Time Traveler - Tîrgu-Mureș
Tîrgu-Mureș from above and beyond.
#TirguMures #Marosvásárhely #NeumarktAmMieresch
Filming & postproduction: Andrei Zaițiu
Music: Norbert Kovacs
Grupa Tech Multimedia - Documentar Cetatea Targu Mures - 2019
ITech Club Tirgu-Mures
Alexandra Neag, Andrei Cotoara, Bogdan Marginean, Bogdan Popeanu, Codrin Salca, Diego Frias, Felix Zagon, Ovidiu Morar, Raluca Ana Irimie, Sebastian Balan, Stefan Bunus, Vlad Tatar, Vladimir Cocean
Trainer: Alex Marginean
Princesses, Knights, Fights and Glory - Suceava Fortress, Medieval Festival (Romania)
Life, training and struggle scenes of the teams arrived at the 2017 edition of the Medieval Festival at Suceava Fortress.
Scene de viață, de antrenament și de luptă ale echipelor sosite la ediția din 2017 a Festivalului Medieval de la Cetatea de Scaun a Sucevei.
The 11th edition of the Stefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great) Medieval Festival it happened in 17-20 August 2017 at the Seat Fortress of Suceava, being probably the largest medieval festival in Romania and the first with international participation. Of the men of arms, sometimes accompanied by charming princesses, who can be recognized in the video, we recall:
- Paladins of Terra Medies (Medias);
- Order of Knights Wolf (Targu Mures)
- Anacronism Band (Sibiu)
- Deus Vult (Temple Knights from Oradea)
- The Guardmen of Bistrita Fortress
- Terra Ultrasilvana (Brasov)
- Order of the Knights of Barsa Fortresses (Brasov)
- Order of the Knights of Hunedoara
Among the foreign knights we mention:
- Beli Orlovi (White Eagle) Association from Belgrade, Serbia
- The delegation of the Kiev Principality, which, through the turnir fight, ends the video.
Domnițe, cavaleri, lupte și glorie - Cetatea de Scaun a Sucevei - Festivalul Medieval 2017
A XI-a ediție a Festivalului de Artă Medievală „Ștefan cel Mare” s-a desfășurat între 17-20 august 2017 la Cetatea de Scaun a Sucevei, fiind probabil cel mai mare festival medieval din România și primul cu participare internațională (Serbia, Ucraina, Ungaria). Dintre bărbații de arme, uneori însoțiți de fermecătoare domnințe, și pe care posibil să îi recunoașteți în videoclip, amintim:
- Paladinii de Terra Medies (Mediaș),
- Ordinul Cavalerilor Lup (Târgu Mureș)
- Trupa Anacronism (Sibiu)
- Deus Vult (cavalerii templieri din Oradea)
- Străjerii Cetăţii Bistriţa
- Terra Ultrasilvana (Braşov)
- Ordinul Cavalerilor Cetăţilor Bârsei (Braşov)
- Ordinul Cavalerilor de Hunedoara
Dintre prezențele din străinătate menționăm Asociația Beli Orlovi - White Eagles (Belgrad, Serbia) și Delegaţia din Principatul de la Kiev care, prin lupta de turnir, încheie videoclipul.
AEROGARA Aeroportului International Transilvania Targu Mures
La Aeroportul International Transilvania Targu Mures in luna august 2013 - Filarmonica de Stat din Targu Mures a marcat in acest fel implinirea a 100 de ani de Cultura - in mijlocul pasagerilor pentru cursa Ryanair pe relatia Bruxelles - Charleroi.
skateboarding in targu mures
bails, skate and fun
Bradul in Tirgu Mures, 2009 decembrie
12 dec 2009
Tg. Mures 24 februarie 2013
Cris - The Bethlen Castle, Mures, Romania
Criş (former Crişd; German Saxon: Kraeš; German: Kreisch; Hungarian: Keresd) is a village in Daneş commune, near Sighişoara, Mureş County, Romania. Before 1300, one of the members of the Bethlen family received here a domain, for his bravery during the crusades. Since then goes back also the legend of the family coat of arms, depicting a serpent with an apple in his mouth. The legend said that the place was haunted by a monster, a giant snake associated with the numerous disappearances among locals. The crusader, seeing the snake, have thrown it an apple, which he would have drowned. Historians have a different interpretation, seeing the apple as a symbol of a Papal document, and added during the time the family converted from Catholicism to the Reformed religion. The Bethlen Castle construction began before 1300 and lasted over 400 years (between 14th-17th centuries). Initially, the castle had an irregular quadrilateral shape, with wedge-type rhomboidal bastions on corners. Built in several stages, it was originally designed in Gothic style, and over the years were added the Transylvanian Renaissance elements, being now the most beautiful Renaissance castle in Transylvania. Now, the castle has a fortified square shape, with circular bastions at the corners and square entrance tower, a structure typical for the late medieval military architecture. The residence has two floors, an imposing circular tower (Archers' Tower) and a loggia with semicircular arched openings on short cylindrical pillars. The fortification system was completed with a semi-enclosure with bastions. The buildings of the castle, along with the walls of the fortress, enclose an almost rectangular square. The oldest building is the leveled medieval old tower, its highest level facade being decorated by painted high-relief figures showing warriors carrying halberds or shields in their right hands, their left hands resting on their waists. The 5th level of the tower comprising of eight arched windows is known to be used as a look-out. The secret turret case has been inserted into the thick tower walls. The old tower was provided with Renaissance doorway and window frames during the 16th and the 17th centuries. In 1559, chancellor Georgius Bethlen and his wife Clara of Nagykároly completed the old tower with a vaulted building and a loggia. Their son, Miklos Bethlen, continued to bring further improvements to the castle, with new buildings in Renaissance style. Between 1675 1691, Count Alexius Bethlen consolidated the corners of the fortress with bastions. The rear facade of the old tower faces a small yard, as well as the western walls of the fortress. The leveled building on the eastern side, along with the southern and western walls of the fortress enclose sculptured window and door frames. On the ground-floor is the chapel of the fortress -- one of the most beautiful spaces of the building complex, with both Gothic and Renaissance decorating elements. The wing connecting the eastern side corner bastions hosts a range of inter-connected rooms, with a total length of 50 m. The interior of the castle never failed to preserve its authenticity. The splendor of the salons was enhanced by the exquisitely painted and polished pieces of furniture, as well as by the inbuilt chests of drawers, carpets and rugs. Portraits of family members were lined up along the walls. The library and the family archives were on the first floor of the old tower. In the courtyard of the tower there used to be a flower garden, the castle being surrounded by a vast English park. There was also a pentagonal summer pavilion, with walls decorated with paintings.
When Bethlen family left the country in 1948, the castle was nationalized and used as a pioneer camp and then as vegetables and grain warehouse of the village's farms. Many valuable objects, collections of art, weapons and hunting trophies, furniture, were taken to Sighişoara and some at the Bruckenthal Museum in Sibiu. The rest was stolen. In 1974 the castle was taken over by the Department of Historical Monuments, that began a sustained work of the consolidation and restoration, an activity that lasted until 1977. In that period have been strengthened the chapel, the octagonal tower, the dungeon tower and floor the ground-floor of the manor.
The castle has been partially restored in the '90, but the restoration stopped because the inheritors claimed the castle. After many years of legal suits, the Transylvanian branch of the family received the castle and the park.
Mocanita Sovata_01.06.2018_intre Sovata si Campul Cetatii, Targu-Mures
Mocanita Sovata este o locomotiva cu aburi care circula pe o linie feroviara ingusta, intr-o regiune montana pitoreasca, strabatand o distanta de aproximativ 14 km pe teritoriul judetului Mures, intre Statiunea Sovata si localitatea Campul Cetatii.
Mocanita Sovata face parte dintr-un lot de locomotive construite la o fabrica din Polonia, in anul 1949. Aceasta functioneaza cu carbune sau cu lemn de esenta tare, avand un rezervor de apa cu o capacitate de 3 mc si un rezervor de combustibil cu o capacitate de 3 tone. Mocanita are trei vagoane, dintre care doua sunt inchise, construite in anii 1985 si 1991, iar unul este deschis, de tip gondola, construit in anul 1953. Toate cele trei vagoane au in prezent o capacitate totala de 90 de locuri. Acestea au fost reabilitate in anul 2003, mocanita fiind deschisa din nou in anul 2011, dupa o absenta de aproximativ 14 ani din cauza suspendarii transportului feroviar pe aceasta linie.
Pe vremuri, acest mic trenulet circula in scopul unor indeletniciri din ramura industriala: transportul lemnului sau al sarii, insa in prezent aceasta este utilizata in scopuri turistice. Mocanita este pusa la dispozitia vizitatorilor, desfasurand mai multe trasee de zi. Plecarile se fac din Statiunea Sovata, de la Gara Mica a orasului pana la gara din Campu Cetatii. Ajunsi aici, turistii pot zabovi si asupra acestor meleaguri, bucurandu-se de peisajele naturale traditionale. Se pot vizita in Campul Cetatii: Biserica Romano-Catolica, ridicata in secolul al XV-lea sau ruinele Cetatii Vityal, ce dateaza din secolele XIV-XVI.
Mokanita Sovata is a steam locomotive running on a narrow railway line in a picturesque mountainous region, passing a distance of about 14 km on the territory of Mures County, between Sovata Resort and Cetatea Cetatii.
Mokanita Sovata is part of a group of locomotives built at a factory in Poland in 1949. It works with charcoal or hardwood, having a water tank with a capacity of 3 cubic meters and a fuel tank with a capacity of 3 tons. Mocanita has three wagons, two of which are closed, built in 1985 and 1991, and one is open, gondola type, built in 1953. All three wagons currently have a total capacity of 90 seats. These were rehabilitated in 2003, with the power being opened again in 2011 after an absence of about 14 years due to the suspension of rail transport on this line.
In the old days, this small train runs for the purpose of some industrial activities: the transport of wood or salt, but it is currently used for tourist purposes. Mocanita is made available to visitors, taking several day trips. The departures are made from the Sovata Resort, from the Mica Train Station to the train station in Campu Cetatii. Arriving here, tourists can also take advantage of these landscapes, enjoying the traditional natural landscapes. You can visit the Fortress Camp: the Roman Catholic Church, built in the 15th century, or the ruins of the Vityal Fortress dating back to the 14th-16th centuries.
William Franklin Oradea Romania (Oradea Vs Targu Mures) 19.02.2014
Cetatea Sighișoara, Judetul Mureș
Cetatea medievala Sighisoara,(sec.XII) -Patrimoniu Unesco
Tîrgu Mureş a ieşit din cursa pentru titlul de Capitală Europeană a Culturii 2021. Între 7-10 decembrie a avut loc evaluarea celor 14 candidaţi înscriși în cursa pentru obținerea prestigiosului titlu. Preşedintele juriului de experţi, Steve Greene a anunţat în urmă cu câteva ore că cele 4 finaliste sunt: Timişoara, Cluj-Napoca, Baia Mare şi Bucureşti. În momentul depunerii candidaturii, atât preşedintele Consiliului Judeţean Mureş, Ciprian Dobre, cât şi primarul municipiului, Dorin Florea şi-au arătat convingerea că Tîrgu Mureş va fi selectat în finală, chiar mai mult decât atât are şanse reale în a câştiga titlul. Selecţia finală şi anunţarea oraşului câştigător va avea loc în luna august a anului viitor.
Cetatea Medievala,Tg Mures,Aprilie 2009
Cetate intersectie,Catedrala ortodoxa Targu Mures
Craciun centru Targu Mures 2008 079
Longboarding in Târgu-Mureş and at the final crash ????????????
MedievArtFest - Primul Festival Medieval din Targu - Mures 3 - 5 octombrie 2008
Primul Festival Medieval din Targu - Mures. 3 - 5 octombrie 2008
Roumanie: de Sighisoara à Campulung Modovenesc
Brad Targu Mures 2009,(6)
Brad Targu Mures,patinoar centru (19).MPG