Taukkyan War Cemetery in Yangon,Myanmar
The Taukkyan War Cemetery is a memorial in honor of allied soldiers, most of whom died during the Second World War in Burma. Altogether, there are 6374 graves of fallen soldiers from this aforementioned war, hundreds of them unidentified. Inscribed on the many pillars of the Rangoon Memorial are an additional 27,000 names of men of the Commonwealth forces who died during battles in Burma...
In memory of my great uncle WJ Bromage Taukkyan War Cemetery - Myanmar
I started making this video 4 months ago in Thailand but discovered he was killed and buried in Burma during WW2. This is the reason for my trip to Myanmar.
Please note; when I got back from Taukkyan War cemetery I noticed my camera had reset to 25FPS I'm truly gutted I haven't got the quality I set out to do. :-(
Myanmar Yangon Taukkyan World War 2 Cemetery 22 Feb 2015
Rangoon War Cemetery
ဒီအပတ္ေတာ့ ရန္ကုုန္သူမီရွဲ ဟံသာဝတီအဝိုင္းနားက ဓနသဟာရ စစ္သခ်ၤိဳင္းကို ေလ႔လာျဖစ္ခဲ႔တယ္။ ရန္ကုုန္စစ္သခ်ၤိဳင္းလိုု႔လဲ ေခၚတယ္။ ဒုုတိယကမာစစ္ျပီးေတာ့ မဟာမိတ္ႏိုုင္ငံေတြက စစ္အတြင္းက်ဆံုုးသြားတဲ႔ သူတိုု႔ရဲ႕စစ္သည္ေတြအတြက္ မဟာမိတ္စစ္သခ်ၤိဳင္းေတြကိုု ႏိုုင္ငံအႏွံ႕အျပားမွာ တည္ေဆာက္ခဲ႔တယ္။ ျမန္မာႏိုုင္ငံမွာ စစ္သခ်ၤိဳင္းသံုးခုုရွိတဲ႔အထဲက ဒီရန္ကုုန္စစ္သခ်ၤိဳင္းက အေစာဆံုးပဲ။ က်န္တဲ႔ႏွစ္ခုုက လူေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားသိၾကတဲ႔ ေထာက္ၾကန္႔ စစ္သခၤ်ိဳင္းနဲ႔ မြန္ျပည္နယ္ သံျဖဴဇရပ္မွာရွိတဲ႔ ေသမင္းတမန္ရထားလမ္းစစ္သခၤိ်ဳင္းပါ။
ဒီသခ်ၤိဳင္းသံုးခုုစလံုုးက ဘယ္အစိုးရအဖြဲ႔အစည္းလက္ေအာက္မွာမွ မရွိပဲ ဓနသဟာရစစ္သခ်ိဳင္းေကာ္မရွင္ (Commonwealth War Graves Commission CWGS) က တိုုက္ရိုက္အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္တယ္။ လိုုအပ္တဲ႔အသံုုးစရိတ္ေတြက်ေတာ့ ဒီဓနသဟာရႏိုုင္ငံေတြက သူတိုု႔ႏိုုင္ငံသားအုုတ္ဂူအေရအတြက္အတိုုင္း အခ်ိဳးက်ေပးတယ္။ ဝန္ထမ္းနဲ႔ စရိတ္ေတြကိုုေတာ့ ဓနသဟာရရံပံုုေငြကေန ေပးတယ္။
ဒီေနရာကို သူမ်ားေျပာလိုု႔မွ သြားၾကည့္ၾကည့္တာ ... ရွိမွန္းေတာင္ မသိဘူး။ အျမဲတမ္းထိန္းသိမ္းေနေတာ့ သန္႔သန္႔ရွင္းရွင္း သာသာယာယာပဲ။ အုတ္ဂူေပၚက စာေတြလိုုက္ဖတ္ၾကည့္ရတာ စိတ္ဝင္စားစရာပဲ။ ကရင္တိုုင္းရင္းသားနာမည္ေတြလည္းေတြ႕တယ္။ က်ဆံုုးသြားတဲ႔လူ ၁၃၈၁ေယာက္ ဆိုုတာ မနည္းမေနာပဲ။ ဒါေတာင္ လူမသိသူမသိကြယ္လြန္သြားတဲ႔စစ္သည္ေတြ ဘယ္ေလာက္ေတာင္ထပ္ရွိေနမလဲ မသိဘူး။
တစ္ခုုရွိတာက ရန္ကုုန္စစ္သခၤိ်ဳင္းဆိုတာ သာယာတဲ႔ေနရာျဖစ္ေပမဲ႔ မေလးစားတဲ႔ အျပဳအမႈေတြလုုပ္သင့္တဲ႔ေနရာေတာ့မဟုုတ္ဘူး။ ျမင္ခဲ႔ရတာေတာ့ အရိပ္ခိုုတဲ႔အေဆာင္ထဲမွာ အတြဲခ်ိန္းေတြ႔ေနၾကတယ္။ လာလည္ျပီး အမႈိက္ေတြ လႊင့္ပစ္ခဲ႔တယ္။ အုပ္စုုလိုုက္လာျပီး ေအာ္ဟစ္ေသာင္းက်န္းေနတယ္။ အရက္လာေသာက္တဲ႔လူေတြရွိတယ္။ ကိုုယ့္ဘိုုးဘြားေတြျမဳပ္ထားတဲ႔ေနရာ ကိုုယ္အေလးထားတဲ႔ေနရာကိုု ဒါမ်ိဳးေတြ လာလုုပ္ရင္ မၾကိဳက္ဘူးမလား။ ဒါဆိုု သူမ်ားေနရာကိုုလည္း မလုုပ္သင့္ဘူး။
သြားေလ႔လာပါ ... ဒါေပမဲ႔ မေလးမစား မလုုပ္ဖိုု႔ ေမတာရပ္ခံခ်င္ပါတယ္။ သြားျပီးရင္လည္း အက်ိဳးအေၾကာင္းေလး ျပန္ေျပာျပဦးေနာ္ ....
IDEA LIVE Production
#yangonthumichelle #michellemayshell #yangonthu_Michelle #ရန္ကုန္သူမီရွဲ #yangonwarcemetery
Taukkyan War Cemetery
Information from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website:
Taukkyan War Cemetery is the largest of the three war cemeteries in Burma. It was begun in 1951 for the reception of graves from four battlefield cemeteries at Akyab, Mandalay, Meiktila and Sahmaw, which were difficult to access and could not be maintained. The last was an original Chindit cemetery containing many of those who died in the battle for Myitkyina. The graves have been grouped together at Taukkyan to preserve the individuality of these battlefield cemeteries. Burials were also transferred from civil and cantonment cemeteries, and from a number of isolated jungle and roadside sites. Because of prolonged post-war unrest, it was some time before the Army Graves Service were able to complete their work, and many such graves disappeared. However, when the task was resumed, several hundred more graves were retrieved from scattered positions and brought together here.
The cemetery contains 6,374 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, 867 of them unidentified.
At Taukkyan War Cemetery you will find the Rangoon Memorial, which bears the names of almost 27,000 men of the Commonwealth land forces who died during the campaigns in Burma and who have no known grave. The memorial was designed by H.J. Brown, ARIBA and unveiled by Gen. Sir Francis Festing, GCB, KBE, DSO on 9 February 1958.
You will find the Taukkyan Cremation Memorial, which commemorates more than 1,000 Second World War casualties whose remains were cremated in accordance with their faith, and the Taukkyan Memorial, which commemorates 46 servicemen of both wars who died and were buried elsewhere in Burma but whose graves could not be maintained.
In the 1950s, the graves of 52 Commonwealth servicemen of the First World War were brought into the cemetery from the following cemeteries where permanent maintenance was not possible: Henzada (1); Meiktila Cantonment (8); Thayetmyo New (5); Thamakan (4); Mandalay Military (12); Maymyo Cantonment (22).
Visiting the site:
The cemetery, which is open daily 0700-1700, is in Taukkyan in Mingaladon township, on Highway No 1 (Prome Road). It is 21 miles north of Rangoon (an hour’s drive) and 11 miles from the airport (half an hour). The coordinates are North 17º02'08.24 and East 96º07'55.28. Wheelchair access is available but may be via an alternative entrance. (For further information on wheelchair access, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s enquiries section can be reached on 01628 507200.)
Taukkyan War Cemetery, Taukkyan, Myanmar, 2016
The Taukkyan War Cemetery is a cemetery for British Commonwealth soldiers, who died in Burma during the First and Second World War.
Rangoon War MYANMAR Cemetery service
Pilgrimage tour of remembrance in Burma, Asia
Commonwealth war cemeteries near Yangon, Myanmar
A visit to the two Commonwealth war cemeteries in and near Yangon, Myanmar: Taukkyan, (the largest, north of Yangon), and Rangoon, close to the city centre.
Information from the CWGC website:
TAUKKYAN WAR CEMETERY is the largest of the three war cemeteries in Burma (now Myanmar). It was begun in 1951 for the reception of graves from four battlefield cemeteries at Akyab, Mandalay, Meiktila and Sahmaw which were difficult to access and could not be maintained. The last was an original 'Chindit' cemetery containing many of those who died in the battle for Myitkyina. The graves have been grouped together at Taukkyan to preserve the individuality of these battlefield cemeteries Burials were also transferred from civil and cantonment cemeteries, and from a number of isolated jungle and roadside sites. Because of prolonged post-war unrest, considerable delay occurred before the Army Graves Service were able to complete their work, and in the meantime many such graves had disappeared. However, when the task was resumed, several hundred more graves were retrieved from scattered positions throughout the country and brought together here. There are now 6,389 Second World War Commonwealth service persons buried or commemorated in this cemetery, 867 of which are unidentified. In the 1950s, the graves of 52 Commonwealth servicemen of the First World War were brought into the cemetery from the following cemeteries where permanent maintenance was not possible: Henzada (1); Meiktila Cantonment (8); Thayetmyo New (5); Thamakan (4); Mandalay Military (12) and Maymyo Cantonment (22). Taukkyan War Cemetery also contains: The RANGOON MEMORIAL, which bears the names of almost 27,000 men of the Commonwealth land forces who died during the campaigns in Burma and who have no known grave. The TAUKKYAN CREMATION MEMORIAL commemorating more than 1,000 Second World War casualties whose remains were cremated in accordance with their faith. The TAUKKYAN MEMORIAL which commemorates 46 servicemen of both wars who died and were buried elsewhere in Burma but whose graves could not be maintained.
Shwe Pyi Resort / Kanbawzathadi Palace in Bago, Taukkyan War Cemetery in Yangon Myanmar
#ShwePyiResort #Kanbawzathadi #Bago #Myanmar
#TaukkyanWarCemetery #Yangon
Rangoon (1945)
Full title reads: RANGOON.
Long shot of a dock area of Rangoon with LCT's (landing craft tanks) approaching. People watching from the banks on the Rangoon river. Indian troops on LCT sailing along Rangoon River. Indian troops entering Rangoon. Close shot of a dog seated on LCT.
Mosquito fighter plane in flight over Rangoon area. Troops jumping into water from LCT's. Various shots of the troops advancing through muddy fields of Burma.
Several shots of blindfolded Japanese POW's. Japanese prisoners being led blindfolded to Army lorries. Close up shot of the headless gentlemen of Rangoon - Buddha statues beheaded by Japanese. A local Burmese man looking at the head of one of the Buddhas.
Various shots of the British troops marching through Rangoon.
(Mute & Track Negs.)
FILM ID:1155.09
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
World War 2 Allied War Cemetery in Taukkyan, Myanmar (near Yangon)
Video taken on September 1, 2017 at the Taukkyan War Cemetery near Yangon, Myanmar.
War Cemetery Rangoon Burma
The Military Cemetery for the Rangoon Hospital 1939-45. Short visit Air Asia
Visa on arrival!!
This short video is part of our one week holiday in Yangon, Myanmar during February 2019.
Taukkyan Cemetery is the 2nd World War Cemetery in Myanmar and is one of the most visited and high rated war sites of all Asia.
More detail situation of this cemetery you can find in this video.
Taukkyan War Cemetery Myanmar 04/07/16
Yangon Rangoon- Myanmar
Short impressions of Yangon in Myanmar (Burma)
Myanmar -Jewish cemetry in Yangon
This cemetry is run down -the people running it don't read hebrew and most of the gravestones are written in hebrew and covered in dense vegetation
Htauk Kyant War Memorial Cemetery, Myanmar (Burma)
Htauk Kyant War Memorial Cemetery
The Taukkyan War Cemetery is a cemetery for Allied soldiers from the British Commonwealth who died in battle in Burma during the Second World War. The cemetery is in the village of Taukkyan, about 25 kilometers (16 mi) north of Yangon on Pyay Road. It is maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
The cemetery contains the graves of 6,374 soldiers who died in the Second World War, the graves of 52 soldiers who died in Burma during the First World War, and memorial pillars (The Rangoon Memorial) with the names of over 27,000 Commonwealth soldiers who died in Burma during the Second World War in the Burma Campaign but who have no known grave. There are 867 graves that contain the remains of unidentified soldiers. It is one of the most visited and high rated war sites of all Asia.
Established 1951
Location Taukkyan
Country Burma
Coordinates 17.0356°N 96.1317°E
Type British military of WWI and WWII (closed)
Owned by Commonwealth War Graves Commission
No. of graves 6,374
Paying tribute to a Burmese legend
Thousands of people paid their final respects to one of Burma's bravest and longest-serving pro-democracy fighters.
Win Tin's funeral took place on Wednesday 23 April in the Yay Way Cemetery in Rangoon
Myanmar - Taukkyan War Cemetery.mpg
Best Attractions and Places to See in Yangon Rangoon, Myanmar
Yangon (Rangoon) Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Yangon (Rangoon). We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Yangon (Rangoon) for You. Discover Yangon (Rangoon) as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Yangon (Rangoon).
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Yangon (Rangoon).
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List of Best Things to do in Yangon (Rangoon)
Shwedagon Pagoda
U Thant House
Musmeah Yeshua Synagogue
Saint Mary's Cathedral
Taukkyan War Cemetery
Chaukhtatgyi Buddha
Swe Taw Myat Pagoda
Nga Htat Gyi Pagoda
Botahtaung Pagoda
Yangon Circular Train