National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan. Kazan, Russia
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Kazan Calles - Rusia 2018
Kazan Calles - Rusia 2018
Copa del Mundo Rusia - Copa del Mundo Rusia 2018
La Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2018 Rusia - FIFA - será la 21ª edición de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol.
Esta edición del evento se llevará a cabo en Rusia entre el 14 de junio y el 15 de julio de 2018, siendo la primera oportunidad en ese país para organizar el campeonato y la primera vez en la historia que se celebrará en un país de Europa del Este.
Rusia confirmó 12 estadios en 11 ciudades: Ekaterimburgo, Kaliningrado, Kazan, Krasnodar, Moscú, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, San Petersburgo, Samara, Sochi, Volgogrado y Saransk, que será sede de la Copa Mundial de 64 partidos
Kazán Situada a orillas del majestuoso río Volga, a unos 800 km al este de Moscú, Kazan fue fundada en 1005 por los protobúlgaros como una fortaleza y un importante centro comercial.
El centro histórico está formado por antiguas mansiones, casas de comerciantes, edificios culturales e industriales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Caminaremos por Bauman Street, la principal arteria peatonal del centro, donde se encuentra la Catedral de Pedro y Pablo, en estilo barroco ruso, que se levanta en perfecta armonía con el edificio clásico vecino de la Universidad Estatal de Kazan. La calle Kremlyovskaya es el centro cultural de la ciudad, muy cerca del Teatro Dramatice Bolshoi, la Ópera de Kazán, la Biblioteca Nacional y el Ayuntamiento. Al otro lado del canal Bolaq y el lago Qaban, entraremos en el antiguo distrito tártaro de la ciudad, donde los tártaros tuvieron que asentarse después de la conquista de Kazan por los rusos. La mezquita de Mardzhani, la mezquita de Azimov y muchos otros levantan sus minaretes en esta área históricamente musulmana. En la confluencia del río Kazanka con el poderoso Volga admiraremos el Monumento a los Soldados Caídos, el Palacio de Agricultura y la moderna construcción del Circo de Kazan. Terminaremos nuestra visita panorámica en el Kremlin de Kazán.
Visita del Kremlin de Kazán. El antiguo Kremlin domina la ciudad e impresiona por su magnitud y poder. En la confluencia de los ríos Kazanka y Volga, el fuerte proto-búlgaro de madera del siglo XII, destruido por los mongoles, fue reconstruido por los tártaros como una fortaleza que protegía su principado. Después de la conquista de la ciudad, Iván IV el Terrible ordenó la reconstrucción del Kremlin de Kazán siguiendo el mismo modelo. Fue completado entre 1556 y 1562 por maestros Pskov. Dentro de su recinto amurallado se encuentran numerosos edificios históricos, el más antiguo de los cuales es la Catedral de la Anunciación (1561-62). Al igual que muchos otros edificios de la época, se construyó sobre la piedra arenisca tradicional local, en lugar de ladrillo, material utilizado en casi todo el resto de Rusia. Al lado está la Casa del Obispo (1829).
Kazan Ciudad - Rusia 2018
Kazan Ciudad - Rusia 2018
Mundial de Fútbol Rusia - World Cup Russia 2018
La Copa Mundial de la FIFA Rusia 2018 - FIFA - será la XXI edición de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol.
Esta edición del evento se realizará en Rusia entre el 14 de junio y el 15 de julio de 2018, siendo la primera oportunidad en que dicho país organiza el campeonato y la primera vez en la historia que se celebre en un país de Europa Oriental.
Rusia confirmó 12 estadios en 11 ciudades: Ekaterimburgo, Kaliningrado, Kazán, Krasnodar, Moscú, Nizhni Nóvgorod, Rostov del Don, San Petersburgo, Samara, Sochi, Volgogrado y Saransk, las cuales albergarán los 64 partidos de la Copa Mundial
Kazán. Situada a orillas del majestuoso rio Volga, a unos 800 km al este de Moscú, Kazán fue fundada en 1005 por los protobúlgaros como una fortaleza y un importante centro de comercio. Kazán fue conquistada para Rusia por el zar Iván el Terrible en 1552. Hoy es una de las ciudades más prosperas de Rusia, capital de la región de Tartaristán, y posee un elevado grado de autonomía dentro de la Federación Rusa. Muchos de sus habitantes se expresan en su idioma propio, y mantienen su religión, cultura, tradiciones y costumbres. Kazán es oficialmente denominada la “Tercera Capital de Rusia”, tras Moscú y San Petersburgo. En su Universidad estudiaron personajes históricos como Lenin y Tolstoi. Kazán es un punto de encuentro de los mundos Oriental y Occidental, un cruce de culturas y tradiciones europeas, rusas y tártaras. La ciudad está dividida en dos barrios principales, el ruso y el tártaro, separados entre sí por el lago Qaban y el canal Bolaq. El contraste entre las cúpulas de las iglesias ortodoxas rusas y los minaretes de las mezquitas tártaras le da a la ciudad un carácter y una atmósfera únicos. Kazán es un importante centro cultural y educativo, con numerosos teatros, museos, salas de conciertos, festivales y eventos internacionales, bibliotecas y universidades. Kazán ha sido declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
El centro histórico lo constituyen antiguas mansiones, casas de comerciantes, edificios culturales e industriales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Pasearemos por la calle Bauman, principal arteria peatonal del centro, donde se encuentra la catedral de Pedro y Pablo, en estilo barroco ruso, que se alza en perfecta armonía con el vecino edificio clásico de la Universidad Estatal de Kazán. La calle Kremlyovskaya es el centro cultural de la ciudad, muy cerca se encuentran el Teatro Dramatice Bolshói, la Opera de Kazán, la Biblioteca Nacional y el Ayuntamiento. Al otro lado del canal Bolaq y del lago Qaban entraremos en el antiguo barrio tártaro de la ciudad, donde los tártaros debieron instalarse tras la conquista de Kazán por los rusos. La mezquita Mardzhani, la mezquita Azimov y muchas otras elevan sus minaretes en esta área históricamente musulmana. En la confluencia del rio Kazanka con el poderoso Volga admiraremos el Monumento a los Soldados Caídos, el Palacio de la Agricultura, y el moderno edificio del Circo de Kazán. Finalizaremos nuestra visita panorámica en el Kremlin de Kazán.
Visita del Kremlin de Kazán. El antiguo Kremlin domina la ciudad, e impresiona por su magnitud y poderío. En la confluencia de los ríos Kazanka y Volga, el fuerte protobúlgaro de madera del siglo XII, destruido por los mongoles, fue reconstruido por los tártaros como una fortaleza que protegía su principado. Tras la conquista de la ciudad, Iván IV el Terrible ordeno la reconstrucción del Kremlin de Kazán siguiendo el mismo modelo. Fue completado entre 1556 y 1562 por maestros de Pskov. Dentro de su recinto amurallado se encuentran numerosos edificios históricos, el más antiguo de los cuales es la Catedral de la Anunciación (1561-62). Al igual que muchos otros edificios de la época, fue construida en la tradicional piedra de arenisca local, en vez de ladrillo, material utilizado en casi todo el resto de Rusia. Junto a ella se encuentra la Casa del Obispo (1829). Otro monumento de gran importancia es la mezquita Qol-Sharif, recientemente reconstruida en el interior del Kremlin. El Palacio de los Gobernadores (1845-1848), edificado en el lugar donde estaba el palacio del Jan, es hoy en día el Palacio Presidencial. Cerca de la Torre Spasskaya se encuentra el Monasterio del Salvador, de 1557. Fue el principal foco misionero cristiano en estas tierras predominantemente musulmanas. Entre los numerosos edificios militares destacan el Cuerpo de Guardia, la Escuela de Cadetes, la Escuela Ecuestre y la Fundición de Cañones de Artillería. Entre las imponentes murallas y torres de sus fortificaciones se eleva la más alta estructura del Kremlin de Kazán, la Torre Inclinada Soyembika, llamada así en honor de la última zarina tártara. El Kremlin de Kazán ha sido declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
Travel to Tatarstan
Travel to Tatarstan
· Arriving in Kazan. Transfer to the hotel. Leaving luggage in the hotel.
· Lunch near the hotel.
· Loop tour around Kazan: with visit of Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Krestovozdvizhenskaya Church), where now is held a miracle working icon of the Kazan Godmother, brought back from Vatican, with seeing of Kazan state university Complex (former imperial university), Kazan Arbat street, Peterburzhskaya street, Sukonnaya Sloboda (Cloth suburb), Tugan avylym complex – Native village, Hall of Nobility, Opera and Ballet Theater, Freedom Square, Kazan National Cultural Centre, Concert hall named after S. Saidashev and many other sights of Kazan...Tatar Entertainments. Tatar artists, singers, folk musical instruments, teaching of Tatar words and dances.
2nd day
· breakfast in the hotel or in the city's cafe.
History of Kazan streets walking tour. During this tour you will get to know why the Bauman Street is called Kazan Arbat and the history of the first Kazan Street. You will see the Church where F. Shalyapin was baptized, the monument to him, the building of state bank where Russian gold reserve was held, the Drama theatre, the House of print, Tatar walk of fame, you will be able to take pictures of yourself in the carriage of Ekaterina II. And compare the sight of the Peterburgskaya Street with the Nevskij prospect. Walking through the Kremlevskaya street you would wonder the beauties of Aleksandrovkiy and Chernoyarovskiy Arcades, would notice the unique beauty of Ushakova's private residence that is now the main building of National library and many other things.Kazan Kremlin walking tour. Kazan Kremlin is an open-air museum added to UNESCO's list. It is a tour to the complex Kazan Kremlin with stories about the beginning of Kazan Kermen, attacks on Kremlin, towers and walls. You would have a unique opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful mosques of Russia and the biggest in Europe – Kul-Sharif, hear namaz, get to know the legend about Suyumbike falling tower and story of its foundation, to visit Blagoveschensky Cathedral, where the miracle icon of Kazan God's mother was blessed, to walk through the walls of Kazan Kremlin, see the burials of Kazan Khans, Gubernatorial Palace, Complex of public offices and many other things. During the excursion tourists visit the museum of Islam Culture inside the Kul-Sharif Mosque. It is the only museum in Russia dedicated to the culture and history of Islam. There is the history of Islam development from the times of Volga Bulgaria. Among the exhibits you can see first printed versions of Koran in Russia of XIX century and modern ones. In the museum you can got to know the history of famous 16 predictors, whose manes can be seen in the religious writings of Hebrews and Christians.
On your choise:
1) visiting the museum of Islamic culture,
2) master-class on the Islamic culture museum Art of kerchief wearing (you will know the tradition of head covering, wisdom of this ancient tradition, why Muslim women cover all the body exept face and hands).
3d day
· breakfast
· 09.00 Raifa Fairytale coach tour The Virgin Monastery of Raifa (XVII-XIX centures), miracle icon of Georgian God's Mother, the most little chapel in Europe for the martyrs Vera (faith), Nadezhda (hope), Lyubov (love) and their mother Sofia-Troitskaya, church for the name of Holy Fathers, a walk around the Raifa lake. You will take a view of the Virgin Kizichesky Monastery which was founded in 1691 by Adrian the Moscow Patriarch who until 1690 were the Kazan Bishop. The name Kazichesky means Holy Martyrs of Cyzicus. In this monastery Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy the grandfather of Lev Tolstoy was buried.On your way you will see theTemple of All Religions· Excursion to the Sviyazhsk Island- Fortress of Ivan the Terrible. It is the first orthodox town in the Middle Povolzhie region, founded in 1551 by the Russian Tsar Ivan the TerribleThe excursion includes visiting of the oldest medieval churches, that are famous for the uniqueness of its frescos (the Church of the Saint Trinity, Sergiy Radonezhskiy the miracle-worker Church, the Cathedral of Our lady of all Sorrowful, Chapel, the Cathedral Dormition of Virgin Mary, the Church of Saint Konstantin and Helen).
4th day
· breakfast 09.00 Excursion to the Bazaar, nowadays National Museum of The Republic of TatarstanThe museum fund has more than 700 000 of cultural artifacts of different nations of the world
Kazan - Avenidas y calles - Rusia 2018
Kazán - Avenidas y calles - Rusia 2018
Copa del Mundo Rusia - Copa del Mundo Rusia 2018
La Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2018 Rusia - FIFA - será la 21ª edición de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol.
Esta edición del evento tendrá lugar en Rusia entre el 14 de junio y el 15 de julio de 2018, siendo la primera oportunidad en ese país para organizar el campeonato y la primera vez en la historia que se celebrará en un país europeo del Este.
Rusia confirmó 12 estadios en 11 ciudades: Ekaterimburgo, Kaliningrado, Kazán, Krasnodar, Moscú, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov del Don, San Petersburgo, Samara, Sochi, Volgogrado y Saransk, que albergarán la Copa Mundial de 64 partidos.
Kazan Situado a orillas del majestuoso río Volga, a unos 800 km al este de Moscú, Kazan fue fundado en 1005 por los proto-búlgaros como una fortaleza y un importante centro comercial.
El centro histórico está formado por antiguas mansiones, casas de comerciantes, edificios culturales e industriales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Caminaremos por Bauman Street, la arteria peatonal principal en el centro, donde se encuentra la Catedral de Pedro y Pablo, en estilo barroco ruso, que se levanta en perfecta armonía con el edificio clásico junto a la Universidad Estatal de Kazan. La calle Kremlyovskaya es el centro cultural de la ciudad, muy cerca del Teatro Dramatice Bolshoi, la Ópera de Kazán, la Biblioteca Nacional y el Ayuntamiento. Al otro lado del canal Bolaq y el lago Qaban, entraremos en el antiguo distrito tártaro de la ciudad, donde los tártaros tuvieron que establecerse después de la conquista de Kazan por los rusos. La mezquita de Mardzhani, la mezquita de Azimov y muchos otros levantan sus minaretes en esta área históricamente musulmana. En la confluencia del río Kazanka con el poderoso Volga admiraremos el Monumento a los Soldados Caídos, el Palacio de Agricultura y la moderna construcción del Circo de Kazan. Terminaremos nuestra visita panorámica en el Kremlin de Kazán.
Visita del Kremlin de Kazán. El antiguo Kremlin domina la ciudad e impresiona por su magnitud y poder. En la confluencia de los ríos Kazanka y Volga, el fuerte protobúlgaro de madera del siglo XII, destruido por los mongoles, fue reconstruido por los tártaros como una fortaleza que protegía su principado. Después de la conquista de la ciudad, Iván IV el Terrible ordenó la reconstrucción del Kremlin de Kazán siguiendo el mismo modelo. Fue completado entre 1556 y 1562 por los maestros de Pskov. Dentro de su recinto amurallado se encuentran numerosos edificios históricos, el más antiguo de los cuales es la Catedral de la Anunciación (1561-62). Al igual que muchos otros edificios de la época, se construyó sobre la piedra arenisca tradicional local, en lugar de ladrillo, material utilizado en casi todo el resto de Rusia. Al lado está la Casa del Obispo.
Museum of kazan, Russia
Please watch: Instant Karma - Instant Justice Compilation 2017!
The 'church of all religions' in Russia
A mosque, an orthodox church, and a synagogue united under one roof.
This is the Temple of All Religions in Kazan, in the Russian republic of Tatarstan, nearly five hundred miles from Moscow.…
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The Sound of the Crimean Tatar language (Numbers, Greetings & The Parable)
Crimean Tatar (Crimean / Qırımtatar tili, Къырымтатар тили)
Native to: Ukraine, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Romania, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, Lithuania
Region: Black Sea
Ethnicity: Crimean Tatars
Native speakers: 540,000 (2006–2011)
Language family: Turkic
ISO: 639-2 crh, 639-3 crh
Glottolog: crim1257
Linguasphere: part of 44-AAB-a
Crimean Tatar (Qırımtatar tili / Къырымтатар тили / قىرىم تاتار تىلى)
Crimean Tatar is a member of the Kypchak branch of Turkic languages. There are about 300,000 speakers of this language in Crimea, Central Asia, mainly in Uzbekistan, and also in Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria.
Crimean Tatar (Qırımtatar tili, Qırımtatarca) is also known as Crimean (Qırım tili, Qırımca) or Crimean Turkish (Qırım Türkçesi).
Crimean Tatar has been written with the Perso-Arabic script, the Latin alphabet between 1928 and 1938, the Cyrillic alphabet from 1938 to the 1990s, and the Latin alphabet since then, though the Cyrillic alphabet is still used by some people.
All credit goes to rightful owners :D
Information about the Crimean Tatar language
Crimean Tatar internet library
Crimean Tatar dictionaries
Къырымтатар тилининъ лингвистик корпусы
(Linguistic corpus of Crimean Tatar Language)
Information about the Crimean Tatars
Phrases in Crimean Tatar
ICC - International Committee for Crimea
Want your beautiful language to be featured?
My email:
Татарский проект композитора и пианиста МАКСИМА ШОРЕНКОВА
Tel / Viber / WhatsApp / Telegram +38 066 718 75 90
Inst: maxshorenkov
Pianist, Showman, Lecturer – Maksym Shorenkov
Maksym Shorenkov’s music has the ability to transfer your mind and soul to the most enchanted place. He creates highly professional shows as a pianist and showman. Maksym ensures everyone has a good time with all types of music, from classical to disco! Maksym is the man that can make your holiday truly memorable!
Maksym has the perfect entertainment planned for any of the below events and occasions.
(Wedding receptions, birthday parties, private parties, corporate events, cocktail receptions, product launches, trade shows, Christmas and other holiday occasions, gala dinners, and after dinner entertainment.)
Maksym Shorenkov is an internationally distinguished musical artist of extraordinary technical qualities, renowned for his expression of complex piano tricks and Thread Shows in the following styles: Classic, Jazz, Variety International, House, R&B, Chinese, Disco, Funk, Soul, World & Latino Music.
He has more than 20 years of experience in the music industry. Among his clients are famous names such as Yamaha, Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Gucci, Tiffany. He also performs every year at prestigious events in Hotel Ritz, InterContinental, Hyatt, Marriott, Hilton and Fairmont Hotels. He is experienced in international gigs and has staged them in Dubai, London, Maldives, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, and Ukraine.
Accredited international touring pianist with a library of over 1,000 songs. Great energy and people skills. Delivers elegant ambient music for any special occasion.
This is an outstanding innovation by Maksym himself. The Ukrainian composer presents to you a new musical universe! An unforgettable experience with these unique game threads. A live wizard when he touches the threads, by creating an enchanting magic of sound.
The composer-improviser has had invariable success all over the world. A participant and laureate of International competitions and festivals.
Russia - Trained at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory.
Ukraine - Graduated from the post-graduate course of the National Music Academy of Ukraine. P.I. Tchaikovsky in composition and orchestration class.
Poland - Trained at the Musical Academy. K.Shimanovsky.
Winner of the Tarkovsky Prize. Member of the Union of Composers of Ukraine. An author of new methods of sound production - filaments Shorenkov. The creator of music for films, plays and musicals. His works are performed by symphonic orchestras in Europe. The author of projects in various genres and directions for performers of Europe.
马克斯恩·斯欧仁可夫 - 钢琴演奏者,作曲家,音乐杰出者
他在音乐行业拥有20多年的经验:曾与雅马哈,梅赛德斯 - 奔驰,本田,路易威登,劳力士,古驰,蒂芙尼等知名品牌合作;每年也会为丽兹,洲际,凯悦,万豪,希尔顿和费尔蒙等酒店集团表演;他的国际演出经验丰富,曾在迪拜,伦敦,马尔代夫,埃及,土耳其,俄罗斯和乌克兰演奏。
俄罗斯 - 在莫斯科州柴可夫斯基音乐学院培养训练。
乌克兰 - 柴可夫斯基国立音乐学院的研究生学历,主修作曲和管弦乐编曲。
波兰 – 卡罗尔-斯曼诺夫斯基音乐学院接受训练。
Татарский проект композитора и пианиста МАКСИМА ШОРЕНКОВА Джаз УКРАИНА КИЕВ Арт Клуб 44 Tatar project composer and pianist Maksym Shorenkov Jazz Kiev Ukraine Art Club 44 Алик Фантаев Богдан Стеценко Виктор Соломин Сергей Макаров
In inter-cultural news - an Islamic library is gifted to Russia
In inter-cultural news, an Islamic library is gifted to Russia. His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia presented the library to Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. It consists of 40,000 books on a variety of topics and Arab language dictionaries. The collection will be taken care of by the Russian Islamic University.
Our sincere thankfulness, Your Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, for your generosity. May this gesture of good-will bring greater understanding and closeness between the citizens of your two great nations.
sightseeing in kazan
Э1st day
· Arriving in Kazan. Transfer to the hotel. Leaving luggage in the hotel.
· Lunch near the hotel.
· Loop tour around Kazan: with visit of Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Krestovozdvizhenskaya Church), where now is held a miracle working icon of the Kazan Godmother, brought back from Vatican, with seeing of Kazan state university Complex (former imperial university), Kazan Arbat street, Peterburzhskaya street, Sukonnaya Sloboda (Cloth suburb), Tugan avylym complex -- Native village, Hall of Nobility, Opera and Ballet Theater, Freedom Square, Kazan National Cultural Centre, Concert hall named after S. Saidashev and many other sights of Kazan...Tatar Entertainments. Tatar artists, singers, folk musical instruments, teaching of Tatar words and dances.
2nd day
· breakfast in the hotel or in the city's cafe.
History of Kazan streets walking tour. During this tour you will get to know why the Bauman Street is called Kazan Arbat and the history of the first Kazan Street. You will see the Church where F. Shalyapin was baptized, the monument to him, the building of state bank where Russian gold reserve was held, the Drama theatre, the House of print, Tatar walk of fame, you will be able to take pictures of yourself in the carriage of Ekaterina II. And compare the sight of the Peterburgskaya Street with the Nevskij prospect. Walking through the Kremlevskaya street you would wonder the beauties of Aleksandrovkiy and Chernoyarovskiy Arcades, would notice the unique beauty of Ushakova's private residence that is now the main building of National library and many other things.Kazan Kremlin walking tour. Kazan Kremlin is an open-air museum added to UNESCO's list. It is a tour to the complex Kazan Kremlin with stories about the beginning of Kazan Kermen, attacks on Kremlin, towers and walls. You would have a unique opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful mosques of Russia and the biggest in Europe -- Kul-Sharif, hear namaz, get to know the legend about Suyumbike falling tower and story of its foundation, to visit Blagoveschensky Cathedral, where the miracle icon of Kazan God's mother was blessed, to walk through the walls of Kazan Kremlin, see the burials of Kazan Khans, Gubernatorial Palace, Complex of public offices and many other things. During the excursion tourists visit the museum of Islam Culture inside the Kul-Sharif Mosque. It is the only museum in Russia dedicated to the culture and history of Islam. There is the history of Islam development from the times of Volga Bulgaria. Among the exhibits you can see first printed versions of Koran in Russia of XIX century and modern ones. In the museum you can got to know the history of famous 16 predictors, whose manes can be seen in the religious writings of Hebrews and Christians.
On your choise:
1) visiting the museum of Islamic culture,
2) master-class on the Islamic culture museum Art of kerchief wearing (you will know the tradition of head covering, wisdom of this ancient tradition, why Muslim women cover all the body exept face and hands).
3d day
· breakfast
· 09.00 Raifa Fairytale coach tour The Virgin Monastery of Raifa (XVII-XIX centures), miracle icon of Georgian God's Mother, the most little chapel in Europe for the martyrs Vera (faith), Nadezhda (hope), Lyubov (love) and their mother Sofia-Troitskaya, church for the name of Holy Fathers, a walk around the Raifa lake. You will take a view of the Virgin Kizichesky Monastery which was founded in 1691 by Adrian the Moscow Patriarch who until 1690 were the Kazan Bishop. The name Kazichesky means Holy Martyrs of Cyzicus. In this monastery Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy the grandfather of Lev Tolstoy was buried.On your way you will see theTemple of All Religions· Excursion to the Sviyazhsk Island- Fortress of Ivan the Terrible. It is the first orthodox town in the Middle Povolzhie region, founded in 1551 by the Russian Tsar Ivan the TerribleThe excursion includes visiting of the oldest medieval churches, that are famous for the uniqueness of its frescos (the Church of the Saint Trinity, Sergiy Radonezhskiy the miracle-worker Church, the Cathedral of Our lady of all Sorrowful, Chapel, the Cathedral Dormition of Virgin Mary, the Church of Saint Konstantin and Helen).
4th day
· breakfast 09.00 Excursion to the Bazaar, nowadays National Museum of The Republic of TatarstanThe museum fund has more than 700 000 of cultural artifacts of different nations of the world and Tatarstan. The exposition of the museum will familiarize you with history, geography and culture of Tatarstan and Kazan. Here you would see collection of coins and fineries of the Golden Horde times, carriage of Ekaterina II -- Russian empress and many other interesting exhibits.Old-Tatar suburb
The piece of the nature of Kazan city
21.02.2013 Training of medical staff
Over 300 public health care workers of the Republic of Tatarstan get a chance to enrich their experience in the build-up to the 27th Summer Universiade as the training of doctors who will be working during the Games across the summer of 2013 kicked off at Kazan State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. A series of educational programmes, titled 'Arrangement and Provision of Medical Services during Mass Public and Sporting Events', will be held on a budgetary basis.
The Other TV Program Selected Moments Part I
Ashraf Aboul-Yazid interviews guests of the TV program THE OTHER among them are Dr. Nuria Caraeva, the Scientific Library, Kazan, Tatarstan, Dr. Gail Ramsay,Arabic Language Dept, Uppsala University, Sweden, Ulrich Schreiber Founder and Director, International Literary Festival Berlin, Dr. Jacqueline Aquino Siapno, acting first lady of East Timor, and professor, History Dept, Seoul National University. Ros Mahwati Ahmed Zakaria, Curatorial Affairs Dept, IAMM
& Noor Nizreen Osman, the education manager, the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia Professor Bruce Ingham Department of Linguistics, SOAS, UK. Hikmet Barutcugil Ebru Artist, Turkey
Dr. Arthur Goldschmidt, Middle East Historian, USA Dr. Han Deck-Kyu, Chairman, Korea Middle East Association Samir Arshadi Professor of Persian Language and Literature, KU.
Professor Grigory Kosach, Professor Elena elkumyan, Russian State University
of Humanities, Moscow. Mr. Sayed Abdul Nabi Nabil Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Kuwait Tara Norris Writer, Director & Photographer, Ireland.
Arif Kazi Actor, Director, India. Pramod Mathur Director & Producer, India. Shirin Ebadi
Nobel Peace Prize winner 2003 Mr. Wang Baoyi, Cultural Attaché, Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Kuwait. Yvonne van Zyl Jewelry designer, South Africa. Jamil, Singer Pakistan Judi, Singer
India Norberto Salinas Founder and Head of Casa Poesia, Costa Rica. Bombay Aziz Musician
India Ivan Lim, President, AJA, Singapore Sherub Tenzin, Ambassador, The Kingdom of Bhutan
حلقة خاصة من برنامج الآخر الذي أعده وقدمه وأخرجه أشرف أبو اليزيد
Russia & Siberia-A Personal Diary by Henry Portin (asl_av002_0609)
A video diary by Henry Portin, a participant in the 1970 Alaska Airline's inaugural flight from Alaska to Russia and Siberia. Color/Sound
RVZ Minsk
RVZ tram in Minsk
Krasnodar is the southern capital of Russia/Краснодар южная столица России
The city of Krasnodar is administrative center of Krasnodar Krai, a major economic and cultural center of the North Caucasus and southern Federal districts, the center of the historical and geographic area Kuban. Krasnodar is often informally referred to as the capital of Kuban and the Southern capital of Russia. The name of the city of Ekaterinodar received as a gift of the Kuban land from Empress Catherine II to the Black Sea Cossack army, who served here. The City was founded in 1793 as a military settlement of the Black Sea Cossacks, and later the fortress. “Ekaterinodar” means “gift of Catherine” in English.
According to the latest archeological studies (West Caucasian archeological expedition) the Meotian settlement surrounded by the wall of IV-III century B.C. was discovered near the current Park municipal garden in the central part of Krasnodar.
The bank of the Kuban river in the vicinity of Krasnodar ( the territory of the village of Elizavetinskaya) was the location of the ancient city of the Bosporan Kingdom with the fortified walls. Gradually the city's role is no longer confined exclusively to the military settlement. In 1860 the settlement obtained the title of administrative centre of the newly formed Kuban Region, and the city status was conferred to Ekaterinodar in 1867. In the 70-80-ies of the XIX century, with the opening of the railway in the North Caucasus (Tikhoretsk — Ekaterinodar — Novorossiysk), the city became a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center of the North Caucasus region.
During World War 2, August 9, 1942, Krasnodar was occupied by German fascist invaders, who destroyed thousands of residents of Krasnodar in the movable gas chambers. 870 homes in the city were destroyed and burned. 4 higher educational institutions, equipment of laboratories and libraries, theaters of drama and musical Comedy, the Palace of pioneers, almost all the schools, clubs, cinemas were burned. The most valuable tree species in city parks was cut down and damaged. February 12, 1943 the city was liberated by the Red Army.
In south-eastern part of the Krasnodar located reservoir, built in 1973 for the implementation of production and reclamation activities.
Krasnodar is one of the largest economic centers in the world, included in the list of City-600 and The Best Russian city for business by the magazine Forbes. The main areas are engineering and Metalworking, production of building materials, garments and knitwear, furniture, tobacco products, food and agricultural products. Krasnodar Krai is the main granary of Russia. The construction industry of Krasnodar is growing rapidly. Krasnodar is a major transport hub in southern Russia, a major educational and exhibition centre. The largest exhibition center in the South of Russia Krasnodar Expo is constantly conducting various forums. Krasnodar Krai is one of the leaders of of the national ranking of the tourist attraction.
The Other TV Program Selected Moments Part II
Ashraf Aboul-Yazid interviews guests of the TV program THE OTHER among them are Dr. Nuria Caraeva, the Scientific Library, Kazan, Tatarstan, Dr. Gail Ramsay,Arabic Language Dept, Uppsala University, Sweden, Ulrich Schreiber Founder and Director, International Literary Festival Berlin, Dr. Jacqueline Aquino Siapno, acting first lady of East Timor, and professor, History Dept, Seoul National University. Ros Mahwati Ahmed Zakaria, Curatorial Affairs Dept, IAMM
& Noor Nizreen Osman, the education manager, the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia Professor Bruce Ingham Department of Linguistics, SOAS, UK. Hikmet Barutcugil Ebru Artist, Turkey
Dr. Arthur Goldschmidt, Middle East Historian, USA Dr. Han Deck-Kyu, Chairman, Korea Middle East Association Samir Arshadi Professor of Persian Language and Literature, KU.
Professor Grigory Kosach, Professor Elena elkumyan, Russian State University
of Humanities, Moscow. Mr. Sayed Abdul Nabi Nabil Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Kuwait Tara Norris Writer, Director & Photographer, Ireland.
Arif Kazi Actor, Director, India. Pramod Mathur Director & Producer, India. Shirin Ebadi
Nobel Peace Prize winner 2003 Mr. Wang Baoyi, Cultural Attaché, Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Kuwait. Yvonne van Zyl Jewelry designer, South Africa. Jamil, Singer Pakistan Judi, Singer
India Norberto Salinas Founder and Head of Casa Poesia, Costa Rica. Bombay Aziz Musician
India Ivan Lim, President, AJA, Singapore Sherub Tenzin, Ambassador, The Kingdom of Bhutan
برنامج الآخر إعداد وتقديم وإخراج أشرف أبو اليزيد
Aerial view Puebla City 普埃布拉市的鸟瞰图 2018
City of ancient and innovative wonders. Discover the City of Angels:
sightseeing in kazan
History of Kazan streets walking tour. During this tour you will get to know why the Bauman Street is called Kazan Arbat and the history of the first Kazan Street. You will see the Church where F. Shalyapin was baptized, the monument to him, the building of state bank where Russian gold reserve was held, the Drama theatre, the House of print, Tatar walk of fame, you will be able to take pictures of yourself in the carriage of Ekaterina II. And compare the sight of the Peterburgskaya Street with the Nevskij prospect. Walking through the Kremlevskaya street you would wonder the beauties of Aleksandrovkiy and Chernoyarovskiy Arcades, would notice the unique beauty of Ushakova's private residence that is now the main building of National library and many other things.Kazan Kremlin walking tour. Kazan Kremlin is an open-air museum added to UNESCO's list. It is a tour to the complex Kazan Kremlin with stories about the beginning of Kazan Kermen, attacks on Kremlin, towers and walls. You would have a unique opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful mosques of Russia and the biggest in Europe -- Kul-Sharif, hear namaz, get to know the legend about Suyumbike falling tower and story of its foundation, to visit Blagoveschensky Cathedral, where the miracle icon of Kazan God's mother was blessed, to walk through the walls of Kazan Kremlin, see the burials of Kazan Khans, Gubernatorial Palace, Complex of public offices and many other things. During the excursion tourists visit the museum of Islam Culture inside the Kul-Sharif Mosque. It is the only museum in Russia dedicated to the culture and history of Islam. There is the history of Islam development from the times of Volga Bulgaria. Among the exhibits you can see first printed versions of Koran in Russia of XIX century and modern ones. In the museum you can got to know the history of famous 16 predictors, whose manes can be seen in the religious writings of Hebrews and Christians.
On your choise:
1) visiting the museum of Islamic culture,
2) master-class on the Islamic culture museum Art of kerchief wearing (you will know the tradition of head covering, wisdom of this ancient tradition, why Muslim women cover all the body exept face and hands).