Best Things To Do In Rhodes | Old Town, Lindos, Beaches, Restaurants, Hotels
Are you planning a trip to the island of Rhodes? Looking for travel tips? Do you need Rhodes travel guide? Here you can find some of the top things to do in Rhodes, Greece.
1:50 Old Town
2:41 Old Town Bazaar
2:53 Alexander the Great Square
3:00 Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes
4:12 Street of the Knights
4:38 New Town
4:45 Faliraki streets
4:56 Lindos
6:29 Lindos Acropolis
7:02 Saint Paul's Bay - Agios Pavlos Beach
7:18 Rhodes Beaches
7:31 Therme Kalithea - Kallithea Springs Beach
9:44 Oasis Beach
10:20 Anthony Quinn Bay - Ladiko Beach
10:58 Tsambika Beach
11:22 Stegna Bay | Stegna Beach
11:51 Agathi Beach
11:57 Haraki Beach
12:11 Elli Beach
12:24 Rhodes Hotels | Where to stay
12:32 Medieval Inn
13:26 Helios Garden Boutique Apartments
13:53 Rhodes Restaurants
14:00 Tamam Restaurant
14:35 Romios Restaurant
15:10 Koykos Restaurant
15:40 Ta Petaladika
15:47 Louis Restaurant
16:39 The Cellar Of Knights
The winery of Emery is situated in the village of Embona, on the Northwesterly facing slopes of Mt. Attaviros at an altitude of app. 720m. The nearby vineyards are renowned for their exceptional, indigenous grape varieties – Athiri and Amorgiano – and for their extremely low yields.
Decades of collaboration with local vine growers from the region, coupled with our own expertise and commitment, have enabled us to build a distinctive range of quality wines from unique Greek varietals, know since ancient times.
The island of the Aegean Sea where the art
of viniculture and wine making developed
for the first time during the ancient years.
Athiri, Moschato, Amoriano…
Delicious varieties of the Rhodian soil fermented
in the mild microclimate on the island’s highest
Mountain Attaviros. Ideal for the production
of wine of character and quality.
While the precious winery secrets, reaching far
back to the years of the Rhodian Knights gently
intermingle with the Mediterranean’s fervor
and saltiness, Oinotheque Emery consigns values
unchangeable over time.
Since 1923, when Oinotheque Emery was created, the grape’s cultivation procedure, the must process and
the vinification methods have evolved in many ways. The respect for quality, tradition and values have remained constant and have led the way to the
third generation of the Triantafillou family,
opening tasty pursuits and new horizons.
Greece has 28 Appellations of Origin, two of which are in Rhodes. Specifically:
RODOS AOC ( Appellation of Controlled Origin)
It includes the areas that cultivate the variety white Muscat of the municipalities of Rhodes
RODOS VQPRD (Appellations of High Quality Origin)
It includes two zones, the one of the white grape variety “Athiri” designated between the municipalities and the other is of the red grape Amorgiano that includes the municipalitites Kritinias, Monolithou, Agiou Isidorou, Apollonon, Embonas, Salakou, Mandrikou, Kalavardon, Fanon, Soronis, Theologou, Damatrias and Maritson.
In Greece the wines of Appellation of Origin represent 8 – 10% of the total production of wine. In Rhodes, the percentage reaches 90% of the total production in grapes whereas in wines it approaches 40%.
Approximately 7,500 acres of vine are grown on the island in two vine zones (Zone A: Plain – Pedina, Zone B: Hillsides of Mount Attaviros – Orina) Each zone both due to climatic as well as soil differences produce wines of different quality. As in most Aegean islands, the shape of the vines is cyclical – Kipeloides. This guarantees stronger endurance to drought and high temperatures and does not expose the grapes to the strong summer rays.
The main soil substance is asvestolithos.
The vineyards of Rhodes, in small and dispersed areas, never experienced phylloxera (plant lice). For this many grapevines are 50-60 years old. From the 900 tones of must that Emery manufactures every year, over 90% come from steady and long term contracts with grape growers, with vineyards (Zone B) at an average altitude of 720m and performance per acre around 42 HL/HA.
The all year-round sun, the high and regular rainfalls, and the cool sea breezes from May to September favor the Rhodian vineyards. Annually, the rainy days do not exceed 70 days and the average annual temperature is 190C. Vintage starts early, around the 20th of August and is usually completed within seven to ten days.
All the grapes are picked in the early morning hours, before the sun comes out. It is important to note that the location of the winery enables us to limit the time between picking and crushing to the minimum. All the grapes are picked carefully by hand.
Depending on the year”, the sugar levels, at the time of picking for the white grapes is around 11 – 12 Baume and for the red around 12 13.5 Baume.
Emery wines are produced by two local grape varieties:
a. ATHIRI: The Athiri grape has a bright, golden green color and is small and juicy. Its wine’s, with a fruity and fresh taste, have a soft aroma and vibrant color and caress all the senses. Because of the type of vine and climatic conditions, yield per acre is small. Athiri is by far the most widely planted white variety on the island. Aside from Rhodes it is also cultivated in other parts of Greece such as Santorini and Halkidiki
b. AMORGIANO: A rare, red grape grown in the Aegean islands and Crete. A fruity taste, soft aroma and ruby color with violet reflections characterize the rose wines. It is also called Mandelaria and Kountoura Mavri. Brisk intense aromas with a spicy and dark warm red color characterize the reds.
[2/3] Rhodes Town - Rhodes, Greece
A quick tour around Rhodes city, in Old Town and an upgraded room tour!
My first official Summer Vacation!
We took Thomas Cook Airlines and arrived in Rhodes at about midnight. Was greeted by a magnificent view of the Mediterranean sea the next morning!
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【K】Czech Travel-Znojmo[체코 여행-즈노이모]포도수확 축제 2 중세시대를 재현한 퍼레이드/Grape harvest/Festival/Parade
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시내에 갑자기 사람들이 양쪽으로 길게 줄지어 섰다. 뭔가를 기다리는 모양이다.’저희는 여기서 중세시대 퍼레이드를 기다리고 있어요.’’어떤 왕이 나오죠?’’얀 룩셈부르크 왕입니다.’ 기마경찰을 선두로 퍼레이드가 시작됐다. 이어서 관중들의 환호를 받으며 얀 룩셈부르크 왕이 등장했다. 14세기 초반에 체코를 다스렸던 왕이란다. 왕의 행차라 은전이 베풀어지고, 무장을 한 기사들 다음으로 귀족부인들이 뒤따른다. 끝없이 이어지는 행렬. 그 시대에 있었던 온갖 신분의 사람들이 모두 등장하는 것 같다. 외국인들까지 보인다. 이 퍼레이드에 참가하는 사람만 600명이 넘는다고 한다. 붉은 두건을 쓴 이들은 죄수를 처형하는 사형집행자들이란다. 행렬의 맨 끝에는 포도로 장식한 마차가 수확이 시작되었음을 알리며 지나간다.
[English: Google Translator]
Suddenly, people stood in long lines built on both sides of the city. Is a form of waiting for something. We're expecting a medieval parade here, '' which come up so the king? King Jan Luxembourg. The parade was started by leading the Mounted Police. Then receive the cheers of the crowd appeared King Jan Luxembourg. Yiranda king ruled the Czech Republic in the early 14th century. The royal visit of King called silver are applied, the following articles in the armed aristocratic wife are followed. Endless procession. All the people of those times were in every identity seems to emerge. It seems to foreigners. And that over 600 million people to participate in the parade. They are written in red hood yiranda the executioner to execute the prisoners. The top end of the procession is decorated chariot passed from grapes harvested that notifies the start.
[Czech : Google Translator]
Najednou, lidé stáli v dlouhých frontách postavené na obou stranách města. Je forma na něco čekal. Čekáme středověký průvod tady, '', která přišla, takže král? Král Jan Luxembourg. Průvod byl zahájen tím, že vede jízdní policií. Pak obdrží jásot davu objevil král Jan Lucembursko. Yiranda král vládl Českou republiku na počátku 14. století. Královská návštěva Král volal stříbra jsou použity následující články v ozbrojených aristokratické ženy jsou dodržovány. Nekonečný průvod. Všichni lidé z té doby byly v každém identita zdá se, že. Zdá se, že pro cizince. A že více než 600 milionů lidí k účasti v průvodu. Jsou psány červenou kapucí yiranda kat vykonat vězně. Horní konec průvodu zdobí vůz předán z hroznů sklizených který upozorní start.
■클립명: 유럽113-체코04-14 포도수확 축제 2 중세시대를 재현한 퍼레이드/Grape harvest/Festival/Parade
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김동훈 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 9월 September
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,거리,street,avenue, route, downtown, shop, square,축제,축제,,festival,카니발, 행진, 퍼레이드, Carnival, Parade, Fiesta, party,사람,man,person, character, 위인, 유명인 author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,유럽,Europe,동유럽,체코,Czech,Česko,,김동훈,2015,9월 September,남모라바 주,South Moravian Region,Jihomoravský kraj,
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Catholic Church and Nazi Germany | Wikipedia audio article
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Catholic Church and Nazi Germany
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Popes Pius XI (1922–39) and Pius XII (1939–58) led the Roman Catholic Church through the rise and fall of Nazi Germany. Around a third of Germans were Catholic in the 1930s. The Church in Germany had spoken against the rise of Nazism, but the Catholic aligned Centre Party capitulated in 1933 and was banned. In the various 1933 elections the percentage of Catholics voting for the Nazis party was remarkably lower than the average. Nazi key ideologue Alfred Rosenberg was banned on the index of the Inquisition, presided by later pope Pius XII. Adolf Hitler and several key Nazis had been raised Catholic, but became hostile to the Church in adulthood. While Article 24 of the NSDAP party platform called for conditional toleration of Christian denominations and the 1933 Reichskonkordat treaty with the Vatican purported to guarantee religious freedom for Catholics, the Nazis were essentially hostile to Christianity and the Catholic Church faced persecution in Nazi Germany. Its press, schools and youth organisations were closed, much property confiscated and around one third of its clergy faced reprisals from authorities. Catholic lay leaders were targeted in the Night of the Long Knives purge. The Church hierarchy attempted to co-operate with the new government, but in 1937, the Papal Encyclical Mit brennender Sorge accused the government of fundamental hostility to the church.
Among the most courageous demonstrations of opposition inside Germany were the 1941 sermons of Bishop August von Galen of Münster. Nevertheless, wrote Alan Bullock [n]either the Catholic Church nor the Evangelical Church... as institutions, felt it possible to take up an attitude of open opposition to the regime. In every country under German occupation, priests played a major part in rescuing Jews, but Catholic resistance to mistreatment of Jews in Germany was generally limited to fragmented and largely individual efforts. Mary Fulbrook wrote that when politics encroached on the church, Catholics were prepared to resist, but that the record was otherwise patchy and uneven, and that, with notable exceptions, it seems that, for many Germans, adherence to the Christian faith proved compatible with at least passive acquiescence in, if not active support for, the Nazi dictatorship.Catholics fought on both sides in the Second World War. Hitler's invasion of predominantly Catholic Poland ignited the conflict in 1939. Here, especially in the areas of Poland annexed to the Reich—as in other annexed regions of Slovenia and Austria—Nazi persecution of the church was intense. Many clergy were targeted for extermination. Through his links to the German Resistance, Pope Pius XII warned the Allies of the planned Nazi invasion of the Low Countries in 1940. From that year, the Nazis gathered priest-dissidents in a dedicated clergy barracks at Dachau, where 95 percent of its 2,720 inmates were Catholic (mostly Poles, and 411 Germans) and 1,034 priests died there. Expropriation of church properties surged from 1941.
The Vatican, surrounded by Fascist Italy, was officially neutral during the war, but used diplomacy to aid victims and lobby for peace. Vatican Radio and other media spoke out against atrocities. While Nazi antisemitism embraced modern pseudo-scientific racial principles, ancient antipathies between Christianity and Judaism contributed to European antisemitism. During the Nazi era, the church rescued many thousands of Jews by issuing false documents, lobbying Axis officials, hiding them in monasteries, convents, schools and elsewhere; including in the Vatican and papal residence at Castel Gandolfo. The Pope's role during this period is contested. The Reich Security Main Office called Pius XII a mouthpiece of the Jews. His first encyclical, Summi Pontificatus, called the invasion of Poland an hour of darkness, his 1942 Christmas address denounced race murders and his Mystici corporis Christi encyclical (1943) denounc ...
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History of Western civilization | Wikipedia audio article
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History of Western civilization
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Western civilization traces its roots back to Europe and the Mediterranean. It is linked to the Roman Empire and with Medieval Western Christendom which emerged from the Middle Ages to experience such transformative episodes as the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, scientific revolution, and the development of liberal democracy. The civilizations of Classical Greece and Ancient Rome are considered seminal periods in Western history; a few cultural contributions also emerged from the pagan peoples of pre-Christian Europe, such as the Celts and Germans, as well as some significant religious contributions derived from Judaism and Hellenistic Judaism stemming back to Second Temple Judea, Galilee, and the early Jewish diaspora; and some other Middle Eastern influences. Christianity and Roman Catholicism has played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization, which throughout most of its history, has been nearly equivalent to Christian culture. (There were Christians outside of the West, such as China, India, Russia, Byzantium and the Middle East). Western civilization has spread to produce the dominant cultures of modern Americas and Oceania, and has had immense global influence in recent centuries in many ways.
Following the 5th century Fall of Rome, Western Europe entered the Middle Ages, during which period the Catholic Church filled the power vacuum left in the West by the fall of the Western Roman Empire, while the Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire) endured in the East for centuries, becoming a Hellenic Eastern contrast to the Latin West. By the 12th century, Western Europe was experiencing a flowering of art and learning, propelled by the construction of cathedrals and the establishment of medieval universities. Christian unity was shattered by the Reformation from the 16th century. A merchant class grew out of city states, initially in the Italian peninsula (see Italian city-states), and Europe experienced the Renaissance from the 14th to the 17th century, heralding an age of technological and artistic advance and ushering in the Age of Discovery which saw the rise of such global European Empires as those of Spain and Portugal.
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 18th century. Under the influence of the Enlightenment, the Age of Revolution emerged from the United States and France as part of the transformation of the West into its industrialised, democratised modern form. The lands of North and South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand became first part of European Empires and then home to new Western nations, while Africa and Asia were largely carved up between Western powers. Laboratories of Western democracy were founded in Britain's colonies in Australasia from the mid-19th centuries, while South America largely created new autocracies. In the 20th century, absolute monarchy disappeared from Europe, and despite episodes of Fascism and Communism, by the close of the century, virtually all of Europe was electing its leaders democratically. Most Western nations were heavily involved in the First and Second World Wars and protracted Cold War. World War II saw Fascism defeated in Europe, and the emergence of the United States and Soviet Union as rival global powers and a new East-West political contrast.
Other than in Russia, the European Empires disintegrated after World War II and civil rights movements and widescale multi-ethnic, multi-faith migrations to Europe, the Americas and Oceania lowered the earlier predominance of ethnic Europeans in Western culture. European nations moved towards greater economic and political co-operation through the European Union. The Cold War ended around 1990 with the collapse of Soviet imposed Communism in Central and Eastern Europe. In the 21st century, the Western World retains significant global economic power and influ ...