Central Museum of Mongolian Dinosaurs
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Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia / National Museum of Mongolia, Монголын үндэсний түүхийн музей / Walk 129
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The origins of the National Museum of Mongolia date back to 1924, when the first collections were begun for a national museum. The present building of the museum was built in 1971, when it was erected as the Museum of Revolution. At the time, the collections of ethnography, prehistory, middle history, national history and paleontology were housed in the building of the Central Museum, built in 1956.
In 1991, the ethnography, prehistory and middle history collections of the Central Museum were combined with 20th-century history materials at the Museum of Revolution to create the collections of the National Museum of Mongolian History. Since April 2008 the museum has been renamed as the National Museum of Mongolia.
Permanent collection: The National Museum of Mongolia is the nation’s largest museum and holds a collection of over 57,000 objects relating to Central Asian history and the history of Mongolia from prehistory to the end of the 20th century, with a portion of the collected artifacts on display in ten exhibition halls. The latter include Ancient History of Mongolia; Ancient States; Traditional Clothing and Jewelry; the Mongolian Empire; Mongolian Traditional Culture; Mongolian Traditional Life; 17th-20th Century Mongolia; Mongolia 1911-1920; Socialist Mongolia (1921-1990); Democratic Mongolia (1990-present).
On average, the Museum receives around 60,000 visitors each year, of which 30,000 are foreign visitors and 30,000 are nationals, including 9000 students and 12,000 children and young people.
Education, information, outreach and similar activities have been implemented to attract visitors and raise awareness of national cultural heritage. The Museum has carried out joint projects with museums and scientific organisations from the USA, Korea, Japan, Russian Federation, Germany and China.
Since 2008, the National Museum provides all museums in the country with professional-methodological guidance and information. It has hosted conferences, held museum workshops, produced research publications in addition to exhibition catalogues. The Museum has two regular publications: ‘Nomadic Heritage Studies’ (research paper, published twice a year); and ‘Museum News’ (museum methodologies and news, published twice a year).
The Museum has a staff of 60. It is supported through admission fees and government funding from the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism.
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The National Museum of Mongolia (Mongolian: Монголын үндэсний түүхийн музей); formerly the National Museum of Mongolian History is located in Ulaanbaatar. This museum is a cultural, scientific, and educational organization, which is responsible for the collection, conservation and interpretation of the objects under its curation.
The first museum in Mongolia, the Mongolian National Museum (now the Mongolian Natural History Museum), was established in 1924 and became the basis for other museums, including the National Museum of Mongolian History. Russian scholars, such as Pyotr Kozlov, V. I. Lisovskii, A. D. Simukov, and the American researcher Roy Chapman Andrews contributed to the museum's early collections and exhibits.
The modern National Museum of Mongolian History was established after the merger of the historical, archaeological and ethnographical departments of the State Central Museum and the Museum of the Revolution in 1991. It is now located in a facility built for the Museum of the Revolution, which was founded in 1971. The National Museum of Mongolia is currently recognized as one of the leading museums in Mongolia. The significant responsibility for preserving Mongolian cultural heritage therefore lies with the museum. It is also responsible for developing museological guidelines for museums in the nation.
Exhibitions cover prehistory, pre-Mongol Empire history, Mongol Empire, Mongolia during Qing rule, ethnography and traditional life, and twentieth-century history. The ethnographic collection has significant displays of the traditional dress of various Mongolian ethnic groups and of snuff bottles. Most exhibits have labels in both Mongolian and English. The museum publishes one or more issues of its in-house journal each year, with articles in Mongolian and foreign languages, including Russian and English.
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Fossils of Mongolia
Dr. Bolortsetseg Minjin, Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs, talks about the future of Mongolian palaeontology.
Dinosaurs were first discovered in Mongolia in the early 20th Century by expeditions led by Roy Chapman Andrews of the American Museum of Natural History. This set off a great rush to find Asian dinosaurs, and multiple international expeditions discovered a treasure-trove of new dinosaur sites. Despite the long history of fossil collecting in Mongolia, much of the Mongolian public, including children, are largely unaware of these expeditions and their discoveries.
Due to the lack of awareness of these discoveries, the prevalence of illegal fossil poaching rose with the support and funding of international collectors. The trade in Mongolian fossils culminated with Heritage Auction’s house in NYC attempting to sell a stolen skeleton of Tyrannosaurus bataar in 2012, with a starting bid of $850,000.
In her presentation, Dr. Minjin discusses the rise of fossil poaching in Mongolia, the laws that protect these fossils, and evidence for a vast network of fossil smugglers and profiteers. She talks about efforts to halt fossil poaching, educate the public about palaeontology, and bring economic benefit to Mongolia through fossil conservation.
Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series 2018
Dinosaur Museum in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia- Professor Timothy Sauder
This was just the first visit to check it out .We will be doing more videos in the future.
Mongolian dinosaur returns to hero's welcome
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A new exhibit at Mongolia's most popular museum has attracted more than a year's worth of visitors in just five days.
The star attraction is 70 million years old and has just been at the centre of a custody battle with the United States.
Mongolia, where one in five dinosaurs of the world were found, is now trying to preserve its rich fossil heritage more consciously.
Al Jazeera's Divya Gopalan reports from Ulaanbaatar.
Парк динозавров. Монголия - 11 - (май 2018)
карта сбербанк 5336 6901 5095 1525 на развитие канала
Горхи Тэрэлж, (дословно Ручей рододендронов) - национальный Парк который находиться в 60 км от Улан-Батора. Природные пейзажи Тэрэлжа одни из самых прекрасных в Монголии. Его площадь 2864 км2. В этих местах примерно 100 лет назад добывались хрусталь, дымчатый кварц и другие полудрагоценные камни. В 1960 г. здесь был найден монолитный дымчатый кварц, кристалл которого весил 7,5 т.
Дорога от Улан-Батора до одной из многочисленных туристических баз от Улан-Батора занимает около 1 часа. На въезде в парк вас встречает первая достопримечательность. Полностью деревянный мост через реку Тола. Каждый раз проезжая мост, удивляешься, что он выдерживает вес больших автобусов.
Асфальтированная дорога проходит через весь парк по живописной долине и заканчивается в небольшом поселке Тэрэлж, дальше которого нет никаких зданий и постоянного человеческого жилья - только несколько кочевых семей с их стадами животных. Это - тихий и мирный пейзаж, где можно наслаждаться дикой девственной природой, огромными скалами причудливой формы, лесом и прозрачностью горных рек. В поселке расположено несколько туристических баз и гостиница Улан-Батор-2.
Известность национальному парку Тэрэлж принесли многочисленные скалы, поражающие туристов своими экзотическими формами. Скала Мэлхий-хал в виде гигантской черепахи стала символом Тэрэлжа. Из других достопримечательностей: ледниковое озеро Хагин-Хар глубиной до 20 метров.
Под руководством палеонтологов, создан парк оригинальных скульптур динозавров. Сотни, возможно, тысячи разных видов динозавров жили в Монголии на протяжении всего мезозоя - периода, который начался 248 миллионов лет назад и закончился 65 миллионов лет назад. Вымерли все динозавры, кроме птиц. Обнаружив в пустыне Гоби гнезда протоцератопсов, палеонтологи нашли доказательство того, что динозавры откладывали яйца. Так же стало понятно, что динозавры объединялись в семейные группы . Дно Нэмэгэтинской впадины площадью около двадцати квадратных километров является всемирно известным «кладбищем» доисторических рептилий. Содержание сажи в грунте здесь в тысячи раз больше, чем после обычных степных пожаров, что говорит о глобальной катастрофе, повлекшей гибель многих древних видов животных. Их кости залегают у самой поверхности и часто оказываются прямо под ногами. Почти все экспонаты в музеях мира из Монголии.
Здесь, среди великолепных пейзажей в долине реки Тэрэлж, расположены многочисленные базы отдыха. Иногда создается впечатление, что туристических баз очень много, намного больше чем туристов.
Главное достоинство парка - тишина, спокойствие. Чистый воздух. В парке можно просто ОТДОХНУТЬ. Отдохнуть от города, от цивилизации, от долгого путешествия.
Главное в отдыхе на туристической базе в национальном парке Тэрэлж - это пешие прогулки. В зависимости от степени подготовки, возраста вы сами можете выбрать сложность пеших прогулок. Прогулки по долинам, прогулка в горы, прогулка вдоль реки.
Вот уже много лет семьи скотоводов на лето останавливаются в национальном парке. Вы можете близко соприкоснуться с натуральной жизнью современных кочевников - скотоводов. Посмотреть как они живут, побывать в обычной монгольской юрте. Это не гостевая юрта, предназначенная для приема туристов, это юрта в которой проходит жизнь пастуха. Обычные монголы - скотоводы очень гостеприимный народ. Им действительно интересно посмотреть на заезжих чужестранцев. Вы смотрите на них, они изучают вас. По возможности туристы преподносят скотоводам небольшие подарки или сувениры. Просто побывав в юрте у скотовода, ты вдруг понимаешь, что на земле есть люди далекие от компьютера и интернета, от глобальных потрясений, мировых конфликтов и политических игр.
Museum of Ulaanbaatar city
Places to Go | National Museum of Mongolia | MNB World
The National Museum of Mongolia has over 60,000 artifacts from ancient times to the present democratic era.
MNB WORLD is the international broadcast service of Mongolian National Broadcaster, providing the latest information and a wide variety of programming on Mongolia.
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Tribute to Mongolian Dinosaurs
A tribute to dinosaurs from...Mongolia. the song Is The Reason by Hoobastank. The dinosaurs are, Alectrosaurus, Alxasaurus, Bactrosaurus, Bagaceratops, Conchoraptor, Gallimimus, Protoceratops, Tarbosaurus, Tarchia, Tyrannosaurus, and Velociraptor. All imagas belongs to thier owners, and not me.
Монголын Үндэсний Музейн Дөрөвдүгээр танхим: МОНГОЛЫН ЭЗЭНТ ГҮРЭН
Zanabazar Museum Ulaanbaatar
Öndör Gegeeṅ Zanabazar (Mongolian: Өндөр Гэгээн Занабазар, High Saint Zanabazar; 1635--1723), born Eshidorji (Ишдорж, Išdorj), was the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu or the spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia. His name 'Zanabazar' is the Mongolian rendition of the Sanskrit 'Jnana-vajra' meaning thunderbolt (vajra) of wisdom (jnana). Zanabazar has been called the Michelangelo of Asia for bringing to the region a renaissance in language, art, medicine, and astronomy. We visit the Zanabazar Museum in Ulaanbaatar to look at some of Zanabazar's bronze sculptures, notably his famous White Tara.
Монголын Үндэсний Музейн Аравдугаар танхим: АРДЧИЛЛЫН ҮЕИЙН МОНГОЛ (1990- ӨНӨӨГ ХҮРТЭЛ)
【K】Mongolia Travel-Ulaanbaatar[몽골 여행-울란바토르]몽골제국 국립 역사박물관/National History Museum/Chingiz Khan
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[한국어 정보]
나는 거대한 제국을 건설했던 몽골의 역사를 좀 더 알고 싶어졌다. 총 9개의 전시실로 꾸며진 역사박물관에는 기원전 2천년 경 몽골 초원과 카스피해 사이의 중앙아시아 지역에서 살았던 유목민의 역사가 시대별로 전시돼 있었는데 고대 암각화와 문양이 새겨진 각종 유물들이 우리나라 박물관에 전시된 유물들과 매우 흡사한 모습이었다. 13세기 초에 몽골제국을 창건하고 대제국을 건설함으로써 세계무대에 널리 알려진 칭기즈칸. 칭기즈칸은 3대에 걸쳐 대제국을 건설했는데 당시 유목민으로 구성된 몽골군대의 신출귀몰함과 용맹성은 지금까지도 서양 사람들에게 공포의 원형으로 이야기 될 정도로 영향력이 심대했다. 몽골인들은 오늘날까지 칭기즈칸을 시조로 여기며 자랑스럽게 생각한다고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
I wanted to know more about the history of the Mongols who built a huge empire. History museum decorated in a total of nine exhibition halls and Mongolia around 2000 years BC has gotta had a history of nomads that lived in Central Asia between the Caspian exhibition by age ancient petroglyphs were carved patterns and various artifacts and relics exhibited in the museum so our country It was a similar appearance. Founded the Mongol Empire in the 13th century, Genghis Khan is widely known on the world stage by building the great empires. Genghis Khan built the great empires have tried over the three sinchulgwimol along with yongmaengseong at the time of the Mongol army of nomads influence was profound enough to talk to the circle of fear to Western people today. Mongolians are proud that yeogimyeo Genghis Khan in the eponymous today.
[Mongolian: Google Translator]
Би асар том эзэнт гүрнийг барьсан Монголын түүхийн талаар илүү ихийг мэдэхийг хүсдэг. МЭӨ байхаас өөр аргагүй болсон 2000 орчим жилийн есөн үзэсгэлэн танхим, Монгол Улсын нийт чимэглэсэн Түүх музей нь эртний хадны сүг зураг музейн үзэсгэлэн, төрөл бүрийн хэв маягийг эд өлгийн болон шүтээн сийлсэн байв нас Каспийн үзэсгэлэнгийн хооронд Төв Азийн амьдарч байсан нүүдэлчдийн түүх байсан тул бидний Энэ нь улс орны ижил төстэй дүр байсан юм. 13-р зууны үед Монголын эзэнт гүрэн байгуулагдсан Чингис хаан аугаа хүчирхэг эзэнт гүрнийг бий болгох замаар дэлхийн тавцанд өргөн мэдэгдэж байна. Чингис хааны агуу их эзэнт гүрэн барууны хүмүүст айдас өнөөдөр тойрог ярих хангалттай гүн гүнзгий байсан нүүдэлчин нөлөөллийн Монгол цэргийг үед yongmaengseong хамт гурван sinchulgwimol гаруй оролдсон байна барьжээ. Монголчууд eponymous өнөөдөр yeogimyeo Чингис хааны хэмээн бахархаж байна.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골01-02 몽골제국 국립 역사박물관/National History Museum/Chingiz Khan
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 7월 July
아시아,Asia,몽골,Mongolia,현상용,2006,7월 July
Mongolia Dinosaurs: Fight to bring back precious bones continues
Mongolia is one of the richest sources of dinosaur fossils in the world. But many of the bones have been lost to smugglers. As Grace Brown reports from Ulaanbaatar, the country is now campaigning to return the remains - to their rightful home.
Hearty News Mongolian Museum
Herty News Muzeum
Roerich Mongolia Museum Opening Mongol Version
A Mongolian video short on the opening of the Roerich Shambhala Museum and Art Institute in Ulanbaatar on July 6th, 2009.
Why i love Mongolia
14 reasons to love Mongolia.
1. Adventurous Gobi desert.
American expedition led by Roy Chapman Andrews returned home with the first dinosaur eggs ever discovered, from Mongolia's Gobi Desert. Imagine yourself sitting at the top of flaming cliffs where the expedition discovered the first dinosaur eggs, while enjoying the sunset.
2. Landscapes
It's not dream. It's Mongolia.
3. Khuvsgul lake
Khuvsgul is one of seventeen ancient lakes in the world, being more than 2 million years old, and the most pristine as well as being the most significant drinking water reserve of Mongolia. Its water is potable without any treatment. And you can meet last dukha people.
4. The flaming cliffs /Part of Gobi desert Mongolia/
It’s the perfect place for seeing the ancient world of dinosaurs.
5. Gandagtegchilen monastery
The Gandantegchinlen Monastery is a Mongolian Buddhist monastery in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar that has been restored and revitalized since 1990. The Tibetan name translates to the “Great Place of Complete Joy”. It currently has over 150 monks in residence. It features a 26.5-meter-high statue of Avalokiteśvara. It came under state protection in 1994.
6. Lifestyle
Only in Mongolia
7. Nomadic family
It's not epic. It's Mongolia. If you want nomadic adventure these are for you.
8. The isolated nation
You must see this. It's real beauty.
9. Red sky and sunset
Land of sky Mongolia.
10. Four season
One place 4 colour. It's Mongolia.
11. Chinggis Khaan statue
Genghis Khan Statue Complex is biggest (131ft/40m tall) equestrian statue in the world. You will see true nomadic lifestyle as soon as you travel outside of the city of Ulaanbaatar. Chinggis Khan Monument is an extremely tall stainless steel statue of Ghengiis Khaan approximately 1 hour drive away from Ulaanbaatar. You may take an elevator ride up to the horse neck with spectacular view of the surrounding countryside. There is also a small archaeology museum in the base of the statue as well as a decent restaurant along with ubiquitous souvenir shops. You may try on traditional Mongolian costumes at the museum.
12. Zaisan memorial
Historical mosaic
13. The Mongolian traditional clothing Deel
It's not epic. It's Mongolia.
14. Ancient and modern city Ulaanbaatar
Ulaanbaatar is the cultural, political, and financial heart of the country. And ancient and modern city.
Related tours:
Gobi desert:
Khuvsgul lake and last dukha family:
Ulaanbaatar city and Terelj national park, Chinggis statue:
If you want more tour information and intresting blog news about Mongolia visit our website
The Festival of Mongolia - Mongolian Fighting Dinosaurs exhibition American Museum Natural History.
This exhibition of the world famous Mongolian Fighting Dinosaurs was held at the American Museum of Natural History during the Festival of Mongolia.
These dinosaur specimens from Mongolia are the only ones discovered in animated positions in the history of paleontology.
These events were part of the Festival of Mongolia series of events celebrating Mongolian culture throughout New York City in 2000.