Museum Roemervilla in Ahrweiler | Rhein-Eifel.TV
- Im riesigen Museum Roemervilla in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler können neben den kompletten Grundmauern eines römischen Herrenhauses mit Badehaus aus dem 2. Jahrhundert auch rekonstruierte Fresken und viele kleinere Alltagsgegenstände besichtigt werden.
Technik Museum Speyer
Das Technik Museum Speyer mit den Schwerpunkten Schiffe, Flugzeuge, Raumfahrt, Eisenbahn, Nutzfahrzeuge, Motorräder und Dampfmaschinen.
Wiesn weiblich (5): Die Expertin | Euromaxx
Das Oktoberfest von seiner kulturhistorischen Seite: Dr. Katharina Schmidle, eine promovierte Kunsthistorikerin, bietet Reisegruppen Führungen über die Wiesn an.
Bei der Münchner Agentur artattendance arbeiten rund 15 Kunsthistorikerinnen, die Führungen in zehn Sprachen anbieten, darunter auch spezielle Oktoberfest-Führungen. Neben Infos zu der Entstehung der Wiesn beinhalten sie Stops an traditionellen Wiesn-Attraktionen wie der Krinoline oder dem Flohzirkus.
Katharina Schmidle ist gebürtige Münchnerin. Sie studierte an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München sowie in Florenz, Perugia und Salamanca Kunstgeschichte, Archäologie und Geschichte. 2007 gründete sie das Unternehmen artattendance und leitet und konzipiert seitdem die Kunst- und Kulturführungen.
Inside Concorde (Auto & Technik Museum Sinsheim)
Real Air France Concorde aircraft in Auto & Technik Museum Sinsheim, Germany
POW camps in Remagen and Sinzig
Following the capture of the Ruhr, there were around 252,000 German POWs in US hands which were located in a temporary POW camps in the area of Remagen and Sinzig. Some of these prisoners were wounded and the condiitions in the camps were extremely primitive. There was a lack of food and medication - not so the prisoners starved but enough to keep them hungry until supplies could be arranged. Some wounded prisoners died for lack of proper care in the turmoil of the end of the war. These 1,212 prisoners are buried here at Bad Bodendorf. As can be seen many were quite old. Bad Bodendorf is a village close to Sinzig in the Ahrweiler district in Rheinland-Pfalz. It is on the fast moving Ahr river. It can be seen in another of my films.
Close to Bad Bodendorf is the town of Remagen where the Americans crossed the Rhine in the afternoon of 7 March 1945 and that is where my trail will now take me.
My channel is one of the most prolific from Poland, although not amongst the most visited. With almost one film per day, one may be forgiven for thinking I do nothing else but I do have a day job as well. I have produced around 1,000 original films, most in English but also in Polish, French, Italian, Spanish and the occasional hint of German and Hebrew. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects
Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!
There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.
Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!
In 1997 I founded Polish Business News .There are a number of business related films here and I intend to do many more on CRM (customer relations management).
My blog can be found via and and contains background information and more details of many of my films. This information is in English.
Die Brücke von Remagen | Warum das Friedensmuseum geschlossen ist
Die Brücke von Remagen war der Ort, an dem die US-Armee 1944 den Rhein überquerte. Die Überreste der Brücke stehen bis heute. Doch das Friedensmuseum in der Ruine wurde jetzt geschlossen.
Ich bin Uli Kronenberg. Hier erzähle ich Euch Geschichte(n), die ich erzählen muss. Von interessanten Orten, TV- und Kinofilm-Drehorten, Geisterdörfern und Lost Places
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Special Thanks for Music to Andrew Huang
Hier findest Du mich außerdem:
Tag der Demokratie Remagen 2016
Tag der Demokratie Remagen 12.11.2016
Tag der Demokratie Remagen - Aktivisten aus verschiedenen politischen Lagern hatten am Samstag zu Versammlungen und Kundgebungen in Remagen aufgerufen und bei der Kreisverwaltung Ahrweiler ... weiter lesen
Biggest POW Camp for German Soldiers in Europe (WW2) / German POW
Video of Prisoner of War Camp for German Soldiers in Terlanen/ Overijse: Belgium. POW Camp 2228
Heinrich Böll, Günter Grass German POW
Deutsche Kriegsgefangener Overyssche
größte Kriegsgefangenenlager in Europa
WWII Metal Detecting - Amazing German WH and POW relics found!
Searching for lost WWII history with my metal detector at a German WWII site. Made some amazing finds, including a POW STALAG dogtag from WWII! German buttons and personal items.
Music: AShamaluevMusic
Technikmuseum: Haus der Optik Viseum Wetzlar
Branchenporträt in 3-D wirbt für Industrie-Cluster
2003 beschließen 14 Unternehmen aus dem Raum Wetzlar - darunter Leica Camera, Leica Microsystems, Zeiss und MINOX - den Technologiestandort durch ein innovatives Ausstellungsprojekt zu fördern. In Kooperation mit dem Architekturbüro stengele+cie. wird Generators mit der kompletten Konzeption und Realisation bis November 2007 beauftragt. - Besucherinformationen unter:
1945 German Prisoners of the US Army
US troops captured a large number of Germans in March 1945.
Soundtrack added (Demo Only) in 2008 by ROMANO-ARCHIVES, produced by Linn Productions Media.
SUBSCRIBING to this Channel is a MUST for researchers and RARE HISTORICAL FOOTAGE fans!!!
V. Romano
This is a clip from the ROMANO-ARCHIVES' new website Unknown World War 2 in Color-WW2 Europe section.
A Hi-Res silent version of this clip is available.
Hi-Res videos from our Collections are available on DVD, CD or directly in your inbox. Clips and movies can also be downloaded from our servers using a PW or uploaded by us to your FTP.
Frohburg vol. Fire Dept. Engine - Iveco Magirus - Florian Fire Expo 2019 [GER | 10.10.2019]
Taking a close look at the new engine from the Frohburg volunteer fire department in Germany. You can pretty much see everything in the video so I just translated the data sheet which can be seen at 1:42.
- all wheel drive
- seats for 1 driver + 8 crew
- 528 gallon / 2000 liter water tank
- total weight of 15 tons / 33,000lb
- 320hp engine
- length: 8.5m / close to 28ft
- width: 2.5m / a little more than 8ft
- height: 3.3m / close to 11ft
- approximate pricing: €435,000 or $480,000 (as of the day of upload)
The vehicle has been delivered to the fire department in January 2019.
Dresden, Sachsen (Saxony), Germany, October 10 2019.
deutschland - römerquelle in der nähe von walporzheim im ahrtal
Die Römerquelle
Im Ahrtal-Wald unterhalb
des Steinhalskopfes, zwischen
Walporzheim und Marienthal, findet
sich etwas verborgen, die Römerquelle.
Deutsche Kriegsgefangene, 1945 (in Farbe)
Seltene Farbfilmaufnahmen mit deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in der Obhut der Amerikaner.
(HD) DB German Trains At Frankfurt Main Ost Station And Ride Pass The Freight Yard On The 03/10/2019
(HD) DB German Trains At Frankfurt Main Ost Station And A Ride Pass The Freight Yard On The 03/10/2019
This is a new clip from our upcoming documentary called THE HEROES OF THE 354th FIGHTER GROUP.
Ed Regis, a former POW, and Fred Fehsenfeld tell about the Moosburg, Germany Allied Prisoner of War Camp during April 1945.
Go to for more info.
Das Wunder von Bad Bodendorf
Neulich im Thermalfreibad von Bad Bodendorf ...
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Scherenschleifer Der letzte seines Standes Wipperkotten Solingen
Fertigung einer 14 Schneiderschere durch den 80jährigen Scherenschleifer Herbert Loos im Wipperkotten Solingen
V 100 LZ (Lokzug) bei Remagen Diesel Locomotive Diesellok
Diese altrote V100 fährt Richtung Sinzig in den Sonnenuntergang. Sommer 2006.
Class V100 German diesel loco (from the 1950) southbound. Original dark red livery.
Please also watch (same location):
Diesel Locomotive Diesellok
Mit PAMPA, LANZ& URSUS in Sinzig Franken 2018 zum 60.Geburtstag von Hans
Ausfahrt in der Eifel mit PAMPA,LANZ URSUS ,Eicher, KRAMER, IHC und HANOMAG Eifel,Sinzig,Franken,in Sinzig Franken 2018 beim Treckertreffen zum 60.Geburtstag von Hans mit den Schlepperfreunden Rhein Ahr.Fahrt mit den Traktoren zum Aussichtspunkt in die Eifel Schöne Aussicht
Musik: Youtube Audio Library
Move Up to the Mountains von
Aaron Lieberman und
Happy Birthday Bouncy
E's Jammy Jams