Glavicice Manastir Tavna 2
Orthodox Church Monastery Glavicice Tavna Republika Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina
Manastir Svete Petke, Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, BiH
Urađen u ruskom stilu, sa 5 zlatnih kupola, Manastir Svete Petke, sagrađen blizu naselja Pet jezera, privlači pažnju svih ljudi koji sa Pavlovića ćuprije, Rače, iz pravca Banjaluke i iz Bijeljine, prolaze tom semberskom ravnicom.
Posvećen je Prepodobnoj majci Paraskevi. U ovoj monumentalnoj građevini nalaze se čestice Prepodobnog Sergeja Radonješkog, koje je episkop zvorničko-tuzlanski Vasilije dobio na dar od ruskog patrijarha Alekseja Drugog. Kako na tabli manastira piše, Manastir Svete Petke podignut je blagoslovom, trudom i nastojanjem episkopa zvorničko-tuzlanskog g. Vasilija (Kačavende), a u vremenu od 7. jula 2000. do 2013. godine.
Po ugledu na bogomolje u Rusiji i ovaj manastir ima dva dela - gornju i donju crkvu.
Manastir ima konak, kompletno okruženje i spomen-sobe sa ispisanim imenima junaka minulog rata iz svih delova BiH, čije su se porodice doselile u Bijeljinu.
Gradeći starački dom i obdanište u manastirskoj porti, vladika Vasilije želi da stvori nešto što će biti društveno korisno, saznali smo u Bijeljini u kojoj smo čuli i to da je ovaj manastir, s ponosom, zbog raskoši, nazvan Mali Versaj.
St. Vasilije Basil of Ostrog - Serbian Orthodox Monastery In Bijeljina
Glavicice Manastir Tavna 1
Glavicice Manastir Tavna Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska
Manastir Svete Petke - Bijeljina
Manastir Svete Petke se nalazi na obodu naselja Pet jezera. Posvećen je Prepodobnoj majci Paraskevi. Ova monumentalna građevina sa izvedenim kupolama svakodnevno privlači pažnju putnika dok prolaze obilaznicom oko Bijeljine. Manastir je ženski.
U manastiru se nalaze čestice Prepodobnog Sergeja Radonješkog, koje je episkop zvorničko-tuzlanski Vasilije dobio na dar od ruskog patrijarha Alekseja Drugog.
Rama lake, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Rama lake is an artificial lake located in the upper Rama valley on the north of Herzegovina. It was formed in 1968.
The lake looks amazing when it is full with the depth of the water along the dam from 70 to 100 meters.
The island Šćit and also two smaller islands Umac and Škarine break up the uniformity of the water surface and beautify the ambience of the Rama Lake and its surroundings.
The temperature of the lake is around 7,5°C, but the surface quickly warms up for swimmers who are there when the lake is accessible and full.
Prozor and Ramsko Lake are the northernmost points in Herzegovina.
On the island Šćit, the House of Peace at the Franciscan monastery Rama-Scit welcomes guests who are looking for peace and quiet, a bit of counseling or just a day of fishing on the lake.
This place is run by the Franciscan monks who live there year round. In this monastery, the partisans prepared themselves for their counter-offensive in the Second World War's Battle of the Neretva. The area is lush and green and offers great fishing, boating, walking and hiking and an interesting look at village life in the surrounding hills. If you want peace and quiet, look no further - Ramsko Lake will meet your needs.
The local villagers are very kind and getting off into the hills you'll find fascinating Catholic villages where women still dress in traditional attire and practice the ancient ritual of tattooing crosses on their hands, arms and even foreheads.
Prozor to the east of Ramsko Lake is a small mountain town with not much more to do than walk around and check out life in a small town. Pass the Nuhefendica Mosque (Carsijska Mosgue), and you'll see the sahat kula (Clock Tower) from 1700. The clock did not have hands, so noon used to be signalled by striking bells. Just down the road from Prozor is the village of Duge, meaning Rainbow.
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Manastir Tavna - TV BN
Manastir Tavna - TV BN
Sekovici - #MyHometownMyBiH
Amidst plains and dense forest, lies an undiscovered jewel - the city of Sekovici. Full of history, and natural scenery, it guarantees a welcome of spiritual peace of the soul. Visit Monastery Lovnica and Papraca; taste good food and have a night stay at etno restaurant Anin Dvor & Studenac; explore the thrilling canyon of Perinje and fall in love with the scenery.. This is Sekovici. Welcome! ~~~~~
- After around 6000 photos, 3 hours of video material and 12 days of hard work & editing, I managed to finish this video, and now with pride, publish it, here, on Youtube! Here is my little city. Enjoy.
USA Embassy contest in BiH - My hometown, my BiH - SEKOVICI
Copyright: © Mladen Milic, 2017.
Contact: (e-mail)
Royalty free music by:
Manastir Stuplje G.Vijacani
Манастир Ступље је манастир Српске православне цркве посвећен Светом арханђелу Михаилу. Манастир се налази у селу Горњи Вијачани, на ријеци Манастирици на граници општина Прњавор, Челинац и Теслић. Манастир Ступље се у писаним изворима први пут помиње у 15. вијеку.Подигнут је 1557. године.[1] У манастиру Ступље се монашки живот одвијао од средине 15. вијека, до краја 17. вијека. Монаштво манастира Ступље и Липље се у вријеме Османског царства, односно Велике сеобе Срба сели преко ријеке Саве у Аустрију, односно у манастир Ораховица у Славонији. Рукописне књиге настале у манастиру Ступље су тако сачуване у манастиру Ораховици. Обнову манастира је започео Завод за заштиту културно историјског и природног насљеђа Републике Српске 1994. године.Манастир се налази на локалитету Црквиште, на рјечици Манастирици у селу Горњи Вијачани. Од манастира Липље удаљен је 12 километара ваздушном линијом. Пут до манастира Липље дуг је 20 километара и води током ријеке Укрине.
The Stuplje Monastery (Serbian Cyrillic: Манастир Ступље) is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located in the village of Gornji Vijačani near the town of Čelinac in north-western Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The monastery's church is dedicated to Archangel Michael.[1] Folk tradition attributes the establishment of Stuplje to King Dragutin, a member of the Serbian Nemanjić dynasty, as is the case with other Serbian monasteries in northern Bosnia.[1][2] The earliest mention of Stuplje is found in a chronicle dated to the second half of the 15th century. The monastery was probably founded before 1450, and thus before the Ottoman conquest of the Kingdom of Bosnia in 1463. This conquest did not include north-western Bosnia, which then became part of the Kingdom of Hungary, to be conquered by the Ottomans in 1527 and 1528. During the 17th century, the monks of Stuplje were active in transcribing religious books. At some point during the Great Turkish War (1683–1699), the monastery was burned down by the Ottomans. Surviving monks fled north across the Sava River and found refuge in the Orahovica Monastery in Slavonia, bringing with them a number of their manuscript books, which thus became part of the Orahovica library.[1]
In time, all traces of the Stuplje Monastery disappeared from the face of the earth. In the 20th century, Stuplje was a historical term with an uncertain location, assumed to be somewhere in the area of Teslić and in the vicinity of the Liplje Monastery. In March 1994, this area was visited by archaeologists who searched for Stuplje in the village of Gornji Vijačani at a locality named Crkvište, near a stream called Manastirica and a hill called Kaluđersko Brdo. The toponyms Crkvište, Manastirica, and Kaluđersko are derived from the Serbian crkva, manastir, and kaluđer, meaning church, monastery, and monk, respectively. The archaeologists uncovered the foundation of a church building in the form of a basilica, 14 metres in length and 7.5 metres in width. The uppermost layer of stones was 30 centimetres below the ground surface. Within and around the foundation, there was a layer of burned debris. The archaeologists revisited the site in 1997, when they uncovered the foundation of a monastic building to the north and west of the church foundation. Scholars concluded that these finds were remains of the Stuplje Monastery.[1]
Afterwards, on the initiative of the head of the Serbian Orthodox Eparchy of Banja Luka, it was decided to rebuild the monastery at the site of the archaeological finds, although some people demanded that the excavated foundations be conserved and the site protected from any disturbance. The Stuplje Monastery was rebuilt and consecrated at the end of 2008.[2]
Krupa na Vrbasu #1
Krupa na Vrbasu (Krupa on the Vrbas) is a small town some 25km south of Banja Luka in the Bosanska Krajina of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH. Krupa lies in a valley between canyons of the Vrbas-river.
The Krupa itself is a small river which joins the Vrbas in the canyon. Krupa spreads itself out along the Krupa, and by the main road Jajce-Banja Luka.
The town is known for the Krupa falls, the waterfalls in the town. Indeed the crystal clear waters racing down between the traditional watermill make a lovely sight. By the waterfalls you can even buy freshly ground wheat, or eat some trout at the trout farms just below.
After the waterfalls you can take a quick tour by the monastery - which is basically a church and a very new building where some priests live - an hike up to 'Greben', the old watchtowers, where you have a very scary and spectacular view over the Vrbas canyon and the town.
Also a hike to the source of the Krupa is not too challenging and always appreciated.
Православне цркве и манастири у Србији, Републици Српској, ФБиХ и Црној Гори
-Crkva Svete Trojice
-Manastir Kaona
-Hram Svetog Save
-Crkva Ružica
-Crkva Svete Petke
-Manastir Svete Petke u Bijeljini
-Manastir Tavna u Bijeljini
-Crkva Svetog Nikole
-Crkva Svetog Proroka Ilije
-Manastir Knežina
-Crkva Vaznesenju Gospodnjem
-Crkva Uspenja Presvete Bogorodice
-Crkva Svetog Save
-Manastir Dobrun
-Manastir Ostrog
-Saborna Crkva Svetoga Vasilija
-Donji Manastir Ostrog
-Manastir Tvrdoš
-Hercegovačka Gračanica
-Crkva Svete Trojice
-Ćele Kula
-Manastir Manasija
-Crkva Svetoga Vasilija u Dolac
-Crkva Svetog Marka
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Густа ми магла паднала- Љубица и Зорица Мркаљевић и Сандра Југовић
Manastir Tavna- Banjica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Srpska Cast ⤵️
Instagram: @srpskacast
Serbian Orthodox ⤵️
Instagram: @serbian.orthodox
Snapchat: s.orthodox
Twitter: @s_orthodox
Manastir Lovnica i isto imena riječica
Mesečina - etno grupa TRAG
Извор: етно група ТРАГ
Republic of Srpska was proclaimed one of the entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 9th Jan 1992, by Dayton Peace Agreement. Republic of Srpska has its borders with Serbia, Monte Negro and Republic of Croatia and the entity of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The total length of Republic of Srpska border is cca 2,170 km, out of which 1,080 km is related to the border with Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. If Republic of Srpska, with all its territory, would have a form of a circle, the total length of its borders would be only 561 km.
The territory of Republic of Srpska is situated between 42°°33´ and 45°°16´ of north latitude, and 16°°11´ and 19°°37´ of east longitude. It comprises northern and eastern part of geographical space of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The mountains of our Republic are characterized by exceptional beauty and uniqueness. Vast forest complexes, rich flora and fauna and well preserved nature make basis for development of several types of tourism. The best indicator to that is the fact that in some of them in 1984, competitions as a part of the Winter Olympic Games took place. Huge variety of tourist offerings, broad views and hospitability of the local inhabitants provide ideal peace oasis for holiday and recreation.
While walking through our mountains, one can feel the spirit of the century long turmoil, temporality of things, their strength and power, beauty and attractiveness that makes us so small and temporary, but still very proud.
The biggest gem among the mountain centres is the Olympic beauty of Jahorina with its variety to offer. Alpine skiing, ski running, sledging, skating, night skiing, walking and rich night life in numerous interesting restaurants, pubs, cafés makes it one of the European jet-set ski centres. If you walk along the Olympic paths, there are more than 20 km of the Alpine skiing paths, connected with four modern ski chairs, and four ski lifts, in the total capacity of 8,000 skiers per hour, modern ski-teaching school, ski-service and ski-rental.
Very close to the ski paths, there are grill houses with terraces and huge selection of grilled dishes, warm and cold beverages.
Jahorina offers the other forms of leisure tourism such as paragliding, mountain tours, walking treks, cycling through forests dominated by fir-trees, pine-trees and hornbeams.
Republic of Srpska is open and friendly for all those whose roads take them to the Balkans, a country with a long history, variety of culture, genuine nature and hospitable hosts.
As you walk along the roads of history, the monastery gates of the gems of Krayna open to you -- Gomionica; Mostanica - among those the oldest one; the monastery of St. Ilija, Klisna, the century long places of worship Liplje and Stuplje as ones of the most important in the history of the orthodox people from Krayina region. On the other side of our Srpska, a proud Herzegovina keeps very famous monasteries of Tvrdos located on the rocks above the rich Trebinje field, according to the legend, founded by the Emperor Constantine himself in the 4th century, monastery of Dobricevo, Duzi, Petropavlov and Gracanica built as a result of the last wish of the most famous Serb poet Jovan Ducic. The precious area of Podrinje is adorned with monasteries of Papraca, Lovnica, Sase, Tavna and Dobrun that are decorated with the picturesque area and gorge of the Rzav river, as well as the cave where a vow to God was offered and the medieval town of Dobrun. There are very famous and interesting wooden churches in the area of Slatina and Krupa and many more that keep the spirit of the orthodox people of this region. The variety of culture and religion in Republic of Srpska is confirmed by catholic convents and other religious buildings out of which we emphasise the very famous convent of Trapisti -- Marija Zvijezda, near Banja Luka; The Holy Heart of Jesus in Doboj; Selimija mosque also in Doboj, Jewish house Bait Shalom in Doboj, St. Clement's church, catholic cathedral from the 19th century, Osman-Pasha's mosque in Trebinje and many more incorporated in regions throughout Republic of Srpska. The important material for study of medieval culture in the territory of current Republic of Srpska are the tomb stones called -- stecci, which major finding is in the southern parts of our Republic
Novi Dvorovi / Bijeljina
Naselje Novi Dvorovi, April 2015.
Vlog #7: Serbia & Bosnia Trip Part 2 (Road Trip)
Road Trip with my cousins.
From Bijeljina, Bosnia to Bajina Basta, Tara Mountain, Zlatibor, Visegrad then Sarajevo with scenic stops in between.
Vlogging Camera: Canon G7X