Orthodox Russian Christmas eve
1. Exterior Christ the Saviour Cathedral
2. People walking to Christmas Service
3. Crosses on Cathedral
4. People waiting outside Cathedral
5. Exterior of Christ the Saviour Cathedral
6. SOUNDBITE: (Russian) Tatyana Govorova, vox pop:
I think it is the best holiday, after the New Year (1st of January). The New Year is the best civil holiday, but Christmas is the best religious one.
7. Tilt up Christmas tree
8. Street
9. SOUNDBITE: (Russian) Vladimir, vox pop:
The symbols are the same (for the Russian and Catholic Christmas) - the same person was born. I think it is a pity that the churches separated because of some unimportant matter. I think that the celebrations should be the same (in all the churches - Russian and Western).
10. Peal of bells at Christ the Saviour Cathedral
11. Close up of cross on Cathedral
Worshippers queued up in the bitter cold on Sunday night to attend the Russian Orthodox Church's overnight Christmas masses.
Patriarch Alexy II led the main Christmas service in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.
The cathedral, which looks out over the Moscow River in the centre of the capital, is a recent reconstruction of the original church, which was blown up on the orders of Joseph Stalin in 1931.
The new cathedral was consecrated in 2000, and its shining gold domes and elaborate interior attract thousands of worshippers.
But for many believers, there's some regret that Christmas isn't celebrated at the same time as in western churches.
That's because the Russian Orthodox church still uses the old Julian calendar, which has been superseded elsewhere by the Gregorian calendar, introduced in 1582 because it is more accurate.
As a result of the difference, the Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas thirteen days later than western churches.
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A. Архангельский - С вышних призирая (Corala Gloria)
С вышних призирая, убогия приемля (The Lord looks from heaven upon the helpless)
Music: Александр Архангельский, Alexander Arkhangelsky (1846--1924)
Painting: Казанская (Пензенская) икона Божией Матери
(The Icon of the Virgin from Kazan, Penza), aprox. 1717
Unknown Artist
The Church of St. Mitrofanii Voronezh
Mitrofanovskaya Cemetery, Penza, Russian Federation
Conductor: Tatiana Daniță
Choir Manager: Onisim Cazacu
Sound Director: Lucia Popa
Corala GLORIA from the Musical College Ștefan Neaga from Chișinău, Rep. Moldova
Recorded at TeleRadio Moldova, April 2013
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«Крутая история»: «Танцы на грани». НТВ
Сергей Полунин в программе Татьяны Митковой «Крутая история». Интересный и глубокий разговор о Фонде, работе в Академии хореографии и о многом другом! Выпуск 27 ноября 00:10.
Gala Show @ Tribal Autumn in Lviv 2017
00:00:10 - Elixir of Life - Ambrosia, director Vesna Zorman (Slovenia)
00:04:35 - Valeria Sintsova (Ukraine, Kharkov)
00:07:52 - Elena Krizina (Ukraine, Kiev)
00:11:25 - Katerina Ivanova (Ukraine, Kiev)
00:15:49 - Elena Alexandrova (Russian Federation, Yaroslavl)
00:19:30 - ATS Collaboration, directed by Tat'yana Kotlyarova
00:26:15 - Nadeya (Ukraine, Lviv)
00:30:58 - Tatiana Vasilenko (Ukraine, Lviv)
00:34:07 - Drakaris Tribe - Tetiana Kopaieva and Nata Sheketa
00:38:16 - Polina Yankovskaya (Belarus, Minsk)
00:42:14 - Elena Kuzhel (Ukraine, Kiev)
00:46:33 - Artem Chernikov (Russian Federation, Voronezh)
00:49:44 - Mariya Kalinovskaya (Ukraine, Kiev)
00:52:58 - Anna Lisitskaya (Ukraine, Odessa)
00:59:56 - Daeva's Incantation - Ambrosia, director Vesna Zorman (Slovenia)
01:04:42 - Marina Yakimenko (Ukraine, Cherkasy)
01:08:35 - Habibi Lal (Ukraine)
01:11:46 - Glow Sisters - Mariya Kalinovskaya & Kira Lebedeva
Follow the Perm city
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ВОРОНЕЖ: Источник и Храм Святителя Митрофана Воронежского.
Святой источник святителя Митрофана Воронежского
Святую воду из этого источника пьют, желая излечиться от многих болезней. Исцеляющая сила родника известна в народе уже на протяжении 300 лет. Предание гласит, что сам святитель Митрофан приходил сюда, чтобы помолиться в уединении. Неподалеку он освящал первые корабли русского флота. С тех давних пор люди приходят на это место напиться целебной воды, обращаются с молитвой к святителю, веря в возможность выздоровления.
В 1993 году территорию источника передали Воронежской и Борисоглебской епархии, и ее обустроили. По благословению Владыки Сергия факты исцеления водой из родника с начала 80-х годов записывают в специальную книгу. Вот лишь некоторые из них. Молодая женщина никак не могла избавиться от сильнейшего воспаления, грозившего ей бесплодием. Лечение не помогало, и тогда она начала приходить к источнику. Несколько месяцев каждую неделю она обливалась водой и пила ее, и болезнь отступила. Еще одна история: шестнадцатилетнюю девушку из Киева с детства мучили страшные головные боли, но медики не могли установить, с чем это связано. Тогда девушку привезли в Воронеж. Две недели она купалась в роднике, и в итоге, на удивление врачей, мигреней как не бывало! Многие уверены, что источник святителя Митрофана в одночасье исцеляет от гриппа - после купания у больных падает температура и начинается выздоровление.
Сейчас рядом с источником возводят храм святителя Митрофана Воронежского, в котором есть купели, наполненные водой из родника, - мужская и женская.
Храм является частью комплекса, имеющего форму замкнутого каре, в центре которого вместительный двор, окруженный галереями и церковными постройками, стилизованными под петровское барокко. Его стены возведены на сваях. Вход во внутренний двор осуществляется через надвратную колокольню. В правом крыле храма устроены мужские и женские купальни. По второму этажу проходят смотровые галереи.
Sergei Polunin
Follow your heart until it bleeds
Azerbaijani Molokans’ Move to Russia, Two Centuries On
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ВОРОНЕЖ: Митрофаньевский Храм на источнике - НОВЫЕ КУПЕЛИ
Множество чудесных исцелений происходит с верующими людьми, которые обращаются за помощью к святителю Митрофану. На территории храмового комплекса, кроме источника, где люди могут обливаться, также находятся две купели (мужская и женская). О них то я Вам и расскажу в этом ролике...
Подробнее о Храме, источнике и купелях здесь -
Без права переписки. Документальный фильм о политических репрессиях
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Concert Fantasy (Porgy & Bess) - George Gershwin
Stas Venglevski & Tatyana Krasnobaeva perform Concert Fantasy (Porgy & Bess)--George Gershwin on March 5, 2017 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Milwaukee, WI. Presented by Accordion XXI, artistry on a global scale. Bayan virtuoso, Stas Venglevski, blends his talent with Tatyana Krasnobaeva, cimbalom (dulcimer).
1.SFIRSITUL CONCERTULUI LA IONEL 2.BOGDAN TITOMIR la CHISINAU anul 1993. ,si la o sampanie dupa concert...
List of Russian scientists | Wikipedia audio article
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List of Russian scientists
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Russian scientists | Wikipedia audio article
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00:00:01 1 Polymaths
00:06:03 2 Earth scientists
00:12:02 3 Biologists and paleontologists
00:22:10 4 Physicians and psychologists
00:29:18 5 Economists and sociologists
00:31:49 6 Historians and archeologists
00:43:43 7 Linguists and ethnographers
00:53:09 8 Mathematicians
01:07:46 9 Astronomers and cosmologists
01:14:41 10 Physicists
01:28:08 11 Chemists and material scientists
01:35:49 12 Structural engineers
01:37:46 13 Aerospace engineers
01:46:24 14 Naval engineers
01:48:53 15 Electrical engineers
01:51:11 16 Computer scientists
01:53:43 17 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
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Visual Art Show at the Landesmuseum in zurich during august 09 at the Rundfunk.fm event.
Art Direction:
Roman Beranek
3d Artist:
Yves Meier
Markus Truninger
2d & Editing:
Roman Beranek
Jonas Staub
Sascha Greuter
Rolf Napfer
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Subbotniks | Wikipedia audio article
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The Subbotniks (Russian: Субботники, IPA: [sʊˈbotʲnʲɪkʲɪ], Sabbatarians) is a common name for Russian sects of Judaizers of Christian origin, who split from other Sabbatarians in the 19th century. There are three main groups of people described as Subbotniks:
Judaizing Talmudists: Subbotnik converts to Rabbinic Judaism, also described as Gery (Russian: Геры), Talmudisty (Russian: Субботники-Талмудисты), or Shaposhniki.
Karaimites or Karaite Subbotniks (Russian: Субботники-Караимиты): also described as Russian Karaites (Russian: Русские Караимы), considering themselves as adherents of Karaite Judaism. However, it has been reported that they do not practice circumcision.
Subbotnik Molokans (Russian: Молокане-субботники) sect: in contradiction to the previous Subbotnik sects they recognize the Gospel, but also practice some of the rules and precepts of the Old Testament.A 1912 religious census in Russia recorded 12,305 Judaizing Talmudists, and 4,092 Russian Karaites, and 8,412 Subbotniks who had fallen away from Orthodoxy.On the whole, the Subbotniks probably differed little from other Judaizing societies in their early years. They first appeared toward the end of the 18th century during the reign of Catherine the Great. According to official reports of the Russian Empire, most of the sect's followers circumcised their boys, believed in a unitary God rather than in the Christian Trinity, accepted only the Hebrew Bible and observed the Sabbath on Saturday rather than on Sunday as in Christian practice (and hence were called sabbatarians) There were variations among their beliefs in relation to Jesus, the Second Coming, and other elements of Eastern Orthodox doctrine.
Prior to the First Partition of Poland in 1772, few Jews had settled in the Russian Empire. The Subbotniks were originally Christian peasants of the Russian Orthodox Church. During the reign of Catherine the Great (1729-1796), they adopted elements of Mosaic law of the Old Testament and were known as sabbatarians, part of the Spiritual Christianity movement.Subbotnik families settled in Ottoman Syria in the 1880s as part of the First Aliyah in order to escape oppression in the Russian Empire and later mostly intermarried with local Jews. Their descendants included Israeli Jews such as Alexander Zaïd, Ariel Sharon and Major-General Alik Ron.
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