Tenganan Village
Why are the majority of Balinese Hindus? Why do the Balinese have a culture full of strong Hindu philosophy and that is very different from the other places in Indonesia? Where do the Balinese people come from? Maybe these questions occur to those of you who have not yet come to Bali on holiday. The curiosity could arise for those who like history and cultural tourism. If you want to know the answer without having to read a book about the culture, you have to come to Tenganan. It is the native village of the Balinese people who still maintain the ancient tradition until now. Bali is very lucky to have Tenganan Village, a village inhabited by indigenous Bali Mula, indigenous Balinese who only inhabit some points on the Bali island. The other location is Trunyan Village, near Mount Batur.
Tenganan, Bali Aga - Indonesia Travel Channel
Tenganan, das Dorf der Bali Aga
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Tenganan ist ein Dorf auf Bali in dem Bali Aga leben. Mit Bali Aga werden die Ureinwohner Balis bezeichnet. Seit Jahrtausenden leben sie streng abgeschottet und zurückgezogen in ihren Dörfern. Da sie zu den Großgrundbesitzern zählen, haben sie es nicht nötig körperliche Arbeit zu verrichten. Die umliegenden Reisfelder werden von Balinesen bearbeitet.
Die Bali Aga beschäftigen sich selbst mit Kunsthandwerk. Dazu zählt die Herstellung der sogenannten Lontarbücher. Dazu werden auf die Blätter der Lontarpalme hinduistische Epen geritzt. Die Frauen weben Geringsing Tücher mit der Doppel-Ikat-Webtechnik. Diese sollen Krankheiten abwehren. Da die Herstellung äußerst kompliziert und langwierig ist sind sie auch sehr begehrt und kostbar.
Das Sozialleben in Tenganan ist streng geregelt. Wer keinen Partner aus dem eigenen Dorf heiratet, muss dieses verlassen. So konnten die Bali Aga ihren Reichtum erhalten.
Nach dem Besuch des Dorfes halten wir noch einmal an der Küste bei Labih, einem Fischerdorf.
Tenganan is a village on Bali where the inhabitants are part of the Bali Aga people. The Bali Aga people are the original inhabitants of Bali. For millennia they led a strictly insulated and withdrawn life in their villages. As they belong to the landowners, they have no need to do physical work. The surrounding rice fields are cultivated by Balinese.
The Bali Aga are mainly engaged in arts and crafts. This includes the production of the so-called Lontarbooks. These are Hindu epics carved on the leaves of the Asian palmyra palm. The women weave Geringsing cloths with the double ikat weaving technique. These are intended to ward off disease. Since the production is extremely complicated and lengthy, the cloths are precious and highly sought after.
The social life in Tenganan is strictly regulated . Those who do not marry a partner from its own village must leave the village. So the Bali Agas could keep their wealth.
After visiting the village, we stop again at a fishing village on the coast at Labih.
Should you visit Tenganan, the oldest village in Bali?
Should you visit Tenganan, the oldest village in Bali?
Bali Tourist Attraction - Tenganan Village
Is the Tenganan Village a must do cultural experience or is it a tourist trap? In this video we’re going to talk about our experience at the Tenganan Village and let you know if you should even add this to your list of things to see in Bali.
Tenganan Village is the oldest village in Bali and is unique as they have their own laws and customs which are quite different from the current Balinese people.
The village is well know as one of the few places in the world you can buy double ikat weavings. This form of weaving requires the most skill for precise patterns to be woven and is considered the premiere form of ikat.
Once a year the village holds the Mekare Kare Ceremony. It looks like a very strange and painful ritual that involves fighting between the men of the village. They attempt to rub a spiky pandan leaf on the backs of their opponent.
We also discuss our thoughts on some of the reviews online of the Tenganan Village. Some reviews say this place is a tourist trap with over priced goods.
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Bali AM:PM 14.2 - Tenganan Village
Mekare kare ceremony - Dauh Tukad/Tenganan - Bali - July 2012
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#Tenganan #TravelGuide #Bali
Tenganan Aga Village
Tenganan Pegringsingan is a village in the regency of Karangasem in Bali, Indonesia. Before the 1970s was known by anthropologists to be one of the most secluded societies of the archipelago.
This is a video of my motor cycle ride from Candidasa to Tenganan.
Tenganan 'Bali Aga' Village
#Bali #Vernacular #Architecture
STPNB Vlog Competition - Menelusuri Uniknya Desa Tenganan
Desa Wisata Tenganan
Tenganan adalah sebuah desa tradisional di pulau Bali. Desa ini terletak di Kecamatan Manggis, Kabupaten Karangasem di sebelah timur pulau Bali. Tenganan bisa dicapai dari tempat pariwisata Candi Dasa dan letak kira-kira 10 kilometer dari sana.
Desa Tenganan merupakan salah satu desa dari tiga desa Bali Aga, selain Trunyan dan Sembiran. Yang dimaksud dengan Bali Aga adalah desa yang masih mempertahankan pola hidup yang tata masyarakatnya mengacu pada aturan tradisional adat desa yang diwariskan nenek moyang mereka. Bentuk dan besar bangunan serta pekarangan, pengaturan letak bangunan, hingga letak pura dibuat dengan mengikuti aturan adat yang secara turun-temurun dipertahankan
#DiesNatalisSTPBali40 #WonderfulIndonesia
100%Piknik. Tenganan, salah satu desa yang terletak di dekat Candidasa Karangasem Bali merupakan tempat tinggal masyarakat Bali Aga atau Bali Asli. Pengunjung dapat melihat langsung kehidupan tradisional masyarakatnya serta melihat aneka kerajinan tradisional seperti tenun ikat, daun lontar, dll.
Host : Aurea Dine
Cameraman-Editor-Director : Edypras
Tenganan, Bali, Indonesia 1
Tenganan traditional village, Bali, Indonesia 2013 - Bali Aga Desa Tenganan
Another video Tenganan, part 2
Tenganan Pegringsingan is a village in the regency of Karangasem in Bali, Indonesia. Before the 1970s was known by anthropologists to be one of the most secluded societies of the archipelago.
Tenganan Traditional Village - Bali Record (Lingga Jaya)
Bali Aga Culture Sejarah Desa Tradisional Karangasem location history Balinese Beautiful Holiday Place. Penyanyi Lingga Jaya video klip Melali ke Tenganan Lagu Bali Indonesia, musik dan tembang pop gending lokal songket
Tenganan village. Bali.
Tenganan village. Bali. 2012.
Tenganan Pegringsingan is a village in the regency of Karangasem in Bali, Indonesia. Before the 1970s was known by anthropologists to be one of the most secluded societies of the archipelago.
Rapid changes have occurred in the village since the 70's, such as the development of local communications by the central government, the opening up to tourism, the breaking of the endogamic rules. Tourists are attracted to Tenganan by its unique Bali Aga culture that still holds to the original traditions, ceremonies and rules of ancient Balinese, and its unique village layout and architecture. It is known for its Gamelan selunding music and geringsing double ikat textiles.
Tenganan village
KVlog!! Ke Desa Tenganan Pegringsingan.
Desa Wisata Tenganan merupakan salah satu Desa Wisata yang berada di Pulau Bali, Indonesia tepatnya di kabupaten Karangasem, Kecamatan Manggis.
Desa Wisata Tenganan merupakan salah satu dari tiga desa Bali Aga, selain desa Trunyan dan Sembiran.
Desa Wisata ini dapat ditempuh dengan kendaraan pribadi dalam waktu kurang dari 1 jam 30 menit, dan berjarak 65km dari pusat kota, Denpasar
Desa tenganan memiliki Luas sebesar 9,52km 2 dan penduduk yang tinggal di Desa ini berjumlah 4.049 jiwa pada tahun 2009.
Kehidupan di Desa ini masih diatur oleh hukum adat yang disebut awig - awig dan menganut sistem kepercayaan tirtakarana Yang artinya, hubungan harmonis antara Tuhan dengan Manusia, Manusia antar Manusia dengan Lingkungan.
Sekian yang dapat saya simpulkan di desa tenganan.
Dan terima kasih.✌️
Tari Rejang at Tenganan Village
Tenganan Pegeringsingan di Kecamatan Manggis, Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali bagian timur adalah satu desa Bali Aga atau Bali tua, yang memiliki tradisi berbeda dengan Hindu Bali umumnya.
Jika umat Hindu Bali merayakan tahun baru dengan Nyepi, warga Tenganan memperingatinya dengan Ngusaba Kasa. Kasa, adalah bulan pertama sistem kalender setempat.
Menurut I Putu Yudiana, Kepala Desa Tenganan, warganya percaya pada bulan Kasa itu sungsungan atau Dewa yang mereka hormati lahir.
“Kami menggelar tari rejang sebagai doa dan kidung suci untuk menghormati sungsungan,” katanya, Kamis pekan lalu.
Saat Ngusaba Kasa, para daha (gadis) dan teruna (perjaka) menari dengan lokasi dan pakaiaan berganti, selama lima hari. Sebagai bentuk penghormatan, mereka mengenakan pakaian dan perhiasan terbaik. Puncaknya, hari terakhir, Ngusaba Kasa, menjadi semacam pesta bagi mereka.
“Sekarang bebas karena Betara sampun mantuk,” kata Ni Kadek Dwika Mahayani, seorang gadis 21 tahun, mengatakan jika Dewa sudah pulang, sehingga hari terakhir menjadi pesta bagi remaja Tenganan.
Para gadis mengenakan geringsing, kain tenun khas daerah itu yang diwariskan secara turun-temurun dalam keluarga Tenganan. Harga per lembarnya bisa mencapai ratusan juta bahkan lebih.
“Ada yang harganya bahkan sampai Rp2 miliar,” kata Mahayani.
Para teruna juga menggunakan kain geringsing terbaik. Selain selendang, mereka juga wajib membawa keris yang diwarisi turun-temurun.
Di depan Balai Agung, mereka menari secara bergantian, tiga demi tiga dengan memilih pasangan. Karena itulah, Ngusaba Kasa juga dikenal sebagai ajang mencari jodoh
Tenganan, Bali, Indonesia 2
Tenganan traditional village, Bali, Indonesia 2013, Bali Aga Desa Tenganan
Another video Tenganan, part 1
Tenganan Pegringsingan is a village in the regency of Karangasem in Bali, Indonesia. Before the 1970s was known by anthropologists to be one of the most secluded societies of the archipelago.
Tenganan, Bali
Tenganan has its unique Bali Aga culture that still holds to the original traditions
Tenganan Pegringsingan is a village in the regency of Karangasem in Bali, Indonesia. Before the 1970s was known by anthropologists to be one of the most secluded societies of the archipelago. Rapid changes have occurred in the village since the 70's, such as the development of local communications by the central government, the opening up to tourism, the breaking of the endogamic rules.Tourists are attracted to Tenganan by its unique Bali Aga culture that still holds to the original traditions, ceremonies and rules of ancient Balinese, and its unique village layout and architecture. It is known for its Gamelan selunding music and geringsing double ikat textiles.The people of Tenganan Pegringsingan were selected by the god Indra to administer a territory that was conceived, in accordance with his divine plan to be a microcosm of the world. They were instructed to use every means to keep it pure and clean. the concept of territorial, bodily and spiritual purity and integrity is of paramount importance in this village. Houses in Tenganan Pegringsingan village are built on either side of the north to the south concourse with their doors opening on to it. The entrances of the houses are narrow, only allowing one person to enter or leave at any one time. One enters the village through the gate on the southern end. On either side of the entrance are two small temples. Across from these is the long balé agung, where the administrative decisions for the village are made. Next to that is the drum tower (kul-kul). The kul-kul is beaten 21 times each morning to start the day.Up the center are a series of communal pavilions (balé banjar) for formal and informal meetings, ceremonial gatherings.nAt the northern end is the village temple Pura Puseh, the temple of origin. The people of Tenganan Pegringsingan are called Bali Aga—the original Balinese. They descend from the pre-Majapahit kingdom of Pegeng. There are strict rules as to who is allowed to live in the village. Only those born in the village can stay in the village and become full members of the community. There are rules regarding marriage and anyone who marries outside of the village has to leave. A strict protocol regarding marriages among the kin groups have steered the Tengananese through the genetic perils of intermarriage although with increasing contact with the outside world these rules have relaxed somewhat.
For more information about Bali:
Tenganan Ancient Village Journey | Insight with Desi Anwar
Live streaming 24 jam:
Modernitas tidak banyak mempengaruhi tatanan kehidupan masyarakat adat di Desa Tenganan Pegringsingan, Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali. Kearifan lokal berupa aturan adat atau awing-awing berperan besar dalam menata pola hidup masyarakatnya. Insight with Desi Anwar mengulas dan melihat langsung bagai mana masyarakat adat di Desa Tenganan Pegringsingan menjalankan hukum adat sambil menerapkan konservasi hutan
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Tenganan Village, Karangasem, Bali.
Tenganan village is known as a traditional village in Bali. And we alao called it Bali Aga. This place is so deep with their culture and religiousm. They have many unique and beautifull culture to see, one of the most popular culture is Mageret Pandan. It is a tradition to say thankfull to the Indra God as a War God.
If you come to Bali, you have to see this village.
Tenganan Pegringsingan Village, Karangasem, Bali
It's very great village that I know.
Let's coming to our great destination in Bali and always enjoy your trip????.
Tenganan -the traditional Bali-Aga Village-
Tenganan village in Bali Indonesia is the place of the Bali-Aga people, a pre-hinduistic culture.
Das Dorf Tenganan in Bali Indonesien ist die Heimat der Bali-Aga, eine prähinduistische Kultur. Hier wird ein kleiner Einblick in das traditionelle Leben gegeben.
Musik aus der Youtube Audio Library:
Bali Bali by Doug Maxwell Jimmy Fontanes
Sonic by Lish Grooves
Grafik und Animation: Pixabay
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Tenganan village Bali
Tenganan village