Дома лучше! Тернополь/Сезон 2/Выпуск 10 (eng sub)
Дома лучше и Женя Синельников приехали в славный город Тернополь.
Аутентичный, уютный, четвертый по величине город Западной Украины.
Здесь, едва попадаешь в центр, раскрывается красота старого города: и центральная площадь, и собственная Аллея звезд! Одна, между прочим, посвящена художнику Ивану Марчуку, а он входит в сотню самых известных и крутых художников мира.
В выпуске: какие тайны хранит катедра - Церковь Непорочного Зачатия Пресвятой Девы Марии, откуда пошло название Тарнопиль, чем примечательный местный зоопарк, увлекательная прогулка по живописному озеру и секрет его появления.
#домалучше #орелирешка #тернополь
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“Дома лучше” - новое детище создателей “Орел и Решка”. В рамках проекта Женя Синельников ездит по городам Украины и определяет их туристический потенциал.
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Орел и решка. 16 сезон. Перезагрузка. АМЕРИКА
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Орёл и Решка. Чудеса света (22 сезон)
Орёл и Решка. Ивлеева VS Бедняков (23 сезон)
Орел и решка за кадром. Смешные и неудачные дубли
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Дома лучше с Женей Синельниковым
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женя синельников дома лучше тернополь
Pysanka Bunnies Take Over Central Kyiv This Easter Season
The eighth All-Ukrainian Pysanka festival has kicked off in Kyiv. Nearly 4 hundred eggs, painted by artists from different cities of Ukraine and other countries, were presented on the St. Sofia Square.
This year, the western symbol of the holiday - the Easter Bunny also joined the festivities.
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ТЕРНОПОЛЬСКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ: Микулинцы, Рукомыш, Бучач, Чортков, Теребовля!
В этом видео мы побываем в нескольких интересных городах Тернопольской области. Сначала посетим Микулинцы где посмотрим на Дворец графов Реев, Микулинецкий замок и Троицкий костел. Затем попробуем живое микулинецкое пиво в пабе Бровар. После чего отправимся в село Рукомыш, где расположен знаменитый Рукомышский пещерный монастырь. Далее город Бучач в котором мы посмотрим на Успенский костел, арт-двор и монастырь отцов-василиан. В городе Чортков мы увидим деревянную Вознесенскую церковь, Покровскую церковь, Старую ратушу и Костел Св. Станислава. Далее мы заедем в городок Теребовля и полазим по стенам Теребовлянского замка. И в заключении заглянем в Музей эксклюзивных автомобилей в Тернополе.
#тернополь #тернопіль #тернопільщина #файнемісто #микулинцы #рукомыш #бучач #чортков #теребовля #путешествия #сергейнагорный
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Композиция Thingamajig принадлежит исполнителю Audionautix. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (
Soundslide: Miroslava Michalsky, Pysanka artist
One in a Million profiles Miroslava Michalsky, who spends dozens of hours each week painting decorative Ukranian Easter eggs.
The 1941 NKVD prisoner massacres in Western Ukraine
Dr. Ksenya Kiebuzinski
The 1941 NKVD prisoner massacres in Western Ukraine
Toronto, February 9, 2018
Life In The Western Ukraine AKA Western Ukraine (1968)
Unissued / unused material - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown.
Carpathian Foothills, Western Ukraine, Russia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics / USSR
VS Landscape and wildlife scenes in the Russian area at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains. It is a fertile area of sheep farms, fertile valleys and flowing rivers. On the soundtrack we hear the famous song Cheremshina, written by Vasil Mikhailyuk. MS A shepherd in traditional costume. VS Ancient folk traditions in clothing and patterns practised by designers and worn by local people in the small town of Vashkovtsy. MS A group of people eating in a local restaurant, all wearing traditional embroidered shirts. MS Pan along the River Cheremsha. MSs Sheep drinking from the river, a shepherd plays bagpipe type instrument to his flock. Good shots, lumberjacks riding and steering a convoy of rafts downriver. LS Sun setting over a hill.
Note: Date on original record: 21/10/1968. Russian commentary.
FILM ID:3263.14
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
Czernowitz Great Synagogue
Music: Jocelyn Pook - You Drop Manna - The Merchant of Venice
HalynaMyroslavaJump/ГалинаМирослава Стрибок
Thanks to Yukhim Kharabet or Yefim Harabet,
( July 29, 1929, the village of Anadol',Donetsk Region - 2004, Mariupol, Donetsk Region) -a famous Ukrainian medalist, Greek,was born in a peasant family. He graduated from Mariupol school and worked as a seamen in the Navy. Worked on lands during the campaign in their assimilation
In 1963 he returned to Mariupol.
Since 1970 - Director of Mariupol art workshops.
Since 1978 - a member of the National Union of Artists of USSR.
1993 - Honored Artist of USSR.
1997 - Honorary Citizen of Mariupol
1999 - The order For merits» III century.
He took part in a lot of exhibitions.
1981 - in Aden (Yemen)
1882 - participated in the 15th Berynh's sea expedition and exhibition
1985, 1989 - in Magdeburg (Germany)
1991 - in Moscow, in the House of Peoples' Friendship
1993 - in Atlanta on the 2nd festival Slavonic Bazaar
2002 - in Paris at the exhibition World Federation medal art.
Severyn Borachok, Северин Борачок (1898,Sorots'ke, Terebovlia District, Ternopil' Region,Ukraine - 1975,Richmond,USA). His father was a priest.After high school he studied at Cracow Academy of Fine Arts and in Paris .. Organized Ukrainian Museum in Terebovlia , which was opened on August 30, 1933.
It is known that he lived and worked in Paris in the early 1930s.He founded After World War II he settled in Munich, where he became a close friend of Gregor Kruk. After the death of his wife in 1962, Borachok decided to move to the United States of America. In 1965 he moved to Richmond, Maine. Between 1969-1972, Borachok exhibited his works in Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago. The exhibitions were organized by his brother, Maryan Borachok. The artist died in Maine in 1975.
Emmanuel Mané-Katz, Eмануель Мане-Кац ,born Mane Leyzerovich Kats, (1894,Kremenchuk,Ukraine-- 1962,Haifa, Israel)
Mane-Katz was Jewish.In the years 1911-13 he studied at Kiev Art College, then moved to Paris at the age of 19 to study art, although his father wanted him to be a rabbi. There he became friends with Pablo Picasso and other important artists, and was affiliated with an art movement known as the Jewish School of Paris.
In 1931, Mane-Katz's painting, The Wailing Wall, was awarded a gold medal at the Paris World's Fair. Early on, his style was classical and somber, but his palette changed in later years to bright, primary colors, with an emphasis on Jewish themes. His oils feature Hassidic characters, rabbis, Jewish musicians, beggars, yeshiva students and scenes from the East European shtetl.
Hrihorii Synytsia or Hryhory, Hryhoriy Sinitsa,Григорій Синиця (1908, Odesa, Ukraine - 1996). In 1914 he fell ill on the hip joint ankylosis, and then back fever, had been ill but recovered leaving the hospital for the disabled children (although the leg was almost 20 cm shorter hip and bent parts of the skeleton).
Innovator, inventor, leader, he had to live during the endless changes, suffer pain recognition for what would be a Ukrainian artist all life to go Blade, die and resurrect. Surviving three changes of regime, revolution, war, two famines, the struggle of an independent art, the Soviet press was accused of bourgeois formalism but he was not broken by the system, and remained independent in the works, plastic figurative and picturesque language. He graduated from a thorny path in the age of 88 (10 October 1996) to free Ukraine, where he was recognized for life, which unfortunately did not happen with many outstanding sons of Ukraine
Mykola Samokysh or Samokish (Микола Самокиш)
(1860,Nizhyn, Chernihiv Region,Ukraine - 1964, Simferopol, the Crimea,Ukraine).During his studies at St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1879 - 1885) he belonged to the Ukrainian group of artists (S. Vasilkovsky, P. Martinovich, O. Slastion) who set out to recreate historical events and national peculiarities of life and the life of Ukrainian people. In 1886 - 1889 years studied in Paris. Returning from abroad, painted several paintings for Tyflis military-historical museum.In 1894 - 1917's led the battle of Petersburg Academy workshop (from 1913 was a professor and full member). From 1919 he lived in the Crimea. In 1938 the head of battle and historical workshopsat Kharkiv and Kyiv Art Institute.
Halyna Myroslava Jump
Галина Мирослава Стрибок
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Author-Info: Mariusz Paździora
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Authentic Hutsul Music from the Ukrainian Carpathians, Roman Kumlyk
Roman Kumlyk, a brilliant folk musician is able to play up to 18 different instruments. We were listening his great skills with several of his instruments, in the video you can see 4 of them.
Some of the instruments I had never seen them before. Roman Kumlyk's museum-house is in the Verkhovyna town (Ivano-Frankivsk region, western Ukraine).
Smooth Sailing (with Guitar) by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
1. UZHGOROD CASTLE,ZACARPATSKA 48°37'17.40N 22°18'24.14E
2. ST.BASIL CHURCH,KIEV 50°27'27.98N 30°30'20.95E
3. ORGAN HALL,RIVNE 50°37'11.32N 26°14'26.01E
4. CHURCH,SJEVJERODONETSK 48°56'35.09N 38°30'46.11E
5. BOLDIN MOUNTAIN,CHERNIHIV 51°28'47.16N 31°17'11.93E
6. BELL TOWER& ARMENIAN CATHEDRAL,LVIV 49°50'35.90N 24° 1'50.87E
7. ST.GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL,KIEV 50°26'17.09N 30°29'10.99E
8. ZBARAZH CASTLE,ZBARAZH 49°39'48.41N 25°47'7.12E
48°28'11.52N 35° 2'4.57E
10. DEFENSE OF SEVASTOPOL 44°35'43.68N 33°31'24.15E
11. ST.CATHERINE CHURCH,CHERNIHIV 51°29'13.71N 31°18'19.32E
12. CATHEDRAL,DONETSK 48° 0'45.60N 37°48'5.42E
13. PEOPLE'S FRIENDSHIP ARCH,KIEV 50°27'16.24N 30°31'48.19E
14. ART MUSEUM&CHURCH,UZHHOROD 48°37'30.22N 22°17'45.66E
15. ST.MICHAEL'S CATHEDRAL,CHERKASY 49°26'3.00N 32° 3'31.83E
16. 200th ANNIVERSARY OF SEVASTOPOL 44°34'40.46N 33°33'50.48E
17. MUSEUM,LVIV 49°50'22.02N 24° 2'13.12E
51°28'38.09N 31°16'50.06E
19. POKROVSKY SOBOR,RIVNE 50°37'4.08N 26°15'57.87E
20. KIEV FORTRESS,KYIV 50°26'1.84N 30°31'40.86E
21. BUCHACH CASTLE,ZAMKOVA 49° 3'35.33N 25°23'29.71E
22. LIBERATORS MEMORIAL,KUIBYSHEVE 46°38'13.48N 32°37'56.50E
50°26'14.55N 30°33'17.31E
24. VLADIMIR CATHEDRAL,SEVASTOPOL 44°36'37.39N 33°31'24.81E
25. MAGISTRATE,ZHITOMIR 50°15'11.99N 28°39'9.93E
26. LIVADIA PALACE,CRIMEA 44°28'3.87N 34° 8'36.94E
Народний весільний обряд з Тернопільщини
Народний весільний обряд села Дністрове на Тернопільщині (Wedding ceremony from Dnistrove in Ternopil region)
Національний центр народної культури Музей Івана Гончара, 23 вересня 2011 р. (The National Center of Folk Culture Ivan Honchar Museum, September 23, 2011)
Народний аматорський обрядово-фольклорний ансамбль Дністряни (керівник О.Кривецька) та дитячий фольклорно-етнографічний ансамбль Дзумбалик (керівник Л.Синовіцька) з с.Дністрове Борщівського р-ну Тернопільської обл. разом з ансамблем Троїсті музики (керівник В.Дудка) з м.Мельниця-Подільська показували головні обрядові моменти традиційного весілля свого краю.
Amateur ritual-folk ensemble Dnistryany (director A. Kryvetska) and children's folklore-ethnographic ensemble Dzumbalyk (leader L. Synovitska) from s.Dnistrove Borschiv district, Ternopil region, together with the ensemble Trojista muzyka (director V. Dudka) from Melnytsya-Podilska showed major traditional wedding ritual moments of his land.
Мамина Сорочка (Prelude 2) Mamyna Sorochka * Sunday, May 4, 2014
[ ]
Presentation of historical and regional embroidered shirts of Ukraine
Sunday, May 4, 2014. St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre. Oakville, Ontario.
Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada
Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch and Kniahynia Olha Branch. St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral.
The Ethnographic Regions of Ukraine Represented by our Sorochky
With sincere thanks, please send donations to:
Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Ontario Branch
Kniahynia Olha Branch
St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
620 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2H4
Phone: 416-923-3318
Festive linen sorochka from the Rivnе Oblast. Purchased as part of a complete Polissia
costume from Yevhen Kurdydyk, Toronto.
Symphony in C Major
Maksym Berezovsky (1745-1777) Born in the city of Hlukhiv, in today's Sumy Oblast.
Hemp sorochka. Donated by Uliana Dychok, Toronto.
Sonata for Harpsichord in C Major
Dmytro Bortnyansky (1751-1825) Born in the city of Hlukhiv, in today's Sumy Oblast.
a. Yavoriv area
Festive linen sorochka from the village of Tsetulia in the Lviv Oblast. Purchased from Yevhen Kurdydyk, Toronto.
b. Sokal area
Festive linen sorochka from the Lviv Oblast.
Piano Concerto
Dmytro Bortnyansky (1751-1825) Born in the city of Hlukhiv, in today's Sumy Oblast.
Boyko Region
Festive linen sorochka from the village of Chertizh in the Zhydachiv Rayon of the Lviv Oblast. Purchased by the Lesia Ukrainka Branch of U.W.A.C. from Yevhen Kurdydyk, Toronto.
Waltz for Piano
Lev Revutsky (1889-1977) Born in Irzhavets, in today's Chernihiv Oblast.
Lemko Region
Festive cotton sorochka from the Zakarpattia Oblast. Donated by Mrs. M. Davidowich, Brantford.
Concerto-Symphony in B-Flat Major
Dmytro Bortnyansky (1751-1825) Born in the city of Hlukhiv, in today's Sumy Oblast.
Festive linen sorochka from the Zakarpattia Oblast. Purchased from Tamara Koszarny, Toronto.
Second Ukrainian Rhapsody, Dumka-Shumka
Mykola Lysenko (1842-1912) Born in Hrynky, in today's Poltava Oblast.
Hutsul Region
Festive linen sorochka from the village of Verbovets in the Kosiv Rayon of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast.
For String Orchestra, In the Mountains
Mykola Kolessa (1903-2006) Born in Sambir, in today's Lviv Oblast.
Festive linen sorochka from the village of Roztoky in the Putylа Rayon of the Chernivtsi Oblast.
Quintet in C Major, Allegro Moderato
Dmytro Bortnyansky (1751-1825) Born in the city of Hlukhiv, in today's Sumy Oblast.
Festive linen shirt from the Borshchiv Rayon of the Ternopil Oblast. Owned by artist Ariadna Shumovsky (Shum) Stebelsky. Purchased from daughter Raina Stebelsky,
Ukrainian Suite, No. 1 Prelude in G Minor
Mykola Lysenko (1842-1912) Born in Hrynky, in today's Poltava Oblast.
Festive linen shirt from the village of Soroky in the Horodenka Rayon of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Purchased from Yevhen Kurdydyk.
Symphony No. 2, Allegro Moderato
Mykola Kolessa (1903-2006) Born in Sambir, in today's Lviv Oblast.
Sloboda Region
Linen sorochka from the Kharkiv Oblast. Brought to Canada by the poet Stepan Sapeliak and donated in his name by Oleh Romanyshyn, Toronto.
A Page from an Album
Myroslav Skoryk (1938- ) Born in the city of Lviv, Ukraine.
Black and Azov Sea Regions
Factory-produced cotton sorochka, embroidered in 1908 from the Kryvyi Rih Rayon of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.
Mykola Lysenko (1842-1912) Born in Hrynky, in today's Poltava Oblast.
Central Dnipro Region
a. Kyiv area
Linen sorochka from the Kaharlyк Rayon of the Kyiv Oblast. Donated by Nadia Schulha, London.
b. Cherkasy area
Linen sorochka from the Cherkasy Oblast. Donated by Bohdan Mykytiuk, Toronto.
c. Poltava area
Festive linen sorochka from the Poltava area. Purchased as part of a complete Poltava costume from Tamara Koszarny, Toronto.
Melody Myroslav Skoryk (1938- ) Born in the city of Lviv, Ukraine.
Performed by Vera Zmiyiwsky, violin and Andrei Dmytrovych, piano.
Uzhgorod Ukraine
Uzhgorod is a city in western Ukraine. Medieval Uzhgorod Castle is home to the Museum of Regional History, with artifacts from the 14th–20th centuries including coins and weapons. The open-air Museum of Folk Architecture and Life features reconstructed traditional buildings with folk art.
Степан Вербещук, роспись на стенах в интерьере
Всё, что здесь показано на видео, нарисовано художником на белой стене: и полочки, и кухонная утварь, и кирпичные стены, и ниши со свечами и ключами... Шкаф 18 века отреставрирован и расписан.
Информация о художнике:
Stepan Verbeshchuk was born in the picturesque town of Yasinya in Transcarpathia, in April 1959. He began to paint at the age of 4. At school he often drew friendly caricatures on classmates and teachers.
In 1976 he was graduated from high school. Then, he served in the Northern Fleet in the city of Murmansk from 1977 to 1979. From 1979 to 1985 Stepan was a student at Kiev Architecture and Construction Institute, specializing in architecture. He took courses of pattern and design from the known Ukrainian artists A. Gorbenko and Y. Himich there.
After graduation Stepan worked briefly as chief architect in the town of Nosovka, Chernigov region. From 1987 to 1989 he worked as a senior painter in the arts workshops of Chernigov artistic design company.
During three years he was engaged in wood carving and painting icons in the Our Saviour Transfiguration Cathedral and St Nicholas Church, now the belfry, in the town of Priluki. He began to pay more attention to the oil painting itself in 1987. He’s also very good in pen-and-ink drawings and graphics. The majority of his works radiate warm feelings, kindness, optimism and positive attitude to life.
Stepan Verbeshchuk collaborates with the galleries such as “Boyko-art”, “PR-group Mamma-Art” (Kiev), “Art Gallery of the Ukrainian Artists” (Ternopil). He is a member of the Union of Kiev Artists. He took part in joint exhibitions of Kiev artists in the Ukrainian House, the House of the Architects and Museum of Books in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.
Two solo exhibitions of his oil paintings took place in Priluki in 2009 and 2014, and pen-and-ink drawings and graphics were exhibited at the solo exhibition in November 2014. He was awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, signed by Anatoliy Kinakh and Boris Oliynyk.
He is listed in the reference book “United Artists Rating” published in Saint Petersburg in 2002. His works belong to the private collections in Austria, England, Italy, France, Russia, USA, Canada, Poland, Germany, Israel, China, Slovenia, the Philippines and other countries of the world. 6 of his paintings are exhibited in the Donetsk Art Museum.
Since 2013, Stepan Verbeshchuk is cooperating with the publishing house “Master Class”, specializing in the children books, and participating in the project “Children's art gallery”. Two books with illustrations by the artist have been published since – “Brownie Meletiy’s Sunny Days”, in which fairy tales were written specifically after the paintings, and the second one with illustrations to the stories by Valentina Kostio, “The Feeling of Happiness”. The third book with illustrations by Stepan Verbeshchuk – “Janitors’ House” – is set to be published in 2015.
It is possible to look at works of the artist on Facebook on the Мир сказок и реальностей Степана Вербещука page. It is possible to call the artist +38 066 291 78 70
Old Jewish cemetery in Belilovka, Ukraine
HalynaMyroslavaOne-celled World/ ГалинаМирослава Одноклітинність
Thanks to Mykhailo Boichuk (Mykhaylo Boychuk).
Boichuk, Mykhailo [Bojčuk, Myxajlo], b 30 October 1882 in Romanivka, Ternopil county, d 13 July 1937 in Kyiv. Influential Ukrainian modernist painter, graphic artist, and teacher. Boichuk studied at Yuliian Pankevych's art studio in Lviv (1898), a private art school in Vienna (1899), and the Cracow Academy of Arts (1899--1905). He continued his studies at the Munich and Vienna academies of art and exhibited his works at the Latour Gallery in Lviv in 1905 and in Munich in 1907. While living in Paris (1907--10), Boichuk visited the Académie Ranson and P. Sérusier's studio, and, in 1909, he founded his own studio-school, at which his future wife Sofiia Nalepinska, Mykola Kasperovych, S. Baudouin de Courtenay, S. Segno, J. Lewakowska, O. Shaginian, and H. Szramm studied. That year Boichuk participated in exhibitions of the Salon d'Automne, and in 1910 he and his students held an exhibition at the Salon des Indépendants on the theme of the revival of Byzantine art. In 1910 he also traveled to Italy with Nalepinska and Kasperovych.
After that Boichuk worked as a monumentalist and restorer for the National Museum in Lviv, where he was able to save numerous 15th- and 16th-century icons. In 1911 he visited Kyiv, Saint Petersburg, Novgorod the Great, and Moscow. He painted the murals in the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Lemeshi near Chernihiv and directed the restoration of an iconostasis in Kozelets (1912--14). In 1914 he was interned by the tsarist authorities because he was an Austro-Hungarian subject.
After the Revolution of 1917 Boichuk lived in Kyiv. There he became a founding professor of the Ukrainian State Academy of Arts (later the Kyiv Art Institute), taught monumental art at the academy, and was briefly its rector. In 1925 he was one of the founders of the Association of Revolutionary Art of Ukraine (ARMU). He visited Germany and France (1926--27). Boichuk formed a school of monumental painting, which continued to develop in Ukraine into the 1930s. He directed a group of artists who contributed monumental paintings and designs to revolutionary celebrations, agit-trains and agit-ships, and the interiors of the Kyiv Theater of Opera and Ballet during the First Congress of Regional Executive Committees (1919), the Kharkiv Opera Theater for the Fifth All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets (1921), the Ukrainian SSR's pavillion at the First All-Russian Cottage Industry and Agriculture Exhibition in Moscow, and the Kyiv Co-operative Institute (1923).
In collaboration with his students, Boichuk created ensembles featuring monumental paintings on contemporary subjects at the Lutsk Army Barracks in Kyiv (1919), the Peasant Sanatorium in Odesa (1927-- 8), and the Kharkiv Chervonozavodskyi Ukrainian Drama Theater (frescoes, 1933--5), working at the latter in the then compulsory style of socialist realism. He was arrested by the NKVD in November 1936 on the charge of being an 'agent of the Vatican,' interrogated and tortured, and shot on the same day as his two leading students, Ivan Padalka and Vasyl Sedliar. Four months later his wife was also shot.
The works of Boichuk and his school—which included his brother Tymofii Boichuk, Padalka, Sedliar, Nalepinska, Kasperovych, Oksana Pavlenko, Antonina Ivanova, Mykola Rokytsky, Kateryna Borodina, Oleksandr Myzin, Kyrylo Hvozdyk, Pavlo Ivanchenko, Serhii Kolos, Okhrym Kravchenko, Hryhorii Dovzhenko, Onufrii Biziukov, Mariia Kotliarevska, Ivan Lypkivsky, Vira Bura-Matsapura, Yaroslava Muzyka, Oleksandr Ruban, Olena Sakhnovska, Manuil Shekhtman, Mariia Trubetska, Kostiantyn Yeleva, and Mariia Yunak—are an important contribution to Ukrainian and world art.
While in Paris at the end of the 1910s, Boichuk witnessed the birth of modern art and attempted to blend it with aspects of the Ukrainian tradition, developing a style of simplified monumental forms. In his compositions, surfaces are rhythmically integrated with lines. This style became known as Boichukism. Its followers made up a dominant part of the membership of ARMU, which was often attacked by official critics for 'formalism,' 'bourgeois nationalism,' and focusing on the countryside. After ARMU was disbanded and Boichuk was executed, most of his frescoes and paintings were destroyed.
Ukraine - Cultural Influences (Ukrainians)
MAPS - Major influences of various cultures in the environment of Ukrainians - ІСТОРИЧНІ ШЛЯХИ ФОРМУВАННЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ ...
EUROPE - Ukraine (former Kyivan Rus' / Kievan Rus') borders the Russian Federation to the east and northeast, Belarus to the northwest, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest, and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south and southeast, respectively. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after the Russian Federation.
Historia Ukrainy (z napisami i tłumaczeniem)
o Krymie:
39:43 Kozacy pomogli Rosji wygrać Krym z Turcji
56:55 Donbass 2:16:28 Krym zostaje przeniesiony na Ukrainę
o Rosji 12:46 / 31:16
???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????: 1:47:38
NARODZINY NARODU (2008) Jerzy Hoffman
1:34 Kijów (401-500)
2:16 Bizancjum (330-1453)
2:45 Księżniczka Olga (890 - 969) akceptuje chrześcijaństwo
3:28 Chersonese
4:06 Wołodymyr Wielki (958 - 1015)
4:29 Jarosław Mądry (978-1054)
4:39 Katedra Św. Zofii (1100)
5:31 Anna - królowa Francji (1030-1075)
18:41 Vladimir Monomakh (1053-1125)
7:20 Yu Dolgoruky (1099-1157)
7:26 Moskwa
7:37 Mongołowie
10:16 Księstwo Gal-Vol lub Królestwo Rosji
10:49 Lwów
Termin MALOROSCIA: początek XIV wieku
12:37 Iwan III Grozny (1440-1505)
12:46 Mit o Rosji
13:07 Krym
13:53 Roksolana (1502 - 1558)
15:20 Polskie pańszczyzna
17:14 Zaporizhzhya Sich
18:33 UKR zmienia nazwę RUS
18:40 Kozak
20:15 Brest Union
20:18 Unici - wschodni katolicy Kościoła
21:08 Hetman Sagaidachny (1570 - 1622)
23:05 Prawosławie
23:28 Jestem Vishnevetsky (1612 - 1651)
23:31 Katolicyzm
24:54 B Chmielnicki (1595 - 1657)
30:04 Perejasław Rada 1654
34:39 I Mazepa (1639 - 1709)
37:06 Bitwa pod Połtawą (1709)
40:11 Sycz w Zaporożu (1552-1709)
40:27 Solovki
- Rewolucja Franza (1789)
48:18 jest zabronione przez Kościół greckokatolicki
48:49 Uniwersytet Kijowski (1833)
50:55 T. Shevchenko (1814 - 1861) (47 lat)
54:57 niebiesko-żółta flaga
55:45 Bractwo Cyryla i Metodego
56:32 ruch wyzwolenia narodowego
56:55 Krymska wojna (1853-1856)
57:07 Aleksander II (1818 - 1881) znosi poddaństwo
57:26 Donieck (1868)
58:56 Zielony klin
59:23 W Antonowiczu (1834 - 1908)
59:28 M Drahomanov (1841-1895)
1:00:42 L Ukrainka (1871 - 1913) (42 lata)
1:02:13 NTSh (1873)
1:11:03 M Grushevsky
1:03:27 I Franco (1856 - 1916)
1:04:22 Historia Ukr-Rus
1:04:49 Metropolitan A Sheptytsky (1865 - 1944) świadomość narodowa na emigracji
1:06:31 Pierwsza wojna światowa z 1914 roku
1:07:32 Dontsov (1883 - 1973)
1:07:57 (1914) Rosyjska okupacja
1:11:24 Z Petliurą
1:11:24 Zah-ukr Nara Response ZUNR
1:19:27 Ukr Galicyjska Armia
1:30:48 Ros. głód (1921)
1:41:21 HOLODOMOR (1932-1933) 11 000 000 ofiar
1:45:55 (1937-1938) zostały wykonane aresztowania - Gułag
1:46:54 niszczenie ukr ident
1:49:11 Ukr Sojusz Narodów Demokratycznych (UNDO)
1:42:20 Strzelec Ukr Sich
1:50:49 (UFO) Ukr Army Org (Praga) Istnieją Konovalety
1:51:19 D Dontsov - ideolog z ukr. nacjonalizm
1:52:00 (młodzież) UWO jest członkiem -: Org Ukr Nat (OUN)
1:52:52 (w Polsce w 1933 r.) Wraz z Banderą zostaje szefem OUN
1:55:03 I Wołoszyn
1:55:27 Upadek Karpaty-Ukrainy dzieli OUN na dwie frakcje: Melnikovtsev i Banderivtsi 1:56:11
Druga wojna światowa (1939-1945)
1:59:17 ślady NKWD - Batalion Nachtigall (słowika-Bandera) 1:51:43 Niezależny Ukr. Państwo
1:44:50 Bandera (1909 - 1959)
1:53:42 Babin Yar
1:55:40 Wojna partyzancka
1:44:01 Organizacja nacjonalistów Ukr (OUN)
1:57:42 Roman Szuachewicz
1:58:37 Wołyń
1:58:57 UPA - Ukraińska Armia Powstańcza
2:00:04 czystki etniczne (1943)
2:02:32 SS Dywizja Galicyjska
1:39:56 RUSIN zmienia termin ukraiński
2:06:14 Gułag 2:06:31 Jałta
2:10:30 Operacja Wisła
2:12:00 Anulowanie Kościoła greckokatolickiego
1:49:25 aneksja Zach Ukr
2:16:33 Powrót Krymu na Ukrainę
2:18:25 Odwilż (1950-1960)
2:30:09 (26 kwietnia 1986) - Katastrofa w Czarnobylu
2:35:30 Ruch
2:37:29 (1991) Niezależność
2:50:29 Pomarańczowa rewolucja (2004)
Jews, Ukrainians, and Sheepskin coats (кожушанка) in Galicia
Preview of remarks by Dr. Martin Pollack, “The Myth of Galicia”, presented at the The Eleventh Annual Wolodymyr Dylynsky Memorial Lecture, St. Vladimir Institute, Toronto, Canada, 9 March 2016.
Dr. Pollack in an Austrian journalist, writer, and German-language translator of Polish authors. A former correspondent of Der Spiegel in Vienna and Warsaw, he is the author or editor of 15 books and the recipient of 12 awards. Much of Dr. Pollack’s writing concerns history in twentieth-century Poland and Ukraine and current events in those countries. Three of his books have been published in Ukrainian translation, and one is forthcoming.
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