ini terakhir meletus di tahun 2005 dan saat ini statusnya masih waspada. Pesona yang disuguhkan di puncak Gunung Talang adalah Danau Di Atas, Danau Di Bawah, dan Danau Talang
5. Gunung Tandikat (Kab Padang Pariaman)
Gunung Tandikat adalah gunungapi yang berdiri tegak di Dataran Tinggi Minangkabau, kira–kira 7,5 km dari kota Padang Panjang, Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Gunung ini membentang lebar ke arah selatan, dan di sebelah baratnya berbatasan dengan Danau Maninjau.
Terima kasih????
HEBOH !!!...tiba2 muncul air terjun deras dari puncak gunung Marapi, Sumbar..
Gunung Marapi (juga dikenal sebagai Merapi atau Berapi) adalah gunung berapi yang terletak di Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Gunung ini tergolong gunung yang paling aktif di Sumatera. Terletak dalam kawasan administrasi Kabupaten Agam dan Tanah Datar. Gunung ini dapat juga dilihat dari kota Bukittinggi, kota Padangpanjang dan kabupaten Tanah Datar dan memiliki ketinggian 2.891 mdpl. Gunung Marapi sudah meletus lebih dari 50 kali sejak akhir abad 18
Pada tanggal 8 September 1830 dilaporkan Gunung Marapi mengeluarkan awan yang berbentuk kembang kol abu-abu kehitaman dengan ketebalan 1.500 m di atas kawahnya, disertai dengan suara gemuruh
Pada tanggal 30 April 1979, menurut laporan pers disebutkan 60 orang tewas akibat letusan Gunung Marapi dan disebutkan juga 19 orang pekerja penyelamat terperangkap oleh tanah longsor. Letusan tersebut dikatakan juga mengeluarkan batu dan lumpur yang menyebabkan kerusakan sedikitnya pada lima daerah kawasan pemukiman penduduk setempat.
Memasuki akhir tahun 2011 hingga awal tahun 2014, Gunung Marapi menampakkan peningkatan aktifitasnya melalui letusan yang menyemburkan abu dan awan hitam. Pernah diakhir tahun 2011 semburan abu terbawa angin berkilo-kilo jaraknya hingga mencapai Kabupaten Padang Pariaman.
Tanggal 26 Februari 2014, Gunung Marapi meletus pada pukul 16.15 WIB, melepaskan material pasir, tefra, dan abu vulkanik ke wilayah Kabupaten Tanah Datar dan Agam. Status gunung ditetapkan Siaga (level 2) dan radius 3 km dari pusat kawah harus dikosongkan. Tidak ada evakuasi pada letusan ini.
ACC SUMBAR Jelajah MT. Tandikek Sumatera Barat
Bersama Kita Bisa
Pendakian Gunung Marapi Sumatera Barat (Puncak paling Indah di Sumbar)
dokumentasi aktifitas Pendakian Malam hingga turun siang hari
Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (UNP) dan Bahasa Inggris (UBH)
Kenangan bersama best friend di Mt.singgalang di sumatra barat
Gunung Talamau, Sumatera Barat
Catatan Perjalanan, Gunung Talamau 7-9 Oktober 2013.
Video ini hanya berbagi sedikit cerita dan referensi, bagaimana itu jarak durasi atau kondisi jalur pendakian pertama saya di Gunung Talamau, pada tanggal 7-9 Oktober 2013.
Untuk panjang jalur pendakian, naik dan turun kembali di jalur yang sama (Pinaga) menghabiskan langkah sekitar kurang lebih 32 km (±16 km x 2) *Info GPS saat itu.
Titik awal pendakian pun dimulai dari ±550mdpl.
Bagaimana jalur dalam kondisi hujan?
Licin pasti dan satu lagi siapkan penangkal pacet (walau sampai sekarang saya belum tau apa penangkal yang jitu untuk tuan rumah yang satu ini hehee..)
Terus, sumber air nya bagaimana?
Sesuai pada video ini, setiap shelter menuju puncak terdapat sumber mata air berupa sungai dan ada telaga di shelter paling akhir. Yang Insyaallah lebih dari cukup untuk bekal air.
Dengan panjang dan kondisi jalurnya seperti itu, bagaimana dengan mental?
Latihan fisik yang cukup sebelum masa pendakian, asupan logistik yang bagus selama pendakian juga tidak boleh dianggap remeh. Tidak sedikit dari teman-teman yang menyerah ditengah perjalanan dan kembali turun karena mengabaikan hal penting tersebut.
Dan sedikit pesan, yang mampir ingin menikmati keindahan Gunung Talamau ini, tolong tolong dan tolong kebersihan lingkungan, sikap tutur kata dan tindakan tolong dijaga.
Semoga cantik flora dan faunanya tetap terjaga.
Terimakasih viewers :)
Pagi Ini Gunung Marapi Erupsi Lagi, Bukit Tinggi: Letusan Gunung Marapi terjadi sejak Kamis (9/1) pagi dan secara terus menerus. Ketinggian letusan berkisar 300 hingga 700 Meter dari puncak gunung. Pantauan pos pengamat mencatat pada Rabu (8/1) sebanyak 20 kali letusan. (Amfreizer)
Gema Indonesia Raya di Puncak Gunung Talang
Ribuan pemuda dan pemudi berkumpul merayakan HUT Negara Republik Indonesia yang ke - 70 di Puncak Gunung Talang Kabupaten Solok.
Berbeda suku, agama bersatu padu menjalin silaturahmi dan keakraban.
Talang, Senin 17 Agustus 2015.
Keep Spirit.. kerja... kerja... kerja.
Wonderful Indonesia | West Sumatra
West Sumatra is a province of Indonesia. It lies on the west coast of the island of Sumatra.
West Sumatra lies in the middle of the western coast of Sumatra, and has an area of 42,130.82 km². Geographic features include plains, mountainous volcanic highlands formed by the Barisan mountain range that runs from north-west to south-east, and an offshore island archipelago called the Mentawai Islands. The West Sumatran coastline faces the Indian Ocean and stretches 375 km from North Sumatra province in the north-west to Bengkulu in the south-east. The lakes of West Sumatra include: Maninjau (99.5 km²), Singkarak (130.1 km²), Diatas (31.5 km²), Dibawah (14.0 km²), Talang (5.0 km²). The rivers of West Sumatra include: Kuranji, Anai, Ombilin, Suliki, Agam, Sinamar, Arau. The mountains & volcanoes of West Sumatra include: Marapi (2,891 m), Sago (2,271 m), Singgalang (2,877 m), Talakmau (2,912 m), Talang (2,572 m), Tandikat (2,438 m).
The province includes large areas of dense tropical forest, which is home to a host of species including: Rafflesia arnoldii (world's largest flower), Sumatran Tiger, Siamang, Malayan tapir, Sumatran Serow, Rusa Deer, Malayan Sun Bear, Bornean Clouded Leopard, and many birds and butterflies.
The province includes two National Parks: Siberut National Park and Kerinci Seblat National Park, as well as a number of nature reserves: Rimbo Panti Nature Reserve, Batang Palupuh Nature Reserve, Lembah Anai Nature Reserve, Lembah Harau Nature Reserve, Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park, Beringin Sakti Nature Reserve.
The Minangkabau people inhabit the area of West Sumatra province on the island Sumatra. They speak Minangkabau language. They are predominantly Muslim, and they have a reputation throughout Indonesia as traders.
Mentawaians live on the Mentawai Islands, off the western coast of Sumatra, that are also part of the province. They speak Mentawai languages, which are not intelligible with either Indonesian nor Minangkabau. Small minority of the Mentawais are Christians nowadays.
mannequin challenge tertinggi didunia Puncak Gunung Sago
mannequin challenge tertinggi didunia
expedisi kelompok pecinta alam PLN WRKR yang tergabung dalam wadah KPA Green Energi.
Active Volcano : Mount Bromo and Mount Semeru Hike | trekking | Gunung Semeru | Indonesia volcano
First half in this video is Mount Bromo and second half is the trekking of mighty Mount Semeru.
Mount Bromo is the first one which sits in the middle of sea of sand, its accessible to everyone and is a place of worship for Hindus. You have to climb a long way up using the stairs and from the edge of the volcano's crater you can witness the sulfuric smoke and the heat.
Second half of the video have some clips from a two days hike to the giant Mount Semeru.
Call it a heaven or hell, reaching the Summit of Mount Semeru is one ugly, long and exhausting endeavour. It was a two days hike of total 18kms distance and 1500 meter elevation to reach the 3676m tall active volcano.
First day we covered the distance to the base of the volcano, the landscape of the route is breathtaking, especially the lake Ranu Kombolo. We camped under millions of stars, it was pretty cold night.
The main 5 hours painstaking climb started at 12 midnight, the 60-degree climb on sandy terrain offers unstable footing, which is energy-sapping, as well as the constant fear of falling rocks from above in subzero temperature. Dig - Step - Slip - Repeat, yes this is how you have to climb to the summit, sorry I don't have any pictures of this part, coz 1, it was dark and 2, I was too busy holding to my dear life :p Finally we made it to the summit at sunrise and views were breathtaking, we both felt accomplished and heroic at that moment.
Famous volcanoes to climb in Indonesia :
Mount Rinjani 3726m
Mount Semeru 3676m
Mount Merapi 2968m
Mount Bromo 2329m
Mount Agung 3142m
Mount Kerinci 3805m
Mount Batur 1717m
Complete list of volcanoes in Indonesia which are worth checking out,
Gunung Kerinci (3805m) Jambi
Gunung Rinjani (3726m) Lombok
Gunung Semeru (3676m) Java
Gunung Sumbing (3371m) Java
Gunung Dempo (3159m) Lampung
Gunung Agung (3142m) Bali
Gunung Sundoro (3136m) Java
Gunung Ciremay (3078m) Cirebon
Gunung Pangrango (3019m) Bogor
Gunung Merapi (2968m) Yogyakarta
Gunung Gede (2958m) Bogor
Gunung Talakmau (2919m) Bukittinggi
Gunung Marapi (2891m) Bukittinggi
Gunung Geureudong (2885m) Sumatra
Gunung Singgalang (2880m) Bukittinggi
Gunung Patah (2817m) Sumatra
Gunung Peuet Sague (2801m) Sumatra
Gunung Tambora (2722m) Sumbawa
Gunung Talang (2597m) Sumatra
Gunung Sumbing (2507m) Sumatra
Gunung Bukit Daun (2467m) Sumatra
Gunung Tandikat (2438m) Sumatra
Gunung Sinabung (2400m) Berastagi
Gunung Bromo (2329m) Surabaya
Gunung Kembar (2245m) Sumatra
Gunung Salak (2211m). Bogor
Gunung Kunyit (2151m) Sumatra
Gunung Sorikmarapi (2145m) Sumatra
Gunung Sibayak (2100m) Berastagi
Bukit Lamah Balai (2055m) Sumatra
Gunung Hutapanjang (2021m) Sumatra
Gunung Belirang-Beriti (1958m) Sumatra
Gunung Kaba (1952m) Sumatra
Gunung Besar (1899m) Sumatra
Gunung Lubukraya (1862m) Sumatra
Gunung Soputan (1825m) Sulawesi
Gunung Sibualbuali (1819m) Sumatra
Gunung Seulawah Agam (1810m) Sumatra
Gunung Batur (1717m) Bali
Gunung Lokon-Empung (1580m) Sulawesi
Gunung Imun (1505m) Sumatra
Gunung Dua Saudara (1351m) Sulawesi
Gunung Awu (1320m) Sulawesi
Gunung Mahawu (1311m) Sulawesi
Gunung Rajabasa (1281m) Lampung
Gunung Tongkoko (1149m) Sulawesi
Gunung Anak Krakatau (813m) Lampung
Gunung Weh (617m) Pulau Weh
Gunung Colo (508) Sulawesi
Puncak Rabuang Gunung Sago Part 2
Pemandangan Puncak dari Puncak Gunung Merapi Sumbar
Ini adalah pemandang dari Puncak Gunung Merapi yang kami ambl pada tanggal 01 January 2013 di Puncak Gunung merapi naik dari Koto baru Padang panjang Sumatera barat, dari sini terlihar selurh kota Padang panjang, Koto baru Pandai Sikek, Koto Tuoa dan Kota Bukit Tingg sekitarnya, serta terlihat jelas Gunung Tandikat dan Gunung Merapi, sebuah pemandangan alam yang sangat luar biasa.
Afrijon Ponggok
Djoyo Adventure Team - Pendakian di Gunung Talang, Sumatera Barat
kegiatan saat istirahat sambil ngeliatin pemandangan dari puncak gunung talang, sumatera barat bersama mas nopy dan mas nandi
touring with Om Ashim - pdgpjg-solok-padang-sei.limau-malalak-tandikek-singgalang-
Challanger @ Gunung Sago
this is my dad's video when he and his friends went to mount sago and mountain biked!