Barbican (Barbakan), Krakow, Poland
[ 3D version: ]
[ Extended version (without music): ]
The Kraków Barbican (Polish: barbakan krakowski) is a barbican – a fortified outpost once connected to the city walls. It is a historic gateway leading into the Old Town of Kraków, Poland. The barbican is one of the few remaining relics of the complex network of fortifications and defensive barriers that once encircled the royal city of Kraków in the south of Poland. It currently serves as a tourist attraction and venue for a variety of exhibitions.
Barbakan Kraków (Barbican, Cracow), Polska (Poland) - Extended Version [HD] (videoturysta)
Wersja poszerzona z dialogami i naturalnymi dźwiękami.
Extended Version with translated dialogs and natural sounds.
[PL] Barbakan jest jednym z elementów, które pozostały po średniowiecznych fortyfikacjach Krakowa. Ta budowla, pochodząca z XV wieku, została stworzona w celu ochrony Bramy Floriańskiej. Jest ona wysuniętą placówką obronną znajdującą się przy Starym Mieście i co za tym idzie, doskonałą bazą wypadową do zwiedzania okolic.
Barbakan, baszty i pozostałości murów obronnych można zwiedzać. Cena biletu normalnego wynosi 8 zł, ulgowego 6 zł.
*** więcej informacji:
[EN] The Barbican is one of the remaining elements of Krakow's medieval fortifications. Dating from the 15th century, it was built to protect the Florian Gate. It is a fortified outpost to the Old Town of Krakow and is a great starting point for a tour of the Old Town.
The Barbican, towers and remains of fortifications can be visited. Normal ticket price is 8 zł, half-price ticket 6 zł.
*** more info:
Barbakan Kraków (Barbican, Cracow), Polska (Poland) [HD] (videoturysta)
[PL] Barbakan jest jednym z elementów, które pozostały po średniowiecznych fortyfikacjach Krakowa. Ta budowla, pochodząca z XV wieku, została stworzona w celu ochrony Bramy Floriańskiej. Jest ona wysuniętą placówką obronną znajdującą się przy Starym Mieście i co za tym idzie, doskonałą bazą wypadową do zwiedzania okolic.
Barbakan, baszty i pozostałości murów obronnych można zwiedzać. Cena biletu normalnego wynosi 8 zł, ulgowego 6 zł.
*** więcej informacji:
[EN] The Barbican is one of the remaining elements of Krakow's medieval fortifications. Dating from the 15th century, it was built to protect the Florian Gate. It is a fortified outpost to the Old Town of Krakow and is a great starting point for a tour of the Old Town.
The Barbican, towers and remains of fortifications can be visited. Normal ticket price is 8 zł, half-price ticket 6 zł.
*** more info:
Extended: Barbican (Barbakan), Krakow, Poland
[ 3D version: ]
[ Short version (with music): ]
The Kraków Barbican (Polish: barbakan krakowski) is a barbican – a fortified outpost once connected to the city walls. It is a historic gateway leading into the Old Town of Kraków, Poland. The barbican is one of the few remaining relics of the complex network of fortifications and defensive barriers that once encircled the royal city of Kraków in the south of Poland. It currently serves as a tourist attraction and venue for a variety of exhibitions.
[3D] Extended: Barbican (Barbakan), Krakow, Poland
[ 2D version: ]
[ Short version (with music): ]
The Kraków Barbican (Polish: barbakan krakowski) is a barbican – a fortified outpost once connected to the city walls. It is a historic gateway leading into the Old Town of Kraków, Poland. The barbican is one of the few remaining relics of the complex network of fortifications and defensive barriers that once encircled the royal city of Kraków in the south of Poland. It currently serves as a tourist attraction and venue for a variety of exhibitions.
Barbakan Party, Krakow, Poland
120 Years of Museum Krakow, Barbakan, Krakow, Poland 2019
【K】Poland Travel-Krakow[폴란드 여행-크라쿠프]700년 된 성벽 요새, 바르바칸/Barbican/Florianska
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동서유럽의 복판에 위치한 폴란드는 외세의 침략이 끊이지 않았던 나라다. 크라쿠프에는 바르바칸이라는 700년 된 희귀한 성벽 요새가 남아있는데 이 같은 요새도 강한 나라의 침략 앞에선 소용이 없었을 것이다. 폴란드는 몽골족 타타르, 독일, 터키, 스웨덴, 러시아 등으로부터 지긋지긋하게 시달리다가 1795년부터 무려 123년 동안은 지도상에서 나라가 없어지는 가혹한 시련을 겪었다. 바르바칸 내부에는 이유를 알 수 없는 돌들이 놓여있었는데 크라쿠프 시민들이 돌을 던져 적의 침입을 막았던 역사를 기리기 위한 것이라고 하니 나는 우리나라의 행주대첩이 생각나 미소가 나왔다. 바르바칸 옆으로는 구시가지로 통하는 문인 프로리안스카 문이 있다. 다른 성문은 거의 부서졌지만 크라쿠프 구시가지의 북쪽 출입구인 프로리안스카 문은 아직도 옛 모습을 간직하고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Poland is located in the heart of east and west European countries with foreign invasion was ending. There would not have been invaded Krakow also avail of a strong front line countries like the fortress walls of the fortress there remains a rare 700 years of the Cannes Barbarez. Poland Mongol Tatars, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Russia and the sick to suffer from the period from 1795 nearly 123 years, the country suffered a severe ordeal is missing on the map. Barbarez Khan was placed inside the stone they do not know why it would do to honor the history of Krakow citizens went just a stone's throw of the enemy invasion smile reminds me of the country I came out of the siege of haengju. Barbarez Khan to the side has the Bookman Pro Adrian Scarborough Girona's old town gates. Other gates are nearly departments, but the north entrance door pro Ryan Scarborough in Krakow's Old Town is still retain the old look.
[Polish: Google Translator]
Polska znajduje się w samym sercu krajach wschodniej i zachodniej inwazji obcych europejskiego z kończyła. Nie byłby najechał Kraków także skorzystać z silnym krajach takich jak linia frontu murów twierdzy twierdzy pozostaje rzadki 700 lat Cannes Barbarez. Polska mongolskie Tatarzy, Niemcy, Turcja, Szwecja, Rosja i chorzy cierpią na okres od 1795 prawie 123 lat, kraj poniósł dotkliwe doświadczenie brakuje na mapie. Barbarez Khan został umieszczony wewnątrz kamienia, że nie wiem, dlaczego to zrobić, aby uczcić historię krakowian poszedł tylko rzut kamieniem z uśmiechem inwazji wroga przypomina mi kraju I wyszedł z oblężenia haengju. Barbarez Khan z boku ma stare bramy miasta w Pro Adrian Scarborough BookMan Gironie. Inne działy bramy są blisko, ale na północ drzwi wejściowe pro Ryan Scarborough w krakowskim Starym Mieście nadal zachować stary wygląd.
■클립명: 유럽119-폴란드01-03 700년 된 성벽 요새, 바르바칸/Barbican/Florianska
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 9월 September
,유럽,Europe,,폴란드,Poland,Polska ,Republic of Poland,현상용,2006,9월 September,크라쿠프,,Krakow,
The Barbican in Krakow
The Barbican is one of the remaining portions of the medieval walls that once surrounded Krakow. Built around 1498, the Barbican protects one of the main gateways into the city. With walls that are almost three meters thick, seven high turrets and over one hundred and thirty windows or loopholes, the Barbican would have been a formidable obstacle for any invading army.
Now visitors can walk around and inside the Barbican and explore all of its the narrow passageways. It is the perfect place for a traveller to begin their tour of this medieval capital of Poland.
The Barbican and the Florian Gate, Kraków
Kraków, Poland, 2009-09-14;
バルバカンとフロリアンスカ門, ポーランド・クラクフ
Barbakan na Starym Mieście w Warszawie, brama na Stare Miasto. Sfilmowany o 13:55 6 maja 2018. The Barbican in Warsaw's Old Town, filmed at 1:55 P.M. on May 6, 2018. The Warsaw Barbican (Polish: barbakan warszawski) is a barbican (semicircular fortified outpost) in Warsaw, Poland, and one of few remaining relics of the complex network of historic fortifications that once encircled Warsaw. Located between the Old and New Towns, it is a major tourist attraction. The barbican was erected in 1540 in place of an older gate to protect Nowomiejska Street. It was designed by Jan Baptist the Venetian, an Italian Renaissance architect who lived and worked in the Mazowsze region of 16th century Poland and was instrumental in the redesign of the 14th-century city walls, which by that time had fallen into disrepair. In the 18th century, the barbican was partially dismantled as its defensive value was negligible, and the city benefited more from a larger gate which facilitated movement of people and goods in and out of the city. In the 19th century, its remains were incorporated into newly built apartment buildings (kamienica). During the interwar period, in 1937–1938, Jan Zachwatowicz reconstructed part of the walls and the western part of the bridge, demolishing one of the newer buildings in the reconstruction process. However, a lack of funds delayed the barbican's planned complete reconstruction, and the 1939 invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany put the plans on hold.
During World War II, particularly the Siege of Warsaw (1939) and the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, the barbican was largely destroyed, as were most of the Old Town's buildings. It was rebuilt after the war, during 1952–1954, on the basis of 17th-century etchings, as the new government decided it would be cheaper to rebuild the barbican and the nearby city walls as a tourist attraction than to rebuild the tenements. In its reconstruction, bricks were used from historic buildings demolished in the cities of Nysa and Wrocław; most of the barbican was rebuilt, save for two exterior gates and the oldest tower on the side of the Old Town. It is currently a popular tourist attraction.
Barbakan w Warszawie – barbakan wzniesiony około 1548 jako element warszawskich murów obronnych – przedbramie Bramy Nowomiejskiej Starego Miasta. Ceglana budowla ma formę wysuniętej przed fosę półokrągło zakończonej dwukondygnacyjnej bastei przejazdowej. Jej projektantem był architekt Jan Baptysta z Wenecji. Na przełomie XVI i XVII została ona zwieńczona renesansową attyką. W XVIII w. barbakan częściowo rozebrano, a w XIX w. jego pozostałości włączono w obręb nowo wybudowanych w jego miejscu kamienic. W latach 1937–1938, pod kierownictwem Jana Zachwatowicza zrekonstruowano fragment murów oraz zachodnią część mostu Barbakanu dzięki wyburzeniu stojącego w tym miejscu domu. Do zburzenia w 1944 w miejscu Barbakanu znajdowała się kamienica Piwnica Gdańska z adresem ul. Nowomiejska 18/20. Podczas oblężenia Warszawy w 1939 oraz powstania warszawskiego cała zabudowa Starówki uległa zniszczeniu. Po wojnie Biuro Odbudowy Stolicy postanowiło nie odbudowywać kamienic okalających dawne mury miejskie. W zamian postanowiono odsłonić ich pozostałości i odbudować Barbakan. Rekonstrukcji dokonano w latach 1952–1954 pod kierownictwem Wacława Podlewskiego na podstawie XVII-wiecznych rycin.
© 2018 RAROTONGA - PAUL ???? The copyright to the content of the movie belongs to me - the author of the movie - I myself filmed it using my HD video camera in Warsaw at 1:55 P.M. on May 6, 2018. ???? ???? ???? ???? ????
Warsaw - at 1:55 P.M. on May 6, 2018. ????
Warschau - um 13:55 am 6. Mai 2018. ????
Warszawa - o 13:55 6 maja 2018. ????????????
Wspomnienia z miejsc niezwykłych - Erinnerungen an ungewöhnliche Orte - Memories from and of unusual places - Spomienky z neobvyklých miest.
Bartłomiej Żmuda, 2010, 22 mins
After a long period of work in Germany, Emil comes back to Poland with high hopes and pockets full of money and wants to rejoin his girlfriend in Kraków. As he travels across the country on a dragging train, he is taken on an emotional rollercoaster ride with a dramatic ending.
Barbakan 360°
Barbakan, zwany Rondlem, należy do najcenniejszych zabytków Krakowa, jest też jednym z nielicznych zachowanych w Europie dzieł architektury obronnej tego typu. Wzniesiony w XV w. w stylu gotyckim, połączony był tak zwaną szyją z bramą Floriańską i otoczony głęboką fosą, z systemem mostów i śluz. Zbudowany został na rzucie koła, z trzema kondygnacjami strzelnic, zwieńczony galerią, nad którą umieszczono siedem wieżyczek. Ma dwie bramy: od Kleparza i od strony murów miejskich. Ta ostatnia powstała w połowie XIX w. w miejscu gotyckiej wieży. W bramie zachodniej (od Kleparza) znajdował się most zwodzony, wsparty na czterech filarach.
Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Krakowa:
Magiczny Kraków:
Eric Clark’s Travel videos - Kraków Poland - Old Town Kraków Poland. What a great square.
Eric Clark’s Travel videos - Kraków Poland - Old Town Kraków Poland. What a great square.
From Wikipedia
Kraków Old Town is the historic central district of Kraków, Poland.[1] It is one of the most famous old districts in Poland today and was the center of Poland's political life from 1038 until King Sigismund III Vasa relocated his court to Warsaw in 1596.
The entire medieval old town is among the first sites chosen for the UNESCO's original World Heritage List, inscribed as Cracow's Historic Centre.[2][3] The old town is also one of Poland's official national Historic Monuments (Pomnik historii) chosen in the first round, as designated September 16, 1994, and tracked by the National Heritage Board of Poland.
The Old Town is known in Polish as Stare Miasto. It is part of the city's first administrative district which is also named Stare Miasto, although it covers a wider area than the Old Town itself.
Medieval Kraków was surrounded by a 1.9 mile (3 km) defensive wall complete with 46 towers and seven main entrances leading through them. The fortifications around the Old Town were erected over the course of two centuries.[4] The current architectural plan of Stare Miasto – the 13th-century merchants' town – was drawn up in 1257 after the destruction of the city during the Tatar invasions of 1241 followed by raids of 1259 and repelled in 1287.[4] The district features the centrally located Rynek Główny, or Main Square, the largest medieval town square of any European city.[5] There is a number of historic landmarks in its vicinity, such as St. Mary's Basilica (Kościół Mariacki), Church of St. Wojciech (St. Adalbert's), Church of St. Barbara, as well as other national treasures. At the center of the plaza, surrounded by kamienice (row houses) and noble residences, stands the Renaissance cloth hall Sukiennice (currently housing gift shops, restaurants and merchant stalls) with the National Gallery of Art upstairs. It is flanked by the Town Hall Tower (Wieża ratuszowa).
The whole district is bisected by the Royal Road, the coronation route traversed by the Kings of Poland. The Route begins at St. Florian's Church outside the northern flank of the old city walls in the medieval suburb of Kleparz; passes the Barbican of Kraków (Barbakan) built in 1499, and enters Stare Miasto through the Florian Gate. It leads down Floriańska Street through the Main Square, and up Grodzka to Wawel, the former seat of Polish royalty overlooking the Vistula river.
Main Market Square (view from St. Mary's Basilica
Night view of Wawel Castle
Barbican of Kraków
Bugler playing the Heynal
Sts. Peter and Paul Church
St. Florian's Gate
Juliusz Słowacki Theatre
Obwarzanki krakowskie salesman in Kraków Old Town
In the 19th century most of the Old Town fortifications were demolished.[4] The moat encircling the walls was filled in and turned into a green belt known as Planty Park.
The first mention of Kraków dates back to the second half of the 9th century. By the end of 10th century the city was incorporated into the Polish state under the rule of Piast dynasty. The episcopal bishopric was awarded to Kraków in 1000 and around that time, it became the residence of Polish kings for centuries to come. The history of the old city of Kraków revolves mainly around its Old Town District of today. Here, the regalia were stored and, back in early Middle Ages, a cathedral school was erected.
Around 700 A.D., local tribes initiated the process of forming the Vistulan State by uniting with each other. Numerous remains of a once massive earth embankment encircling Wawel Hill survived till this day. A chest with 4,200 iron axes weighing about 4 tons was found in a basement of a house at Kanoniczna 19 street. These axes were commonly known under the name of płacidłos which is a word derived from the Polish verb płacić – to pay. As it happens the axes were a main legal tender in the neighboring Great Moravian State. The value of the treasure chest is the greatest to be discovered thus far and testifies to Kraków's significant wealth and power in the region. At Wawel's foot, in the place where now Kanoniczna, Grodzka and other neighboring streets are located, remains of a Vistulan settlement called Okół were found. This settlement, the beginnings of which can be dated at least back to the early 9th century, was surrounded by an enormous oak palisade and, in the place where now the Straszewska and St. Gertrude's streets run, by one of Vistula's arms. Near Main Market Square – specifically near Church of St. Wojciech and Church of St. Mary and Bracka street - another discovery was made. Found were the relics of craft workshops and of dwelling houses which were originally raised near Vistula.
Krakow Travel Video - Barbican and St. Florian's Gate
???? In my new Krakow travel video, I want to present you a Krakow must-see: the Barbican and the Florian's Gate, two objectives you have to see when visit Krakow, Poland. This all the remains of the old defense walls of the old Krakow.
By the beginning of the 19th century, the expanding city had begun to outgrow the confines of the old defensive walls. The walls had been falling into disrepair due to lack of maintenance after the Partitions of Poland. As a result, Emperor Franz I of Austro-Hungary ordered the dismantling of the old fortifications. However, in 1817 Professor Feliks Radwański of Jagiellonian University managed to convince the Session of the Senate of the Republic of Kraków to legislate the partial preservation of the old fortifications, namely, the Florian Gate and the adjoining Barbican, one of only three such fortified outposts still surviving in Europe.”
A barbican (from Old French: barbacane) is a fortified outpost or gateway, such as an outer defense to a city or castle, or any tower situated over a gate or bridge which was used for defensive purposes.
Usually, barbicans were situated outside the main line of defenses and connected to the city walls with a walled road called the neck. In the 15th century, with the improvement in siege tactics and artillery, barbicans lost their significance. However, several barbicans were built even in the 16th century.
Fortified or mock-fortified gatehouses remained a feature of ambitious French and English residences into the 17th century.
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???? Filmed with Sony AX100
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???? Music: Boreal by Asher Fulero from YouTube Audio Library
2011 Euro Travel #05 - Poland #05 - Warszawa #05 - Barbakan
In this video i take a walk around one of the oldest buildings in Krakow.
The Kraków Barbican is a barbican – a fortified outpost once connected to the city walls. It is a historic gateway leading into the Old Town of Kraków, Poland.
The Gothic-style barbican, built around 1498, is one of only three such fortified outposts still surviving in Europe, and the best preserved.
To view all my Krakow videos,Click the link to my KRAKOW PLAYLIST HERE....
All Video's Shot Using The Canon IXUS 265 HS
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Krakow Old Town-Great Barbican 克拉科夫古城-瓮城古城牆 day 4 - 8 ( Poland )
Krakow's main city gate, Brama Florianska, was made insurmountable in the beginning of the l6th century thanks to Europe's mightiest barbican. The circular marvel of military architecture surrounds space 24.4 meter in diameter. Its high walls are three meters thick. The awesome structure, topped with seven turrets, has 130 loopholes in four rows: the lower to be used by artillery, the upper for archers and riflemen.In the past the Krakow barbican (Barbakan in Polish) was surrounded by a 30-meter-wide, deep moat. However, if the enemy had forced their way in, they would have found themselves entrapped inside and shoot at from all sides. The barbican was connected with the Brama Florianska gate tower by a drawbridge and a walled passage.
20 Things to do in Kraków, Poland Travel Guide
Come join us as we visit Krakow, Poland in this travel guide as we cover the top attractions and best things to do in Kraków in terms of museums, restaurants, shopping, castles and churches worth visiting.
From Wawel Castle to the Old Town and Kazimierz to Planty Park you'll find Krakow charming as you meander through its attractive streets and squares.
With legendary nightlife, a flourishing food scene and plenty of green space Kraków feels just as much like a city as it does a town.
We ended up coming for a week and wanting to stay for an entire month. Krakow truly won us over and in this travel guide I think you'll find out why.
20 Things to do in Krakow City Tour | Poland Travel Guide:
Intro - 00:00
1) Wawel Castle (Zamek Królewski na Wawelu) - 00:27
2) Vistula River walk for exercise (Wisła) - 01:23
3) River Cruise on the Vistula (Rejs statkiem Wisły) - 01:37
4) The Royal Road or Royal Route (Droga Królewska) - 02:22
5) St. Mary's Basilica, Kraków Church (Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny, Kościół Mariacki) - 02:39
6) Main Square, Kraków Medieval Town Square (Rynek Główny) - 02:57
7 - St. Florian's Gate or Florian Gate (Brama Floriańska) and the Kraków Barbican (barbakan krakowski) in the Old Town - 03:12
8 - Planty Park (Parku Planty Białystok) - 03:20
9 - Kazimierz neighborhood for street art (Sąsiedztwo Kazimierz) - 03:26
10 - Seweryn Udziela Ethnographic Museum of Kraków (Polish: Muzeum Etnograficzne im. Seweryna Udzieli w Krakowie) - 03:36
11 - Polish Breakfast at Moment restaurant in Krakow (Polskie śniadanie) - 03:58
12 - Nightlife in Kazimierz (Życie nocne) - 04:09
13 - Pierogi at Pierogarnia (Polish Dumplings) - 04:31
14 - Tram Ride in Krakow (tramwajowy) - 05:46
15 - Ice Cream at Emil Kręci Lody - 05:56
16 - Kościuszko Mound (kopiec Kościuszki) in Kraków, Poland - 07:54
17 - Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory (Fabryka Emalia Oskara Schindlera) - 08:42
18 - Parish of St. Joseph's Church (Kościół św. Józefa) at Podgórze Square - 09:05
19 - Park Bednarskiego (Park im. Wojciecha Bednarskiego) - 09:17
20 - Galeria Krakowska (Galerii Krakowskiej) for shopping in Krakow, Poland - 09:59
Outro - 10:11
Olympus OM-D E-M5 II:
Canon G7X:
Olympus 14-150mm II Lens:
Rode Video Mic GO:
Joby Gorilla Pod:
SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro:
Our visit Krakow travel guide documentary covers some of the top attractions including a food guide, top sightseeing tourist attractions and the city by day including visiting castles, churches and museums and Krakow by night. We also cover off-the-beaten-path outdoor activities you won't find in a typical Krakow tourism brochure, Krakow itinerary or Krakow, Poland city tour.
Krakow alternate spellings: Kraków, Cracow, Krakau, 克拉科夫
20 Things to do in Kraków, Poland Travel Guide video transcript:
We kicked off this trip to Poland with a visit to Krakow, a city people have been telling us to visit for years and now we know why. Krakow in the summertime was wonderful! We spent our time enjoying castle views from the river side, exploring neighbourhoods covered in street art, eating some of the best pierogie of our lives, and also discovering what we think may be the best ice cream. The following is our travel guide to some of the best things to do in Krakow!
Wawel Castle is Krakow's crowning jewel, and for centuries it was the residence of the kings of Poland. You can see a mix of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque architecture all in one place.
While in the city, we also had to walk the Royal Route, which was once the historic coronation path of Polish kings.
After visiting the basilica, we spent a bit of time walking the Main Square, which just so happens to be Europe's largest medieval town square.
And that’s it for our visit to Krakow! We hope this video gave you a few ideas of things to do around the city. If you have any other places to add to this list or any tips for fellow travellers visiting Krakow feel free to share those.
This is part of our Travel in Poland video series showcasing Polish food, Polish culture, Polish cuisine while visiting Kraków Polska.
Music by Ehrling:
You and Me and Champagne Ocean