Burisma Puts Finishing Touches to the Church of Saint Nicholas of Myra over Easter Week
In the week leading up to Easter, the Church of Saint Nicholas of Myra has opened it doors to parishioners for the first time. For years now, one of Ukraine's leading gas producers, the International Energy Group Burisma owned by Nikolay Zlochevskyi has been a loyal benefactor to the church.
In 1998, near the village of Demydiv the local community put up a memorial cross and conducted a service on the spot, where Jesus Christ is believed to have appeared before two shepherd boys on July 30, 1926. And it was only in 2011 that the first stone of a holy church was laid. We couldn't have done it without the help of Nikolay Zlochevskyi, says the prior of the church, priest Oleh. In the future, we are planning to build facilities for monks and parishioners, along with a refectory, a prosthesis and a Sunday school.
Sacred sites have special spiritual significance to many people and constitute intangible cultural heritage. They should be maintained and bestowed to future generations, says the President at Burisma Group Nikolay Zlochevskyi.
This is not the first time that Burisma Group rises to the occasion to preserve Ukraine's spiritual heritage. For many years, the Group has been providing funds to restore the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. In particular, Burisma has contributed to the reconstruction of fortress walls and Lavra Hospital, where the Saint Agapetus of Pechersk temple is located. Agapetus of Pechersk was a famous monk and doctor in the times of Kievan Rus. In 2014, his holy relic was transferred from the Near Caves to the Refectory Church. In 1941, the Refectory Church was seriously damaged in the explosion of the Uspensky Cathedral. Burisma Group has been a large contributor to the restoration of both buildings.
Thanks to the generous support from Burisma, we have renovated the dome, roof, walls, windows, and most importantly, elaborate baroque frescoes of the church. The government used to help us in small ways, now, however, this help is practically noexistent. We are eternally grateful to Mr. Zlochevskyi for his ongoing support and involvement, says Metropolitan Pavlo, senior priest at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.
According to him, amid political turmoil, many seem to have forgotten that the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra is more than the city's most famous landmark. It is one of the very first monasteries of Kievan Rus and one of the most important Orthodox treasures listed among UNESCO World Heritage sites.
Burisma Group supports Ukraine’s largest kids festival “Chornomorski Games”
The International Energy Group Burisma became a patron of the XVI All-Ukrainian charitable kids’ festival “Chornomorski Games”. This year's vocal contest received over 500 participants from all over the country. Fifty of them, the strongest vocalists, competed for the main prize at the sea-front in Skadovsk.
The Grand Prix of the festival was awarded to Elina Ivashchenko. She also became the winner of the nomination “Girls, senior group”.
“I am very happy. The emotions are incredible. I am holding this statuette in my hands, and I can't believe that this grand prix is mine, I became a winner’, - the laureate of Chornomorski Games Elina Ivashchenko shares her feelings.
Ongoing support for talented children is a major part of the corporate social responsibility program exercised by Ukraine’s largest gas producing company, Burisma Group. The Group’s operating companies are actively involved in infrastructure projects in the regions where they are based. These projects include fixing roads, schools, playgrounds, as well as promoting community growth and development.
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Чорноморcькі ігри 2019
Burisma Group стала меценатом XVII-х «Чорноморських Ігор 2019» у Скадовську
У неділю, 28 липня, завершився найвідоміший та наймасштабніший дитячий фестиваль України – «Чорноморські Ігри», що традиційно проводиться у Скадовську. Цього року на вокальний конкурс фестивалю зареєструвалися понад 600 конкурсантів, і це рекордна кількість. У конкурсній програмі брали участь діти віком від 6 до 16 років. За призові місця змагалися 46 виконавців та вокальних груп, які пройшли до півфіналу після двох відбіркових турів. Меценатом фестивалю стала Міжнародна енергетична група Burisma. Впродовж трьох днів фестиваль відвідали близько 48 тис. глядачів.
Burisma gathers Atlantic Council experts on forum, 112 Channel
Burisma Group supports Atlantic Council Conference in Kharkiv
The speakers pointed out that security, energy independence, investment and socio-economic development are matters urgent not only for Kharkiv but also for entire Ukraine.
A conference on the U.S.-Ukraine partnership, energy independence and security, as well as prospects for the Ukrainian economy was held on April 17, 2018. It was hosted by a globally recognized non-governmental U.S. think tank Atlantic Council and Ukraine’s largest private gas producer Burisma Group with support from the Kharkiv Regional Administration.
The forum was attended by the Kharkiv Governor Yuliya Svitlychna, the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Roman Popadiuk, former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia Evelyn Farkas, President of U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) Morgan Williams and Advisor to the Board of Directors at Burisma Group and Chairman of the Board at the Association of Ukrainian Gas Producers Vadym Pozharskyi.
The discussion was moderated by the director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center Amb. John Herbst.
The speakers pointed out that security, energy independence, investment and socio-economic development are matters urgent not only for Kharkiv but also for entire Ukraine.
According to the former U.S. Deputy Assistant Defense Minister on Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia Evelyn Farkas, for Ukraine to be an independent player on the international arena and to counter Russia’s political and economic threats, the country needs to continue its path of economic and security reforms. At the same time, the United States have been continuously supporting Ukraine and remain committed to assisting the country in terms of security.
The panelists pointed out that energy independence issues are crucial to strengthening the country’s overall security. In their view, private oil & gas producers could play a key role in this, as they introduce innovative technologies and are able to provide Ukraine with energy resources.
Related: Burisma Puts Finishing Touches to the Church of Saint Nicholas of Myra over Easter Week
In order to show latest U.S. equipment at work Ukraine’s largest private gas producer Burisma Group invited the U.S. delegation to the Vodyanivske field in Kharkiv region, where the company has been developing the deepest wells in the country with wells with the newest rigs. Those include the SK3000, the most powerful rig in Ukraine and CIS, produced by Service King (USA) that can go up to 10 km deep.
In addition, the U.S. delegation had a rare chance to visit the renewed gas delivery station that can deliver over 1 million cubic meters of gas daily.
“Mining at a deep level requires extremely powerful equipment. And the fact that Burisma Group invested into best-in-class rigs deserves respect. I am impressed with the innovative equipment and highly technological processes here”, – says former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine and Director of Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center John Herbst.
In recent years, Burisma Group has invested more than $100 million in new machinery. The corporation intends to continue building up investments and remaining a pioneer or latest technology in the industry.
The U.S. delegation assured the attendees that they would continue to support the country in its endeavors and assist with attracting investments into Ukraine.
Украинская нефтегазодобывающая компания впервые была представлена на энергеофоруме в Монако 02.06.16
Нефтегазодобывающая компания Burisma впервые представляла Украины на энергетическом форуме в Монако.
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Одесса. Порт, Чёрное море и пляж Ланжерон. Odessa. Port, the Black Sea and Langeron beach.
Картографические данные: Google, DigitalGlobe
Map data : Google, DigitalGlobe
Одесса (Украина). Порт, Чёрное море и пляж Ланжерон.
Odessa (Ukraine). Port, the Black Sea and Langeron beach.
Видео создано из моих авторских фотографий во время поездки в Одессу
Video created from my author's photographs during a trip to Odessa
Субтитры к данному видео опубликованы по материалам статьи из Википедии.
Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Subtitles for this video posted on the article from Wikipedia.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Одесский морской порт — крупный торговый порт международного значения, расположен на северо-западном побережье Чёрного моря, в юго-западной части Одесского залива. Имеет один из крупнейших в Европе пассажирских терминалов. Признан базовым круизным портом Украины. Третий по грузообороту на Чёрном море. Самый крупный порт Украины по грузообороту.
Строительство порта началось в 1794 году. К 1905 году порт в основном приобрёл свои современные очертания. В Российской империи был вторым по грузообороту после Петербургского. Наибольший грузооборот в независимой Украине был в 2002 году — 13,2 миллиона тонн сухих грузов и 20,4 наливных. Включает в себя Каботажную, Карантинную, Практическую (она же Арбузная), Угольную (она же Военная), Новую, Нефтяную и другие гавани.
Летом 1793 года основатель Одессы Иосиф Де Рибас назначается начальником строительства крепости Хаджибей и нового порта рядом с ней. Правительство России придавало большое значение экспорту продукции Новороссии и Украины за границу морским путём через Чёрное море, для чего и закладывался порт.
Начиная с 1801 года, Одесса постепенно становится центром торговли Северного Причерноморья и главным портом России после Санкт-Петербурга. Постоянными гостями порта стали торговые суда со всего Средиземноморья — французские, итальянские, греческие, турецкие, австрийские. В том же году в Одессе открылся первый Банкирский торговый дом.
Особый размах строительству порта придал новый губернатор граф Михаил Воронцов. По генеральному плану строительства Одессы 1828 года на строительные работы по смете инженера-гидротехника Фандер-Флисса в порту выделялось ровно «1 685 960 руб. и 69 с половиною копеек». Граф Воронцов покинул Одессу в 1845 году.
В 1841 году Николаевский бульвар связывает с портом Гигантская лестница (ныне – Потёмкинская лестница) в двести гранитных ступеней стоимостью 800 тысяч рублей.
Во время бомбардировки в период Крымской войны 10 апреля 1854 года береговая батарея из четырёх орудий под командованием юного прапорщика Александра Щёголева, проявив необыкновенное мужество, сумела отбить атаку целой англо-французской эскадры.
В 1895—1902 годах от Николаевского бульвара вдоль Гигантской лестницы был спроектирован и построен фуникулёр в порт.
Во время Второй Мировой войны оборона окруженной Одессы продолжалась 73 дня. Порт облегчил доставку пополнения защитникам города, их снабжение боеприпасами, военным снаряжением и горючим. Через порт эвакуировались жители города, раненые, оборудование заводов. Именно снабжение морем сделало возможным такую длительную и успешную оборону в окружении.
По решению командования, Одесса была организовано оставлена. Все сухопутные воинские части были переброшены в Севастополь. Переброска была произведена морем, и прошла без потерь. Все воинские части погрузились на корабли в Одесском порту, в ночное время.
Порт во время румынской и немецкой оккупаций потерпел значительные разрушения.
Немедленно после окончания боевых действий в городе начались работы по разминированию порта, в котором немцы заминировали все 43 причала, все молы и волнорезы, а также другие объекты.
Менее чем через полгода, в начале октября 1944 года, благодаря самоотверженному труду одесситов порт уже принял и разгрузил первые суда. В 1945 порт достиг половины грузооборота довоенного 1940 года, в 1946 году превзошёл его.
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В Черноморске открылась выставка ТО «Палитра Бессарабии» (г. Белгород-Днестровский)
Городские новости на IТ-3 за 6 марта 2017 г.
Накануне 8 марта в Черноморске открылась выставка творческого объединения города Белгород - Днестровского «Палитра Бессарабии». На выставке представлены десятки живописных полотен, фоторабот и изделий декоративно-прикладного искусства.
Odessa | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:41 1 Name
00:03:30 2 History
00:03:39 2.1 Early history
00:05:45 2.2 Ottoman Silistre
00:06:23 2.3 Russian conquest of Sanjak of Özi (Ochacov Oblast)
00:10:25 2.4 Renaming of the settlement and establishment of sea port
00:16:28 2.5 Beginnings of revolution
00:19:10 2.6 World War II
00:23:42 2.7 Postwar history
00:26:49 3 Geography
00:26:57 3.1 Location
00:30:01 3.2 Climate
00:32:19 4 Demographics
00:34:06 4.1 Historical ethnic and national composition
00:34:16 5 Government and administrative divisions
00:36:47 6 Cityscape
00:41:01 6.1 Parks and gardens
00:43:26 7 Education
00:46:11 8 Culture
00:46:20 8.1 Museums, art and music
00:49:49 8.2 Literature
00:52:25 8.3 Resorts and health care
00:52:42 8.4 Celebrations and holidays
00:53:29 8.5 Notable Odessans
00:55:52 9 Economy
01:00:25 10 Scientists
01:01:09 11 Transport
01:01:18 11.1 Maritime transport
01:02:10 11.2 Roads and automotive transport
01:03:54 11.3 Railways
01:04:58 11.4 Public transport
01:06:51 11.5 Air transport
01:07:39 12 Sport
01:08:34 12.1 Athletes
01:09:56 13 International relations
01:10:06 13.1 Twin towns and sister cities
01:10:23 13.2 Partner cities
01:10:31 14 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Odessa or Odesa (Ukrainian: Оде́са [oˈdɛsɐ] (listen); Russian: Оде́сса [ɐˈdʲesə]) is the third most populous city of Ukraine and a major tourism center, seaport and transport hub located on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. It is also the administrative center of the Odessa Oblast and a multiethnic cultural center. Odessa is sometimes called the pearl of the Black Sea, the South Capital (under the Russian Empire and Soviet Union), and Southern Palmyra.
Before the Tsarist establishment of Odessa, an ancient Greek settlement existed at its location. A more recent Tatar settlement was also founded at the location by Hacı I Giray, the Khan of Crimea in 1440 that was named after him as Hacıbey. After a period of Lithuanian Grand Duchy control, Hacibey and surroundings became part of the domain of the Ottomans in 1529 and remained there until the empire's defeat in the Russo-Turkish War of 1792.
In 1794, the city of Odessa was founded by a decree of the Russian empress Catherine the Great. From 1819 to 1858, Odessa was a free port - porto-franco. During the Soviet period, it was the most important port of trade in the Soviet Union and a Soviet naval base. On 1 January 2000, the Quarantine Pier at Odessa Commercial Sea Port was declared a free port and free economic zone for a period of 25 years.
During the 19th century, Odessa was the fourth largest city of Imperial Russia, after Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Warsaw. Its historical architecture has a style more Mediterranean than Russian, having been heavily influenced by French and Italian styles. Some buildings are built in a mixture of different styles, including Art Nouveau, Renaissance and Classicist.Odessa is a warm-water port. The city of Odessa hosts both the Port of Odessa and Port Yuzhne, a significant oil terminal situated in the city's suburbs. Another notable port, Chornomorsk, is located in the same oblast, to the south-west of Odessa. Together they represent a major transport hub integrating with railways. Odessa's oil and chemical processing facilities are connected to Russian and European networks by strategic pipelines.