Kfar Kama! Circassian Museum, national dances, authentic culture
Kfar Kama was founded in 1876 by Circassians (Adyghe) who were defeated in the Russian-Caucasian war and expatriated from their native lands. People managed to preserve their roots and national identity. They communicate with each other in their native Adyghe language, prepare dishes of national cuisine and dance traditional Circassian dances in national costumes. There is still the rite of the abduction of the bride.
Circassians practice Islam (Sunni).
On weekends and holidays in the village, they organize festivals with dancing and treats, watching movies of the history of the Circassian people.
In the museum, you can see the history of Circassian life over the past 150 years. There are also things found at the excavation site.
We recommend visiting the shop of cheeses that are unusually tasty!
Кфар Кама была основана в 1876 году изгнанными со своих исконных земель черкесами (адыгэ), потерпевшими поражение в Русско-Кавказской войне. Жителям удалось сохранить свои корни и национальную самобытность. Они общаются между собой на родном адыгейском языке, готовят блюда национальной кухни и танцуют традиционные черкесские танцы в национальных костюмах. До сих пор существует обряд похищения невесты.
Черкесы исповедуют ислам (сунниты).
В выходные и праздники в деревне устраивают фестивали с танцами, угощением, просмотром фильмов по истории народа.
Открыт музей черкесского быта за последние 150 лет. Там же находятся найденные на месте раскопок вещи.
Рекомендуем посетить магазин сыров, которые необыкновенно вкусные!
Kfar Kama and the Spirit of Circassia 2011(Translated)
To have an English translation for the video (just click on Captions button) under the clip
In this Reportage which was produced by Palestine Television in 2011 under the name A story of a village/town of Kfar Kama, is the Tale of Suffer and Pains of the Circassians that happened after 21-May-1864, and how the Circassians of Palestine were settled in the North of Historical Palestine, currentlyIsrael, and how they are preserving their traditions and language, thus Kfar Kama became closer to be the spirit of Circassia in Diaspora.
في هذا البرنامج والذي أعد من قبل تلفزيون فلسطين سنة 2011، حكاية بلد وعنوان الحلقة كفر كما، والذي يتحدث عن حكاية الأحزان والآلام التي مرت على شراكسة فلسطين أثناء رحلة تهجيرهم القسري عن وطنهم شيركاسيا بعد تاريخ 21 أيار 1864 وهو تاريخ إحتلال شركاسيا وقدومهم إلى القرية الفلسطينية وإعمارها بعد أن كانت مهجورة والتي أصبحت الآن ضمن منطقة الجليل الأسفل أو ما تسمى منطقة 1948 داخل دولة إسرائيل ، وبيان مدى إهتمام سكان القرية بالحفاظ على عاداتهم وتقاليدهم ، حيث حافظت القرية على التأثير الشركسي بها بحيث أصبحت أقرب إلى روح شيركاسيا في المهجر.
Members of Knesset ( Israel Parliament ) visit at the circassian museum.
Members of Knesset ( Israel Parliament ) visit at the circassian museum. january 2012.
the national circassina museצm in israel.
by zohir thauko.
המוזיאון הצ'רקסי בכפר קמא בהנהלת זוהיר תחאוכו.
hang glidin in israel xc tavor - kfar kama udi tayeb
The Consul of Peru In Israel visit at the Museum at Kfar Kama
The Consul of Peru In Israel visit at the Museum at Kfar Kama
Kfar kama - circassian village ©
Kfar kama - adiga circassian village
AslanBghana Photography©
Faith in the Holy Land - Circassians
This video takes you on a journey to the roots of monotheistic beliefs and portrays aspects of monotheism in the Holy Land in the twenty-first century.
All faiths see Israel as the Holy Land and have special rituals and holy places that are sacred only to them. At the same time, what might constitute a ritual for a specific religion might not be regarded sacred by another.
Are we able to look past these cultural differences and recognize that we are all human beings living symbiotically in the land of Israel? Over twenty religious leaders share their point of view and offer us a glimpse to their world, rituals, and way of life.
The circassian festival - kfar kama 2011 - chapter - 4.
The circassian festival at kfar kama 2011 - Tv coverage.
kfar kama Azemet
kfar kama Azemet
Kafar Kama... אצל קוגאן השכונה
כפר כמא כפר קמה kafar Kama
АДЫГЭМ ИДУНАЙ ~ 4 ~ Kfar Kama & Rehania
АДЫГЭМ ИДУНАЙ - ' The world of the Circassian' , a documentry series about the Circassians all over the world.
This chapter is about the Circassians who live in Kfar Kama and Rehania.
Circassain Judo Wrestlers of kfar kama
A group of 4 Wrestlers from kfar kama amazed Israel's Judo Competition.
with Persistence and hard work they don't stop to glory the Circassian Wrestling tradition.
this is the story of the young Circassian Wrestlers of kfar kama.
Faith in the Holy Land - Circassians
This video takes you on a journey to the roots of monotheistic beliefs and portrays aspects of monotheism in the Holy Land in the twenty-first century.
All faiths see Israel as the Holy Land and have special rituals and holy places that are sacred only to them. What constitutes a ritual for a one religion might not be regarded as sacred by another.
Are we able to look past these cultural differences and recognize that we are all human beings living side-by-side in the land of Israel? Over twenty religious leaders share their point of view and offer us a glimpse into their world, rituals, and way of life.
The 4th kfar kama tour
The 4th kfar kama riding tour in the memory of the circassian genocide.
Kfar kama Festival 2011 - Налц1ык1уы - part 1
Folk Dance Налц1ык1уы arrival to kfar kama.
The Circassian festival at kfar kama - 2011.
ALL rights to - N.A.V.S.
The circassian festival - kfar kama 2011 - chapter - 6.
The circassian festival at kfar kama 2011 - Tv coverage.
Кфар-Кама 2019
Фестиваль адыгской культуры
kfar kama Businesses - Daw lauz part - 2
Daw lauz Catering grand opening.
new place for home mdake dish.
Interview with the owner anb the first Customers.
circassian museum doco - arabic language.wmv
doco movie about the circassian in israel throughway the circassian museum in kfar kama.
interviewee - zoher thawcho