Places to see in ( Pompei - Italy ) Teatro Grande
Places to see in ( Pompei - Italy ) Teatro Grande
The Teatro Grande is a theater of Roman times , buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 and found after the archaeological excavations of ancient Pompeii : inside were represented comedies , mimes and pantomimes, as well as the Atellane. The Teatro Grande was built during the Samnite period but completely rebuilt in the 2nd century BC and then repeatedly restored : around 80 BC , simultaneously with the construction of the Piccolo Theater, several works mainly concerned the area of cavea , extended by about ten meters, while, during the Augustan period , there was a total restructuring, thanks to the subsidies of the gens Holconia.
Moreover, thanks to the names of the benefactors, it was possible to go back to a precise date of the restoration , probably around 2 or 3 BC , when Marco Holconio Rufo was duoviro of Pompeii, when a statue was dedicated to him , as well as a bisellium , that is a reserved place inside the theater; the restoration was entrusted to a freedman called Marco Artorio Primo: it was in fact customary among the Romans to entrust the manual work to this social genre, as it was an activity deemed unworthy for a free man. Following the Pompei earthquake of 62, which partially damaged the structure, the scene was completely redone ; was then buried, with the rest of the city , under a blanket of ashes and lapilli in 79 , following the ' eruption of Vesuvius and explored following the archaeological investigations wanted by the Bourbon dynasty : following a careful restoration is used in the summer months for theatrical and musical performances.
The Teatro Grande has a horseshoe shape , distinguishing itself from the traditional Roman model to a hemicycle , and was entirely realized in uncertain work . The part reserved for the public was the cavea and could accommodate about five thousand spectators ; this is divided into three parts: the ima cavea , covered in marble, was reserved for the decurions , the average cavea , the widest and best prepared for viewing the show, was intended for the guilds and the summa cavea , with limited places; in turn, both the media and thesumma cavea are divided into five zones: of the summa cavea, however, only a small stretch remains, as it collapsed following the earthquake of 62.
( Pompei - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Pompei . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Pompei - Italy
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Pompei - Teatro Grande, Teatro Piccolo e Quadriportico - Pompeii theaters
Scavi di Pompei (Napoli) - Pompei disponeva di due teatri, uno di 5000 posti detto teatro grande ed un teatro coperto di circa un migliaio di posti chiamato teatro piccolo o odeion.
Il teatro grande appare spoglio dei marmi che probabilmente furono recuperati e riutilizzati per altri edifici pubblici poco dopo la disastrosa eruzione ed aveva unsistema di ancoraggio dei pali a pompei sistema di ancoraggi per i pali che sorreggevano unvelario il cui scopo era proteggere gli spettatori dai raggi solari.
La scena imitava la facciata di un edificio comprensivo di colonne e statue. Viene utilizzato ancora oggi per rappresentazioni teatrali o comunque spettacoli garantendo uno scenario di enorme suggestione.
Il teatro piccolo era destinato alla musica e alla poesia e conserva il suo pavimento a scaglie di marmo di vari colori.
Italy, Pompeii - The Great Theatre
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The Large Theatre was built into a natural hill in the second century BC. This theatre sat roughly 5,000 spectators and is one of the original permanent stone theatres to stand in Rome. In the Greek style, the tiered seating extends from the orchestra carved out of the hillside. The Roman influence is seen above this gallery where four tiers rested upon an arched corridor. The cavae, audience seating area, was divided into three sections. | Pompei: Teatro Grande
Teatro Grande di Pompei
Buongiorno con un bel video a velocità aumentata che ci mostra la bellezza del Teatro Grande!
Places to see in ( Pompei - Italy ) Odeon - Teatro Piccolo
Places to see in ( Pompei - Italy ) Odeon - Teatro Piccolo
The Teatro Piccolo , also called Odeion , is a theater of the Roman era , buried by ' eruption of Vesuvius in 79 and found as a result of the archaeological excavations of the' ancient Pompeii : inside were held musical performances and recitations of poems.
A first project for the construction of the Piccolo Theater dates back to the Samnite period or at least one of its drawings in the urban system of the city , but it was realized a few years after the conquest of Pompeii by Lucio Cornelio Silla , then between 80 and 75 BC , on the financing of two magistrates , the same that allowed the construction of the Amphitheater , Caio Quinzio Valgo and Marco Porcio
It was buried under a blanket of ashes and lapilli following the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 and brought to light in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries thanks to the archaeological excavations promoted by the Bourbon dynasty.
The structure of the Piccolo Theater is very similar to that of the Teatro Grande : it had a capacity of about one thousand three hundred seats and is made in uncertain and reticulated work , also presenting some insertions of brick work in the corridors and jambs ; it has the shape of a semicircle inscribed in a square, even if the outermost part of the steps, in the lateral area, was not built to allow the covering with a four-pitched roof, so as to obtain better acoustics. The orchestraIt has a circular plan and has a floor made of colored marble slabs of various shapes, donated, during the Augustan period , by Marco Oculatio Vero, as reported on a bronze epigraph
( Pompei - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Pompei . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Pompei - Italy
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Pompei, riapre agli spettacoli il Teatro Grande restaurato in cemento
Il Teatro Grande di Pompei, al centro delle indagini sul commissariamento che hanno portato al rinvio a giudizio di Marcello Fiori e di altre sei persone per il restauro in cemento del sito, riapre agli spettacoli con la messa in scena dell'Orestea. Quattro anni di sequestro hanno stoppato le rappresentazioni nel sito. L'area è di epoca sannitica, ricostruita nel secondo secolo a.c. è stata dissequestrata il 30 aprile 2014 con la conclusione delle indagini sul restauro compiuto dal commissario Fiori. Andranno in scena l'Orestea di Eschilo, l'Agamennone, le Coefore e le Eumenidi.
Preoccupazione viene espressa da Antonio Irlando, dell'Osservatorio Patrimonio Culturale: Si riapre alla stagione teatrale senza mettere mano al restauro, noi chiediamo che venga ripristinata l'originale area archeologica. Il nuovo sovrintendente, Massimo Osanna, si mostra possibilista: Possiamo rivedere le scelte fatte in passato, bisogna capire sito per sito quale è la soluzione migliore.
Il Teatro Grande di Pompei
Si potrebbe definire l'area culturale di Pompei quella formata dal Teatro Grande, dedicato agli spettacoli, dal Teatro piccolo, per musica ed orazioni, e dall'area esterna di incontro
Il Teatro Grande di Pompei (HD)
Si potrebbe definire l'area culturale di Pompei quella formata dal Teatro Grande, dedicato agli spettacoli, dal Teatro piccolo, per musica ed orazioni, e dall'area esterna di incontro
360 VR Tour | Pompeii | Great Theater | Teatro Grande | Small Theater | Teatro Piccolo | No comments
This awesome virtual reality 360 degree VR tour video (VR Walk), shot on a journey to Pompeii city and its main attractions and sights like Great Theater (Teatro Grande) and Small Theater (Teatro Piccolo). Video filmed on camera Samsung Gear 360 (which is similar in quality to the Nikon Keymission 360 camera). This tour can be viewed perfectly on any smartphone, iPhone or Samsung Galaxy.
Using different vr headsets, such as the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, Sony Playstation VR, Google Cardboard and Google Daydream View, feel the amazing experience and immerse yourself in VR adventure in your home!
360° Video
Shooting date: 1 April 2017
A Pompei riapre il teatro grande
Sabato dopo 4 anni la prima rappresentazione :l'Orestea di Eschilo per il Forum delle Culture
Ancient theater in Pompei - Italy
ITALIA /Pompei 10:Teatro Grande/ ポンペイ遺跡:大劇場
イタリア ポンペイの魅力をお伝えします。ポンペイ遺跡などの映像が満載です。
Percorsi serali a Pompei
Percorsi e visite serali tutti i sabato sera fino al 1 ottobre da 20.00 a 23.00. Ingresso 2€.
I percorsi agli scavi di Pompei si arricchiscono della visita all'Antiquarium riaperto dopo 36 anni. Attraverso spettacolari proiezioni multimediali e un plastico ricostruttivo della città antica “fotografata” al momento dell'eruzione, il visitatore sarà immerso in un suggestivo percorso nella storia di Pompei. Nella sezione Sacra Pompeiana in esposizione si parla dei luoghi sacri della Pompei più antica. Da Viale delle Ginestre si accede poi al Quadriportico e al Quartiere dei teatri, dove installazioni multimediali notturne raccontano le lotte gladiatorie e trasportano lo spettatore nell'atmosfera delle performance al Teatro Grande e all'Odeion.
[Music by Josh Woodward - Pompeii]
Treadmill Virtual Run 66: Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius, Italy
Join me on my treadmill virtual run around the ancient ruins of Pompeii and on top of Mount Vesuvius, the volcano that destroyed it in AD79!
We will see:
00:05 Foro (forum - old town square)
00:30 Archi Onorari
01:03 Via di Mercurio
07:36 Via dell'Abbondanza
11:18 Anfiteatro (Amphitheatre)
14:40 Palestra Grande (public garden)
25:18 Quadriportico dei teatri o Caserma dei Gladiatori (Gladiators quarters and training ground)
25:57 Teatro Piccolo - Odeion (small theatre)
27:03 Teatro Grande (large theatre)
29:30 Via Stabiana
31:41 Via Della Fortuna
32:42 Via Delle Terme
33:15 Vicolo di Modesto
39:37 Granai del Foro
39:38 Bodies
40:47 Mount Vesuvius journey
41:04 On top of Vesuvius
43:00 View of Terzigno (not far from Pompeii)
48:00 Mount Vesuvius decent
48:20 Views of Mount Somma (old rim of Vesuvius)
51:40 Views of Naples
57:18 Views of Naples and the island of Ischia
Number of other runners/joggers spotted: 0
Distance: 10km
Treadmill website:
Other Stuff:
Pompeii Grande Theatre
Tourist singing 30 March 2017
Italy, Pompeii - The Odeon
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The Odeon was a smaller roofed theatre, theatrum tectum, that sat 1500 spectators built in 80 BC. The theatre follows the plan of other Roman theatres and odeon structures. Where the Large Theatre was used primarily for staging drama, the Odeon was intended for a more educated audience, as well as a musical concert performance. The thin walls and rectangular plan lead to the conclusion that the roof would have been wood rather than vaulted stone. There are two raised tribunalia, platforms, above the seating that were reserved for important visitors. These platforms are cut off from the general seating completely with entranced from narrow staircases near the stage.
Teatro Grande, Teatro Piccolo e Quadriportico- Scavi di Pompei
Teatro Grande
Il teatro grande fu realizzato sfruttando il declivio naturale della collina per la costruzione della cavea.
La gradinata era divisa da corridoi in tre zone a loro volta suddivise in cinque settori, e appoggiava su un passaggio con volta a botte.
Fu costruito intorno alla metà del II secolo a.C. e profondamente restaurato secondo il gusto romano.
Un'iscrizione visibile all'ingresso del corridoio d'accesso est e che costituisce una delle pochissime attestazioni note con il riferimento al nome dell'architectus, ricorda i lavori eseguirti in età Augustea da Marcus Artorius Primus.
Tali lavori riguardarono la scena e il palcoscenico, l'adozione del velarium, un grande telo utilizzato come copertura per i giorni caldi e la numerazione dei sedili.
Nel teatro si rappresentavano commedie e e tragedie di tradizione greco-romana.
Il teatro fu il primo grande edificio pubblico liberato completamente dai depositi dell'eruzione.
Fonte: Guida agli scavi di Pompei-Soprintendenza Pompei
Pompei Teatro grande. Carmen