Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia from the terrace at Taylor's Port Cellars
Taylor's Port wine cellars
Taylor's Port wine cellars
Vila Nova de Gaia
J.T. (2008)
Taylor's Port
EDIGMA was invited to design solutions for the recently renovated Taylor’s Port wine cellars in Vila Nova de Gaia. The challenge was to introduce technology in order to improve visitors’ experience.
Distributed throughout the wine cellars and tunnels are several projections and screens with relevant content that offer visitors the opportunity to learn about the fascinating history of Port wine, as well as that of the House of Taylor’s. Edigma also developed a digital guestbook where visitors can leave comments and photos.
The informative tour of the famous brand’s lodgings now offers audio guides in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French and German. This solution helped boost the number of daily visitors as it allows for self-guided tours.
Taylor’s visitor center is a great example of how technology and tradition can help reshape the face of the hospitality and tourism industries.
Taylor's Port
Uma visitação pela história e pelos sabores do vinho do Porto.
Porto - Vila Nova de Gaia
#Sat Jul 20 18:03:16 GMT+01:00 2019
21 - Porto: Cave Taylor's
Uma visita sobre o vinho do porto na Cave Taylor's
Trip to Porto Portugal (Taylor's wine house)
Trip to Porto Portugal.
Taylor's wine house.
Porto Port-Wine Lodges
Billboards featuring all the wine companies available at Porto's port-wine lodges, across the river in Vila Nova de Gaia. Bought a bottle of red from Sandeman myself!
Calém Port Wine
São quatro gerações de trabalho e história que nos trazem o vinho do Porto Calém. O seu paladar é reconhecido desde 1859 e continua a conquistar apreciadores.
Neste vídeo de promoção da marca realizado pel’A Pequena Túlipa, relembramos-lhe as razões que tornam este produto Português tão especial. Um gosto que deve ser partilhado por todos e em cada trago.
Promoção da marca online e exibição para os turistas nas caves Cálem, em Vila Nova de Gaia.
Versões em 9 línguas - pt, esp, fr, ing, ita, ale, russ, jap e chi
©apequenatulipa.pt | 2014
Porto port wine lodges Portugal
Take a port wine cellar tour and wine tasting in the Ramos Tinto lodge in the Vila Nova De Gaia area of Porto, Portugal. Background music is Low tide by Silent Partner.
Croft, Porto
A castle-like building, beautiful tasting room, and spectacular port wine, on the opposite side of Douro river from most of the tourist attractions (in Gaia).
Croft, Porto: R. do Barão de Forrester 412, 4400-034 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Taylor's Port Runs SAP
A Taylor’s Port foi pioneira em Portugal no uso de um sistema ERP para gestão de todo o processo vinícola. Desde a vinha até ao processo produtivo do prestigiado Vinho do Porto, a gestão de toda a componente operacional e administrativa do negócio da Taylor’s Port assenta em soluções SAP. O projecto foi da responsabilidade da SoftINSA, uma empresa do grupo IBM.
Port Wine Tasting, Ramos Pinto
Port Wine Tasting, Ramos Pinto.
Today we will taste the port wine Ruby LBV, Tawny Vintage, Port wine of 10 years, 20 years and 30 years.
Do not forget that the wineries are on the other side of the bridge in Vila Nova de Gaia.
Porto 3 - Port & Dinner
Tasting Portwine on the Cais de Gaia on the other side of the River Douro in Vila Nova de Gaia.
Diner at the quay of the Douro : view on the Port houses at night.
Porto at night.
Les Girondines rendent visite
Quatre joueuses des Girondins de Bordeaux viennent de rendre visite aux Etablissements Le Bihan leur partenaire.
Porto - Ribeira and Vila Nova de Gaia Portugal in 4K
Čtvrť Ribeira a Vila Nova de Gaia
Podél pravého břehu řeky Douro se rozkládá romantická historická čtvrť města Ribeira. Je, dalo by se říci oknem do minulosti Porta. Čtvrť Ribeira byla zařazena na Seznam UNESCO. Najdete zde plno historických budov, kostelů , Katedrálu Sé, Burzovní palác Bolsa , a to vše spojené klikatými úzkými uličkami a podloubími. . Neodmyslitelnou součástí Ribeiry jsou její domy s typickými azulejos (obrazy na dlaždičkách), které doslova hrají všemi barvami. No a co nesmí chybět, to jsou šňůry plné vlajícího prádla.
Sejdeteli dolů na pobřežní promenádu , kde je spousta kavárniček a posezení , čeká vás nezapomenutelný výhled na řeku Douro, která je od pradávna chlebodárcem Porta. Po jejím proudu připlouvala ta největší cennost – sudy portského vína. A pak najednou uvidíte dvoupatrový most Ponte de Dom Luís I., železná pýcha Porta. Že tak nějak připomíná pařížskou Eiffelovu věž? Jak by ne. Postavil jej totiž následovník Gustava Eiffela.
Pokud přejdete most na druhou stranu řeky, ocitnete se na předměstí Vila Nova de Gaia. Tato čtvrť, domov portského vína, je zajímavá především tím, že zde na pobřežní promenádě stojí většina vinařských společností se svými sklepy a sklady s portským vínem v čele se světově známým vinařstvím Sandeman.
Visiting Graham's Port Lodge | Go Richie Go!
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Inside a Port Wine Cave in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
woltersworld.com Porto wine is a staple of international Portuguese culture. Most caves are owned by international conglomerates but that does not mean you should not stop by. Here is a quick video inside one of the many caves, this is the Calem cave. Very interesting. Many are free or have a small fee, but you get to try some free port wine at the end.
Porto Sandeman Graham's et Taylor's
Visite et dégustation à Porto