Tervasaari, Helsinki - Tar Island, Helsinki Finland. Drone footage.
Green oasis of Helsinki, Tervasaari (Tar Island)..
Tervasaari was a storage island for tar around 1600-century. The tar had to be storaged away from accomodations because of it's fire-sensitivity. Today it's a beautiful place to walk and relax. There is located a restaurant Savu, dog park and a playground for kids.
Reima Cities Helsinki, Tervasaari Island
Helsinki, the quickly-evolving capital of Finland, is shaped by the four seasons and the presence of the sea. With its compact downtown area, Helsinki has countless places that offer families a quick and easy break from the city routine. Nature is an important part of both the city landscape and surrounding areas and public transportation works efficiently, so it’s well worth it to venture out of the city, too.
Reima Cities brings together local influencers' insight about the best places to play in. See the city through their eyes.
Pihlajasaari Island with a Local
Visit Pihlajasaari Island only 10 minutes ferry ride away from southern Helsinki during your Day With A Local!
RETKELLÄ-sarjassa lähimatkaillaan ja kurkistetaan erilaisiin retkikohteisiin. Meillä on ollut vielä yksi keskeinen saarikohde Helsingin keskustan tuntumassa käymättä - nimittäin Tervasaari Kruununhaassa. Kävimme nyt viimein tutustumassa saareen!
Tervetuloa mukaan seuraamaan seikkailujamme! Uusia videoita julkaistaan kanavalla joka viikko. Toivottavasti viihdyt matkassamme! :)
There are English subtitles available for non-Finnish speakers!
RETKELLÄ -video series handle Finnish nature and its travel and hiking destinations. We still hadn't visited one of Helsinki city centre's islands - Tervasaari at Kruununhaka. Now we finally did a day trip there!
Welcome to follow our adventures! New video every week on the channel. Hope you enjoy! :)
IF YOU LIKED, please click THUMBS UP and SUBSCRIBE my channel ( ! ♥
Helsinki, the quickly-evolving capital of Finland, is shaped by the four seasons and the presence of the sea. With its compact downtown area, Helsinki has countless places that offer families a quick and easy break from the city routine. Nature is an important part of both the city landscape and surrounding areas and public transportation works efficiently, so it’s well worth it to venture out of the city, too.
Reima Cities brings together local influencers' insight about the best places to play in. See the city through their eyes.
Helsinki Tour: Kaivopuisto HD
Kesäinen Kaivari
Music: New Dawn - Bensound.com Deep Blue - Bensound.com
First fly with DJI Phantom 3 Standard drone. Midsummer view in Finland
Cool view. Drone. Phantom 3 Standard.
RETKELLÄ-sarjassa lähimatkaillaan ja kurkistetaan erilaisiin retkikohteisiin. Tällä kertaa vierailimme aurinkoisessa Uunisaaressa aivan Helsingin keskustan tuntumassa ja piipahdimme samalla myös Liuskasaaren puolella. Mukava päiväretkikohde!
Tervetuloa mukaan seuraamaan seikkailujamme! Uusia videoita julkaistaan kanavalla joka viikko. Toivottavasti viihdyt matkassamme! :)
There are English subtitles available for non-Finnish speakers!
RETKELLÄ -video series handle Finnish nature and its travel and hiking destinations. This time we visited at the sunny islands of Uunisaari and Liuskasaari, which are situated close to the city centre of Helsinki. Brilliant destination for a day trip in Helsinki!
Welcome to follow our adventures! New video every week on the channel. Hope you enjoy! :)
IF YOU LIKED, please click THUMBS UP and SUBSCRIBE my channel ( ! ♥
Lapland is Finland’s northernmost region, a sparsely populated area bordering Sweden, Norway, Russia and the Baltic Sea. It’s known for its vast subarctic wilderness, ski resorts and natural phenomena including the midnight sun and the Northern Lights. Capital Rovaniemi is the gateway to the region. The homeland of the indigenous Sami people, which extends into neighboring countries, centers on the far north.
VLOG - Finland 2017, Day 3 - Pihlajasaari
All videos ►
Shelttiriehat Rajasaaresssa 11.7.2015
Joukko pääkaupunkialueen shelttejä tapasi Rajasaaren koirapuistossa 11.7.2015.
Island for Dogs in Helsinki
Hissivideo: Merikasarminkatu 12F, Katajanokka, Helsinki - 1981 Otis Bitsa (manuaaliovinen)
KorsoTV:n ensimmäinen Otis Bitsa -hissi.
Hissin tiedot:
Sijainti: Merikasarminkatu 12F, Helsinki Valmistaja: Otis Malli: Otis Bitsa Valmistusvuosi: 1981 Kerrosten määrä: 6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Tyyppi: Köysihissi (traction) Sallittu kuormitus: 4 henkilöä tai 320 kg Merkinantolaitteet: Otis LM Sarjanumero: 38 NEO 465 Kuvauspäivä: 4.5.2019 Kuvattu FinnishElevatorFilmer2004:n ja kaakkuri86:n kanssa.
Koirapuisto vappuna 2016. Helsingin kaupungin saari, jossa koirat voivat juoksennella vapaana.
Helsinki A dog's paradise
Reima Cities Helsinki, Skatepark
Helsinki, the quickly-evolving capital of Finland, is shaped by the four seasons and the presence of the sea. With its compact downtown area, Helsinki has countless places that offer families a quick and easy break from the city routine. Nature is an important part of both the city landscape and surrounding areas and public transportation works efficiently, so it’s well worth it to venture out of the city, too.
Reima Cities brings together local influencers' insight about the best places to play in. See the city through their eyes.
Hamina Old Town, Finland.
(ENG) Hamina - a fortified circular town. Hamina is a town on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. It is located approximately 145 km east of the country's capital Helsinki, in the Kymenlaakso region, and formerly the province of Southern Finland.
(RUS) Хамина – город на берегу Финского залива в провинции Кюменлааксо, что на юге Финляндии недалеко от российской границы. За свою нелёгкую историю, по итогам военных действий во время Русско-шведских войн, Хамина был, то по одну, то по другую сторону государственных границ Шведского королевства и Российской империи. Читай больше о Хамине на страницах туристического блога о Финляндии:
#Hamina #Kymenlaakso #Suomi #Finland #Finnloma
Verano en Helsinki - TERVASAARI
Isla de Tervasaari - 1 8 2014
Tervasaari es una isla conectada con el barrio de Kruunuhaka y abierta al publico desde el 1970.
En la isla pueden encontrar un restaurante, un parque infantil, parque para perros, presentación y espacio para eventos, así como el muelle para lavar alfombras. Fue renovada en los anos 90'
Music by Daleph 2003
Finnish wind power sets sail for new markets
Maritime transport emits around 1 billion tonnes of CO2 each year, which represents around 2.5 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. With the help of the Enterprise Europe Network, a Finnish SME was able to enhance its clean energy solution and help big freighters become greener and more efficient.
Allas Sea Pool -merikylpylä
Allas Sea Pool -merikylpylän altaat ja saunat tarjoaa Helsingin Katajanokalla uusia tapoja nauttia Itämerestä kaupungin keskeisimmällä paikalla ympäri vuoden. Lisää yleisiä saunoja osoitteessa: