Veria of Imathia The City
Veria of Imathia The City
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Veria (Greek: Βέροια or Βέρροια), officially transliterated Veroia, historically also spelled Berea, is a city in Macedonia, northern Greece, located 511 kilometres (318 miles) north-northwest of the capital Athens and 73 km (45 mi) west-southwest of Thessalonica.
Even by the standards of Greece, Veria is an old city; first mentioned in the writings of Thucydides in 432 BC, there is evidence that it was populated as early as 1000 BC.[2] Veria was an important possession for Philip II of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great) and later for the Romans. Apostle Paul famously preached in the city, and its inhabitants were among the first Christians in the Empire. Later, under the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, Veria was a center of Greek culture and learning. Today Veria is a commercial center of Central Macedonia, the capital of the regional unit of Imathia and the seat of a Church of Greece Metropolitan bishop in the Ecumenical Patriarchate as well as a Latin Catholic titular see.
Byzantine Veria
Resurrection of Christ Byzantine church
Crucifixion fresco (1315) by Georgios Kalliergis in the Resurrection of Christ church
Saint Patapius
Under the Byzantine Empire Berrhoea continued to grow and prosper, developing a large and well-educated commercial class (Greek and Jewish) and becoming a center of medieval Greek learning; signs of this prosperity are reflected in the many Byzantine churches that were built at this time, during which it was a Christian bishopric (see below).
Byzantine museum
In the 7th century, the Slavic tribe of the Drougoubitai raided the lowlands below the city, while in the late 8th century Empress Irene of Athens is said to have rebuilt and expanded the city and named it Irenopolis (Ειρηνούπολις) after herself, although some sources place this Berrhoea-Irenopolis further east, towards Thrace.[5]
The city was apparently held by the Bulgarian Empire at some point in the late 9th century. The 11th century Greek bishop Theophylact of Ohrid wrote that during the brief period of Bulgarian dominance, Tsar Boris I built there one of the seven cathedral churches built by him and refers to it as one of the beautiful Bulgarian churches.[6] In the Escorial Taktikon of ca. 975, the city is mentioned as the seat of a strategos, and it apparently was the capital of a theme in the 11th century.[5] The city briefly fell to Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria at the end of the 10th century, but the Byzantine emperor Basil II quickly regained it in 1001 since its Bulgarian governor, Dobromir, surrendered the city without a fight.[5] The city is not mentioned again until the late 12th century, when it was briefly held by the Normans (1185) during their invasion of the Byzantine Empire.[5] After the Fourth Crusade (1204), it briefly became part of Boniface of Montferrat's Kingdom of Thessalonica, until the latter was conquered by the Despotate of Epirus in 1224. It changed hands again in 1246, being taken by the Emperor of Nicaea John III Doukas Vatatzes, and formed part of the restored Byzantine Empire after 1261.[5]
The 14th century was tumultuous: captured by the Serbian ruler Stephen Dushan in 1343/4, it became part of his Serbian Empire. It was recovered for Byzantium by John VI Kantakouzenos in 1350, but lost again to the Serbians soon after, becoming the domain of Radoslav Hlapen after 1358.[5] With the disintegration of the Serbian Empire, it passed once more to Byzantium by ca. 1375, but was henceforth menaced by the rising power of the Ottoman Turks. The city changed hands several times over the next decades, until the final Turkish conquest around 1430.[5]
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Βυζαντινό Μουσείο Βέροιας / Byzantine Museum of Veria Greece
Το Βυζαντινό Μουσείο της Βέροιας στεγάζεται στον Μύλο του Μάρκου, ένα πρόσφατα ανακαινισμένο βιομηχανικό κτίριο των αρχών του αιώνα, το οποίο βρίσκεται στη γειτονιά της διατηρητέας συνοικίας της Κυριώτισσας.
Περιλαμβάνει τρεις ορόφους, συνολικού εμβαδού 720 τ.μ. καθένας από τους οποίους θα φιλοξενεί μια εννοιολογικά αυτοτελή ενότητα της μόνιμης έκθεσης. Το υλικό της μόνιμης έκθεσης περιλαμβάνει μέρος της πλούσιας συλλογής φορητών εικόνων, τοιχογραφίες από ναούς και κοσμικά κτίρια, ψηφιδωτά δάπεδα, χειρόγραφα και παλαίτυπα, έργα αγγειοπλαστικής και μικροτεχνίας, νομίσματα και ξυλόγλυπτα, ταφικά ευρήματα, αρχιτεκτονικά γλυπτά και μαρμάρινες επιγραφές.
Οι στόχοι που φιλοδοξεί να πετύχει το νέο μουσείο καθορίστηκαν με γνώμονα τη φυσιογνωμία της σύγχρονης κοινωνίας, η οποία επιβάλλει σ' αυτό να συνδυάσει όλες τις παραδοσιακές αξίες του μουσείου ως οργανισμού, με το ενδιαφέρον για την ενεργό και αμφίδρομη συνεργασία με όλους τους κοινωνικούς φορείς. Το μουσειολογικό πρόγραμμα είναι βασισμένο στην ιδέα ενός μουσείου με περιφερειακό χαρακτήρα, το οποίο θα παραπέμπει στον πολιτισμό όλης της Κεντρικής και Δυτικής Μακεδονίας, συμπληρώνοντας παράλληλα τις συλλογές της Θεσσαλονίκης.
Ειδικότερα η Έκθεση του πρώτου ορόφου με την οποία εγκαινιάστηκε το μουσείο, παρουσιάζει τα κύρια στοιχεία του βυζαντινού πολιτισμού μέσα από το παράδειγμα της Βέροιας, μιας πόλης της περιφέρειας της αυτοκατορίας με σημαντική ιστορία και αξιόλογο μνημειακό πλούτο. Κύριος άξονας της οργάνωσης του εκτιθέμενου υλικού είναι οι ποικίλες πολιτισμικές σχέσεις μεταξύ της Βέροιας και των μεγάλων κέντρων του βυζαντινού κόσμου, όπως η Κωνσταντινούπολη και η Θεσσαλονίκη, αλλά και με τις πόλεις του εγγύτερου μακεδονικού χώρου.
Η επικοινωνία των πόλεων ανιχνεύεται πολύπλευρα: στη λατρεία, στην τέχνη, στις οικονομικές και εμπορικές συναλλαγές, αλλά και στο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό, το βασικό φορέα διάδοσης των κυρίαρχων ιδεών. Με κριτήριο την πληροφορία που το ίδιο το αντικείμενο εμπεριέχει, καταρτίστηκαν πέντε ενότητες οι περισσότερες από τις οποίες φέρουν το συμβατικό τίτλο της πόλης με την οποία σχετίζεται η Βέροια.
Πεδία μελέτης αυτής της επικοινωνίας είναι η Κωνσταντινούπολη που εκφράζει την παραγωγή του κέντρου, η Θεσσαλονίκη που αντανακλά την πρωτεύουσα και η Καστοριά, ως παράλληλο παράδειγμα πόλης της περιφέρειας. Πτυχές από την κοινή γλώσσα παρουσιάζονται ενδεικτικά μέσα από τα μνημεία της Βέροιας σε όλη τη μακρά ιστορία του Βυζαντίου, αλλά και στο μετα-Βυζάντιο, ιδιαίτερα μέσα από έργα ζωγραφικής, μιας τέχνης που εκπροσωπήθηκε πλουσιοπάροχα στην περιοχή.
Τέλος, έμφαση δίνεται στη συμβολή του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού, των καλλιτεχνών, οι μετακινήσεις των οποίων συνέβαλαν στην διάδοση των ιδεών, των αισθητικών αξιών και των ιδεολογικών ρευμάτων της αυτοκρατορίας.
Discover Veria
Discover Veria
The land of culture and religion
Veria: 2500 years of History
Built on the foothills of Mt Vermion and surrounded to the northeast by the Pieria Mountains and the River Aliakmonas, Veria is widely known for its rich, long history. Here is Vergina (Aigai), an archaeological site designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the first capital of the Macedonian Kingdom, the place where Alexander the Great was crowned King and began his legendary campaign that united people and cultures.
Here stands the Tribune of Apostle Paul, “a global monument of religious heritage”, the place where 2000 years ago the Apostle of Nations conveyed the message of Jesus to the people of Veria. Additionally, 48 Byzantine and post-Byzantine churches, Ottoman religious monuments and the oldest Jewish Synagogue in Northern Greece are well preserved, proof that the city was an important religious crossroad from ancient times until today.
Apart from the monuments and attractions, visitors have the opportunity to experience a vibrant and dynamic city and taste the local cuisine, with influences from Asia Minor, Vlachs and Black Sea tradition, combined with the intoxicating “tsipouro” and regional wines and juicy syrupy sweets such as the famous local Revani. Nature, history and gastronomy become one in Veria, offering a unique experience to the visitor.
Visit Macedonia - Archaeological Museum of Veria.
Visit Macedonia - Archaeological Museum of Veria
The museum includes collections of Hellenistic and Roman sculpture (funerary reliefs, funerary and honorary altars, portraits, table supports, statues) from the city of Veroia and other sites of the district, Hellenistic pottery and figurines from the cemeteries of Veroia, Hellenistic and Roman architectural parts (columns, bases, capitals etc.) exhibited in the courtyard, inscriptions from Veroia and the adjacent areas.
The most important exhibits of the museum are:
Red-figure bell crater (Kertsch style). The front view bears a representation of the iconographic cycle of Aphrodite and Dionysos. Dated to the middle of the 4th century BC.
Bronze hydria-calpis used as a funerary urn in a cist-grave at Veroia. Dated to 370-360 BC.
Medusa head. Large head of the mythical Medusa, which was attached to the north-east gate of the fortification walls of Veroia. It was an apotropaic symbol, used to discourage and frighten the city attackers. Dated to the first half of the 2nd century BC.
Funerary stele of Paterinos. Tall, palmette relief stele depicting the dead Paterinos, son of Antigonos, standing in the middle of the panel. It is a good specimen of the local sculpture workshop, dated to the end of the 2nd century BC.
Gold jewellery from a female burial. Pair of gold earrings, a gold ring and a necklace made of gold and cornelian rings. Dated to the 2nd century BC.
Law concerning the Gymnasium. A remarkable inscription recording the rules of the Gymnasium of Veroia. The preserved text refers to the obligations of the youths practicing in the Gymnasium. Dated to the first half of the 2nd century BC.
Bust of Olganos from Kopanos, near Naoussa. Protome of the river-god Olganos, son of the mythical Veretos and brother of Mieza and Veroia. This elegant statue is dated to the second half of the 2nd century AD.
Marble table support (trapezophoron). It bears the relief representation of Zeus, transformed into an eagle, abducting Ganymedes. Dated to the 2nd century AD.
Macedonia today is a geographical region of Greece, and the largest of the Greek territory.
It constitutes most of the geographic and historical region of ancient Macedon, a Greek kingdom ruled by the Argeads whose most celebrated members were Alexander the Great and his father Philip II.
In 336 B.C., Alexander the Great became the leader of the Greek kingdom of Macedonia. By the time he died 13 years later, Alexander had built an empire that stretched from Greece all the way to India. That brief but thorough empire-building campaign changed the world: It spread Greek ideas and culture from the Eastern Mediterranean to Asia. Historians call this era the Hellenistic period.
The name Macedonia was later applied to identify various administrative areas in the Roman and Byzantine Empires with widely differing borders.
Μουσείο Μακεδονικού Αγώνα - Museum of the Macedonian Struggle Part 1
Μουσείο Μακεδονικού Αγώνα - Museum of the Macedonian Struggle - Museum des Makedonischen Kampfes
Επίσκεψη Κ. Μητσοτάκη στο Μουσείο Αβδήρων
O Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης επισκέφθηκε το Μουσείο Αβδήρων και αφού συνεχάρη τους εργαζόμενους και την προϊσταμένη του μουσείου για την εξαιρετική δουλειά την οποία έχουν κάνει στην ανάδειξη της σπάνιας πολιτιστικής και αρχαιολογικής κληρονομιά δήλωσε: κάθε γωνιά της Ελλάδας είναι γεμάτη από σπάνιους πολιτιστικούς θησαυρούς. Εδώ, αυτό το μικρό, αλλά εξαιρετικά ποιοτικό μουσείο, επιβεβαιώνει για άλλη μια φορά, γιατί ο πολιτισμός σε συνδυασμό με τον τουρισμό αποτελούν την αναπτυξιακή ατμομηχανή της χώρας.ΕΡΤ/ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki / Macedonia(Greece)
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki / Macedonia(Greece)
The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki is a museum in Thessaloniki, Greece. It holds and interprets artifacts from the Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and Roman periods, mostly from the city of Thessaloniki but also from the region of Macedonia in general.
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For more information:
The Natural History Museum of Meteora and Mushroom Museum is proposing an amazing experience: Truffle hunting under the rocks of Meteora! In the beautiful and unknown forests of the region, near the city of Kalampaka, visitors have the opportunity to enjoy a unique truffle hunting, to taste a delicious pasta dish with truffles that are found by truffle dogs, to visit the Museum, to try various mushroom products and to try an exceptional local wine.
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Beautiful 500 years old Mosque Sarena in Macedonia funded by two woman Hurshida and Mensura
Kastoria, Greece - Macedonia - AtlasVisual
Greece Video Map:
Kastoria is in Macedonia, 190 km from Thessaloniki. Built on a peninsula of Kastoria lake at an altitude of 703 meters, between the Mountains of Vitsi and Grammos. It is surrounded by the lake, connected with the surrounding area by a strip of land giving the impression of an island. The city with 72 Byzantine churches, also boasts an incredible petrified forest, a Prehistoric settlement, the Neolithic settlement of Avgi, many museums and the amazing Dragon Cave.
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Eye on Macedonia and its Greek legacy. - British Museum.
Find out about the lasting legacy of Alexander the Great in Afghanistan today.
The exhibition Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World is at the British Museum until 3 July 2011.
Βυζαντινά Κάστρα Σερβίων – Ξενάγηση Λαζάρου Χατζηλαζαρίδη
Βυζαντινά Κάστρα Σερβίων – Ξενάγηση Λαζάρου Χατζηλαζαρίδη EΡΤ 1