Salalah Teeq Cave and Tawi Ateer Sinkhole July 2015
This sinkhole is surrounded by mountains and hence its also called as Vertical Cave. During Rainy season you might see some water falls here.
Location : Teeq Cave and Tawi Ateer Sinkhole ,
Salalah (Sultanate of OMAN )
MECET expedition in Salalah Oman - Part 2: Tawi Ateer sinkhole صلالة - كهف طوي اعتير
2013, MECET explored 3 caves in Salalah Oman.
This video is part 2 exploring Tawi Ateer sinkhole.
Tawi Ateer, Sinkhole, Salalah, Oman
Tawi Ateer Sinkhole, known as the ‘Bird Well’ gained international fame after its discovery in 1997 by a team of Slovenian explorers.The capacity of the Teeq Sinkhole is about 975 thousand cubic metres. Its diameter is between 130 to 150 metres and its depth is 211 metres. Water flowing down the valleys has resulted in the formation of the sinkhole, with its magnificent waterfalls along the intersection with Teeq Sinkhole.
Tawi Ateer, Sinkhole, Salalah, Oman-2,
Imran, Shamsha, Ahsan, Anees, Asif etc. enjoying during Eid holidays 28 July 2017
Tawi Ateer, Sinkhole, Salalah, Oman 28 July 2017
Tawi Ateer, Sinkhole, Salalah, Oman 28 July 2017
At the bottom of sinkhole there is a continuation, they has been discovered “Teeq Cave” recently, research is ongoing and the results are told to be very impressive and exciting. “Teeq Cave” is near the top of the sinkhole. Its capacity is about 170 thousand cubic meters, and has no less than six entrances, the largest of which is the Western entrance and wall which can be seen from the top of Teeq sinkhole. You can reach that entrance along narrow paths located off the main trail. From those paths you can enjoy panoramic views of the sinkhole and its waterfalls.
In 1980 in the lake of sinkhole there was found a new species of fish ws called after one of discoverers; well known researcher of Arabian caves Andy Dunsire: Garra dunsirei Banister. This unique fish lives only in this cave and there are no other freshwater fishes in 600 km radius. In the total darkness of cave fish uses tentacles and other senses, not vision, due to they have very small eyes, but seems to have weak vision. Existence of this fish is important sign, this small fish is relict from the times when the weather in this area was different and there were permanent lakes and streams.
Atair Sink-Hole | Tawi Atair sinkhole | Salalah - Oman
Atair Sink-Hool is the most famous place of the Dhofar governorate (Dofar).
#atairsinkhole, #salalah, #oman, #shahzadwarsi,
**hole spelling change to hole at some places**
This sink-hole is located in Tawi Atair, which is quite famous among auto vacationers; it is close to major tourist attractions like Wadi Darbat, Mirbat, and Souly Beach.
According to Wikipedia, a sinkhole, also known as a sink, sink-hole, a sink, a sink-hole, a swallow's-hool or a sinkhole (the various terms for sinkholes are often used interchangeably), is a depression or a-hole in the ground by a form of collapse of the surface layer.
The sink-hole is deep. Caution must be taken while visiting the place. The safe way to see the sink-hole is from the viewing gallery/platform. The gallery has a wall to protect against slip/fall. Don’t go near the sink-hole from any other place, especially during khareef when the land is slippery.
Fore more info, please go to this link;
There are two ways to reach this gulf site. The first is to take the mountain road after Taqa (the same as that of Wadi Darbat). The second is to take a road to Tawi Atair from the point Anti-Gravity. We would prefer that travelers take the road to Wadi Darbat (Tawi Atair) to see first the chasm and the cave. Then head to the anti-gravity point.
One of the most impressive sink-holes in Oman is Tawi Atair (often - Tawi Atayr). Tawi Atayr is not only famous due to its structure but deep in its depths their lives unique FISH.
Categorized as “endangered”, a recent estimate of total population size is less than 250 individuals. This species is known only from one locality, in a sink-hole at Tawi Atair and was discovered by the researcher of Arabian caves, Andy Dunsire. The species is only found in pools 200m down the sink-hole. Specimens were collected from a side passage. This unique organism lives only in this cave and there are no other freshwater fishes in 600 km radius. The Garra dunsirei Banister has very small eyes and seems to have a weak vision. In the total darkness of the cave, this fish uses tentacles and other senses, not vision. It is pale yellow, some 3 – 6 cm long.
Thanks to; Wikipedia/wondermondo/Bensound/Shutterstock & Google
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#Teeq Cave and Tawi, #Ateer Sinkhole, #sultanate of oman, #salalah, #salalah oman, #oman, #cave, #waterfall, #sinkhole, #salalah tour, #salalah tourist attractions, #salalah tourist places, #places to visit in oman, #places to visit in salalah, #things to do in salalah, #things to do in Oman, #mountains in salalah, #naturelvoerss, #Tawi Atayr, #Tawi Atair, #dhofar, #sink hole, #oman sink hole, #tawi atair, #tawi atair sink hole, #shahzadwarsi,
Trekking in to the Sinkhole - Tawi Ateer , Salalah, Oman
Location: 17°06'47.4N 54°33'37.2E
Date: 9th Sep 2016
Adventures in Salalah - Wadi Darbat and Tawi Ateer Sinkhole
Intasgram: _the_henry
Music: ZenAware - Valleys
#oman #salalah #wadidarbat
TAIQ CAVE & SINKHOLE Dhofar, Oman September 6, 2014
Journey to Sink Hole Cave - Salalah - part 1
Journey to Sink Hole Cave - Salalah - part 2
Dangerous sink hole salalah,oman
Sink hole at salalah oman.600mtr deep coverage by Bharath and supporting actors Sujin from nayarkoil and Rajesh from alagapapuram
Tayq Cave Hike - Salalah, Oman 2016
Time lapse hike from the top of Tayq sinkhole, through the cliff passage way and back around to Tayq Cave. Tayq sinkhole is reported to be the 3rd largest in the world and is located near Salalah, Oman.
Recorded September 2016 with trusty adventure companion Mel.
Music is Nothin On My Mind by Astronomyy - (Bearson Remix). Top tune, link:
Salalah- Outing to Sahalnoot & Zeek
Sahalnoot Natural pool & Zeek windy mountains..!!
حفرة اذابة وكهف طيق Tayq Sinkhole 2015
محافظة ظفار - صلالة
تحت سطحها المهيب ,, تكمن كهوف غنيّـة بـ زخارف الطبيعة ,, وممرات عميقة ,, أنهار وبحيرات تكوّنت عبر آلاف السنين بفعل المياه الجارية .. حيث تتسرب مياه الأمطار خلال الشقوق والفتحات وحُفر الإذابة المثيرة للعجب ,, لتعاود الظهور بعد ذلك وبطريقة مدهشة على هيئة ينابيع ..
يبدأ تكوين الكهوف عن طريق إذابة صخور الحجر الجيري بمياه الأمطار الحمضية.
تبعد حفرة اذابة طيق عن مركز نيابة طوي أعتير مسافة 14 كيلومتر
الطول 1000متر
العرض 800 متر
العمق 250 متر
بحسب قياسات برنامج قوقل ارث وبذلك يكون حجم الحفرة تقريبا مترمكعب
وتعتبر من اكبر حفر الإذابة في العالم ( الثانية تقريبا ).
أدى جريان الوديان القريبة من الحفرة الى اذابة الصخور وتشكل شلالات رائعة الجمال
تنتهي المياه في قاع الحفرة الى كهف في اسفلها متوجهة الى المياه الجوفية
كما ويوجد كهف اخر في اعلى الحفرة يبلغ حجمه 175 متر مكعب يمكن الوصول له عبر طريق ومنحدرات وعرة من الجانب الاخر للحفرة على بعد تقريبا 1 كيلومتر من مواقف السيارات والعودة في المنحدرات الى الكهف لمسافة 1 كيلومتر اخرى
لا ينصح بالنزول للكهف من دون مرافقة ولياقة جيدة.
المكان جميل وهادئ لكنه يفتقر إلى وسائل الحماية والخدمات الاساسية
لذلك ننصح العوائل بالحذر الشديد في حال وجود اطفال برفقتكم
وعلى الرغم من تكرار زيارتي لهذه الحفرة إلى أني لم أوفق للنزول وذلك بناء على نصيحة احد سكان المنطقة
شاهد ايضا
الجزء الثاني - بئر الطيور
يسرني تلقي ملاحظاتكم واستفساراتكم
زهير الحمدان
دمتم بود
Tawi Atair Sinkhole salalah
A rare view of Tawi atair sinkhole in salalah, Oman.
Tawi Atyr Sinkhole (in Salalah, Oman) during Khareef
Monsoon rains cover the southern area of Oman every July-August, bringing greenery and life to the area!
Tawi Attar, Salalah, Sink hole, Oman