160. Ancient rock paintings of Astuvansalmi
Let's walk to the ancient Astuvansalmi rock paintings cliff. See this newly found majestic Finnish rock formation with some altamirish and ayerish vibrations. Being there gives a vague Stargate feeling, touch of time travel, maybe a SCIFI portal. Water front reveals a new aspect. Sailors can see a human face profile, not a Phantom's cave... but a touch of ancient legend. Maybe Antero Vipunen from Kalevala mythology. Spooky indeed. A painted red hand is there, and elks of course! Boats and figures. Please note especially the female huntress with her bow. Female warriors or hunters are quite rare. Enjoy this ancient visualisation immortalised in Ristiina, Finland. The water level was much higher so these were painted from boat or ice. Please check Internet for more details.
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See Wikipedia for more info
Original video shots using compact P520, AW1 and P300 cameras. Trimmed 25fps to 30fps with ViewNX2 for iMac. Finalised snippets using Short Movie Creator. Music and stabilisation using YouTube tools. Shooting day was 25th July, 2014.
Astuvansalmi Rock Paintings
Muinaiset kuvat kalliossa vievät meidät kauas esihistoriaan.Kuin valtava noitarumpu, ajan peili menneisyyteen. Hirviä, miehiä, naisia,
shamaaneja, karhu, majava.
Astuvansalmi Rock Paintings
The Astuvansalmi rock paintings (Finnish: Astuvansalmen kalliomaalaukset) are located in Ristiina, Mikkeli, Southern Savonia, Finland at the shores of the lake Yövesi, which is a part of the large lake Saimaa. The paintings are 7.7 to 11.8 metres above the water-level of lake Saimaa. The lake level was much higher at the time the rock paintings were made. There are about 70 paintings in the area.
The rock where the paintings are located looks like a human head, the form especially visible during wintertime when viewed from the ice of the lake. The rock has presumably been some kind of a cult or ceremony site. The images of elk in Finnish rock paintings may be related to ‘animal ceremonialism’, whereupon the continuity of the hunted species is guaranteed by a ritual in which the animal is sent back to its ‘owner’.
The oldest paintings were made about 3000–2500 BC. They are located at the highest level (about 11 metres). The water level changed rapidly (about 2.5 metres) with the landslide of Vuoksi. Later on the level slowly went down 8 metres to its present level. All the later paintings were made from boats during the different historical water-levels.
The rock that sheltered Astuvansalmi paintings from erosion.
Other archeological artefacts have been found on the site, at the bottom of the lake, among them small amber statuettes of old gods (Ukko and Akka). Some animal jewellery was also found, one showing a bear head. The jewellery and statuettes refer to some religious ceremonies held on the site.
Arrowheads have also been found, dated to 2200–1800 BC and 1300–500 BC.
Stone age settlements from about 3300–2800 BC have been found near Astuvansalmi in Heiniemi.
The Astuvansalmi rock paintings contain the following pictures: 18 to 20 elk, about as many human figures, tens of hands and animal tracks, 8 to 9 boats, and geometrical figures and pictures that are thought to show a fish and a dog.
The paintings could have a link to the Siberian and North European shamanistic tradition, where the sun was thought to be a deer or an elk running through the sky. The Lapps (or Sami people) also had a belief that the sun was a running Cosmic Sun-Reindeer. The people in the paintings were the shamans, who had a contact with the spirit world through trance with their drumming and songs. Shamanism is the oldest cultural tradition of Finland and the North. It has been actively present already in the Paleolithic age.
The elk has traditionally been a very important prey for the people of the north. The elk has also meant the Center of the Universe. Some of the eighteen elk of Astuvansalmi have dots on their heart. All except one is looking west. Some are moving and some are standing.
The boat was an important means of transport in the lake regions of prehistoric Finland. Big boats of skin and wood were already being made before the Vikings started making their big ships. The boats were quite similar to the North American Indian models.
A woman figure with a bow – the Tellervo of Astuva – a rarity among the rock paintings.
The human figures are both shamans and spirits, who are connected with hunting ceremonies. The human figures could also have meant the people who drew them. The rare woman figure holding a bow in her hand is thought to show the mythic Tellervo, a goddess from the Kalevala mythology, who is thought to be the progenitor of the human race.
First snow. Hiking to Astuvansalmi rock paintings
The rock paintings are located in Ristiina, Finland.
The oldest paintings were made about 3000–2500 BC.
esittäjän Audionautix kappale Antarctica on suojattu lisenssillä Creative Commons Attribution (
Finnish Rock Paintings
Take a little journey to Lake Saimaa and the ancient rock paintings of Astuvansalmi at Ristiina in Finland (nominated as a UNESCO site I received a 2006 Finlandia Foundation grant to visit and take photos, one of which ended up as the cover of my collection DREAM BOOK out from Fox Spirit Books on 1 May 2015. The background music is me playing an impromptu on my five string kantele, Little My. The kantele is the traditional folk instrument of Finland.
Visit kalaity.com and foxspirit.co.uk for more information!
Midsummer Pökkäänlahti Ristiina 2012
Midsummer landscape from Pökkäänlahti in Ristiina, Finland. Ristiina is a municipality near the city of Mikkeli. Ristiina is known of the Astuvansalmi rock paintings. For more information please visit
Dancing Rays of Sun - Midsummer in Suurlahti, Ristiina 2012
A beautiful video from Suurlahti, Ristiina in Finland. When You look at the rays of sun, You can imagine that they are dancing. Ristiina is a municipality near the city of Mikkeli. Ristiina is known of the Astuvansalmi rock paintings. For more information please visit
Video by: Juha Miettinen
Midsummer Night in Suurlahti, Ristiina, Finland 2012
Midsummer Night in Suurlahti Ristiina, Finland. This video was taken at 1:10a.m. Ristiina is a municipality near the city of Mikkeli. Ristiina is known of the Astuvansalmi rock paintings. For more information please visit
Maaseudun rauhaa...
#09 KALLIOMAALAUKSIA - Astuvansalmen Kalliomaalaukset
Twitter: @BADISkettu
Outro: JPB & MYRNE - Feels Right (ft. Yung Fusion) [NCS Release]
Yung Fusion:
Astuvansalmi by Anton
Boat trip with Anton, Pada, Nikke and Emppu.
Kolmiköytisienvuoren kalliomaalaus
Ruokolahden Kolmiköytisienvuoren kalliomaalaus
Puumalantieltä esim. reittiä
Karjalantie - Patotie - Kaljaniementie - Salosaarentie - Äitsaarentie - Savilahdentie - Sopalantie - Kirjamoinniementie
ja polkua n. 500m maalaukselle
Kalliossa kädenjälki.mov
Suomen esihistoriallisia kalliomaalauksia, Prehistoric Rock Paintings in Finland
Pyhänpään kalliomaalauksilla
Täällä voi aistia kaikuja menneisyydestä. Maalaukset on tehty 6000 - 7000 vuotta sitten.
Kalliomaalaukset -Kuusamo Julma ölkky 2013
Kalliomaalaukset -Kuusamo julma ölkky 2013
YLE Kaakkois-Suomen uutiset 12.9.2008
Toimittaja: Asko Jaakonaho
Cruise to Rock paintings / Crucero a Pinturas rupestres / Croisière aux Peintures rupestres
In English:
The all-day cruise starts onboard of M/S Jaarli from the harbor of Mikkeli cruising on the lake Saimaa. Its culmination is Rock painting of Astuvansalmi in Ristiina. The cruise includes also a short show of Astuvansalmi Amazons and the lunch in front of the rock paintings. When on cruise man has possibility to observe our summer cottage life on the shores of Lake Saimaa. Small houses which are on the shore are in fact mainly Saunas. Our summer culture on lakeshores consists two necessities own Sauna and piece of own beach. There people spend their weekends and summer vacations. On the Mikkeli regions there are about 10000 summer cottages.
Landscapes on cruise show how beautiful cliffs can be on shores of Saimaa. Astuvansalmi rock painting consists of about 80 painting. Officially they were found in 1968 by the archaeologist Pekka Sarvas, but local people have found them earlier. Rock paintings present elks, human beings, hands, boats, fishes, dogs, shamans etc. Their age varies from 3300-2500 BC. Rock paintings which are painted with red ochre are high on the bedrock even at the height of 10 meters /38.8 feet from lake level. This means that in historic days water level was much lower. From the lake in front of rock paintings have been found amber jewelries
En español :
El crucero de un día comienza a bordo del M / S Jaarli del puerto de Mikkeli cruciendo por el lago Saimaa. Su culminación son las pinturas rupestres de Astuvansalmi en Ristiina. El crucero incluye también una breve show de Astuvansalmi Amazonas y la comida delante de las pinturas rupestres. Cuando en crucero es posible de observar nuestra vida en casas de campo (verarno) a las orillas del lago Saimaa. Pequeñas casas que están en la orilla son en realidad principalmente Saunas. Nuestra cultura de verano a las orillas de lagos consta dos necesidades: de sauna y un trozo de playa propia. Hay personas que pasan sus fines de semana y las vacaciones de verano. En las regiones Mikkeli hay cerca de 10.000 chaletes de verano.
Paisajes en cruceros muestran a vosotros cómo hermosas rocas a las orillas del Saimaa pueden ser. Pinturas rupestres en Astuvansalmi se componen de alrededor de 80 pinturas. Oficialmente fueron encontrados en 1968 por el arqueólogo Pekka Sarvas, pero la población local las han encontrado antes. Pinturas rupestres presentan alces, seres humanos, manos, barcos, peces, perros, chamanes, etc. Su edad varía entre 3300-2500 antes de Cristo. Pinturas rupestres están pintados con ocre rojo son alto en la base, hasta la altura de 10 metros / 38,8 pies desde el nivel del lago. Esto significa que el nivel de agua en días históricos fue más bajo. Desde el lago frente a las pinturas rupestres se han encontrado joyas de ámbar.
En francais :
La croisière d'une journée commençait à bord du M / S Jaarli du port de Mikkeli faisant la croisière sur le lac Saimaa. Son point culminant sont les peintures d'Astuvansalmi à Ristiina. La croisière comprend également un court spectacle de Amazones d'Astuvansalmi et le déjeuner devant les peintures rupestres. Quand en croisant il est possible d'observer notre vie de chalet d'été sur les rives du lac Saimaa. Petites maisons qui sont sur la rive sont en réalité principalement saunas. Notre culture d'été sur les rives des lacs est composé de deux nécessités: sauna privé et un morceau de sa propre plage.Là les gens passent leur week-ends et les vacances estivales. Sur les régions Mikkeli, il y a environ 10000 chalets d'été.
Paysages de croisière montrent à Vous comment belles falaises peuvent être sur les rives de Saimaa. Astuvansalmi peintures rupestres se composen d'environ 80 peintures. Officiellement, elles ont été trouvés en 1968 par l'archéologue Pekka Sarvas, mais la population locale les ont trouvé plus tôt. Les peintures rupestres présentent des élans, des êtres humains, des mains, des bateaux, des poissons, des chiens, des chamans, etc. Leur âge varie de 3300-2500 av. Les peintures rupestres qui sont peints en l'ocre rouge sont élevées sur le fondement même à la hauteur de 10 mètres / 38,8 pieds du niveau du lac. Cela signifie que le niveau d'eau dans les jours historique était beaucoup plus bas. Du lac en face des peintures rupestres on a trouvé bijoux d'ambre.
Astuvansalmi Ristiina #droneilecom #4K
droneile.com - Ilmakuvauspalvelut
Korkia Island - Ristiina Sailing Club
Film above Korkia Island
61°25.7 N, 27°38.1 E,
Map sheet: L208
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Location: Korkia, Ristiina - Finland
Music: Ross Budgen - Legend of Styk
(Completely free music)
Remember to check out:
Filmed with
Quadcopter: CX-20
Camera: FPVFactory G3
Gimbal: FPV-2- Axis Brushless
Saraakallio - Fennoskandian suurin kalliomaalausseinämä
Laukaan Saraakallio on todennäköisesti Fennoskandian suurin kalliomaalaus ja siitä on tunnistettu noin 200 kuviota tai niiden katkelmaa.