Penza Diocesan Chamber Choir «SPAS» (Penza, Russia), artistic director – Protopriest Vladimir Olkhov
Gala concert of participants
St. Petersburg Academic State Capella
AUGUST 8, 2018
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Penza Diocesan Chamber Choir «SPAS» (Penza, Russia), artistic director – Protopriest Vladimir Olkhov
14th International competition of choirs and vocal ensembles “THE SINGING WORLD” named after Yu. Falik
AUGUST 7, 2018
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Russia: 18-tonne bell, the 'Aleksandr Nevsky', arrives at St Petersburg monastery
Video ID: 20140728-027
W/S Bell on truck and Christians praying while walking next to truck
M/S Bell on truck
C/U People touching bell and crossing themselves
M/S Orthodox priests walking and praying
M/S People following the bell
W/S Christians surrounding bell
M/S Bell on truck
M/S Crane driver
W/S Bell on truck
C/U Worker attaching chain to bell
M/S Worker attaching chain to bell
An 18-tonne bell, named 'Alexander Nevsky', arrived at the Saint Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St Petersburg on Monday.
After being cast in Kamensk-Uralsky in the Sverdlovsk region, the bell travelled through 11 Russian cities including Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Samara, Saratov, Penza, Ryazan, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Vologda, Cherepovets and Tikhvin.
It is to be installed in the belfry of the Troitsky Cathedral in the grounds of the monastery in October. The belfry is currently undergoing repairs.
The bell is named after 13th century Russian hero Aleksandr Nevsky, the Grand Prince of Novgorod and Vladimir who was sainted by the Orthodox Church because of his military victories over the Swedes and Germans.
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USSR anti-religious campaign (1928–1941) | Wikipedia audio article
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USSR anti-religious campaign (1928–1941)
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The USSR anti-religious campaign of 1928–1941 was a new phase of anti-religious persecution in the Soviet Union following the anti-religious campaign of 1921–1928. The campaign began in 1929, with the drafting of new legislation that severely prohibited religious activities and called for a heightened attack on religion in order to further disseminate atheism. This had been preceded in 1928 at the fifteenth party congress, where Joseph Stalin criticized the party for failure to produce more active and persuasive anti-religious propaganda. This new phase coincided with the beginning of the forced mass collectivization of agriculture and the nationalization of the few remaining private enterprises.
Many of those who had been arrested in the 1920s would continue to remain in prison throughout the 1930s and beyond.
The main target of the anti-religious campaign in the 1920s and 1930s was the Russian Orthodox Church, which had the largest number of faithful. Nearly all of its clergy, and many of its believers, were shot or sent to labour camps. Theological schools were closed, and church publications were prohibited. More than 85,000 Orthodox priests were shot in 1937 alone. Only a twelfth of the Russian Orthodox Church's priests were left functioning in their parishes by 1941.In the period between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox Churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to less than 500.The campaign slowed down in the late 1930s and early 1940s, and came to an abrupt end after the commencement of Operation Barbarossa. The challenge produced by the German invasion would ultimately prevent the public withering away of religion in Soviet society.This campaign, like the campaigns of other periods that formed the basis of the USSR's efforts to eliminate religion and replace it with atheism supported with a materialist world view, was accompanied with official claims that there was no religious persecution in the USSR, and that believers who were being targeted were for other reasons. Believers were in fact being widely targeted and persecuted for their belief or promotion of religion, as part of the state's campaign to disseminate atheism, but officially the state claimed that no such persecution existed and that the people being targeted - when they admitted that people were being targeted - were only being attacked for resistance to the state or breaking the law. This guise served Soviet propaganda abroad, where it tried to promote a better image of itself especially in light of the great criticism against it from foreign religious influences.
Поле Куликово 15.09.2018г.
Мы приносим РАДОСТЬ!
Военно-исторический фестиваль Поле Куликово 15.09.2018г.
Субботний праздник на Куликовом поле обозначил новую дату в современной истории. 638 годовщину Куликовской битвы отметили поклонники истории.
Воинские ритуалы и богослужения в храмах, широкая ярмарка и гуляния – так проходили торжества в память о победе Дмитрия Донского еще в XIX веке. Эти традиции живы и в XXI веке, но последние двадцать лет выдвинули на первый план поклонников живой истории – реконструкторов. С бытом и культурой Руси и Золотой Орды, которые они изучают и возрождают, спешат пообщаться тысячи туристов.
Из года в год в программе праздника живая история и память о событии переплетаются. Вот с самого утра готовятся сражаться финалисты турнира по историческому фехтованию, устанавливает круг гончар, раздувают меха кузнец и бусодел, выкладывают товары мастера и торговцы… Мечи и ножи, украшения и пояса, доспехи и одежда – торжище предложит уникальные товары и участникам военно-исторического движения, и простым обывателям. А у храма готовятся пройти маршем десантники, возглавив колонну почетных гостей. Торжественный митинг и лития по воинам XIV века проходят у памятника-колонны Дмитрию Донскому.
И день сегодняшний уступает место прошлому. На дружинный поклон к монументу стекаются участники военно-исторического фестиваля. Как шесть веков назад княжества спешили на зов Дмитрия Ивановича, так и сегодня реконструкторы из десятков российских городов и ближнего зарубежья съезжаются на берег Дона. Москва и Подмосковье, Санкт-Петербург и Иваново, Саратов, Череповец, Ижевск, Белгород, Железногорск, Орел, Тверь, Пенза, Липецкая и Тульская области, Рязань, Владимир, Казань, Тамбов, Бобров, Ростов-на-Дону, Краснознаменск, Великий Новгород, Выборг, Псков, Борисоглебск, Рыбинск, Брянск, Харьков. Они тоже сыграют свою роль в Куликовском сражении. Кто-то - на стороне Орды, кого-то поведет в бой под своими знаменами Дмитрий Донской. Итог битвы знаком с детства. Но увидеть летописную историю вживую – дорогого стоит. Схватка сторож, поединок Пересвета и Челубея, сражающиеся конницы и пешая рать, спасительное для войска князя Дмитрия вступление Засадного полка, бегство Мамая и победа русского войска… Так шесть веков назад отстаивали наши предки свою независимость. Так помнят об их подвигах потомки сегодня.
Продолжить знакомство с историей можно на интерактивных площадках. С каждым годом их все больше и больше. Здесь ведется рассказ о средневековой кухне, раскатывают и жарят лепешки. Мальчишки пробуют плести кольчуги, девчонки мастерят серьги. Вот мальчуган упорно пилит зажатый в клещах станка рог – собирается сделать себе амулет. Рядом школяры изучают ордынскую азбуку и учатся писать. У юрты ажиотаж. Можно зайти в гости к ханше и сфотографироваться в интерьере. Примерить кольчугу и главное научиться правильно снимать ее, погадать на костях, слепить сосуд и отлить бусину, сразиться на мечах… Можно застрять в Средневековье надолго. Но рядом и другие эпохи предлагают свои загадки. Устал от событий шестивековой давности – отправляйся к стрельцам или перенесись в двадцатый век в историю Великой Отечественной.
Праздник на Куликовом поле в этом году развернулся на двух площадках. На Красном холме, и на территории нового музейного комплекса неподалеку. И тут, и там звучала историческая музыка в исполнении любимцев публики фолк-групп «Сколот» и «Teufelstans». Утреннюю сцену в комплексе организаторы отдали «Spiritual Seasons». А на Красном холме традиционно выступил Губернаторский духовой оркестр, тульские фольклорные танцевальные и песенные коллективы, победители детских конкурсов песни и Детский духовой оркестр Тульской областной детской музыкальной школы им. Г.З. Райхеля.
Завершили праздник в музейном комплексе поединки российских и зарубежных участников Международного турнира по историческому средневековому бою на приз «Куликова поля».
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Музыка автор Хорошо - Николай Агутин
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AUGUST 7, 2018
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Gruber: Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht - Russian text: Noch' tikha, noch svyata
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group
Gruber: Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht - Russian text: Noch' tikha, noch svyata · St.Petersburg Chamber Choir · Nikolai Korniev
Russian Christmas
℗ 1996 Universal International Music B.V.
Released on: 1996-01-01
Producer: Anna Barry
Producer: Hermine Sterringa
Studio Personnel, Balance Engineer, Editor: Jean-Marie Geijsen
Composer: Franz Xaver Gruber
Author: Joseph Mohr
Arranger, Work Arranger: Sir David Willcocks
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Russia: Putin lays flowers at Mikhail Lermontov grave for 200th anniversary
M/S President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin descends from helicopter
M/S Putin walking with entourage
M/S Putin walking with entourage
M/S Putin shown around State Lermontov Museum and Reserve of Tarkhany in Penza
M/S Putin shown around State Lermontov Museum and Reserve of Tarkhany in Penza
M/S Putin shown around State Lermontov Museum and Reserve of Tarkhany in Penza
M/S Putin ascends stairs
M/S Putin shown around State Lermontov Museum and Reserve of Tarkhany in Penza
W/S Putin and entourage walk past State Lermontov Museum and Reserve of Tarkhany in Penza
M/S Putin enters chapel
M/S Putin lights candle
M/S Putin places roses at Mikhail Lermontov memorial
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin visited the State Lermontov Museum and Reserve of Tarkhany in Penza on Wednesday to pay tribute to Russian writer Mikhail Lermontov on his 200th anniversary.
Putin was shown around the grounds and the interior of the museum, lighting a candle in the building's chapel and placing flowers at the base of Mikhail Lermontov's grave. Lermontov, a Russian Romantic writer, poet and painter, was the most popular Russian poet after Alexander Pushkin's death in 1837. His most famous works include the poems 'The Angel,' and 'The Song of Merchant Kalashnikov,' as well as his sole novel 'A Hero of Our Time.'
Putin later took part in the plenary meeting of the All-Russia People's Front forum.
Russian State Symphony Cappella - The Mercy of Peace
Russian State Symphony Cappella The Mercy of Peace
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The Government Inspector (Ревизор), Mosfilm, 1952 (English subtitles)
The Government Inspector, aka The Inspector General, 1952 Mosfilm version of the 1836 play by Nikolai V. Gogol, directed by Vladimir Petrov. Restored version with English subtitles.
Russia: Lukashenko 'worried' about Ukraine-EU free trade agreement
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko announced “that a serious situation comes up relating to CIS free trade zone” at the meeting of Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Moscow on Monday. He said that “starting January 1 the agreement on free trade zone between Ukraine and the European Union comes into force” and because of that “not only Russia but all of us have certain worries.”
Lukashenko went on to say that “there can be a situation when Ukraine’s goods will be replaced by European goods and Ukrainian goods will pour into our territory.”
Video ID: 20151221-108
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VLADIMIR LENIN - WikiVidi Documentary
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin , was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a Marxist, he developed political theories known as Leninism. Born to a wealthy middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's 1887 execution. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist. In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western...
Shortcuts to chapters:
00:04:03 Childhood: 1870–1887
00:07:42 University and political radicalisation: 1887–1893
00:11:33 Early activism and imprisonment: 1893–1900
00:16:02 Munich, London, and Geneva: 1900–1905
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